It's Just BasketBall, NOT! It's Love, Stupid!

Sehun's POV:

"Ah! This is so cute! Baekhyun, you should try this one on!" Luhan squeals as he and Baekhyun are looking at the clothing in the mall. "Sehun, do you want a shirt?" He asks me, smiling angelically.

I shake my head as an answer. Luhan gives a sigh and pouts cutely. He grabs my arm and leads me into the dressing room. "We'll be right back, Baekhyun!" He shouts before he closes the door.

"Hm..." He bites the side of his cheek cutely as he tests the shirt on me. "How about it?" Luhan asks. "I think I like the stripe. You?"

"Uh, yeah."

We're so close right now thanks to his small dressing room. Luhan's practically on my chest as he continues to examine the shirt. "Hunnie? Why are you so sweaty?" He looks at me with concern. God those cute lips are killing me right now. "Hunnie?"

"Huh, oh uh nothing. It's sorta hot."

He places his hand on my chest and starts to lift up my shirt. "Wha, what are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing? Wear this shirt." He says, showing the shirt at my face. "You said you liked it right? I want to see you try it on." He smiles so brightly that I couldn't help but comply.

"All done." I say and turn around. Luhan uncovers his eyes and smiles as he sees in me in the new shirt.

"Hunnie!" He jumps on me and I fell back to the wall. "You're so handsome!"


He giggles and pecks my cheek. "Come on. I think Baekhyun is waiting for us." We step outside the room and find Baekhyun engaged into a fashion magazine.

"Finally." He says, putting down the magazine. "I thought you guys got lost in there or something."

"Oh hahaha, very funny Byun Baekhyun. Anyway," Luhan turns to me and smiles. "Let's get some lunch, yeah?"

Baekhyun coughs. "I can't. I need to go now. I have an exam to study for. Bye!" Baekhyun waves with a smile and takes his belongings. Luhan and I wave bye.

"Let's grab something to eat." Luhan says after Baekhyun left. I shook my head and told him he can and that I'm not really suppose to eat and then go to a basketball game, or else I'll feel sick running with a full stomach."Oh." He says. "Well then I won't eat either. If you're not eating then I'm not eating." He smiles and leans on my shoulder. "Let's go around the shops more, yeah?"

Luhan drags me out the clothing store after paying and we enter a gift shop. "Look, Hunnie! Isn't this cute?!" He held up a small keychain with the word EXO on it. 

I chuckle. "Yeah it is." Then pick up another keychain. "But, Luhan, this suits you more." I gently hand him the keychain and his face goes bright red.

"S-Sehun!" He stutters as he stares at the keychain I just handed him, a tiara on top of a heart that engraves the word 'love you' on it. "Y-You can't be serious." He added.

"Why?" I ask innocently. "It suits you, Princess."

He giggles and hands me a new keychain. It looks like it matches the one in Luhan's hands. "Fine, if I'm getting this one, then you're gonna have to get this one."

He hands me a one that's sorta similiar to his but instead of a tiara, it's a crown and the words 'Forever' engraved onto the heart.


 He giggles. "Every princess needs a prince, right?" It seems like he likes me calling him Princess. Hahaha now he's my princess. "Let's take a picture!"


He's takes his phone and snapshops us, holding the keychains.


He allows me to peck his cheek after we left the store. "Come on." Luhan smiling says. "It's almost time for your basketball game."

We head out the mall and to my basketball game. Luhan begins to ramble on how he's going to cheer me on, yelling, screaming and such. I laugh and slip my arm around his waist.

"Finally, you're here!" Kai shouts and runs to us. "Oh, I see you brought your little boyfriend too, eh Sehun?" That earned him a punch. "Ow. Ok Ok. I was just joking. So yeah, come on. Get ready. We're warming up right now."

"Arraso, Arraso." I say and Luhan takes our bags and gives me a quick peck before going off to the benches. He gives me a 'hwaiting!' before sitting down and cutely sipping his soda.


We won 33-16. Luhan squeals as he runs onto my chest. "Yay! You won again!" He smiles brightly at me and I kiss his forehead, telling him that he brought me good luck.

"Awww and you still say you're not together~" Chanyeol teases but Luhan and I let it slide even though he ruined our moment. Luhan giggles and sticks his tongue out at Chanyeol.

He sighs and then smiles. "If only he met Baekhyun." He says and snuggles back onto my chest. "Hey, your coach is calling you. I'll be waiting outside, kay?"

I kiss his forehead. "Alright. Be careful."

He lets out a giggle and nods.

Coach tells us about how well we did today and like we have practice on Thursday and stuff but finally I went back to Luhan. "Done?" He asks and I nod, slipping my arm around his waist and pulling him close while he rests his head on my shoulder as we walk.

"You were so cool making those shots in." Luhan says, smiling. "You're the best."

Instantly, my cheeks grew hot and Luhan places his hands on my cheek. "Sehunnie, are you alright? You're sorta hot."

I tell him I'm fine and we continue walking. "So I heard that you're going to have a dance performance soon." I say. Luhan is part of a dance club and they'll be presenting a stage next week. "What song are you going to do?"

"Well..." He pouts. "First we're doing SECRET's Shy Boy as a warm up. Then A Pink's Hush, Exo's History and finally Shinee's Sherlock."

"Ooo, Shy Boy and Hush? You're gonna be great at those, Princess."

He giggles and lightly punches my shoulder. "Aish, you're such a tease." I laugh and he snuggles back onto my shoulder. "So what do we do now, Prince?"

"I don't know. What do you want to do?"

"Um...I was thinking the mall."


"Awww~please!~I'll be a super ultra mega cute princess to you on Monday~~~"

Aish, whenever this kid is using aegyo, I can never win. "Fine, fine, fine." Luhan lets out out a victory cheer and kisses me on my lips, then folds his arms around my neck.

"I love you." He says, staring into my eyes.

"Yeah yeah yeah. I know."



@cassie17- sorry lol it's a bit too soon for Baekyeol to meet and I have better plans in mind for them. and well they're not together cuz it's sorta like 'friendship love' to them, ya know?

@SaranghaeMinho- Hey dongsaeng! I haven't talked to you in such a long time! I hope you'll very enjoy this story x333

@Haefany4eva- there's more fluffiness to come :) Baekyeol will meet soon. I promise and you'll definately like it when they do

@perfectLess- Thank you! Fluffiness is just soooo well fluffy <3  here's the update! :)

@airakca- lol they sorta are a couple in denial, but many things will happen soon that will befall them. Stay tuned! :D

@maximumj- yeah they should...and Chanyeol is sweet in everything! Just wait until he meets Baekhyun heeheeehee x3

@ichiu11- to do that, they have to confess first kekeke

@Sehunny- Well, it's not like they're not but there's gonna be some problems lol spoiler alert. i hope you continue to smile through the story :)

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Hi! Next chapter will be updated soon! I somehow made it a super long chapter so it's goin to take I think around a few hours but I'm almost finished with it.


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Faustine11 #1
Chapter 16: I wanna see kaiso's date
Chapter 16: I can believe you abandon such a good story
Chapter 16: Awh this story is soo fluffy! Wish too have an update soon! Hunhan and baekyeol are just so dhdudheufluff in this.
cassie17 #4
Chapter 16: Oh how much I miss this story~~~
The cuteness of HunHan is just so adklhsfdjag..!!
Well, I'll be waiting for your update!! Hwaiting!!
trixyson #5
awww :(( such a cutie
Hope u update soon!!
I super love this chapter! :))
this is cute.
I hate those gangs who touched Luhan -_-
Sehun is the only one I let.