It's Nothing to Do....

It's Just BasketBall, NOT! It's Love, Stupid!

Sehun's POV:

Aish where the hell is Park Chanyeol? Oh!

"Luhan!" He turns to me but walks away as soon as he sees me. "Luhan!" I yell again and run to him, grabbing his hand so that he can't walk away again.

"What do you want." He asks in a serious voice that made my spine shiver. Luhan continues to glare at me. "Are you going to say anything or what....? If not, let me go."

I comply and he walks away from me again. Is he going to be like that for the rest of our lives? Why can't he just listen to me? I'm sorry, Luhan...

I took a while after I finally find Chanyeol. "Yah!" I smacked his head. "Where the hell were you?!"

He gives me his derpy laugh and points to his forehead. "I got hit. And I went to the nurse."

"Hit? Who hit you?"

"Well...not necessarily a 'who' but....."


"Sorta a pole."

".....Were you pole dancing again? Cos' you know already what happened last time. Shall I remember you?"

"NO! I WASN'T POLE DANCING!!!! I was walking and hit into a pole...." I can tell he's lying. He's biting his bottom lip and his hands are twitching. But who cares? I'll go along with it.

"'d you walk into the pole?"

"Huh? Oh uh I was walking......and I hit it."

"Nice explanation."

Just then, his eyes dart off somewhere. I follow them. He was looking at Luhan's direction...but not exactly Luhan, instead, he was looking at Baekhyun.

"So who are you looking at?" I ask, smirking.

He gulps and turns away. "No one." Chanyeol says and plays with his food. "So thinking about taking Baekhyun to our games?"

"WHAT?! And end up like you and Luhan? Pfft. Not. A. Chance."

Ouch. That hurt. It's not my fault I'm in this situation with Luhan. I didn't mean to call him that word. It just sorta slipped out my mouth, you know?

Somehow...everytime he smiles at me, I have this feeling inside me. This...weird feeling, but in a good way. What is it? What feeling am I feeling towards my best friend?

A picture of Luhan smiling pops up in my head and the room became sorta hot. Burning probably.

"Sehun? Gwenchanya?"

"Huh? Oh yeah. It must be the heat in this room."

It has to be the heat.

It's nothing to do with Luhan.


Luhan's POV:

I sigh, making it the second time. The cherry tomato on my plate plays around with my fork, rolling back and forth. My mind is filled with Sehun this morning. Why did I avoid him? Surely he didn't mean to call me that. Surely he wanted to apologize but I was just being stubborn.

Baekhyun walks and sits across from me. "Hey, you alright?" He asks as he takes a bite of his taco. The sauce dripping down his chin. "When are you going to aplogize to Sehun?" Baekhyun added, as if he read my thoughts.

I shurg. "It's not like I won't. I will eventually. Just, I don't think it's the right time yet, you know?" He just gives me an 'Ah' and takes another bite.

Just then, I hear a giggle from Baekhyun. Since when did he giggle like that? I look up at him and noticed he's looking somewhere else. I track his eyes and turns out, he's looking at Chanyeol.

"What's up with you two?" I ask. Baekhyun jumps at my question and goes back eating his taco. "Well?" I make myself sound impatient. "How did you two meet?"

He gulps down his lunch. "Well...I took him to the nurse today." Baekhyun answers.

"And somehow, you guys magically became so close to each other."

"I wouldn't say that." He says. "I only took him to the nurse, it's not like we're going out on Saturday at 3m at the park or anything."


"Why are you staring at me like that?"

"No reason~"

"Um, ok."

I tell him I'm off to class and get up to leave the cafeteria. On the way, I couldn't help but glance at Sehun, somehow, we make eye contact and I turn away first, my cheeks strangely heated.

Why am I feeling this way towards Sehun? We're best friends. I've never felt this way around him, so why now?

My heart is beating fast. Why is that? Indigestion. Yeah, it must be that. I must have eaten too fast and got indigestion. Yeah that's it.

It's nothing to do with Sehun.

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Hi! Next chapter will be updated soon! I somehow made it a super long chapter so it's goin to take I think around a few hours but I'm almost finished with it.


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Faustine11 #1
Chapter 16: I wanna see kaiso's date
Chapter 16: I can believe you abandon such a good story
Chapter 16: Awh this story is soo fluffy! Wish too have an update soon! Hunhan and baekyeol are just so dhdudheufluff in this.
cassie17 #4
Chapter 16: Oh how much I miss this story~~~
The cuteness of HunHan is just so adklhsfdjag..!!
Well, I'll be waiting for your update!! Hwaiting!!
trixyson #5
awww :(( such a cutie
Hope u update soon!!
I super love this chapter! :))
this is cute.
I hate those gangs who touched Luhan -_-
Sehun is the only one I let.