
Love Betrayal

"I don't think it's gonna work," Yoona said quietly as Kikwang stepped up on the stage.

"Of course it'll work! Everyone will be crowded around this stage looking for you! And to make it not suspicious, I've invited some girls myself," Kikwang winked. Nicole and Yoona rolled their eyes.

"And I'm expecting Hyuna will come, too?" Nicole asked, twinkling her eyes. Kikwang gave Nicole his death glare.

"Why are you talking about her so much? Do you want me to be with her or something?" Kikwang asked annoyed.

"Chill, chill~ Sheesh, I'm just asking! Gosh, mdsjgacmo goiec mioemcamroif..." After Nicole had said, 'Gosh,' she began to speak gibberish so Yoona and Kikwang couldn't understand her clearly or at all.

"How about Key? Is he coming?" Kikwang asked to Nicole. Nicole glared at Kikwang, crossing her arms.

"Of course not! I haven't invited him. He doesn't even like Yoona," Nicole stated proudly. Kikwang smirked.

"Well, too bad for you cause after school, I added an extra note to all the locker. So I made sure everyone got two, including all the girls," Kikwang said, leaning against a wall. Yoona froze, thinking of Siwon. He's coming? Oh, come on! Kikwang, why did you have to ruin everything??! Yoona thought angrily.

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"What's this?" Siwon mumbled to himself as a small yellow note dropped in front of his feet. He leaned down to pick it up, but felt someone slap his bottom. He immediately got up, caressing his and holding the note, as he swiftly turned around with a glare. Key smiled playfully as Hyuna burst out in laughter.

"Ha, ha, very funny," Siwon said sarcastically, closing his locker.

"Anyways, what'd you get from the floor?" Hyuna asked. Siwon read the note and then burst out into laughters.

"This is fake," Siwon smirked, showing the two the notes, "Yoona doesn't write like this."

"How do you know?" Key asked, staring at the note,"She might've changed her writing."

"Wait," Hyuna stopped for a moment, and pulled the same note out, "I saw this in my locker. It's the same!" 

"Psh! I got a note in my locker too! But it's different from yours. It's PINK! :D" Key said happily, showing off his pink notes. Each note wrote, 'Come to the stage! I'll be there! ^^ (From Yoona/Secret Admirer"

"You do you think wrote this?" Siwon asked.

"Kikwang," Hyuna said quietly, knowing the handwriting. She knew that Kikwang would do and write such a thing. Why wouldn't he write this? It was for revenge, anyways. And I deserve it, Hyuna thought. Suddenly, she noticed how empty the halls were, even though class hasn't started yet.

"Where did everyone go?" Hyuna asked, turning around. But when she turned around, she noticed that Key and Siwon were trying to get into the stage. Hyuna sighed and ran up to them, wondering why the stage room was so crowded. When she was able to peak through the crowds, she widened her eyes. Kikwang and Yoona were kissing hungrily with each other, as many people in the room grumbled. Few cried, while others felt angry. Either way, they were all heart broken. One by one, they left, as Key saw Nicole recording those who were upset. Key quickly walked up to Nicole and grabbed her wrist tightly.

"Ah! Let go, Key! I'm busy," Nicole hissed, struggling to get out of Key's grip. Key held even tighter, as Nicole whimpered.

"What's happening?" Key asked.

"Nothing! Let go!" Nicole complained, trying to push Key. Key gripped his hand around Nicole's wrist even tighter, probably creating some kind of bruise there. Nicole winced.

"I'll let go after you tell me what happened," Key snapped. Nicole flipped her bangs and glared at Key, who was a bit shocked.

"H3art Br3aker thing. We gathered everyone in one room, and Yoona and Kikwang would kiss each other, announcing that they were the couple. The notes held their hopes up high, making them think that they were going to be with Yoona or Kikwang. Sadly, Kikwang and Yoona are 'together,' so their heart broken. Is that a good enough explanation? Now let go!" Nicole barked, continuing to count and struggle. Key finally let go of Nicole's wrist, which left a bruise mark.

Soon, Yoona and Kikwang stopped kissing when the coast was clear. Yoona sighed in relief and collapsed on the ground, tears forming in her eyes.

"What's wrong, Yoona?" Kikwang asked, his lips. Yoona wiped her tears with her sleeves, trying to put on a straight face. What would Siwon think of me now? Will he continue thinking I'm a ? I'm not a ! Yoona cried in her mind, fake-smiling at Kikwang.

"I'm fine, Kikwang.... I just need some... alone time," Yoona weakly said. 

"Yoona! Yoona! You were so close!" Nicole exclaimed running up to Yoona. She held a clipboard, pointing to the students who were heart broken and explaining about her progress.

"You just needed one more! Then you would've been Queen of H3art Br3akers!" Nicole groaned, as Yoona sighed. Kikwang smiled.

"Once you're queen, then you and I, queen and king, can live and work together forever and ever," Kikwang whispered huskily, nuzzling his nose on Yoona's neck. She shivered, as she scooted away from Kikwang.

"Yeah... okay," Yoona mumbled, until she heard footsteps. She looked up and widened her eyes.

"Kikwang, how could you do such a thing?" Hyuna asked. Kikwang quickly looked down, not meeting Hyuna's eyes. Aish... great timing, Hyuna! Why now?! Kikwang thought irritatedly.

"Yoona, do you care to explain this?" Siwon asked, crossing his arm. Yoona bit her lower lips, as Nicole glared at the C.H.A.N.C.E members.

"It's none of our business! Just leave us alone!" Nicole snapped.

"Nicole, remember your punishment is lifted?" Yoona whispered. Nicole clapped her hands, remembering about her punishment about being away from Key was gone. She grinned.

"Forget what I said! Ask any questions? Hyuna, you asked how Kikwang could do such a thing? Of course, he could do such a thing like this! He's the KING of H3art Br3akers!! To answer you, Siwon, Yoona does not care to explain this--"

"Stop it, Nicole! Let me answer him," Yoona said quietly, as she approached in front of Siwon.

"I'm sorry," Yoona said softly, "I did wrong and I know it. But if you remember, we're still enemies. After I make my goal, then I'll leave H3art Br3akers. So all I need to ask you is... Did I break your heart?" Yoona stared into Siwon's eyes, as he stared uneasily back at her.

"You want the truth?" Siwon asked. Yoona slowly nodded. Siwon took a deep breath. As a gentlemen, I will not lie to the girl I love, Siwon thought, staring directly at Yoona's eyes, But.... if I lie, then she can be mine completely again..... Siwon paused for a moment, took a deep breath, and then opened his mouth to speak.

"Sorry, but no, you didn't break my heart," Siwon replied awkwardly, turning around and leaving. Hyuna glared at Kikwang, and then turned around to leave. Key followed right after he exchanged phone numbers with Nicole, who was smiling and giggling. Yoona sighed deeply as she clutched her chest. Why couldn't you just lie so I could stay with you? Yoona thought upsettingly.

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@BoA_Lover: Haha, it's been a while since i last saw this story. :P
BoA_Lover #2
Chapter 32: GOOD STORY <3
@Yoonajjang: Thank you! ^_^
@yoonah: keke~ X) Thank you! :D I don't know, I had this angst story bothering me when writing this story :P
aww.... why do you have to make it so sad ? anyway its really good story!!!!
love it
@yoonkwang: Thank you! ^^
wow~you did it really great,and i almost let my tears out<br />
love the yoonkwang moments!!<br />
@leonandlibra: lolz X) Thank you! ^_^ I'm really glad you love this story! :D Hope you enjoyed each and every chapters :3
Maybe I'm late to say but I'm speechless when I read this! <br />
Omo.... You're so great! I love this story! ^_^<br />