Confession To Make (Part 3)

Love Betrayal

"You know I love you... right?" Kikwang asked. Yoona nodded slowly. You always say that, Yoona thought. Kikwang frowned at her, as if he read her mind.

"And I'm serious, Yoona... I really do love you. Not a lie. Saranghae," Kikwang whispered. Yoona bit her lower lips. But.... I don't really love you, Yoona thought, I love Siwon.

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"Yoona!" a manly, deep but gently voice called. Yoona quickly turned around as Kikwang looked up .Kikwang gritted his teeth. Siwon... great timing! Kikwang thought bitterly. Siwon ran up to Yoona and pulled her away from Kikwang. Suddenly, Yoona's heart began to beat 10x faster than before.

It's true... I'm officially in love with Siwon oppa, Yoona thought. She mentally smacked herself for calling Siwon 'Siwon oppa.' 

"Ya! What's your problem?" Kikwang snapped.

"Excuse us for a moment," Siwon said, dragging Yoona down the stairs. Suddenly, Siwon stopped in the middle of the stairs. He quickly turned to Yoona and cupped her face, checking if Kikwang made any marks on her.

"You okay?" Siwon whispered. Yoona awkwardly nodded.

"Kikwang wouldn't do such a thing to hurt me, anyways," Yoona pointed out, looking away from Siwon. 

"Still, just in case. You don't know what kind of tricks he has up in his sleeves," Siwon mumbled. An awkward silence filled the air, as the two continued to look away. Finally, Yoona spoke.

"Why did you drag me down here?" Yoona asked, crossing her arms.

"Well, you see, I thought Kikwang was going to hurt you, and I needed to talk to you and.... it's complicated," Siwon sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. Yoona examined Siwon for a second, and then loosened up a bit.

"Then can I say something?" Yoona asked. Siwon nodded. He needed to clear his mind and then properly confess to Yoona that he still loves her. Yoona took a deep breath and cleared .

"Saranghae," she said quietly. Siwon jumped a bit, but then cupped his ear with one hand. What'd she say? Siwon wondered.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Siwon asked. Yoona bit her lips awkwardly and looked up at the ceiling. 

"Saranghae, Siwon-ssi," Yoona whispered. Siwon frowned.

"I'm hearing things! Did you just say you love me?" Siwon asked, laughing to himself. It can't be she said that. It's a dream! Siwon thought, but he continued to carefully listen to Yoona's confession. Yoona growled at Siwon, who jumped in surprise.

"SARANGHAE SIWON OPPA!" Yoona shouted, and then covered . Her thoughts troubled her. I confessed out loudly, I confessed in front of Siwon oppa clearly, and I called him 'Oppa.' I'm sooo dead, Yoona thought. Her thoughts faded when she saw Siwon broke into a happy grin.

"Do you want my reply?" Siwon grinned mischievously. Yoona bit her lower lips. Say yes! If you do, then you know how he feel about you! But... if I saw no, I won't embarrass myself, Yoona thought. Surprisingly, she felt a pair of soft, gentle lips on hers. She widened her eyes, noticing it was Siwon. Slowly, Yoona closed her eyes, her arm wrapping around Siwon's neck. Siwon placed his hands on Yoona's hips, continuing to kiss her for a few more seconds. 

After those seconds were up, Siwon pulled back slowly, as Yoona whimpered for more. Aw, the kiss is over! T.T, Yoona thought sadly, as her hands touched Siwon's cheeks. She was about to pull closer for another kiss, until Siwon fully pulled back.

"I'll be going, sweetheart," Siwon winked, walking down the stairs. He walked down the stairs, his front facing Yoona. His eyes never left Yoona's eyes, while Yoona smiled brightly at Siwon. Suddenly, Siwon tripped and fell down the stairs. Yoona gasped and ran down the stairs to aid him. Before she even arrived at Siwon, Siwon immediately got up and half-rose his hands.

"I'm okay! I'm okay!" Siwon said quickly, and then gave Yoona wink to assure her that he was okay. Yoona sighed in relief and frowned at Siwon, playfully shaking her index finer and her head. Siwon laughed and rushed out of her eyes, his heart beating faster. I just got my love back! Yoona and Siwon thought at the same time.

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@BoA_Lover: Haha, it's been a while since i last saw this story. :P
BoA_Lover #2
Chapter 32: GOOD STORY <3
@Yoonajjang: Thank you! ^_^
@yoonah: keke~ X) Thank you! :D I don't know, I had this angst story bothering me when writing this story :P
aww.... why do you have to make it so sad ? anyway its really good story!!!!
love it
@yoonkwang: Thank you! ^^
wow~you did it really great,and i almost let my tears out<br />
love the yoonkwang moments!!<br />
@leonandlibra: lolz X) Thank you! ^_^ I'm really glad you love this story! :D Hope you enjoyed each and every chapters :3
Maybe I'm late to say but I'm speechless when I read this! <br />
Omo.... You're so great! I love this story! ^_^<br />