A Small Chat

Love Betrayal

"Kikwang oppa!" Yoona called. Kikwang was looking around and found Yoona in front of the school's gate. He smiled and ran towards her.

"Annyeong," Kikwang waved when he arrived in front of Yoona. The two smiled each other, until Siwon interrupted.

"YO!" Siwon shouted near Kikwang's ear. Kikwang jumped and rubbed his ears, yelping. Kikwang glared at Siwon, who grinned ear to ear.

"Yeah, yo..." Kikwang mumbled, continuing to rub his ear. Yoona frowned and Siwon's behavior.

"What do you want?" Yoona snapped. Siwon shrugged.

"Nothing~" Siwon sang, checking his watch. 

"If it's nothing, then get out of my face," Kikwang snapped. Siwon hadn't realized that he was still close to Kikwang's ear. Siwon cleared his throat and backed away, looking around. Yoona and Kikwang began to chat, and suddenly, their conversation was about Nicole.

"I'm going to visit Nicole for a while, okay? Is that alright with you?" Yoona asked, biting her lower lips. She hoped that Kikwang would agree. Instead, Kikwang slid his hands around Yoona's waist and kissed her.

"Sweetie, I don't want you to go to Nicole. Can't we just ditch her? Why haven't we kicked her out of the club yet?" Kikwang mumbled, kissing her again. Yoona pulled Kikwang back. For some reason, it just didn't feel right to her. 

"Because... she's my friend," Yoona whispered, stepping back. Siwon raised an eyebrow. Yes, he was still there, watching KIkwang and Yoona kissing. He felt sick and jealous when their lips met. He did a pretend throw-up without them seeing him.

Anyways, Siwon felt happy that Yoona was the one who parted the kiss. He thought that Yoona had noticed him, which was the reason why she stopped. Though, he knew that she never knew he was there. To test if they knew he was there, he cleared his throat. Loudly. 

Yoona and Kikwang jumped and widened their eyes. They turned to Siwon, who was just whistling. Kikwang frowned at him, while Yoona blushed nervously. 

"W-Why are you still here?" Yoona stuttered. Aha! Siwon thought, So she never noticed that I was here! Siwon smiled to himself and then shrugged.

"Hey, I'll be going now, alright?" Siwon said, leaving the two alone. Yoona nodded and she parted ways with Kikwang. Siwon saw Kikwang smack himself and run to catch a random girl. Siwon rolled his eyes and began to follow Yoona quietly. Yoona wasn't aware of Siwon's presence. She was just humming to herself, heading straight to Nicole's house. 


Meanwhile, with Hyuna...

Hyuna walked around the halls, trying to find Siwon or at least Key. Where on the world are they?! Hyuna thought angrily. They were supposed to and promised to meet her at her locker. She has been there for at least 30 minutes, and there were no sign of either of them.

Suddenly, she bumped into someone strong and...  sweaty. She fell on her bottom, yelping. Her school books and C.H.A.N.C.E plans were scattered all over the floor.

"Ugh... sorry--" a familiar voice stopped when the person met Hyuna's eyes. Hyuna looked up and widened her eyes.

"K-K-Kikwang!" Hyuna exclaimed, frozen. Kikwang hesitated for a moment. Then, he slowly turned to leave. For some reason, Hyuna pouted.

"YA! KIKWANG!" Hyuna shouted. Kikwang stopped and turned around.

"Aren't you going to help me clean up?" Hyuna asked. Kikwang thought about it for a moment. Then, he shook his head, leaving Hyuna alone with the mess. She puffed her cheeks and placed her arm on her hips, shaking her head at Kikwang.

"That dirty-minded jerk who's...." Hyuna stopped when she saw another pair of hands helping her. She looked up. It was strangely Kikwang again. Kikwang continued to gather all of the books Hyuna dropped. Then, he handed the books to Hyuna. She slowly took the books, feeling a bit awkward. Kikwang turned around without saying anything.

"W-WAIT!" Hyuna yelled. Kikwang stopped his tracks and groaned. He turned around, frowning.

"What do you want?" Kikwang snapped. Hyuna frowned and crossed her arms.

"Is that how you talk to your old girlfriend?" Hyuna snapped back. Kikwang's face turned a bit pale. Then, his face expression turned into an apologetic expression.

"Sorry, Hyuna-ssi," Kikwang bowed, and then left. Hyuna raised an eyebrow and stopped crossing her arms. What was that about? Hyuna thought. Outside, she looked furious with Kikwang. But inside, she was glad that she actually had a chat with Kikwang.

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@BoA_Lover: Haha, it's been a while since i last saw this story. :P
BoA_Lover #2
Chapter 32: GOOD STORY <3
@Yoonajjang: Thank you! ^_^
@yoonah: keke~ X) Thank you! :D I don't know, I had this angst story bothering me when writing this story :P
aww.... why do you have to make it so sad ? anyway its really good story!!!!
love it
@yoonkwang: Thank you! ^^
wow~you did it really great,and i almost let my tears out<br />
love the yoonkwang moments!!<br />
@leonandlibra: lolz X) Thank you! ^_^ I'm really glad you love this story! :D Hope you enjoyed each and every chapters :3
Maybe I'm late to say but I'm speechless when I read this! <br />
Omo.... You're so great! I love this story! ^_^<br />