The Need of the Photo

Love Betrayal

OH MY GOODNESS. I CAN'T BELIEVE I LEFT MY LOCKER OPEN. SIWON, HOW CAN YOU BE SO DUMB?! HOW DID YOU EVEN LEAVE YOUR LOCKER OPEN?! Oh yeah, you were in a rush to ditch Yoona. BUT STILL! YOU HAVE TONS OF THINGS WITH YOU AND YOONA IN THAT LOCKER! HOW ABOUT SHE GETS AN IDEA TO DO SOMETHING TO ME?! *sigh* I should burn up those photos by tomorrow. I mean, what's worse that can happen now? Siwon thought, checking if all the photos were there. He stopped, and he wished his heart stopped, too. But instead, they began to beat faster.

Oh shoot..... Yoona has my favorite photo! ToT I'm so doom if one of the C.H.A.N.C.E member sees this! No, worse! I'm double-doomed if one of the C.H.A.N.C.E sees that photo! Oh, didn't I look really good in that photo? ^^ WAIT! What are you thinking, Siwon! Focus on how you're going to get that photo back! Siwon thought, making up all these crazy plans.

"Watcha' doing?" Yoona asked, as she popped up behind Siwon. Siwon jumped and quickly turned around, pointing a finger at her. He began to glare at Yoona, who was totally clueless.

"YOU!" Siwon shouted, continuing to point at Yoona. She slowly titled her head, which made her long, brown hair gracefully fall on her side. Siwon gulped. She looked beautifully when her hair fell like that. No wait! FOCUS! Siwon reminded himself.

"What?" Yoona asked again.

"You better give me that picture you took," Siwon hissed. Yoona frowned.

"No," she simply answered. Her answer was short and simple, but how she said it was strong and bold. 

"Dude, Yoong, hurry up and give me the photo!" Siwon hissed again, trying to reach his dark-self.

"When I say no, I mean no," Yoona sighed as she walked passed Siwon. Siwon mumbled something under his breath, and continued to follow Yoona.

"Oh, please Yoong? It'll do me a lot of favor! Please?" Siwon begged, doing his famous puppy eyes. Yoona was about to give in, but she stopped herself. Remember, Yoona, you promised that the photo would be mine forever, Yoona thought, as she gave Siwon her death-glare. Just then, Nicole was just about to approach them, but then she stopped herself. She hid behind a locker, and continued to silently and secretly watch their fight.

"Why should I?" Yoona snapped, breaking into tears, "You stole everything from me! No, you took everything from me! You took my heart, you took my first kiss, and you took my best friend! You took my life!" Siwon paused for a moment. He really needed that picture. If they found out that he dated a H3art Br3aker or he even was a H3art Br3aker, he would be dead in a minute. He clenched his fist.

"Then I'll give it all back for that photo! I'll give you your heart, I'll give you back your first kiss, and I'll give you your best friend! I'll give your life back for that photo!" Siwon shouted. Yoona slowly took her photo and almost gave the photo to him. However, she hesitated and took the photo back.

"No," Yoona whispered, shaking her head, "This photo is my life. If you're going to give me my life back, it means you quitting C.H.A.N.C.E."

"I can't and I never will leave that group!" Siwon hissed.

"Then I won't give you that photo!" Yoona snapped.

"Why do you want that photo so much?" Siwon asked, glaring at Yoona.

"I don't know. Why do you want it so much?" Yoona asked back.

"I asked first," Siwon frowned.

"And I asked second," Yoona gritted her teeth.

"Fine! Keep the stupid photo! Who cares?" Siwon barked.

"I DO!" Yoona snapped quickly, turning her back on him. Nicole gulped quietly as she watched Yoona go away. I can't help it. You need my help, Yoona. You really need my help a lot. I'm sorry, Key, but I need to leave you for a while. Yoona's in need, and I have to help her, Nicole thought sadly as she quickly went to class.

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@BoA_Lover: Haha, it's been a while since i last saw this story. :P
BoA_Lover #2
Chapter 32: GOOD STORY <3
@Yoonajjang: Thank you! ^_^
@yoonah: keke~ X) Thank you! :D I don't know, I had this angst story bothering me when writing this story :P
aww.... why do you have to make it so sad ? anyway its really good story!!!!
love it
@yoonkwang: Thank you! ^^
wow~you did it really great,and i almost let my tears out<br />
love the yoonkwang moments!!<br />
@leonandlibra: lolz X) Thank you! ^_^ I'm really glad you love this story! :D Hope you enjoyed each and every chapters :3
Maybe I'm late to say but I'm speechless when I read this! <br />
Omo.... You're so great! I love this story! ^_^<br />