
Love Betrayal

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Key walked into the white, empty hall full of busy nurses and doctors. He whistled quietly, playing with his keys. He lowered his cap down whenever a nurse bumped into him. He continued to play with his keys until he finally arrived to the room he was heading at. He took a deep breath, touching the doorknob. This is it, Key thought. He turned the doorknob open, and then peaked inside the room. A girl younger than him with short hair turned to him. She smiled, as she tilted her head.

"Annyeong, oppa!" she greeted. Key couldn't help but smile.

"Annyeong," he replied with a small wave.

Flash Back Ended (Don't ask me when the flash back started. It started at the beginning of the chapter ^^)

Key walked into the white, empty hall full of nurses and doctors. He whistled quietly, playing with his keys. He lowered his cap down whenever he bumped into a nurse. He continued to play with his keys until he finally arrived to the room he was heading at. He took a deep breath, touching the doorknob. This feels familiar, Key thought. He turned the doorknob open, and then peaked inside the room. A girl younger than him with short hair turned to him. She mouthed her shape into an "O", and looked away awkwardly.

"Annyeong, Key," she greeted plainly. Key cleared his throat.

"Annyeong," he replied as he closed his door. He sat on a chair near Nicole, who continued to look away. It was awkward between them, as silence filled the room. Then, Key laid his head on Nicole's thigh. Nicole jumped, trying to push Key away, but Key grabbed her hands quickly. Then, he moved her hand on his cheeks, as he felt the warmth of her hands.

"Don't move, please?" Key whispered, closing his eyes. Nicole froze for a while, and then slowly began to relax. She began playing with his hair, as Key took a nap on Nicole's legs. Just like when we were together, Key thought, as he smiled a little to himself.

Meanwhile, with Siwon and Yoona...

Yoona bit her lower lips as she watched Siwon do his part. With another girl, Yoona thought bitterly. Hyuna and Siwon were the main characters of a play that Yoona had not payed attention too. When the two were done dancing, Yoona clapped her hands loudly.

"WOOP! YEAH! WAHOO! Break time!" Yoona shouted, getting up to meet Siwon. However, the drama instructor stopped Yoona and frowned at her.

"Miss Im, may you please wait for your party?" Mrs. Chan, the drama instructor, asked politely and sternly. Yoona groaned and sat back down with Kikwang, who smiled at her playfully.

"Aw, come on! It's not that bad!" Kikwang teased, giving her a weird smile. Yoona glared at Kikwang.

"For your information, it's horrible! Look at them!" Yoona hissed, pointing at Siwon and Hyuna again. Kikwang rolled his eyes. checking his watch.

"I think it's cute! But for that girl..." Kikwang his lips as he stared at Yoona. Yoona frowned at him and slapped his arm. These days, Yoona wasn't interested in breaking other people's heart. When she heard the "S" word, she'd look at them in disgust. Especially at Kikwang, who kept talking on and on and on about this. I'm getting sick, Yoona thought, as she got up.

"Where ya goin'?" Kikwang asked.

"Bathroom," Yoona replied shortly, turning to the exit.

"Great! I'll come with you!" Kikwang offered, as the two left the room. When they finally arrived at the restroom, Kikwang said that he'd "wait" outside. Yoona agreed, thinking that he would actually wait outside the girl's restroom. When she was done doing her business and finished washing her hands, she took a paper towel and started to try herself. 

Suddenly, a man came in and pushed her onto the wall. Yoona gasped as the man roughly placed his lips on hers. When she widened her eyes, it was Kikwang, kissing her roughly and hungrily. She tried to push Kikwang as much as she could, but Kikwang refused to leave her lips. She groaned in annoyance as Kikwang continued to kiss her lips.

"Kikwang! *Gasp* Stop *Gasp* It!" Yoona said tiredly as Kikwang continued to kiss her. Kikwang ignored her, trying to make her stop talking and more kissing. Yoona knew that Kikwang would never give up, even if it was the most crazy idea anyone could've think of.

If only Nicole was here, then Kikwang would've stopped, Yoona thought sadly, as she pushed Kikwang with full force. Kikwang pulled out of the kiss, raising an eyebrow.

"Kikwang, I told you to stop!" Yoona shouted, glaring at him.

"But I thought you wanted to go to the restroom!" Kikwang pointed out. Yoona rolled her eyes. She had forgotten the "secret language" that the two had created a long time ago. When one of them said, "I'm going to the bathroom," it meant kissing time in the bathroom. Yoona groaned and shook her head.

"No, I really had to go!" Yoona exclaimed.

"Oh... You didn't forget the code, right?" Kikwang asked. Yoona rolled her eyes, saying, "As if," and walked outside of the bathroom. As Yoona walked outside, she heard two students talking at the stairs. She hid somewhere near the staircase, so she could hear the conversation. When she took a peak, she gasped. It was Hyuna and Siwon.

"I can't believe we have to do the kiss scene!" Siwon exclaimed.

"I know! I don't even want to do it with you!" said Hyuna.

"I thought you never had a problem kissing others when you were part of the H3art Br3akers," Siwon said.

"No! I never joined H3art Br3akers! I had to leave because my parents found a new and 'better' job. I had to leave so much thing back there," Hyuna said sadly.

"Remind me of what you had to leave?" Siwon asked.

"My heart, my love, my friends, my house, my pet, my--"

"Isn't your heart and your love the same thing?"

"Nope. My love is the person. My heart is who I love," Hyuna said.

"I don't get it," Siwon said.

"Forget you! You never understand! I just feel so sad for the guy, though," Hyuna mumbled.


"He almost killed himself. Got into a car crash since he heard I was leaving. He thought that I was leaving him for good, since we could never meet again," Hyuna said softly.

"Eh, what ever. I already have my problems, anyways. Let's go back to class. They'll be waiting," Siwon pointed out. Yoona ran back to Kikwang, wanting to spill the juicy information she just heard. 

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@BoA_Lover: Haha, it's been a while since i last saw this story. :P
BoA_Lover #2
Chapter 32: GOOD STORY <3
@Yoonajjang: Thank you! ^_^
@yoonah: keke~ X) Thank you! :D I don't know, I had this angst story bothering me when writing this story :P
aww.... why do you have to make it so sad ? anyway its really good story!!!!
love it
@yoonkwang: Thank you! ^^
wow~you did it really great,and i almost let my tears out<br />
love the yoonkwang moments!!<br />
@leonandlibra: lolz X) Thank you! ^_^ I'm really glad you love this story! :D Hope you enjoyed each and every chapters :3
Maybe I'm late to say but I'm speechless when I read this! <br />
Omo.... You're so great! I love this story! ^_^<br />