
Love Betrayal

"No, Nicole! You need your rest!" Yoona said, forcing Nicole down on her bed. Nicole pouted, but then nodded.

"Fine! But how about if I fail school, huh?" Nicole asked. She was worried about her studies these days, trying to erase her duties as a H3art Br3aker.

"Don't worry, I'm staying here, too. I'll be at my room if you need me, okay? Remember, just call me with this button," Yoona reminded, pressing a button. It beeped loudly, as another button continued to beep too. It was their only way to get communicated if they were in emergency. Nicole rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Okay, I understand. Now, go! I need to rest," Nicole said, shooing Yoona away. Yoona rolled her eyes and grinned.

"You actually need a lot of rest. You have been creating secret plans after you were done with homework. How late have you been sleeping?" Yoona asked. But already, Nicole was asleep. Yoona giggled and locked the door behind her, as she headed towards her room. Once Nicole knew that Yoona left, she slowly stood up. She winced, grabbing her injured arm.

"Darn it Key!" Nicole hissed, getting out of bed.

"It's not good to curse others behind their backs," a familiar voice mumbled. Nicole gasped and shot right up, turning around. There was Key at the corner of the room, crossing his arm with a dagger in his hand. Nicole trembled, as she tried to push the emergency button. But sadly, she has too scared to do anything. Key stalked towards her, as Nicole began to sink. This is it! My life is ruined! Nicole thought. She was on her knees, and she continued to stare at Key, who was in front of her.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Nicole shouted, tightening her fist and closing her eyes. She continued to scream, but then someone stopped her by putting a hand over .

"Shush!" Key hissed, stuffing handkerchiefs in . She tried to spit them out, but then it was too big and stuffy for her too. Key grabbed a chair and tied her to the chair real good. Nicole tried to move, but then the rope strained her wrist. She glared at Key, wondering when Yoona was coming.

"Yoona's not coming. Someone else if taking care of her," Key said, as if he read Nicole's mind. Nicole continued to struggle, as the ropes began to cut her wrist. Key turned and saw that blood was dripping. Ignore her, Key! Find their next move plan! Key reminded himself.

He searched around the room, finding a blueprint or something like that. Nicole cried silently, for she was hopeless and losing too much blood. Nicole looked at Key with watery eyes, as her visions began to get blurry. She turned pale, and she began to feel cold. She shivered, trying to ask Key to release her right now. Key ignored her, and the more he ignored her, the more she wanted to get out faster. The next thing she knew was that she out, collapsing on the ground with the chair tied to her.

Meanwhile, with Yoona...

"Finally, I took care of Siwon. Now, everything will go according to plan. Now, where did I leave that paper?" Yoona said, talking to herself. She didn't think it was weird talking to herself. She often felt lonely, besides when Kikwang or Nicole was there. As she searched under her bed and at the table, there was a knock on the door.

"Coming!" Yoona called, brushing her hair. She loosened her shirt for a second, and then walked towards the door.

"Yes, may I--" Before she got to finish, a man came in, locked the door, and pushed Yoona on her bed. She gasped, wondering who it was. She widened her eyes, shocked at the mysterious man.

"Hello Yoong," Siwon grinned. Yoona looked at his thigh, which was wrapped around a bandage. She glared at him.


"Well, you should tell Kikwang too keep his voice a bit lower. He didn't announce how to help heal Nicole's wound, right?" Siwon said, grinning even more. Yoona bit her lower lips, hissing in her mind about Kikwang.

"Let me go!" Yoona shouted, kicking her feet. But Siwon pinned her on the bed, making her only glare at Siwon.

"What you did was disgusting, Yoong," Siwon said with a frown.

"Stop calling me Yoong! What do you want, Siwon?!" Yoona yelled.

"I want..." Siwon began to lean closer to Yoona's lips, "You." Yoona gulped nervously, when she heard his last word.

"M-Me? Siwon, stop talking non--" Before Yoona was able to finish, Siwon smacked his lips on Yoona's lips. Yoona widened her lips, shocked at Siwon's actions. However, she couldn't help but kiss back. Siwon began to kiss fiercely and longer, while Yoona wanted to get some air. She gasped for air, but Siwon slid his tongue inside , while she tried to fight back. They kissed even longer and hungrier, until Yoona's phone rang.

As she tried to pick up her phone, Siwon stopped her by pinning her arms on top of her head. She whimpered, wanting to know who the caller was, but Siwon just kissed her even more. Soon, she ignored the ringing and continued to kiss Siwon again. The two kissed even longer, until the caller left a voicemail.

"YOONA! THIS IS KIKWANG! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Kikwang's voice shouted through the phone.

"I'm.... right.... here," Yoona mumbled, gasping for air each word she said. Siwon smirked. He was in control of her now. There was no way she could get out his trap. Siwon kissed her even deeper, while Yoona kissed back again. Kikwang's voice began to speak again.

"Well, I don't care where you are. I'm in Nicole's room right now. But, I know you'll want to know this: Nicole's about to die. She lost too much blood."

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@BoA_Lover: Haha, it's been a while since i last saw this story. :P
BoA_Lover #2
Chapter 32: GOOD STORY <3
@Yoonajjang: Thank you! ^_^
@yoonah: keke~ X) Thank you! :D I don't know, I had this angst story bothering me when writing this story :P
aww.... why do you have to make it so sad ? anyway its really good story!!!!
love it
@yoonkwang: Thank you! ^^
wow~you did it really great,and i almost let my tears out<br />
love the yoonkwang moments!!<br />
@leonandlibra: lolz X) Thank you! ^_^ I'm really glad you love this story! :D Hope you enjoyed each and every chapters :3
Maybe I'm late to say but I'm speechless when I read this! <br />
Omo.... You're so great! I love this story! ^_^<br />