Kang Minhyuk loves me~?!

Kang Minhyuk loves me~?!


I was thinking of so many things...

Does Yonghwa really like her?

He doesn't even treat love seriously...

Am i really thinking too much...~?

What if JiyeoN likes him and not me ?

ANd what if the other way around..she likes me and not him..

What if he knows I like her..Will Yonghwa be mad of me ? ARgghhhh~!!!

------Back to normal-----

Yonghwa pushed Minhyuk : YAA~ What are you thinking about?

Minhyuk : Huh.. Nothing..I'm just a little tired..

I looked at the both of them: *sighed* Will you guys help me?

The both of them then came and help..

But the more they helped the busier I was..

I sighed rubbing my forehead ..

Minhyuk and Yonghwa then noticed, waiting for me...

Minhyuk : Are you okay .. ?

I simply nodded ..*didn't feel like saying anything cause I knew I would be angry..*

Both of them then just helped quietly..

I just kept serious, doing our project..

Yonghwa signaled Minhyuk..*Lip signaling*: She's mad..

Minhyuk signaled nodding : shssh

Then the bell rang..

I kept my stuff and left 1st..

----After school ----

Minhyuk : She looks different..

Yonghwa : Hmm..Maybe she's not feeling well..

Minhyuk : She looked mad..And alittle pale..

I stuffed earphones in my ears ..*thinking * Chill down ~~ Chill down ~~**inhales deeply and exhales deeply*

Then I heard someone screaming ...

I looked around..And saw a crowd of girls..

I ran there and they were bullying Ji eun..

I ran in : YAA~! What are you guys doing?!

Ji eun ran to me hiding behind me : Jiyeon ah..

A girl who looked like the leader stood up : Yaa~! Who are you?! Dont interfere if you don't wanna get beat up!

Me : Phew~ * thinking this is tottaly a good time to let out some stress* *tieing my hair*

Me: Ji eun ah, What happened ?

Ji eun stuttered..: Th, the...they..

Another girl stood up : NERD! You better back off~

Ji eun squealed....

The girls laughed ..

I shouted : Ji eun's problem is my problem! You either tell it out or leave!

The leader-like girl shouted : FINE! Your friend over there knocked her lunch at my bag so she should pay her price..

I smirked : Pay her price you said ? * Walking to one of the girl there snatched her coffee away and poured it on the leader's shoes..*

She screamed : You crazy b**ch!! Get her..!

I fought with a few of them...and grabbed one of them on their shoulders : Bring it on~! 

The girl I was grabbing was screaming ...The leader liked girl and her bunch of girls looked afraid backing a few steps away..

I shouted : Eunnie is saying ~ PAY SOME MANNERS TO YOUR SUNBAES!!  Srcamble off!

They all ran away with their faces down..

Ji eun was still alittle scared..

I felt alittle dizzy ...looking at her and smiled : Come, I'll walk you home..

Ji eun  nodded.. 

I helped her sit down and ran and grabbed some hot chocolate for her..

While I was at it when I was walking back to her someone knocked me..

I was a little dizzy and I fell on the floor..

The last thing I heard was Ji eun screaming ....





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loop3221 #1
Chapter 42: The story ends like this?! I want more. I love the whole story ♥
LadyNoel #2
Chapter 38: Hei....authornim...still waiting for ur next chapter...its nicely ff...i like it sooo much...
Chapter 38: Im sorry guys , i've been really busy nowadays i'll try to write more. Thx for your support !:)
Chapter 38: Im sorry guys , i've been really busy nowadays i'll try to write more. Thx for your support !:)
carollll_ca #5
Chapter 37: It has been so super long since u updated this story,hope you can continue updating this story, lokking forward to it!(: ^^
Minshee23 #6
Chapter 37: What's his plan??? Update soon!
Chapter 37: New reader ~

Great story :) love it <3 update? ^^
myfifteen #8
Chapter 36: update it.. :) i can't wait to read what will happen next..
Chapter 36: Update soon
Just did ~ AHA ~ I'll try and update often~ I hope you like reading my story ~ ^^ Kamsahabnida~ ><