kang Minhyuk loves me ~?!

Kang Minhyuk loves me~?!

-----Back to Minhyuk's side----

Back at home time is passing so slowyly...

Seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours ..

The thought of Jiyeon being hurt makes my heart break ...

If i hadnt left her for such a stupid reason I could've protected her then !

I missed her laugh , her sweet scent , her dorkiness , everything is making me go crazy !

I swear if anything happens to her I wont let Yonghwa's mom or dad get away with it ..

I looked at the time .. It was just 11pm .. We're gathering at the park at 2AM ..

* My phone rang *  It was my mum calling from the states..

Me : Yobuseyeo ? Mum, did anything happen ?

Mum : Minhyuk ah , Jiyeon's Dad saved our company .. Everythings getting along fine here.. We have to thank them !

Me : Oh ? Thats great mum .. Its still early there why don't you get some sleep ?

Mum : Oh , i will.. take care son .. We'll bring you here when the time is right.. Bye , I love you 

Me : I love you too mum.. Tell Dad and sis i love them too .. I miss you guys

Mum : Silly boy , we 'll be together real soon .. don't worry .. i've gotta go now .. Bye *hung up*

The promise that I promised Jiyeon's dad .. He would help my family  if I could let Jiyeon go..

I don't care about those promises anymore.. If i could save her, we'll run away from this place .. maybe to the states ..

Well it almost time .. I left the house early to collect the guns ... 

I reached the location earlier and saw a secret code which lead to the left public toilet..

I took the guns and stuffed it in my bag ... I ran to the park making sure noone noticed me ..

------Meanwhile in Yonghwa's house---

 I feltl nervous trying my best not to make any sound going down the stairs...

Ji eun: Oppa ? Where are you going ?: rubbing her eyes yawning*

me : Ji eun ? Oh , I'm going for a drink with my friends..

Ji eun :  At 1:30AM ? Seriously oppa ?

Me : Yeah , go back to sleep.. I've gotta go now bye ..

Ji eun thinking * If he's making trouble again , i'm going to stop him this time* quietly following behind '

----- Meanwhile back to Minhyuk-----

Jungshin and I walked to the bench

I looked at my watch .. It was 3AM .. they're late

Jonhyun running to us : Sorry guys, my tummy had issues..

Me : Oh are you alright ? Where is Yonghwa? 

Jungshin : He's not being a coward now is he ?

Jonhyun :I really don't have a good feeling about this.. You know we still can stop now guys

Yonghwa walking from the other side : You know I can hear you right ? 

Jungshin : I thought you weren't coming hyung, thank God..

Yonghwa : Yeah right..Ji eun almost caught me okay  ...*feeling upset*

Me : Oh come on , we were kidding .. We are one and noone gets left behind ..

Jungshin snorked : Yeah , we sleep together , eat together , and peed together ..

Jonghyun : Did you really have to say that ? 

Jungshin  : Well , it may be the last time all four of us are ever going to be together ever again ...*looking down*

Me : Im really sorry guys .. Thanks * giving all four of us a hug *

Yonghwa : No , Noone is going to die tonight! We're all leaving with jiyeon tonight ..*ruffles our hair*

Me : Yeah , Let's go guys  ...* handing them the guns*

Ji eun shocked : Oh my God .. What on earth is happening ? *following closely*

We tracked the adress using GPS.. It was at an abandoned haunted  house ..

Jungshin : These guys really have the nerves man .. *feeling the chills *

Minhyuk : They had to choose a stupid haunted house .. Great..

Jonghyun : I think I'm going to pee my pants ..

Yonghwa just trying to act like a man : I'm not afraid of ghost's man .. I mean its the 21'st century right..

Suddenly a cold chilling wind blew by and there was dead silence .. The leaves rustled as in someone was coming our way..

Yonghwa gulped : I take it back guys , whats that ?

Minhyuk sweating : I have no idea but its better we stick together ..

Jonghyun and jungshin nodded their heads hard ..

It was a snake fortunately ... Jonghyun took out a knife and stabbed it on its neck ..

Jungshin laughed : Yeah right hyung .. you tottaly chickened out..

Yonghwa : Cut the crap and lets find the house..*feeling embarassed*

After a long walk we finally found the house..

From a far distance , we could see one person sitting outside the house with a metal baton..

Me : If we can't get any closer , we cant see how many people there are in that house..

Jonghyun : Then we'll split into two in a group and one attracts his attention the other group checks the house...

Yonghwa : Wow , impressive .. Let's go with that..

Jungshin : Hyung , count on me and Jonghyun.. I'm kicking someone's ..*smirking*

Then we waited for Jungshin's signal to go check the house..

We waited about half an hour and we saw a red light signalling us..

We walked quietly towards the house .. We looked into the window and saw two guys who were high on drugs and passed out..

I saw Jiyeon blindfolded  sitting on the floor with her hands and legs tied ..

and cheeks were bruised and luckily she was not wounded badly ..

Yonghwa : Lets go in and take Jiyeon .. I think i'ts safe , I'll cover you   ..*taking out his gun.*

I walked in carefully and walked to Jiyeon .. She seemed to be asleep..

I whispered : Jiyeon ah , its me .. We're leaving now..Can you walk ?*untying the ropes and taking out blindfold*

Jiyeon's eyes were tearing up .. : Minhyuk ah *hugging me tightly* 

I teared up aliittle too.. : Im sorry baby , I'll never leave you again *kissing her forehead*

Yonghwa whispered : Guys, save the love act at home.. We've gotta go..

Jiyeon nodded wiping her tears : I think I sprained my leg .. 

I held her up and Yonghwa came in to help.. 

From outside we heard Ji eun :OPPA ! Help !

We ran outside and we were all dumbounded ..Minhyuk : great , another one.

A tough looking guy was holding Ji eun with a gun on her head ..: Trying to go somewhere ?

Yonghwa held up his gun : Tell me what you want , let my sister go !

The guy : How about this .. We exchange one for another .. Your sister or that girl *pointing to Jiyeon *

I pulled Jiyeon behind me : You'll have to go through me first , tough guy..

Yonghwa : Really ? Today must be our lucky day  ..Look behind you ..

Jungshin hit the guy with the back of his gun .. 

The guy fell on the gound, pulled the trigger and the gun fired .. Unfortunately , I was shot .. 

Jiyeon screamed : Minhyuk ah !!  They were all panicking..

Yonghwa ran in the house to make sure the two guys were still passed out..

Ji eun called 911 while Jungshin and Jonghyun ran for help..

I fell on the ground and there was lots of blood on the ground..

I thought * Am I just going to die like this ?*














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loop3221 #1
Chapter 42: The story ends like this?! I want more. I love the whole story ♥
LadyNoel #2
Chapter 38: Hei....authornim...still waiting for ur next chapter...its nicely ff...i like it sooo much...
Chapter 38: Im sorry guys , i've been really busy nowadays i'll try to write more. Thx for your support !:)
Chapter 38: Im sorry guys , i've been really busy nowadays i'll try to write more. Thx for your support !:)
carollll_ca #5
Chapter 37: It has been so super long since u updated this story,hope you can continue updating this story, lokking forward to it!(: ^^
Minshee23 #6
Chapter 37: What's his plan??? Update soon!
Chapter 37: New reader ~

Great story :) love it <3 update? ^^
myfifteen #8
Chapter 36: update it.. :) i can't wait to read what will happen next..
Chapter 36: Update soon
Just did ~ AHA ~ I'll try and update often~ I hope you like reading my story ~ ^^ Kamsahabnida~ ><