Kang Minhyuk loves me~?!

Kang Minhyuk loves me~?!

I frowned ~ Minhyuk teased : Why? Dissapointed ?

Still frowning~ :  I cant believe this~ Two girls in one time~ Wow

Minhyuk laughed ~

I looked at him : What ~ Why laugh?

He smiled : Aigoo~ SO cute ~ *pinched my cheeks*

I smiled : I'm lucky I chose you~ 

Minhyuk : Of course *proud*

Me : He's always like that isn't he?

Minhyuk laughed : You dont want to count his Ex's~ 

I looked at him : What about you ? I wonder how many Ex's you have ~ Hmm~

Minhhuk's face went red : Nah, just one or two~

I moved my face near his face squinting my eyes : Really ?

His face went so red it was the same colour as a tomato~ 

Minhyuk kept silent and nodded ,he looked so funny I laughed ~

Me : Its okay~ I'll just ask Yonghwa ? Hmm~ Or Jonghyun? Hmm~ Maybe Jungshin?

Minhyuk chuckled nervously : My babygirl's not jealous is she ?

I laughed  and pecked him on the cheek : I am~ But its the past so it's okay ~

Minhyuk smiled : Aissh~ I knew you were playing~

Then we paid the bill and went for a walk~'

While holding hands walking , I told him about Yongwha and Ji eun just now~

And we laughed  cause he wasted his 35,000 won for nothing~

Then we went shopping~ 

Well, there were lots of pretty clothes,bags and stuff~

But something caught my eye~

I saw a black acoustic guitar that was so beautiful~

I ran in the shop : Waah~ Is it nice ? Its pretty isnt it?

Minyhyuk nodded : Its looks fine to me ~ Hmm~ You play guitar?

I sighed : I used to ~ I still know how to play alittle~*I looked at him and smiled*

Minhyuk smiled : I'll teach you ~ *smiles* You can teach me taekwondo~

I giggled : Okay, DEAL~! Hehe, What else do you know ?

Minhyuk : Drumming, and alittle of singing ~

Me: Waah~ You should form a band~ 

Minhyuk : Sometimes me, Yonghwa, Jonghyun and Jungshin will play together and sing~*smiles*

I smiled : Waa~ Really ? Hmm~ I wanna hear you sing~

Minhyuk : You can join us sometimes~ 

I nodded as we were walking in a market buying groceries to store my house as my house was practically empty~ 

We looked around  filling the basket while chatting~

And when I saw Ice cream ~ I bought four boxes of different flavours~

Minhyuk's face was like WTF?! : Babygirl, you dont need so much~

I smiled : HMm ~  I do~ You wont understand~ Its hard to explain~ 

Minhyuk : Honey, but isnt that too much?

I giggled : I don't know~ Its a habit of mine ~

Minhyuk : Fatty~~~ *teasing voice*

I stuck my toungue out as we paid at the cashiers'~ 

Then we brought a whole load of stuff back to my house~

It was lucky he brought his car, it was so heavy~~

So we had our dinner together before going home cause we were both too tired to cook~

------8 pm ------

Then we both had our bath and I changed to a singlet and short pants~

In my house we laid at my bed ~Both of us : AAHHH~*satisfied and tired*

I turned looking at him and he turned to look at me too~

He touched my face~ And I smiled *thinking that having him in my life was enough*

Then he came closer ,closer and closer then our lips touched~

This was the first time I ever kissed on the lips ~

I was nervous but enjoyed it at the same time~

I closed my eyes and then he pulled away smiling ,kissed my nose, pulled me near and I cuddled in~

I felt tired after walking for the whole day and gradually fell asleep ~



I was walking in a mansion which was like a maze~

I walked here and there climbing stairs~

Then saw weird blurr pictures of a family~

I was scared ~ :APPA ~ EOMMA?~! 

Then I heard a faint voice playing guitar and singing~

I kept walking and climbing stairs but couldnt find any doors~

I walked further, I was tired ~ Then I heard my younger sister clapping ~ : Appa~ Play more~

Then I ran further and saw my younger sister and my Dad~

I ran to my dad , but as I ran closer to him the further he was from me~

The last thing I heard was : Appa will be back for you~

I screamed : APPA~!!! *  I woke up*

Minhyuk on the lights : Jiyeon ah, gwenchana? 

I looked at the clock ~: Its 3AM again~ *sighs* *I was sweating*

Minhyuk worried went over and got a glass of water~

I drank some : Thanks, I'm fine~ Go back to sleep, 

I went to the fridge and got some ice-cream~

With the spoon in my mouth I sat at the side of my bed~

I continued sweating~   Minhyuk still worried : No, I'm fine, You're sweating a lot~*wipes my forehead*



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loop3221 #1
Chapter 42: The story ends like this?! I want more. I love the whole story ♥
LadyNoel #2
Chapter 38: Hei....authornim...still waiting for ur next chapter...its nicely ff...i like it sooo much...
Chapter 38: Im sorry guys , i've been really busy nowadays i'll try to write more. Thx for your support !:)
Chapter 38: Im sorry guys , i've been really busy nowadays i'll try to write more. Thx for your support !:)
carollll_ca #5
Chapter 37: It has been so super long since u updated this story,hope you can continue updating this story, lokking forward to it!(: ^^
Minshee23 #6
Chapter 37: What's his plan??? Update soon!
Chapter 37: New reader ~

Great story :) love it <3 update? ^^
myfifteen #8
Chapter 36: update it.. :) i can't wait to read what will happen next..
Chapter 36: Update soon
Just did ~ AHA ~ I'll try and update often~ I hope you like reading my story ~ ^^ Kamsahabnida~ ><