Kang Minhyuk loves me ~?!

Kang Minhyuk loves me~?!


I woke up in my bed seeing my mum on the phone ..

Mum : No ! I will keep my promise .. You just wait for my instructions and keep her quiet !

I was shocked ..All sorts of thoughts enetered my mine .. My mom woudlnt do this !

Me : Mom , what is this about ? What did you do ?!  

Mom : keep your voice down Yonghwa ah .. You can never let your dad hear about this , do you hear me ?

Me : Mum , but why ? Is Jiyeon going to die? You know i love her don't you ? Mum you're doing something illegal you could go to prison for this ! WHY ???

Mum *tears falling down , her hands were shaking covering her face ... 

*Knocks on the door * 

Ji eun : Oppa , i heard you werent feeling well .. Are you okay ?

Mum : Oh , your brother just caught a cold.. He's getting better honey , don't worry..

Ji eun : Oh yes , has anyone seen Jiyeon ? I think she left schol early and she hasnt been answering my calls..

Yonghwa : Oh ? I guess she wants to have some time alone..    Mom nodded : Yeah , I think so too

Ji eun nodded : Ok .. I'll wait for her to calm down and come back .. *left the room*

Yonghwa : Mum , can you please explain what's happening ?

Mum : Your real father came to me .. He's gone bankrupt and he needs money ..

Yonghwa : What ? Why would you even help that jerk ? Why, I've gotta stop him! 

Mum cried : STOP , SON!  You'll get hurt.. He's threatened to hurt you and i've got no choice but to do that to Jiyeon.

Yonghwa : Mum , you can stop now.. Stop them and bring Jiyeon back ! 

Mum shook her head : Its you or her.. DON'T YOU GET IT ? 

I coudnt take it anymore .. I ran out of the house and called Minhyuk ..

-----Back To Minyhuk's side -----

My phone rang  .. : Oh Yonghwa ? 

Yonghwa : Where 's Jonhyun and Jungshin ? I have something to tell all of you !

Minhyuk : We're all together.. What's going on ? *on speakers*

Yonghwa : I know where Jiyeon is ! Where are you??

Jungshin : Hyung , we're at Jiyeon's old house (*******************)

Yonghwa hung up and arrived about twenty minuted later...

Jonghyun : Hyung , You know where Jiyeon is ? How ??

Yonghwa : Dont care how i know ? All we need to do is save her right ?

Minhyuk : Are yo sure you're right ?

Yonghwa : Yes im sure !

Jungshin : Then lets just call the cops then !   Yonghwa : NO!! DONT CALL ANYONE !

We were all startled ... Jonghyun : Well if you know where she is , isn't it better to let the cops do their job?

Minhyuk : You're keeping something from us aren't you??

Yonghwa : OK , I'll tell you guys .. But if anything leaks out I'm gonna kill you guys! Deal ?

We all promised him.. He told us everything his mom told him and including stealing his mom's phone and purse..

Jungshin: So anyone has any ideas ?

Yonghwa : I know this sunbae that can get us weapons ..His father works with someone who sells illegal weapons ..

Jonghyun : Hyung .. Are you crazy ? That's illegal ! We'll go to jail for that!

Minnhyk : Don't worry guys .. I wont let you guys get into trouble.. You have helped enough.. I will go alone ..

Yonghwa : Nope .. So wont I .. I'm in ! 

Jungshin and Jonghyun looked at each other and nodded : We wont let anything happen to you guys to ! We're in! 

So we called our sunbae and asked for four guns.. He told us we have to pay him first and later hide the guns somewhere and take it ourselves..

So it was later settled ..We decided to save Jiyeon later midnight at 3.. 

Since we didnt know when we could meet our family again we decided to spend the last day together together happily not knowing what will happen tommorow ..

Meanwhile at Yonghwa's house ....


Ji eun and dad were getting worried as it was late ...

---At the dinnertable---

Ji eun : Appa , I think we should call the cops ..

Dad : I think we should wait alittle longer to make sure ..

Yonghwa : Dad , Jiyeon's at Minhyuk's house.. I saw her and she caught a fever so she must be resting.. She told me to inform you ..

Mum : Oh yeah ?  You shouldn't worry too much.. Eat up, honey ..

I smiled and we continued to eat .. Me : Oh yeah i'm going to stop by minhyuk's house to give her some porridge

I needed to earn their trust .. I'm going to save her ! Im not going to let anything happen to my mom or Jiyeon! 








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loop3221 #1
Chapter 42: The story ends like this?! I want more. I love the whole story ♥
LadyNoel #2
Chapter 38: Hei....authornim...still waiting for ur next chapter...its nicely ff...i like it sooo much...
Chapter 38: Im sorry guys , i've been really busy nowadays i'll try to write more. Thx for your support !:)
Chapter 38: Im sorry guys , i've been really busy nowadays i'll try to write more. Thx for your support !:)
carollll_ca #5
Chapter 37: It has been so super long since u updated this story,hope you can continue updating this story, lokking forward to it!(: ^^
Minshee23 #6
Chapter 37: What's his plan??? Update soon!
Chapter 37: New reader ~

Great story :) love it <3 update? ^^
myfifteen #8
Chapter 36: update it.. :) i can't wait to read what will happen next..
Chapter 36: Update soon
Just did ~ AHA ~ I'll try and update often~ I hope you like reading my story ~ ^^ Kamsahabnida~ ><