Kang Minhyuk loves me~?!

Kang Minhyuk loves me~?!

*Eomma~! Please~ Eomma! Please don't throw Appa's guitar away~! I won't let you see it again..I'll keep it out of your sight~ I promise!*

*She glared at me and left for work*

I saw her back walking further....and further away...~

I screamed : EOMMAAA~!!!

I woke up from my dream again..3AM again!!

---Thinking back-----

* I remembered the day I just dreamt about*

* I didn't know that my mom would come back in the middle of work to take care of me who was sick that day..*

* It was so long since my mom was that angry...The last time she was this angry was the day dad left..*

* I remebered the day my dad left us..*

* I remembered that day my dad hurried back from work..My mom was still at work..He started to packed me and my sister's clothes together ..Just when we were leaving the house..Mom suddenly came back early ..She started argueing with my dad...He hid us behind his back...I closed my ears and my sister followed me..We were crying so loudly..Our dad held our hands tightly ad ran towards the door..My mom ran and snatched me away..They continued shouting at each other..Then mom pushed my dad to the door shouting : You wanna snatch my daughters away?!! Get out~!! My dad shouted : Jiyeon ah~ Daddy will come back for you~! My mom threw the vase pot at the door! BAMMM!! The door closed..And we even moved out the very next day..

------Back to reality------

Erggh! I was sweating...I couldn't sleep and was not feeling too well..

It was 4:45 AM...I got ready...and put on my uniform..

I took my phone , put on my sweater , took my purse and threw it in my bag and left the house..

I decided to walk to school today..usually I took the bus..

I reached school at 5:45 AM..But school starts at 6AM ..And classes starts at 6:45AM..

After 15 minutes the school gate opened...And I walked to my sit in class...

I was tired and dindn't feel too well so I took a nap..

Minhyuk came a few minutes later when I was already asleep..

He walked right next to me and smiled looking at my face..*She looks sweet even when she sleeps*

Then he sat down next to me and placed his head down next to me smiling ...*Is this love at first sight?*

Then I woke up finding myself facing so close to him..He fell asleep..

He was so cute..There were butterflies in my stomach..Does it mean I like him ? *smiling*




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loop3221 #1
Chapter 42: The story ends like this?! I want more. I love the whole story ♥
LadyNoel #2
Chapter 38: Hei....authornim...still waiting for ur next chapter...its nicely ff...i like it sooo much...
Chapter 38: Im sorry guys , i've been really busy nowadays i'll try to write more. Thx for your support !:)
Chapter 38: Im sorry guys , i've been really busy nowadays i'll try to write more. Thx for your support !:)
carollll_ca #5
Chapter 37: It has been so super long since u updated this story,hope you can continue updating this story, lokking forward to it!(: ^^
Minshee23 #6
Chapter 37: What's his plan??? Update soon!
Chapter 37: New reader ~

Great story :) love it <3 update? ^^
myfifteen #8
Chapter 36: update it.. :) i can't wait to read what will happen next..
Chapter 36: Update soon
Just did ~ AHA ~ I'll try and update often~ I hope you like reading my story ~ ^^ Kamsahabnida~ ><