Parties Left and Right

Our Dreams, Our Lives 우리의 꿈, 우리의 삶

hey guys long time no update... well that is gonna change now since i finished my exams... so here goes the first of many updates coming your way... lets say that things are about to get interesting. 

ϹɧαÞTƐƦ ①⑥


Myeongdong Café - 1:00 pm


Onew's POV


"So let me get this straight… you are afraid of working with her, or do you want to?"


"I don't know Jinki-ah, one part of me wants to work with he, and the other wants to run five feet away so that she doesn't figure things out."


"But if you do that she will figure things out anyways Yongwha-ah"


"I guess."


After finishing my part of recording I decided to grab lunch. Just as I got to my car though Yongwha called me up and asked to meet. We decided to meet at our regular café. The owner knows we are idols so he lets us have the back booth. Plus after yesterday, I think this is the safest way.


"Oh wait I forgot to ask you. What were you guys doing at the café anyways?"


"Director wants new talent to be a part of the absolute boyfriend project, so FNC decided to show him and the main cast the band they were looking into. Yoon Eunhye noona gave her recommendation as well so we came here to scout them. They were good weren't they? They go to my university, in fact I met them"


"That’s cool, and they rocked. I guess FNC is going to be busy this year. You guys are having a comeback as well right?"


"Yup, Jonghyun decided to put off going into the military till next year. Apparently the official reason is that he wants to be a part of our comeback this year and unofficial reason is that he plans to land a girl he has been chasing after while we were in the military."


"I see. Is the girl a celebrity?"


"No clue. Oh I almost forgot, weren't you suppose to be recording today. You guys also have a comeback planned right."


"Yup I have a solo debut in this album. But the composer who wrote my song didn't show up to recording today so I finished early. The guys and I have a party planned out for our former coordi noona today. She was at the café yesterday, scared me so badly."


"I see. Well did I tell you, the band that we scouted, they have pianist that they get help from who also is a composer. In fact she goes to your dongseng's school: K-Arts. Apparently Woohyun hyung is friends with her eemonim and…"


"Wait did you say that the band's composer goes to K-arts? You mean Soomin sshi."


"I remember that her aunt said that her name was Nam Soomin, and she goes to K-Arts. But how do you know her?"


"Long story, anyways, so she is coming to your company tomorrow?"


"She will come to FNC tomorrow with her aunt to show her compositions to the president and me and Hongki will be there as an unofficial jury. If she passes, one of her compositions might be a part of our drama's OST."


"That’s interesting."


"I guess, but the interesting thing in all of this is your interest in this Soomin sshi. Whats the story?"


"How much time do you have?"


"A while."


So I told him about Taemin finding Soomin sshi's earring at school and her coming over to SM to get it back, and how Key made me spy on them because he was being a nosy Umma. I followed her to find out she knew Hyelim noona who was our coordi back when we debuted and is now a scout. Then at the café I ended up coincidently sitting at the same table as them.


"While sitting there I heard something unusual, Mina was excited that two of her roommates were about to debut, and Hyelim told her she could be the same if she let her show something. I guess I forgot about it after getting caught by Hyelim noona."


"That’s interesting, two of her roommates. One would be Sunmi sshi, and the other, interesting. But the part where you said that she could be the same is she let her Eemonim show something. That's curious."


"Another curious thing was that after Noona caught be she said that Soomin sshi is more than just a pianist, but that is something that she would either tell me or I find out myself. Maybe that is why I am curious"


"Hmmm. Fine I will buy it. She sounds mysterious; you want me to get some information out of her tomorrow?"


"If I say yes would that make me look desperate?"


"I think you crossed the desperate line when you listened on to her conversation with her Eemonim. Btw, she looks too young to be an Eemonim to her; she looks like her older sister."


"She called her Eemonim, either it’s a way to give respect or she really is her Eemonim."


"Well Woohyun hyung knows her Eemonim; maybe he would have more information that is if you are interested?


"I guess, I have to go know, need to go home and get Hyelim Noona's present ready. And need to call the Norebang also. Just call me when you know something."


"This is quite funny, I called you to help me out with a girl problem and end up helping you with yours."


"Yeah… funny indeed"…


Two Hours Later...


Apartment 241 (Sangsu) - 3:00pm


Nikki's POV


"Ok let do a check, they should be here in any minute, plates" I said


"Check," said Sunmi




"Just arrived," Taehee oppa said opening the door for the pizza guy




"Check, already in the fridge" said Hyesung




"While I am here I got it covered the rest of the time Taehee oppa's iPod will be doing the work." said Mina


"Cool. Too Bad our TV will not be set up till tomorrow or else we could have hooked up a game system or something." said Yoonhyun


"Don't worry," said Taehee closing the door after the pizza guy "the guys said they would bring their PS3 and when the TV is set up we can give it back to them."


"Cool, now all that is left to be done is waiting"…


YG Entertainment - 3:15 pm


Minzy's POV


"Ok now that we have had lunch lets head back to the dorm… we have a party to get to" said CL unnie


"Alright let's go"


Fast forward


"Alright I don't think you remember them Minzy but they are all older than you even though they are hoebaes so treat them with respect arrasso, and they might call you sunbae don't shy away from It." said Bom


"Don't worry about me, you said that they also called their friends also does that mean a party with everyone older than me. Other than Lee Hi there is no one in YG entertainment younger than me going to be there, even Jennie Kim is on a modelling stint."


"It’s alright, the youngest girl member is just one year older than you and their maknae is the same age as you." said GD oppa


"Wow you seem to have memorized their personal info. Are you planning to be their producer or manager?" said Dara unnie


"Nothing, anyways we are here," we parked and got out of the car. At the park across the street we could see a couple of guys starting up a barbeque. All of them were in disguise. One of the guys looked in our direction and ran over to us. He took of his glasses for a sec and winked at us.


"Minzy-ah, my favourite dongseng, how are you." he said giving me a hug


"Omo Se7en oppa, oremaniyo (how long has it been)."


"It has been a while, come one. GD, Teddy hyung you guys can help out here right, I'm going inside to help the ladies."


With that I and the unnie's went inside with Se7en oppa.


"Is unnie inside," asked CL as we got into the elevator


"Yes she is, with the girls of Crazy Instinct and their chingus."


"Cool, can't wait to see her too," said Dara unnie


We got off at the fifth floor, one floor below us, and walked to the door on the right. Se7en oppa knocked on the door four times two slow and two fast.


"Why did you knock like that?"


"Just wait a second and ill …"


Just then a voice called out from inside.


"Come on in."


Se7en oppa opened the door and walked in, right at the door a girl who looked mixed and with the longest hair I have ever was waiting there. She looked at us and bowed 90*


"Annyeonghaseyo sunbaenim"


We bowed back as we took of our shoes and put them in line with the other shoes in the doorway


"2ne1, meet our new hoobae's leader Kwon Nikki, but I know that half of you guys know her already," he said looking at Bom and CL who were giving Nikki sshi eye gestures but stopped when they noticed Se7en oppa looking at them


"Well please speak comfortably since I am your hoebae,"


"Cool, well since you are older than me I am going to call you unnie. But you have to speak comfortably with me too.. That is when we are among YG Members" I said


"Ok, Minzy sunbae… I mean Minzy-ah"


"Ok, well then from now on I am your oppa as well," said se7en sunbae "where is my chip-saram (wife)"


"She is in the kitchen with my roommate Sunmi and Hyesung. I am going to check with my roommate Mina about the party playlist she has been working on."


"I'll come with you then." I said


"Ok, we are going to help our sister-in-law then." said CL


I followed Nikki unnie into the living room where a person was sitting at the table with her back towards us and her computer opened up in front of her.


"Mina, I have someone to introduce to you…"


The person turned around and looked at me. She was pretty and wore her hair in a messy bun and had glasses on. She looked at me and bowed.


"Mina, this is 2ne1's Minzy, my sunbae and new dongseng, Minzy-ah, this is my old roommate whose house I lived in, Nam Soomin or as I call her Mina."


"Annyeonghaseyo" she said and bowed


I bowed back and also said hello to her.


"So how goes the playlist set-up?" Nikki unnie asked Soomin sshi


"it’s going good unnie, I am almost done, just bring your i-pod here and I will transfer it, it should last the whole night even if you skip some songs."


"Well I trust your judgement, I'll go get my i-pod." she was about to leave when I stopped her


"It’s ok unnie, she can use mine, and you go help the unnies in the kitchen. The guys will probably finish the barbeque soon." I said


"You sure it’s ok"




"Ok," she said and went to the kitchen. I took out my i-pod and gave it to Soomin sshi and sat down next to her.


I looked as she added more songs to the list and rearranged the list while at the same time referring to her phone and i-pod that was sitting next to her. I watched as she was doing this till she was satisfied and plugged in my i-pod to her computer.


"Your i-pod is set to manual right?"


"Yes, I borrow music from my unnie's computers a lot so have to set it that way."


"Good," I watched as she dragged the playlist into my i-pod. Once it synced her ejected my i-pod and handed back to me.


"Here it is, when everyone comes inside we will out your i-pod into the speaker system they have. If your feel like changing the songs at any point you can do so. Some of them are remixes that me and my classmates made so hope you enjoy it."


"Oh, so you are a music major?"




"Oh, so how come you needed Nikki's i-pod, you have your phone and your own i-pod as well. I said pointing to both."


"Ah well, I won't be here for the whole time, and this is the i-pod I use for school."


"Oh, why aren't you going to be here for the whole time. Sorry is this seems rude Soomin sshi."


"It’s ok, Minzy sshi. My eemonim came back from Canada yesterday so her company employees are having a party later for her, and asked me to be a part of it."


"Oh I see, well if I like this playlist I am keeping it in my i-pod, is that alright with you"


"Sure thing. Enjoy. I am going to check up on the kitchen, can you shut down my computer for me."


"Ok, but is it alright if I check my e-mails for a second."




With that she left and I dragged the mouse to the internet button. But I accidently clicked on her folder button.



I was quickly about to close it when something on the left side of the screen caught my eye.



It said D. Covers. Thinking that meant dance covers I was about to click on them to see what she downloaded when….




G-Dragon's POV


"I can't believe Dong Wook hyung can still be slick even when he is married with a kid on the way."


"Well that Dong Wook for you." Teddy said as we headed over to where the guys were barbequing. As we got closer I saw one of the guys with a bandana and sunglasses on noticed us and came over.


"Annyeonghaseyo sunbaes" he said. As he took off his sunglasses. It was Yoonhyun.


"Deh, how are you guys, did you get settled in?"


"Yup since yesterday. We all did except for Nikki noona. She moved in this morning with her roommates helping. We tried to surprise her but we failed"


Hmmm… it seems that the leader even with her clumsiness can still have a sharp eye.


"Well how did you guys fail at it? Did she catch on?" I asked curiously


"Actually hyung, what we did was lock the door and hid, but then remembered that she doesn't have a key yet so we had to abandon the plan and open the door for her."


Oh… well so much for that thought.


"Ok, well whop are the rest of the guys here?" teddy hyung asked


"Well Taehee hyung is the one in the red," he said pointing to a guy with a red vest on and a white baseball cap. "The rest are my friends and his friends combined. They came here about an hour ago with the barbeque. My Omma is going to give us a portable one to use in the kitchen next week so till then today will be the only day we have barbeque."


"I see, well do all of you like barbeque?" I asked


"All of us except Nikki noona, she is a vegetarian so I guess we will only be eating barbeque when she isn't home."


"Well that is interesting."


"Barbeques done, lets head inside," said Taehee. "Yoonhyun goon, text both of the girls that we are heading upstairs so get the tables set up."


"Arrasso hyung" Yoonhyun said taking out his phone. He sent a quick message and got a reply the next second.


"They are all ready. Let’s bring up the food."


We all went inside the building. Since there were 10 of us we had to take two trips on the elevators. Yoonhyun said he would wait with his friends so he could head inside first. So it was me, Teddy hyung, Taehee and three of his friends. Once we got to the 5th floor, Taehee led us to the door on the right. He then did a funky knock on the door (A/N: like the one Se7en did before), and the door opened with the leader on my mind since yesterday standing there.


"Omo, meat stench, the table where that will go is the one in the kitchen, the girls and I will be in the living room eating. Taehee oppa, can you check if Mina-ie started the music?" she said in one breath as we came inside.


"Oh, and Annyeonghaseyo Sunbae nim, come inside and welcome, and sorry for ignoring you guys just now."


"It’s ok Nikki sshi, you were in leader mode, me and Jiyoung here completely understand, right Jiyoung?"


"Ah.. Yeah, it’s cool, and Taehee you take that barbeque into the kitchen, I’ll go check on the living room."


"Thank you Sunbae, Taehee oppa follow me." she said leading the way to the kitchen.


I walked inside and guessed my way to the living room thinking it would be on the left just like in 2ne1's dorm. I guess right and walked in to see Minzy there with her back to me on a computer. I decided to surprise and went for a quick back hug. As I put my arms around her she jumped in surprise and closed the screen on the computer.


"Omo, our maknae is watching , but whose computer is this."


"It’s Nikki sshi's roommate's computer, Soomin sshi."


"Oh the composer roommate then, I see."


Minzy's POV


"Oh the composer roommate then, I see"


Wait she is a composer, then how come she has a file called D. Covers in her computer???


"Really, how did you know that GD oppa?"


"Long story, but what are you doing on her computer Minzy-ah"


"Oh I was checking my e-mails. I had been attending school in the US since I was there for solo album production. So from there I applied to transfer to university here in Seoul.


"Really where are you going go?"


"K-Arts, I start this Monday."


"Oh wow, there are a lot of people from the industry there. I know someone who goes there. It is Yoonhyun from Crazy instinct I think. He is your dongseng by a few months but still 94'.


"Oh cre (really)?"


"Yup, anyways I was suppose to check on the music and if Mina sshi started it."


"Mina sshi??? I thought only Nikki unnie calls her that."


"Well also her other roommate and her eemonim according to Nikki sshi."


"Hummm… you seem to be talking a lot with Nikki unnie."


"Well she is the leader, anyways music, where is Mina sshi… I mean Soomin sshi?"


"She is in the kitchen. She put the playlist for the party on my i-pod so that we can play music when she goes."


"Oh she won't be here the whole time?"


"Apparently her Eemonim came back from Canada yesterday like me and Dara unnie did from the US. So her Eemonim's company is throwing her a party."


"Oh, Nikki sshi told me that Soomin sshi's eemonim works at SM Entertainment, does that mean that SM Members are throwing a party tonight too."


Just then before I was going to say something Mina came into the living room.


"Annyeonghaseyo GD sshi, sorry to interrupt but Nikki unnie was wondering why there was no music on yet. The rest of the sunbaes are going to be here in a few minutes."


"Oh, I'll get right on it."


"Cool, did you shut down my computer?"


"No not yet"


"Well I have to get going in an hour so there is time, you can finish what you need to do, and I’ll plug in the i-pod"


"Arrasso," I gave her my i-pod and she went over to the sound system.


"Ok as I was saying,"


"We will talk later, check your e-mails and turn off the computer, no arrasso."


"Oppa, first of all ok, and second I am not that kind of person,"


"People who look at the way you dance may say otherwise." he said as he walked over to Soomin sshi.


Hmm what has gotten into him. And how come Soomin sshi has a d. cover folder when she is a composer. Some things worth finding out. Detective Minzy is back!!!


Mina's POV


I plugged in the i-pod and went to the playlists, I clicked on the playlist that I organized and played it. Black Eyed Peas' Boom Boom Pow came on. Turned up the volume loud enough for a party to get started. I turned around to bump into someone.




"It’s ok Mina sshi."


I looked up to see G-dragon sunbae looking at me.


"G-dragon sunbae, how come you are calling me by that name?"


"Nikki sshi, let’s just say has a tendency to rub off on people, what is your real name though?"


"It’s Nam Soomin."


"Oh, your dad is Nam Im Soo."




"Oh he made music for Seo Taeji and the boys. I heard from YG Hyung. Did you make up this playlist," he asked as the song changed from Boom Boom Pow to Like a G6.


"Is the playlist any good?" I asked


"Noona, it rocks!!! Did you put some of your remixes in it?" said Yoonhyun-ah coming in with the rest of Big bang following suit.


"Me and others in the composition department did them for fun, hope you like them. I tried to be as unbiased all possible since everyone here are artists."


"Well who ever made this list is awesome. Minzy-ah let’s dance," said Seungri sshi.


He and Minzy started dancing and Taeyang sshi and TOP sshi were watching them. When I looked back G-dragon was on Minzy's I-pod with Yoonhyun beside him pointing out stuff on the list. I left them and went to the kitchen. There, Sunmi and Nikki unnie were talking to CL and Bom while Hyesung was with Dara talking and HanByul sshi was sitting down at the table with Se7en sshi. I went over and took a slice of pizza and a can of Pepsi then went over to Nikki and Sunmi unnie.


"Annyeonghaseyo sunbaenim."




"Bom unnie, CL-ah this is my roommate Mina she is a composer.


"Oh really, that’s cool."


"Thank you, I going to head out now Nikki unnie. Have a good party and don't drink too much. If the party ends late Sunmi unnie just stay here and I’ll pick you up tomorrow."


"Geogjeong maseyo (don't worry), I'll be ok." said Sunmi


"Ok," I went back to the living room and put my laptop in my backpack and waved goodbye to Yoonhyun-ah.


Outside Crazy Instinct and 2NE1's dorm - 4:00 pm


Mina's POV


I left the building and went to my car. However someone was already there checking out the car.


"Excuse me, can I help you?" the person turned around. I recognized him as Big Bang's Daesung


"Oh is this your car?"


"Aniyo, it’s my Appa's"


"He must be a really cool dad to let you ride this out."


"He was." I said… my voice trailing off. Daesung sshi must have suspected something because he apologized


"Oh, jeusumidha."


"Gwenchanayo, why aren't you at the party?"


"You know about it?"


"Crazy instinct's leader Kwon Nikki was my roommate, I was invited to help out, but I have to get going"


"Oh ok. Have a good time then."


"Thank you and you too."


"Deh… wait what's your name?"


"Nam Soo Min"


"Oh I am Kang Daesung vocalist of Big bang."


"I know."




I got into my car and set the directions for the norebang that the party is going to be held at.


Norebang near MBC - 3:45 pm


Taemin's POV


"And we are done." I said looking over the arrangements in the norebang. Onew hyung got here earlier and made sure that the rest of the norebang would be closed so that we can have our privacy. We set up the drinks and food with Boa Noona's help once she got here. Now we just have to get everyone here by 4:00. Hyelim noona said she would be here by 4:30 with her niece, right Onew hyung."


"That’s what she said. Her niece is going to pick her up from SM and bring her here. What is the status of the groups, whose coming Key?"


"From SNSD we have Yoona noona, sunny noona, Jessica noona and tiffany noona. From super junior we have Ryewook hyung and Yesung hyung, and from EXO we have Kai and Lay. And we also have J-min and BoA noonim coming. The other guys can't make it. The coordi staff of these members can't make it and we have just two of the scouts that work with Hyelim noona coming since they are currently scouting in Seoul."


"Don’t forget us."


We all turned around to see F(x) walk in.


"You forgot all about us in that list of yours." said Victoria Noona


"Sorry noona" we all said at the same time.


"It’s ok sunbaenim, unnie just texted me, she will be here with BoA unnie and the EXO hoebaes. Who is bringing Hyelim unnie here. Do you know that person's number so that we can know when they get here?" asked Krystal


"Actually we don't know that person's number, just that she is Hyelim Noona's niece." said Onew hyung while checking over the table setting


"Really… Hyelim noona had a niece. I never knew." said Key


"Well Hyelim did tell me once when she scouted me that she had an unnie."


"I see."


We all sat down and did a couple of songs for fun . Soon enough the rest of the party arrived and luckily before Hyelim noona.


"Why don't one of us keep watch outside just so that we get a warning" said J-min noona


"That’s a great idea. I nominate Taemin goon," said BoA noona


"Noona, chincha me??"


"Well then who else?" said Kai "the rest of us have been active recently so fans could know if it us outside and shinee is the only one that hasn't been active for six months over."


"plus Onew-ah just came out the military and thanks to a 91' line gathering that Key put together the fans know his current look" said Jessica noona


"Hey that was Nicole who put up that picture." said Key hyung defensively


"And the rest of the guys retweeted it" said Ryewook in retaliation


"Anyways Taemin is the last choice, since he has been busy in school no one really knows his current look." said tiffany noona


"Arrasso I'll go outside"


With that I went outside of the norebang and hid behind a tree beside the entrance waiting for Hyelim noona and her niece to show up…


S.M. Entertainment - 4:15 pm


Mina's POV


I drove up to S.M. half an hour ago and texted eemonim that I was here. But she said she had a meeting so I should wait in her office. She said that she already called down to the reception and told them I would be coming up so they would let me pass without any interference since the lobby was busy because I press conference is going on for a new girl group that SM is planning. So I went towards the elevators and waited. Once on it a went to the third floor were eemonim's office is. While walking down someone came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder.


"Excuse me Agassi, this is restricted to the public."


I turned around to face SNSD's Taeyeon who was with Yuri of SNSD.


"I know, I am here to see my eemonim, her name is Seo Hyelim. She said I can wait in her office before I take her to her party."


"And how can we be sure you are Hyelim unnie's niece?"


"Well ok." I took out my phone and went to my gallery. There I went to the picture that Sunmi unnie took of me and eemonim before she went to North America six months ago. I opened that picture and showed it to them.


"Hmm ok we will believe that you know her. But how can you her niece. You and her probably don't have much of an age difference."


"Well the proof is in her office if you want to go there."


"Ok, let’s go."


Together we went to Eemonim's office. Once there I checked the door and it was locked. So I dug in my bag and took out the spare keys that eemonim gave me. Yuri placed her hand on mine


"Where did you get those keys?"


"You still don't believe me, Seo Hyelim is my eemonim and she told me to wait in her office then we will go to her welcome back party together. In fact you can call up shinee and ask them. A….a….a….hum. Tae…taem… Taemin sshi knows me also, we go to the same university. You can check my Haksaeng (student) card" I said and started digging through


"We will do that later, first show us proof that you are Hyelim unnie's niece."


"Ok, follow me."


We went into eemonim's office and I pointed to the picture on the wall.


"That was my Omma and Appa with eemonim and their wedding day. My Omma was Seo Hye Min and my Appa was Nam Im Soo. My name is Nam Soomin. Should I show you my identification card or is that enough?"


"Well you do look like the person in the picture. But we still aren't sure."


Wow these unnie's are really suspicious. Well it is better than letting just anyone come here. I sighed and sat down on the chair. Just then someone knocked on the door.


"Annyeonghaseyo girls what are you doing here."


I looked over their shoulder and saw that is was eemonim's co-worker Sunghee ahjusshi.


"Ahjusshi Annyeonghasmika"


"Oh Mina sshi what are you doing here? Waiting for Hyelim sshi?"


"Oppa, you know her."


"Sure she is Hyelim sshi's niece."


"Oh, then why did you call her Mina?"


"Cause that is her nickname, Hyelim sshi keeps on calling her that so it slipped out. Sorry Soomin sshi."


"No problem ahjusshi. Do you know where eemonim is and how long she will take?"


"She is at the press conference, she was the main scout for this new group. Just sit tight. Girls don't you have work to do get back to It." he said and left


"Deh oppa." they said in unison.


They both turned to me and bowed.


"Jeusumidha. Sorry for suspecting you. We really didn't know." said Yuri sshi


"It’s ok, you guys are my unnie's and you set a good example. People can't necessarily walk in without clearance."


"Thanks for understanding. You are our dongseng?"


"Deh, I am born in 92'"


"That’s cool, then from today you have earned two new unnie's"




"Ok we will leave you here, we have schedules now."


"Arrasso, annyeonghigaseyo unnies"




I sat down at eemonim's chair after they left and waited. Two minutes later eemonim came in.


"I just passed by Yuri and Taeyeon and they told me what I great niece I have, did you meet them."


"Yes, it’s a long story I will tell it to you on the way to the norebang. Do you have the directions to their."


"Yes, Key-ah sent it to me, kaja."


2NE1 building - 4:30 pm


G-Dragon's POV


"Wow this part is awesome, great music, great food and great company. All the makings for a great party." started of Teddy hyung.


" Shall we have a toast to crazy instinct's success in the future" I asked


"Why not," we all raised our glasses. "To our new family members success in the future, CHEERS!!!"


"CHEERS!!!" we all said in unison. I looked over to Nikki sshi who was smiling at her band mates as they all did one shots with Taeyang and Seungri cheering them on. I walked over to her and stood behind her.


"Are you ready to be the next best sensation in k-pop?"


"I am definitely ready, since the day the YG announced me being the leader of these guys. Even though I am not the oldest I am ready to be a leader." looking over to Taehee patting Yoonhyun on the back as he settled after that one-shot


"And to that another cheers!!!" said CL jumping beside Nikki.




Van on the way to Busan - 4:45 pm


Taeyeon's POV


"Ok girls you guys are going to do that girls performance you have been collaborating on today in Busan. The rest of girls either have schedules or are going to that party for Hyelim sshi." said our manager


"That’s right. Yoona, sunny, tiffany, and Jessica are going to be there." I said


"Wait… I just remembered, didn't Soomin sshi say that Taemin-ah knew her. And that they went to the same university." Yuri exclaimed


"Baja, that's right. Text Taemin and ask. We never really checked her student I.D. but it was embarrassing enough that she turned out to be Hyelim unnie's niece. If we actually asked for it we would have looked like major weirdoes. Anyways call him, Pali.


"Sure thing." she said


Outside Norebang near MBC - 4:50 pm


Taemin's POV


"Yes they aren't here yet. I am positive. After all I am talking to you instead of texting you Kai."


"Ok if you are so sure. Just keep an eye out." he said on the other side of the line


"Arrasso…" THRING!!! "Listen I just got a text. It might be Hyelim noona asking for directions. Kwuno."


I looked at the text, it was from Yuri Noona.


Hey listen Taemin just a question… do you know Hyelim unnie's niece?


I looked at it funny, why Yuri noona was asking me this question. I text back…


No I don't wae??? v.v


She texted back right away…


Because we met her at SM and she said that she knew you and you guys went to the same school.


Sorry still don't know her, what's her name?


I looked up as a heard a car drive up, it was a an old convertible, a classic car for sure with two girls sitting in it. The driver was wearing sunglasses and the same with the passenger. I squinted to see if it was Hyelim noona and her niece when I got a reply from Yuri noona.


Her name is Nam Soomin, and goes to K-arts like you


Wait… WHAT!!!.


I looked at the car again and saw clearly that it was Hyelim noona and the driver changed her sunglasses to glasses and it was Soomin sshi… out of all places…. Out of all people in the world…



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Chapter 19: That's a great update! I can totally imagine 'Nikki' rocking out to Hot N! She's such a diva :P
Can't wait for the next update <3
Aff is telling me your story has been updated -_-
Chapter 18: I love Onew's POV, you keep true to his character. He sounds so innocent. I like how you also add song lyrics to your story, it's different and creative. Can't wait to see what will happen next :)
glad u updated this :D
Chapter 9: cool guys? LOL! Niiice! I can't wait for more updates! Thanks ^_^
I LOOOOVE!!! MORE MORE!!!! lOL! I have too many accounts >_<
I love how you linked YG's name to his wiki page :P
Glad Ji's not going into the army yet....
alright...update soon please
I can't believe you won't update my story! *sniffles*
Wahhhh!!!! This is great z update real soon :)