Band Night Part 2

Our Dreams, Our Lives 우리의 꿈, 우리의 삶

ϹɧαÞTƐƦ ①④


K-Arts – 9:30 pm


Mina’s POV


I reached school in record time thanks to a brilliant taxi driver who knew the best routes to school. I paid him with tip and went inside the school. Once inside the campus I called Eemonim.




“Deh Eemonim, it’s me, I just got to school.”


“Good don’t tire yourself too much. I’ll be back home after Sunmi is done here. Walk home safely ok?”


“Don’t worry Eemonim; the school is just two blocks away so I don’t need to take a taxi or anything. And I took those self-defence classes you wanted me to take.”


“Ok have a good time then.”


“Bye.” I hung up the phone and put it in my pocket.


I walked to the south Dance studio and entered the usual way, with my key through the back of the building, right into one of the dance rooms. I quickly took out my shoes from the locker I hid them in. a locker that everyone thinks is broken. It is only because it was the old system locker that used a key and he back up key also went missing a long time ago. No one knew where the key was, that is except for me. I found this key with the key for the back entrance. This key apparently opened up that broken locker and allowed me to discover a part of my parents past that would have otherwise be hidden from me. I closed the locker and put the key back in my bag. I started to jog on the spot for ten minutes and then do my stretches.


Once I was warmed up I took out my iPod from my bag. This is my favourite iPod of them all. I have about four now. One (my pink one) that I use in school has my composition assignments and piano and ballad pieces. The other (my black one) has my rock and jazz music, which I use when I am practicing for Sunmi’s band. And my purple one, which has all my dance music from middle school till now. The one most special to me is not any of those; it is my mom’s iPod which was salvaged from the car after the accident.


She had it cradled in her lap they told me. Apparently she really wanted to keep it safe. I still don’t know why till today. Other than her music I did not find anything. But there must have been something that she wanted to keep safe. The iPod is half broken, so that thing might be lost forever.


At least the music still plays. So I kept it and play the music whenever I miss her. The iPod is always with me in my bag. The other iPod in my bag depends on where and what I am doing. Since I am doing dance practice I have my purple iPod, it is almost full, which means that I would need to get another one soon.


I put it on shuffle and let the song play. Letting the music go through me I started to dance…


K-Arts South studio – 9:45 pm


Taemin’s POV


“Ok guys that a wrap,” said the instructor turning of the music.


The guys and I collapsed on the floor.


“Whew, that was some practice, huh hyung.” Said one of my classmates to me


“Sure was,” I replied. Man, I am beat, even when we are practicing for performances we are not this tired. I guess because this was a dance class not a practice.


I texted Onew hyung


Practice is over, come pick me up.


Seochu – 9:45 pm


Onew’s POV


I waited for Yongwha outside the Ramen shop I parked in front of when he sent a text.


I don’t think I’ll be able to come out for a while. Negotiations are going on here. I’ll fill you in on the details later. Call you when I am done and we will talk.


I sent him a message back…


It’s alright, I have to go pick up Taemin anyways his practice is almost over.


Cool, I’ll talk to you later then.


I got into my car and drove off. Once I was at a red light I quickly checked for any messages from Taemin, he sent me a message to pick him up. I quickly sent him a message back and put my phone in the cup holder. The light turned green and I took the freeway to K-Arts.


K-Arts – 9:50 pm


Taemin’s POV


I waited for Hyung’s text while relaxing on the floor.


“Guys go to hit the showers,” said the instructors.

We all got up and started to head to the showers when the instructor called out.


“Guys you will have to use the north studio showers.”


“WHAT!!” the guys shouted out.


“Why?” asked one of them


“Because the shower is flooded thanks to someone in the afternoon class,” replied the instructor. “Just use the North ones, the janitors closed of access to the showers till it’s fixed. The rest of the campus does not have showers except for the South Studio. Unless you want to go home in your car, or the metro, smelling like that.”


“Ok hyung,” grumbled the class.


The guys and I went to pick up our stuff. And we headed there. On the way there I checked my phone and saw a message from hyung…


I am on my way, where should we meet?


I texted hyung


Pick me up at the North side of campus. We have to use the Showers there. I’ll be waiting there


After a couple of minutes, I got a reply


Arrasso, I am fifteen minutes away from your school. Just crossing the Han River now


Arrasso I’ll be waiting in the north parking lot then


I put my phone away and because I was curious I asked one of the guys since I really didn’t know.


“What is the big deal with using the north studio?”


“You don’t about the legend sunbae?”


“No I don’t so enlighten me.”


“Well usually during the day, using that studio is cool and all. But once it becomes dark, there is a rumor that a ghost comes there to practice, the ghost of one of the former dance professors. A person saw the ghost once and said that ghost really looked like the professor. That person didn’t get a good look since the only light was from outside lamp outside of the window. The ghost disappeared mysteriously once he got someone to unlock the door. But then he twisted his ankle the next day during practice. Since then everyone avoids using that studio at night, they fear that if they anger the ghost, they would also get an injury too.”


“ that’s scary stuff”


“Definitely, let’s just shower first and get out of here.”


We reached the studio and walked to the showers. Once the guys saw the showers they made a run for it. I quickly ran behind them but it was too late. The guys took up all the showers and left me to shower last. I waited as they finished. Once one was free I ran in and took a shower. Once out I saw that the guys had finished already and abandoned me. I quickly changed and headed out of the shower.


I forgot though which way we came in so I followed the signs to the exit. One the way there I saw a dim light coming from one of the rooms there. They say that curiosity killed the cat. Well because I was curious I walked towards that door and peeped in. though the light was dimed but I could see someone dancing in there. I inched closer to get a better look. Man this girl can move.


She was doing a ballet dance with hip hop mixed in. her moved seriously flowed together really well. I slowly tried opening the door and saw that it was open. But the door made a squeak as it opened and the figure turned and saw me. She grabbed a bag and ran out of the room through the back entrance. I quickly ran after her. I rushed out of the room and saw that she collided into someone bowed and ran off.


Café Blue – 9:45 pm


Sunmi’s POV


“I say let’s accept their offer, not only are we getting a chance to train under FNC, but be a part of a drama before debuting. It is a great offer and we won’t get any offer better than it.” Said Chaekyung


“We have been discussing this for fifteen minutes; there is one thing that needs to be asked. Sunmi, can you handle it?” Nana asked me


“What do you mean Noona…” interjected Kwunghee.


“Don’t worry about it, Sunmi when she is ready she will tell you guys, but for now before we finalize this I need to ask Sunmi this question: Can you handle it?” she asked again


“Yes unnie, I am a professional, I can handle it. The past doesn’t matter, this is a chance to live out our dreams let’s go accept this offer you guys.”


“No regrets later everyone” said Nana unnie


“No regrets.”


We did a Hwighting and went back to the change room. Without knocking we entered the room. Everyone who was doing their own thing turned to look at us. Nana motioned for me to speak.


“We have discussed you offer sir and…” I looked straight into Hyunjoong oppa’s eyes. “We accept your offer”


“Chincha?” asked Yongwha sunbae


“Deh Sunbae, each of us will give you our contact numbers Woohyun ahjusshi. When everything is finalized on your end call us for the contract.” Said Nana


“This will be fun” said Shinhye sshi


“I agree” said Eunhye sshi


Yup, this is going to be fun alright, me hiding my true feelings from the person who can break them more than they already have been. Why does living your dream make life so difficult?


Onew’s POV


I got to Taemin’s school and parked in the north parking lot. I walked towards the north dance studio that he was talking about. Manager nim said that this would be the dance studio we would practice in for our next album. Would hurt to take a look, right? I walked around the building looking for the entrance when someone collided into me. I didn’t get a good enough look but it was a girl. Her long hair fell in front of her face as she bowed


“Jeusumidha” she said then ran off to the south side of campus.


“No Problem?”


I watched her disappear behind a wall when Taemin ran up to me.


“Hyung, did you see that girl?”


“No I didn’t wae, did she steal something of yours?” I asked


“No, I just saw her dancing in the studio. The rest of the school believes that there is a ghost that practices here at night. Did she feel real when she bumped into you?”


“I don’t know, it was only for a second. Plus I don’t think she will show up here anymore now that you have caught her”


“Still she might have left something in the dance studio. Can we please check hyung?”


“Arrasso, but I don’t understand why you are so curious?”


Mina’s POV


Omo that was a close one, I think it was Taemin sshi that caught me. I hid behind a wall watching him and the person I bumped into talking for a bit. Then head inside the dance studio the same way I came in through. I inched closer and peeped through the window as they the lights, and look around. I heard someone call out from behind me


“Hey you what are you doing here.”


I turned around and saw a guard coming closer. I kicked into high gear and ran off through the north entrance. Once out blended in with a crowd walking down the street. I just hope I didn’t leave anything behind, or else they will find me and my secret is exposed.


Onew’s POV


Taemin and I re-entered the studio and the lights. We looked around the studio but nothing was left behind.


“Aish never mind lets go home, I am beat. We have recording again tomorrow?” Taemin said


“Yup, so let’s go home.” We started walking out of the studio when Taemin stopped in his tracks.


“What’s wrong? I asked


“Hey hyung this locker is open. Maybe it’s hers?”


“Really, why would you think that?”


“Well this locker is supposed to be broken. When I had class here last year when I asked about it they said that the locker has been broken for a long time now because the key was missing.”


“Well if it is open that means that the person that was here has the key now. Let’s take a look.” We walked to the locker and opened it. There was a ballet outfit and a funky dress that ballroom dancers would wear hanging up in there. There were also high heels and ballet shoes sitting in there folders. I took out one of the folders and something written on it the front.


Seo HyeMin (class 3)


I turned the page and saw a heart doodled on the first page with this written in it…

N.I.S + S.H.M. = forever


“It looks like this is the locker of some person named Seo HyeMin. Taemin, the person probably just found the key lets go,” I said as I put away the notebook I took out. But then something fell out of it.

I picked it up. It was a picture of a guy back-hugging a girl with the girl talking the selca. I turned the picture around and it said:


Our second anniversary (1994)


Here is a picture of the person who owns this locker Taemin.


He took the picture from my hand, and his eyes popped.


“Hyung, the girl in this picture looks like the dancer that was here. But she was young. So it can’t be this person. Does that mean I saw a ghost hyung.” He asked frightened


“Aish, you will always be the maknae, there are no such things as ghosts. You probably imagined this face on that person after looking at this picture. Let’s go. I feel like we are disrespecting someone’s privacy.”


“Fine lets go hyung.” He closed the locker shut and checked to see of it was locked. Once he did that we headed out.

On our way back home Taemin dozed off in the car. I didn’t want to say this in front of him but the two people in the picture I have seen somewhere before. It just isn’t coming into my mind right now.


Outside Mina’s House – 9:45 pm


G-Dragon’s POV


“We are here. This is where you live?”


“Yup. I stay as a paying guest here. The owner is my friend Mina,”


“Oh you mean the one who played the piano at the café before.”


“Yup her parents passed away and she inherited the house. Me her, and Sunmi, the leader of the band back the café live here. Mina’s Eemonim sometimes lives with us when she is in Seoul. Otherwise her job has her all over.”


“Oh she is a Business woman?”


“No she is a scout for SM Entertainment.”


“Chincha? So let me get this straight, you are a YG Trainee, specializing in rap and dance, a person who lives in this House is in a rock band, the other plays piano and composes and her aunt is a SM Scout. Man, my mind is going in circles. How do you guys live together?”


“Music, it is our dream and our life. It is what connects us together and makes all the differences seem like nothing.”


“That’s something. Well, since I dropped you all the way till here. Can I get a cup of coffee? Unless you’re Roommate has a rule against guys in the house?”


“It’s no problem, come in.”


We got out of the car and walked up to the house. Navedita opened the door and took of her shoes in the entrance. She the lights and gestured me to the living room. This house was something. At least the kitchen was open so you could see it from the living room. I sat down and looked at the coffee table. There were music sheets on it. I picked on up and looked at it. It looked like it was graded because it had a 97% written on the top.


“Whose music sheets are these?” I asked Navedita. She looked at me from the kitchen


“Either Sunmi or Mina, if it has a grade on it then it is probably Mina’s. She is after all a composition major.”


“That’s cool.”

Navedita came out with the coffee and we sat down in the living room.


“So you never told me why the records are different from where you are living now?” I asked


“Well, the address that is still on the file is my grandparents. When I moved to Korea I was living with them. When I became a trainee I was still living with them. It was a few years ago when they moved to an old age home on my parents insistence that I found this place to live. I guess its fate that let me stay here. Or I would have to live in the school dorm.”


“Interesting story,” I took a sip of the coffee she made. “Umm this coffee is great.”




We sat in silence for the next bit, sipping on our coffee and smiling at each other awkwardly. The silence only broke when the front door opened and someone shouted out.


“I’m home.”


Mina’s POV


I finally reached home after ten minutes. I had to take the long way home because of that guard. Aish! Anyways I ran to the front door and took out my keys from my pocket. I unlocked the door and took of my shoes. Right away I noticed something strange. Navedita unnie’s shoes were there, but there were also a pair of men’s shoes also.


“Unnie, you’re home?” I shouted out, walking down the entrance to the living room.


“Deh Mina-ie”


“It’s funny I saw a pair of men’s shoes in the entrance, do we have…” I stopped as I saw unnie sitting with a man. The man had his back towards me but turned around when I came into the room.


“Omo, Annyeonghaseyo.”


“Annyeonghaseyo” G-Dragon sshi replied


“Ah yeh, you guys continue, I’ll just pick up my sheets from here and go upstairs.” I walked to my sheets that were beside G-Dragon sshi.


“Um excuse me? Can you pass me those sheets beside you Sunbae?”


“Sure, and if you don’t mind me saying, I peeped at them, they were really good.”


“Thank you sunbae.” I said as I took the sheets from him and went upstairs. I walked into my room put the sheets on my desk. I then walked to my bed and dumped all my belonging onto it. I need to check if I forgot anything…


Navedita’s POV


“Your roommate is a shy person, isn’t she? But she has great talent in composition.”


“Well, Mina’s Appa was a composition professor at K-Arts where Mina goes now. Have you heard about Professor Nam Im Soo?”


“I have, in fact I think that he composed a song for Seo Taeji and the Boys, at least that is what YG hyung told me.”


“Yup, he did compose one of their songs and a few others.”


“The Korean music industry lost a great composer then. Anyways, thanks for the coffee. I have to go home now it’s getting late.”


“Arrasso I’ll walk you to your car.”


“It’s no problem. So you are moving out tomorrow and into the dorm YG got for you guys. I saw Taehee there earlier. It’s the same building as 2ne1’s dorm.”


“Chincha, I didn’t now. And yes I am moving out tomorrow, my stuff is packed and Mina will help with the move. She and Sunmi will be at the house party tomorrow, you are going to be there, right sunbae.”


“Of course, who would turn down free food?”




“Kidding… my hoebaes invited me and I as a sunbae cannot reject such a sincere offer. Good night.” He bowed and I bowed back…


G-Dragon’s POV


I don’t know what came over me at the last moment. It seemed like my hand had a mind of its own. It reached up to her head and ruffled her hair. She looked at me shocked. I quickly bowed again and jogged to my car. Once inside I looked back and saw her staring at me. I waved once again and drove off. Once at a distance from her home I stopped the car on the side of the road. What the heck did I just do? Don’t worry about it G-Dragon, its normal for a sunbae to act like that with a hoobae. You do that all the time with CL and Minzy; this is just like those moments. Then why did it feel like I should have done more than that?...


Café Blue – 10:00pm


Sunmi’s POV


“Ok now that we have your contact let’s all head home. S.D.N.A. we will call you when we have drafted the contract. We start recording for the drama in two months from now. OST recording will start in three weeks from now.” Said the director


“Arrasso, we will wait for your call.” Said Nana


“And we will keep our schedules clean for the next week. But after that we will probably have to work out something for school.” I said


“Don’t worry, once you guys sign the contract, everything will be settled by FNC, and don’t worry we will adjust training with your school schedule.” Said Woohyun sshi


“Deh ahjusshi,” we all said


“Ok then, let’s go.” Said Unnie


We all headed out of the change room and out of the café. I said goodbye to unnie. She would be staying back to close up the café.


Once outside Shinhye sshi, Eunhye sshi, and Yongwha sunbae left in their cars. The director and Hyunjoong oppa left in the director’s car.


I said goodbye to the band and watched as they got a taxi and went. Chaekyung and Kwunghee live close by each other close by each other so they usually come and go together. Nana Unnie’s apartment is along the same route from here so she hitches a ride with them when we are at the café.


“Well then if you guys are done let’s go home. Kaja Sunmi.” Said Hyelim unnie


“Oh right,” I said, snapping out of my thoughts. “Let’s go unnie”


“Um Hyelim sshi, sorry to interrupt but I can give you a ride.”


“It’s alright Woohyun sshi. We have to go to Yangjae. We would be imposing on you also.”


“No you wouldn’t, I live in Gangnam, and so we are heading the same way anyways.”




We walked to ahjusshi’s car. Unnie sat at the front while sat in the back. I put my guitar in the seat next to me.


As we drove home unnie and ahjusshi staring talking while I looked outside the window. I thought about the decision I made. Is it a good idea to be working around him? What if he hurts me more then he already has. No he probably doesn’t even remember me. Well he didn’t look at me like he remembered. He was probably thinking about the coffee incident. Well I’ll take this opportunity to pay him back and clean the slate. And I will make sure that he doesn’t figure out who I am.


After a while of looking out of the window I guess I fell asleep. Cause the last thing I remember is us stopping at a gas station…


Hyelim’s POV


“I’m sorry Hyelim sshi; I need to stop for gas. I hope you don’t mind”


“It’s alright Woohyun sshi. It’s alright, right Sunmi?” I waited for a response but didn’t get one. I turned around to see Sunmi sleeping.


“She’s sleeping,” I whispered


“Oh, ok.”


We drove into the nearest gas station and the worker came out. Woohyun told him how much gas he wanted in the car and we sat inside.


“You’re niece is actually I really great musician. Just like her parents.”




“You have been taking care of her for how long?”


“14 years.”

“Wow, how old were you when you started?”


“Are you trying to ask how old I am Woohyun sshi?”


“Ani, but I am curious.”


“Let’s get some coffee first Woohyun sshi, or should a call you sunbae, you have scout more musicians then me now.

“You were keeping count. I didn’t know you had that much interest. And as for calling me sunbae, whatever makes you comfortable. You can also call me oppa too you know. I am older than you.”


“Ani, I don’t know you that well yet sunbae.”


“Well anyways you should be calling me Sunbae anyways. I started in the scouting business way before you. Shall we get that coffee now?”


We got out of the car and went inside the gas station shop. We ordered our coffees and waited.


“Your coffees, customer”


“Deh, thank you ahjumma.” I said to the lady behind the counter. Woohyun sunbae paid for the coffees and we went back to the car. We lean against the hood sipping on our coffee.


“So tell me. How old were you? Jebal!”


“Well I told you before, you forgot?”


“Oh right! You were 16 at that time, right?” I nodded, “So that means I am two years older. I am 32 and you are 30, right?”


“Deh, back then I was the only guardian she had. The choice was either me or Social services. I could let my unnie’s daughter end up like that. Which is why, during the last year of high-school I took up a part time job at MBC studio. It was so I could feed and help keep the roof she grew up in over her head, I also wanted to make sure her education was the best for her. Once I graduated from high-school i went fulltime till SM sajangnim saw me and hired me to work for his company as a Coordinator. When she showed interest in doing the same work as Jahyeong (brother-in-law), I helped her with getting into Kirin Arts High. By then I was the coordinator for SHINee. Once she turned eighteen, the will that Jahyeong left gave her the rights to the house. Jahyeong had some money saved up and his pension from university. Unnie also had her pension as well that the university gave to Mina when she turned eighteen. K-Arts also ended up giving her a full scholarship for het marks at school. So we kept that money aside for emergencies and kept Sunmi and Navedita as paying guests to help pay the bills.”


“That’s cool, but then does Mina work?”


“Deh, she likes to. She says it gives her a sense of responsibility, and it gives her some pocket money as well. In fact, she works in Gangnam.”


“Chincha. If I met her then I wouldn’t know. Maybe I will run into her one day.”


“Well if you do then take care of her. She doesn’t like to admit it but she is hurt inside. She doesn’t like talking to strangers. You might have noticed how she was a bit distant at the café. That is her personality, and that is why she is a composer instead of a performer. I have tried my hardest to get out of her shell but she doesn’t want to leave her comfort zone just yet.”


“I see. Well then,” he said throwing his cup into the garbage bin. “Let’s get you home shall we.”


I threw away my cup also and sat down in the car. We drove to my house in silence for the rest of the way. Once there I thanked him and woke up Sunmi.


“Oh we are home unnie.”




“Gomasmidha ahjusshi, will see you soon then.”


“Deh, keep safe till then” He replied.


I got out of the car and walked towards his side. Sunmi already headed inside, probably to share the news.


“Hyelim sshi”


“Deh sunbae”


“If you need to talk to someone just call me, you still have my number, it hasn’t changed.”


“Deh sunbae, I’ll keep that in mind.”


“Oh, and one more thing…”


“What is it?”

“If you have time on Monday bring your niece to FNC, ask her to bring some of her compositions. We might end up using one for the drama we are producing.”


“Deh I’ll let her know.”


“Arrasso, Bye”


“Bye sunbae, drive safely.”


I watched him drive off and headed inside. I walked in to see Navedita and Mina congratulating Sunmi. I walked upstairs to my room, it was sparkling clean. Mina must have cleaned up. Well then I will make breakfast for these guys tomorrow. I checked my phone and saw a message from Onew. I opened it and took a look…


After recording meet us at the norebang nearby MBC. Don’t forget that you are bringing your niece too. Tell her to come there. We will leave a memo with the receptionist there. Arrasso noona?


I texted him back.


Sure thing, see you there then text me when you finish recording I have a day of tomorrow so I won’t be at SM.


I waited for his reply


Arrasso noona. Rest up; you have to sing your hardest tomorrow then, arrasso?


I walked downstairs where the girls were in the living room. Mina wasn’t there though.


“Hey girls, where’s Mina?”


“She went down to the basement to get something.”


“Arrasso, I’ll go check up on her.”


I went down to the basement and looked in the laundry room, storage, and den. She wasn’t in either, which means that she is in the dance studio. Sure enough I found her going through the CDs in the shelf that held all of unnie’s practice DVDs and music CDs.


“What are you doing down here?”


“Oh I was looking for Omma’s Ballroom competition CD, you know the one where she danced with Appa in. I wanted to look at it.”


“I see… well Mina, do you have any plans tomorrow night?”


“I am helping Navedita unnie move tomorrow and then we are going to hang out. Anything wrong Eemonim?”


“Some people are throwing me a welcome back party and they want me to bring you. It’s at the Sing your heart norebang downtown. Can you come?”


“Sure she can. You don’t have to stay the whole night Mina” said Navedita coming into the Studio. “Sorry if I was interrupting anything, i was getting my laundry and saw the light.”


“It’s alright.”


“So as I was saying, if I know the group better they will wanna crash early since we have practice Monday morning at 7. “


“Ok thanks for the info.”


“No problem I’m gonna go and get that laundry done. I need to pack that also.”

With that she left and I turned to Mina.


“So will you come?”


“Arrasso Eemonim, I will.”


“Also, you have a week of this week right? Because Woohyun sshi wants you to come to FNC with some of your compositions, they are interested in using some of your work for a project they are working on. I don’t know the full details, but I can drop you off there on Monday.”


“Ok, this will be a chance to start off as a composer. I’m gonna go upstairs now. I am going to be helping unnie move tomorrow. She wants to get up bright and early. Good night Eemonim.”


“Good night.”


Mina went upstairs and I sat down on the floor. I looked at the poster of unnie from one of her shows hanging on the wall.


Unnie… she is all set in following Jahyeong’s Footsteps. But she is still too scared to shine in yours. Can you send down an angel or a fairy? Right now she really needs to get out of her shell. Or else she may end up regretting not doing so for the rest of her life.


That is the end of my update for you guys. Have a safe holiday. And don't drink and drive you guys. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! Annyeong!

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Chapter 19: That's a great update! I can totally imagine 'Nikki' rocking out to Hot N! She's such a diva :P
Can't wait for the next update <3
Aff is telling me your story has been updated -_-
Chapter 18: I love Onew's POV, you keep true to his character. He sounds so innocent. I like how you also add song lyrics to your story, it's different and creative. Can't wait to see what will happen next :)
glad u updated this :D
Chapter 9: cool guys? LOL! Niiice! I can't wait for more updates! Thanks ^_^
I LOOOOVE!!! MORE MORE!!!! lOL! I have too many accounts >_<
I love how you linked YG's name to his wiki page :P
Glad Ji's not going into the army yet....
alright...update soon please
I can't believe you won't update my story! *sniffles*
Wahhhh!!!! This is great z update real soon :)