~Day 2: LOVE ~

~The Princess and the Gamer~

(AN: okay, so I was wondering if I have any wonderfull readers out there who are willing to make me a banner? If you love Kyuhyun, my story, oh and Me :) than please, consider it!!!!! KYYAAAAAA ON WITH THE STORY!!!)

Oh yeah, today was fun. Having guys stare at me like I was an exhibit at the zoo. Oh yeah, i was loving this- okay, so that was a lie. I really don't have that much self confidence! I'm freaking out on the inside and I feel like a dirty tramp. I want nothing more than to just cover myself up with a big sweater and then climb under my douve, and hide under all of my insecurities. But, it is too late for that now. I'm in deep waters with no life preservers, and there are sharks everywhere....

I sigh and flip over in my bed, as the evil little guilt monsters chew away at my stomache. I make a face then turn to my mirror.

"Who am I kidding? This is not who I am..." I whine then get up and sit at my computer desk and pop into the world of Starcraft.

All, I could do was smile as I play the lovely pc game, it filled me with utter joy~ That is until a certain curly-top made his evil way into my mind. I quickly felt tears come to my eyes. I shouldn't have helped him. He is an arse who deserves nothing more than a swift kick in the balls.

I sigh then turn off my computer abruptly and turn to my Tv. I turn on Final Fantasy XIII and begin to play my way through the night.






nngh, stupid alarm....



*rii-" I toss the stupid thing against my wall where it breaks into a few pieces. I smile happily and then fall back asleep.

I think i should just stay at home and eat buckets and buckets of ice cream until i get reallly, really, fat and die of obesity!

but, then again..stretch marks arn't the way to go...

I slowly get up and look at myself in the mirror, I look like L, from Death Note...stupid Final Fantasy with your gravity defying hair and wonderful graphics...I didn't sleep at all last night..

(AN: yeahh...if you don't know him here he is:  )

I got up and brushed my hair, then got ready slowly. I was too lazy to even care wether I'm late or not...


I walked into school with a red corset on today and my red paten-leather 5 inch heels that, if I do say so myself, make my legs look great!!! I covered my eyes up with my large sunglasses and walked right past Kyuhyun, who had a girl draped all over him.

He looked over at me with a bored expression and a head bob. I just rolled my eyes and scoffed as I walked away, making sure that my hips swayed even more so, than they already do. I wanted to make that boy want me so much that he can't stand it.

*Kyuhyun's POV*

I looked over and saw Yunmi, right on cue too, because this new girl Seohyun was all over me, so I decided to play it up for her. I rubbed on Seohyun's back and her arms as she clung to me tighter. I look at Yunmi with an expression of sheer boredom, and said hello with a simple head bob. I heard a small scoff escpae those pouted lips of hers and she stomped away, her hips swaying to the beat of my heart.

*Yunmi's POV*

UGHH! What's his issue? At least he aknoladged me yesterday!

Oh, just wait until tomorrow at that party, just wait Cho Kyuhyun because I will make it so hard to resist me tha-"

"Y-yunmi-ah?" Hyukjae's voice rings through my head and I look to my left and there he stands, all sweaty from soccer practice. Oh, did he look hot, with his hair clinging to his face, making him do the dramatic hair flip. He was looking at me so intently that I just wanted to hide under a rock.

"O-oh, H-hyukja oppa...W-what are you doing here?" i ask, looking around. Somehow I had ended up in the garden again.

He laughed, "I wanted to take a break from practice and I ran into you. Seems to happen a lot lately huh? So, tell me why your dressed like that?"

I look down at myself, "I uh..decided to change my wardrobe...?" I question myself.

"It sounds to me, like your not so sure~" He chuckled and then began to walk right next to me until we found a bench. We sat down and began talking again.

I giggled, "yeah... So...i uh-"

"Yunmi-ah. i want you back. i miss you please? I know I made the mistake of breaking up with you in the first place, but now that I don't have you i want you..." He trailed off, leaving me shocked. Before I have time to answer he began making out with me and feeling me up.

"Hyukjae..o-oppa~" I moan as he leads a trail of kisses down my neck then into my clevage.

"Yunmi-ah...when did you stop being cute? Why are you so y now?" He asks, inbetween kisses. But little did I know that our makeout session was being watched.


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calendaroflove #1
love it kyu nerd! :))
omg i was so scared when i read the ending :( yay sequel!
yah~~yunmi...u shouldn't have said that...
whitephoenix #4
a matter of miscommunication.. aishh.. babo yunmi..
the war is on o_o
tenshiXhanari #8
Sequal!!!!! Pleasuh!! I wanna know what happens!!!
OMG!! A Seqel plsss...
the smex XDDDDDDD