~2nd Day~

~The Princess and the Gamer~

Kyu's POV

I gulped as she came closer, beginning to take off my glasses. YunMi is pretty

REALLY Pretty. Her dark brown hair that falls to her lower back... She was amazing from afar, and now that she is this close to me, I could see that she is just dazzling. She could out-shine any star in the sky.

Her long hair, tickling my face as she leans closer, and closer. I could feel her breath on my face when she opened to say something.

"KYUHYUN WAKE UP YOUR GOING TO BE LATE FORE SCHOOL!" my umma's voice came out of adn I was so shocked that I pulled back and hit my head on my nightstand.

"Aiiish! umma...wae?"

"Go to school!"

"yeah, yeah. It's just another day in hell for me.." i mutter and begin to change.


YunMi's POV

I was at school early with Sunny and Jessica, hanging out, while straightening up the teacher's lounge. i'm student council president and whatnot so, I'm in charge of everything that goes on around here. We finsihed up and I stared at the window.

"Hmm, I hope it doesn't rain again~' Jessica frowns at the clouds.

"hm, why? I love the rain, the clouds, the well smell of it" I say dreammily.

They giggle and drag me out of the room, to go get breakfast at the cafeteria.


They had low fat everything on thier plates, while I had blueberry pancakes, on mine. What? My guilty pleasure is sweet things. It's a good thing I have a fast metabolisim, or else I would be the big one.

(AN: lol you know how people decribe the end of the world as the big one? well yeah, thats kinda how i describe myself~ XD)

They glare at my plate as I snarffle (don't question my word choices) my food down and smile with syrup all over my chin.

They giggle and Jessica wipes me down just as Kyuhyun walks up to our table.

"uh, do you mind if I sit here?....... well, i need to talk to YunMi-ssi, about our project."  He says timidly. If looks could kill, Kyuhyun would have been floating down the Han River with a knife in his back by the way Jessica was glaring into his soul. I coughed awkwardly.

"Yeah! Sure, Kyuhyun-ssi. We were just about to leave anyway." Sunny, smirked and Grabbed Jessica and they left me alone with him. He let out a sigh of relief.

"they are scary..." he pouts.

I giggle, "Yeah...you want some pancake?" i ask, with one cheek full of the sweet breakfast food.

He smiles, which makes my heart melt a teeny-weeny bit. Just a tiny bit, so remember that!

"sure." He says and grabs a fork and stabs some of my pancakes. We just end up talking about our project and games.



"They seem too happy to be talking about biology..." Sunny says, narrowing her eyes at us.

"Yeah...Omo! She is using my flirty hair flip....Could it be..?" Thier eyes widen to the size of dinner plates as the turn to each other and gasp.


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calendaroflove #1
love it kyu nerd! :))
omg i was so scared when i read the ending :( yay sequel!
yah~~yunmi...u shouldn't have said that...
whitephoenix #4
a matter of miscommunication.. aishh.. babo yunmi..
the war is on o_o
tenshiXhanari #8
Sequal!!!!! Pleasuh!! I wanna know what happens!!!
OMG!! A Seqel plsss...
the smex XDDDDDDD