~2nd day part 2 and shopping with Kyuhyun?~

~The Princess and the Gamer~

We were laughing about something that had happened to us both while playing Starcraft when Jessica and Sunny walk back up. We immediatly start talking about biology, though we had math papers in front of us.

"yeah, so this, is uhh.."

"yeah!" He says, smiling. Jessica and Sunny walk up, smirking.

"So, you two look happy!~ What's going on here?" Sunny asks, with that I know something you don't know~ smile.

"uh, biology!" I fakely smile back at them.

"...Yunmi-ah?"  Jessica asks.

"Yes, Unnie?"

"You have math paper in front of you..."

"uhh....right..about that-"

"Yay! equations!~" Kyuhyun, said with mock giddiness. ^o^ Suddenly a few boys came over and shoved Kyuhyun away from my table, and pulled up chairs.

"Hey!" Kyuhyun said, as he hit the ground. TT~TT

"Hey babes, we're having a party this friday~" The main guy, completely ignoring Kyuhyun, says to the three of us. Sunny and Jessica look at each other and squeal.

"you three wanna come?" The other guy asks. I look down at Kyuhyun, and he gave the guys a funny look from behind them.  I giggle cutely, and the guys nearly drool at my smile...ewwie. Before I could decline the offer Jessica and Sunny smile.

"Of course! We'd love to come!!" They smile at them, then look at me, with eyebrows raised.

I look down at Kyuhyun, then at the guys, i opened my mouth, "umm, i c-" Jessica covered my mouth.

"She'd love to."

"Cool!" they  smile then leave. Kyuhyun scoffs as he gets up and brushes himself off.

"rude~" He muttered.

Jessica then pushes him back down, "YAH! Cho Kyuhyun! Stay away from Yunmi! she is not interested!" She says. Sunny gives him a mean look, and Kyuhyun looks at me for help.

"P-Pardon?" He asks.

"You heard me, freak! Don't hang out with her anymore then you have too! Your not her type. Your from two different worlds, so it won't wor-"

"Unnie! Stop! that's enough!" I snap around.  Oh gawd! what am i doing!?

"Y-yunmi-ah!? Did you, just snap at me? That's not like you..."  damn skippy! Mess with the guy i lov-I mean kinda like...sorta, and you'll get my horns.

"Well, you shouldn't just verbally abuse people like that! plus. i didn't even want to go to a party, where the people probably won't be sober enough to even remember it!"

"Don't lie to yourself! You want to go to that party, and get one of those smoking boys all to yourself~ Come on, don't resist!"  damn you Jessica, you know my weakness!

"Okay! fine! but, seriously, I probably won't know anyone there!" Lie #1.

"fine! Bring Cho-ssi." She shrugged as if she was talking about an old purse.

"B-bwoh!? I don't want to go with h-him!" I screetch. Lie #2 I then turn around and face Kyuhyun, "No offense, I just don't want to go in general~"

"none, taken." He smiled, making my heart melt. STUPID HEART!! quit metling!!

I turn back around to Sunny and Jessica and whisper, "I cannot be seen with him anymore than I have to be. So please..."

"Just take him shopping with you! You can figure something out!!" She shouts over her shoulder as they both leave.

"Wae! Unnie!!!!!?" I make a face then turn back around to Kyuhyun and we both crack up.

"Yay!? Equations?" I giggle.

"Sorry, it seemed appropriate for the time~ Anywhoo, I take it, we are going to a party on Friday~"

"Whoa, hold up there, curly-top, we?" I ask.

"Y-yeah! W-well, at least, th-thats what I overheard..." He began acting timid again. Damn this boy is so, so..UGGH!!!

"Okay. But, first. You need a serious makeover!" I scruntch up my face and grab his hand.

"Wh-where are we going!?"

"to the mall."

"right now!?"

"yeah...your grades, and my grades, are not in the gutter, so I feel it is not going to massacre us if we skip one day... Plus there is a Game Stop in the mall~"

"Okay, your point is proven, Let's take my car." He nods, then grabs my hand tighter and dragged me into a direction, appearently of his car.


*in store*

"um, hi. My friend needs a total makeover, for a party." I smiled to the boutiques owner. She smiled back at me and I showed her Kyuhyun, and her smiled faded a bit.

"Uh, yeah your right....but, he is really hansome! Nice catch girl~~ Right this way sir." Before I could say anything, she lead him back behind the counter, to the place where she does her magic. I just blushed as her words replayed in my head as I waited.


I guess I nodded off because I felt shaking and when I opened my eyes, I saw Kyuhyun. At least, I thought I saw Kyuhyun..? He was wearing skinny jeans, a blue shirt that said "Protect the skin your in", a hat, and converse. Pluse, along with his new haircut and sunglasses, he was the smex!


 "whoa~ Is that really Cho Kyuhyun-ssi?" I ask, still sleepy, as I put my hands on his cheeks and rub them around. He smacks my hands away, blushing.

"yes. It's me Yunmi-ssi. PLease quit that..."

"Mianhe. Come on, let's go buy you some more clothes!!" I giggle and grab his hand as we run into many, many stores. One after another.

AN: so he is the smex now huh? Sorry about the cussing, i know it's not me normally, but i thought it would get the point across....Mianhe. anywhoo another pic of Kyu for your enjoyment, and just to show you what his new style is like.


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calendaroflove #1
love it kyu nerd! :))
omg i was so scared when i read the ending :( yay sequel!
yah~~yunmi...u shouldn't have said that...
whitephoenix #4
a matter of miscommunication.. aishh.. babo yunmi..
the war is on o_o
tenshiXhanari #8
Sequal!!!!! Pleasuh!! I wanna know what happens!!!
OMG!! A Seqel plsss...
the smex XDDDDDDD