
~The Princess and the Gamer~

"Wh-what just happened?" I ask, as I look at the disgusted and confused men.

"I believe some jealousy-induced, makeout session just happened before our very eyes Yesung-old chap." Shindong, still imatating the accent, turns to Yesung, comepletely ignoring me. Yesung nodded, then struct a thinking pose as they continued talking. I shook my head in disbelief then got up.

"i'll be going first guys.." I trail off as I exit the cafiteria.

"Oh my Shindong, my boy. I believe that we just got ditched." Yesung blinks.

"Indeed." Shindong nods in agreement.


I walk along the rose bushes trying to clear my head, when I suddenly trip and land ontop of something. IT groaned in pain.

Make that, I landed on someone.

i open one eye and see Kyuhyun. I smile and sit beside him.

"Hi GameKyu-oppa~" I smile brightly. He makes a face at me and huffs in response.

"Okay....don't be glad to see me... I just wanted to talk to you about the-"

"Scholarship?" His eyebrows raise in question and I sigh.

"Yeah...I won't be able to see you. I'll, m-miss you." I felt a tear escape my eye as I look down. He places a hand under my chin and lifts my head up. Then wipes my tear.

"Don't cry. I won't be there long...but, until I come back...I don't think we should-"

"Your breaking up with me even though we never even agreed to date? That's just wonderful. Another man has broken my heart. You know what? I'm gonna go home and get really fat, so no man will love me again!" I slap his hand away and get up. I then walk away.  I could feel his sad eyes stare at my retreating figure. I felt tears come to my eyes.


"He didn't even try to stop me when I was walking away! He didn't call out to me, 'Yah! Yunmi-ah~ don't go!"  I imatated Kyuhyuns voice over the phone to Jessica.

"Yunmi, he doesn't deserve you. You're way to good for him! And if he decides to go to Japan, move on. Find someone else."

"thanks unnie. I need to go, before my mom catches me eating her ice cream." I say and hang up before she could respond.

"ugh..I need to play some Harvest moon." I mutter and brake out my DS.


*2 months*

I graduate today...Kyuhyun leaves today. I will live my life from now on. We haven't talked since that day. He is dating Seohyun now, and it breaks my heart to see him happy with her. But, then again. I don't think he would have been happy with me.

As I grew farther and farther away from Kyu, I grew closer and closer to Shindong and Yesung. I eventually was known to the public as the wierd girl. And Kyu had taken my throne. He had taken my kingdom away from me. It's laughable really. If you trace this story back, this is all our biology teacher's fault for pairing up the smartest people in school. I wouldn't have grown close to him, I would have stayed at the top with Jessica. I wouldn't have fought with Sunny. Wait, who am I kidding, I would have ended up fighting with her eventually...

I watch Kyuhyun go up on stage and shake hands with the teacher. His smile was large and then he looked at Seohyun and it grew in size. She made a heart with her hands and my urge to punch her grew 5 times. His eyes scanned the crowd and then his gaze met mine. I clapped for him and gave him a small smile. His smile siezed and he gave a small one sided smile.  I looked down and he got off the stage.

They finally called my name and I shook hands with the princibal and things and I was on my way. I was going to go places, I was going to do important things with my life and forget all about Kyuhyun.

I walk off the stage and my smile grew larger as I saw Jessica, Yesung and Shindong waiting for me, with thier diplomas. I hugged each one of them, and we talked about what we were going to do with our lives.

Each one of them decided to try out for SM Entertainment. I found it amusing that they all wanted to be famous. But hey, who doesn't?

I excused myself from them and made a b-line for Kyuhyun and Seohyun. I saw Seohyun smile at me as I approached, she whispered something to Kyuhyun and she walked off. Kyu walked over to me and he smiled.

"Hey Yunmi-ah... I need to talk to you."

"um okay.." he brought me outside and over to the rose bushes. It was Spring, so all of the roses were in bloom and the aroma and pollen tickled my nose.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" I ask. I'm only acting happy for your sake...

"i actually wanted to confess something to you...Seohyun and I broke up, because we r-really didn't like each other.."

"And let me guess, you wanted to know if I still liked you." I guess. Do you know that I'd say yes?...

He put his head down to hide his blush, "I wanted to confess to you...I really love you Yunmi-ah, no amount of gossip, new clothes or makeup, no matter what you like... I would love you." He says shyly.

"I don't love you like that-" before I could finish my sentence, he ran out of there, quicker than lightening. My eyes widen...he must have taken it the wrong way

"...I love you so much more than that..." I finish quietly, I've finally lost him. This time it's not anyone's fault but mine. I curse myself and then run after him. I'm not letting him go without a fight.


*kyuhyun's POV*

Seohyun and I 'broke up' today. She had her old boyfriend back, that is what she wanted anyway. She and I were talking when Yunmi walked up.

"Go get the girl! Oppa fighting!" she whispered, then walked away as Yunmi came up. I told her that  wanted to talk to her and she seemed pretty happy to go with me. That was a good sign. Today was my last day. today I am going to confess my love to her.

"So, what do you want to talk about?"   She asks, happily. I inhale deeply then begin.

"i actually wanted to confess something to you...Seohyun and I broke up, because we r-really didn't like each other.." 

"And let me guess, you wanted to know if I still liked you."   She asks, her tone sounded slightly annoyed. damn that can't be good.

I put my head down to hide my blush, "I wanted to confess to you...I really love you Yunmi-ah, no amount of gossip, new clothes or makeup, no matter what you like... I would love you." I say shyly. 

The wait for her to respond was killing me.

"I don't love you like that-" was all she had to say. I was out of there. I sprang to my full hieght and ran as fast as I could towards the exit. I felt tears come to my eyes and they fell faster than I could lift my hand to wipe them. That was it..I'm going to go and find a job where I can forget her...

I ran out of the school and ran faster than I thought I could. After at least two or three miles I stopped. I felt as though I might explode. I think I nearly died... I put my hands on my knees as I try to catch my breath. I look up slowly and see the large building of SM Entertainment...perfect..

I walk inside and I can see almost see it now. Me in front of thousands of people, singing and dancing with a large group.


*Yunmi's POV*

I ran until i trip over myself and land on my knees. I sigh and my shoulders slump in frustration and anger. it's all my effing fault!

I began ripping up grass in anger, "Pabo, Pabo! Pabo!!" i cursed myself.

"I don't think it was the grasses' fault, whatever it was." a familiar voice rang in my ears. I turn around quickly and blush, "oh..Yesung oppa. hehe, yeah, I guess your right.."

He came over and helped me up, "Come on. Let's go get ice cream to celebrate! I mean, we did just graduate!" He smiles. His smile was contageous and I nodded and he brought me back to his car.

I guess, I'll just have to forget Kyuhyun and live my life. I think I'll follow in Jessica's lead and become famous. Who knows? Only time will tell.


(AN: or maybe a sequal will?)

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calendaroflove #1
love it kyu nerd! :))
omg i was so scared when i read the ending :( yay sequel!
yah~~yunmi...u shouldn't have said that...
whitephoenix #4
a matter of miscommunication.. aishh.. babo yunmi..
the war is on o_o
tenshiXhanari #8
Sequal!!!!! Pleasuh!! I wanna know what happens!!!
OMG!! A Seqel plsss...
the smex XDDDDDDD