~Betrayal comes in stages~ Stage 1: Hers...

~The Princess and the Gamer~

Kyuhyun smile over at me as he drives me back home. We were chatting it up all about being professional Starcraft players when we get a bit older.

"Thanks for driving me Kyuh-...Hmm, i'm going to call you GameKyu from now on! Bye Bye, GameKyu!~" I giggle as I shut the car door and walk down my driveway.

*Kyuhyun's POV*

"I'm going to call you GameKyu from now on! Bye Bye GameKyu!~" She giggled cutely. That giggle, oh it's so cute I just can't stand it! Ughh, what I wouldn't give to call her mine. Oh, I guess I was talking in my mind too long. She's gone now. I sigh. Well, at least  I have a nickname now. Something that's just us.

~*YunMi's POV*

I roll out of bed and smile. I can't wait to show off Kyuhyun! KyaAA!! We will look like a couple when we hang out now because I got him all those cute couples!! I hit my cheeks to snap me out of it. I. Don't-...Can't, Like Kyuhyun! I grab my outfit and head to school.


I walk around the cafetieria looking for Kyuhyun, when I suddenly see him with a whole bunch of girls. Just by the way they are standing. I can tell that the girls are getting thier flirt on. AND HE IS SMILING BACK AT THEM!

"Kyuhyun-ssi!" I call. He looks over at me and does a head-bob, signaling a 'what's up?'.

I faked a smile and walked over to them. Sadly, I knew every single one of those girls, and yesterday they wouldn't even give a second glance at Kyuhyun. And today they are all over him. Seriously, I think some of them are trying to get into his pants...

(AN: Then again...who wouldn't want to? ;D)

"These girls invited me to the party on saturday. Right ladies?~"   He croons, and then all of the girls swoon and nod, mumbling something like, "yeah, that's right~"

I wanted nothing more than to scream at him in the midst of my anger and hurt. "JUST YESTERDAY THEY WERE TALKING BEHIND YOUR BACK! CALLING YOU A NERD, FREAK, AND OTHER NAMES I SHOULDN'T REPEAT!"

but, i didn't.

All I did, was stand there, smiling like an idiot, "That's great! I hope to see you all there."

"Yunmi-ah, you should eat with us!" He suggests, smirking, making my heart melt.

"But, Oppa~ You said you would help me with my chemistry paper~" one whines.

"Oppa~ Would you help me with my math?"

"Of course~ Oppa, will help you with everything" He coos.  I cringe at that, but my smile never faltering 

"Um, I ate all of my food already.." I lie.

"But, your bag looks full." He says, his tone bored.

Crap, i'm caught..

"umm, I'm not hungry...anymore." I say and on my way out, I drop my paper bag into the trash. Little did I know that Kyu was watching me with his eyebrows knitted together in worry.


Tears were threatening my eyes. GAWD! STUPID KYUHYUN! STUPID STUPID! PABO PABO PABO PABO!!! I shouldn't have helped him! ....but, he looks so happy. I guess that's a good thing....  But, when did he become such an arsehole!??

The way he looked at those girls, his voice when he was talking with me...He was like a pimp with his b*tches...

I hadn't noticed that I had sped up into a run, but I slowed my pace and ended up at the school's garden. I sit down on a bench and begin to sob as the tears wouldn't stop.

"Yunmi-ah? Is that you?" I hear a familiar male's voice. It was filled with worry, and it was comforting to hear, tho as it sunk deeper, more tears came.

i look up and wipe my tears, when I see my ex, Lee Hyukjae.

(AN: teehee I had to use Eunhyuk's real name~)

"O-oppa! umm,-"

"What's wrong?" He sits down next to me and rubs my back, sending shivers down my spine and makes me blush.

"Nothing... I'm fine!" I smile, and give him a peace sign.

He gives me that look. The look that says, tell me the truth. The look that makes me tell the truth.

"Yunmi-ah, I know you better than that. Now, tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong. I just tripped over something and it starlted me and I hurt my knee a bit, so I was crying. That's all Oppa." I smile.

"O-okay, if your sure. But, I gotta go back to soccer. Don't trip again Jagiya~" He kisses my forehead, making me blush as he runs off. 

Something just popped into my head, maybe Kyu was just being nice to those girls. Maybe he doesn't care about them! Yes!! That's it! " I scream in my head as I run around the rose bushes, trying to get our of the garden, when I heard smooches. I run past two people kissing. One had curly hair and one had straight hair. I did a double take and my eyes widen as large as dinner plates.



Making out...?

oh gawd, here come the tears. They seperate and Kyuhyun turns, catching me in his gaze.

"Y-Yunmi-ah, it's n-no-" I run off. I don't want to have anything to do with that man-ho! Tears fall down my cheeks and I sob and run at the same time, shaking my head. Not believing what I had just saw. My best friend and my...guy friend..(?) making out! i feel so...so..betrayed by the both of them...

Then, suddenly, something comes to my mind...Yes, it is evil, yes it is mean, and yes, it might make me a . But, oh yeah, i'm doing it.

Karma is a .  and he can't get rid of me that fast, besides, Well behaved women, rarely make history~ ;)

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calendaroflove #1
love it kyu nerd! :))
omg i was so scared when i read the ending :( yay sequel!
yah~~yunmi...u shouldn't have said that...
whitephoenix #4
a matter of miscommunication.. aishh.. babo yunmi..
the war is on o_o
tenshiXhanari #8
Sequal!!!!! Pleasuh!! I wanna know what happens!!!
OMG!! A Seqel plsss...
the smex XDDDDDDD