Unexpected event...

Oppa, I love you

(OUf... finally an update... I bogged... at chapter 11 I really don`t know what will happen between Sehun and Kai and I imagine many scenes but that just don`t fit the situation... So, here is the final idea! I am really sorry if you are waiting for more action (between Sehun and Kai). Mianhae..  I guess that I don`t have too much ideas for this fanfic. And I`ll try my best to make the other EXO members arrive in the story quickly.) ^o^ Annyeong~~

At the airport…


-I’m finally here!! You shout. It took me so much time to come here.

“Park Chanyeol… If you’re late, I’m going to kill you! Haha.”

You look around you… Since that Chanyeol left you for Korea with his parents due to some business problem five years ago, you haven’t gone to this airport even once. It makes you feel nostalgic… You didn’t wait Chanyeol to leave, he’s the most precious person for you, your childhood friend. He means so much to you…

“He’s back… We are going to be together again! YEAH! My chingu!”

Your lost in your thought when you hear the conversation between some ajumma beside you:

-Ah… Did you hear the news? A airplane crashed during the flight… So scary.

-Totally… It’s a plane from Korea right? I was supposed to arrive here thirty minutes ago… Poor people who were inside…

“KOREA?? THIRTY MINUTES AGO?” you thought totally shocked. “That… that… is the flight that Chanyeol oppa is in…”

-Excuse me! You speak to the ajumma. Is… is that true what you were saying?

-Oh dear… Unfortunately yes… One of them answers.

-People who were in the flight probably died… Poor them… The other ajumma sighs.

“Died… Died… No… That couldn’t be! NO!”

The world seems so dark...You couldn’t believe that he’s actually gone… Your best friend, the person who you cherish the most since childhood… is now…

Tears start falling from your eyes and your heart hurts so much. Without knowing, you already get out of the airport. You keep walking and walking, in a random direction…

And then an eternity later, your footsteps stop. In front of Coffee Paradise. The place that Chanyeol and you spend so much time back there…

-Wow!! It’s so beautiful oppa! Look, there’s angels on my cake~~~~!

-Do you like it ____? Chanyeol asked.

-Yeah!!! Gomawo!

-No problem I’ll do anything for my dongsaeng! Just to make you happy!

-Oppa…Saranghae! You’re the best big brother in the world!!!

-Hahahahahha... Then I should be honored, I guess!

The whole scene replayed in your mind. A bitter smile appears in your face. Then… You crack up.

“YAH!!! Why is the world so unfair!! Why he had to die? WAE!” You shout in your mind.  You start to cry with all your might. Like you have never cried before…


Meanwhile near your house...

-____, please wait! I’ll clear the misunderstanding today! Kai shouts while running in the direction of your home.

He finally arrives at the end of your street.


At the other end of your street, Sehun was there. He is thinking of you while running to your house.

“_____... Here I come… I’m going to tell you about how I feel! So… Wait for me…”

Seconds later in front of your house, two voices break in the air.

-WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? They shout in unison.

“What is that bastard doing here? In front of HER house?” Sehun thought.

-Oh! Sehun it’s you! It surprised me! Kai says.

-So…what are you doing here? Sehun asks, obviously mad.

-I want to see ____...

-MWO?! You want to see her after what you did to her?!

-What did I do to her? Kai asks.


-But… Really, I don’t remember…

-AISH… You bastard.

Then, Sehun punches Kai, in his face. Blood tickles down his lips.

-Remember now?! Sehun asks with fire in his eyes.

-YAH! I told you I don’t know what… Kai starts. Then it came to him.

I am drunk… Walking in the middle of the crowd. I don’t hand alcohol well. Aishh… My head hurts… Hey… There’s someone… It’s Tiffany… She wouldn’t mind if I kiss her right?”

Speechless, Kai looks down on the floor.

-Tssss… Sehun whistles. I won’t waste my time for you, Kai.

With that, he rings at the bell. Nobody answers. (At this time, your parents haven’t gone home yet.)

“AISH… That girl… Where she could have gone?” Sehun thought. “For once I am ready to tell her…”

Kai looks at the door. He feels so guilty now. For the whole day he haven’t defended you even once when the girls were harassing you or talking about the rumor. Not even once…

“I made everyone think that she’s a … a liar… But the one who’s at fault is me. I was the one who kissed her… to think that I mistook her for Tiffany. How could I done that?”

-______... Where are you?!  Sehun speaks to himself.

“Yeah… Where she could be?” Kai asks himself. “Where she could go after school?”

An answer comes in his mind… Coffee Paradise.

Without hesitation, he ran toward the coffee bar hoping that you’re going to be there…

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just wait.. chanyeol is coming!!!


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I'll definitely read it :)
Hey Zoey Exoctic :)

Next time you better log out before you send me the link! :P

-No one read the chapters & no one was here (:
Yeah! WE RULE <3 and i dont mind at the wallplace at all haha. I love talking.. and chatting and stuff :) me its Baekhyun, kai and kris <3 but chanyeol is trying to messed up my bias list LOL :)
ParkBorahm7 #4
How funny is this? MY FAVES ARE BAEKHYUNNIE AND KAI TOO!!!!!!! Cool;D We rule! Haha
yeah.. I hope so too :)
that's so sad :'(
I hope Kai really helps her :/
annyeong! thanks for suscribing to this story! It encourage me a lot :) hope that youll enjoy this story *sincerely author-nim* XD
Annyeong chingu!! Love your foreword and I can't wait to read it!! ^^
Omo :O
Siwonsehunoppa #10
CHANYEOL DIED?! Getting intresting every chapter~ update soon~