The kiss scandale...

Oppa, I love you


“What is that???!!!” I shout in my mind. I am too shocked to move or  to do anything…

-Who is that girl? Isn’t he Tiffany’s boyfriend? A girl shouts.

-OMG… yes… they are kissing??? another girl says.

Aileen gives them a menacing glare and snatches the picture off.  I blinked.

-How long will you stare at this ____? She asks me. Let’s go… we got class…

She takes me and we walked outside of the locker room. However, we find a crowd of girl surrounding Kai.

-Kai, is this true that you kissed ___???

-At the dance yesterday? But you go out with Tiffany right??

The girls ask so many questions and Kai just got more and more confuse.

-Huh… Sorry… I don’t know what you’re talking about… And I didn’t kiss ___... And… hum… Yeah, I go out with Tiffany… Kai answers.

But the girls want an explanation… One of them takes her cell phone and shows him the picture. Kai’s eyes widened.

-I… I… What is this?? I don’t remember… He says.

Then, he sees me and give me a confuse look. I don’t know what to say anymore… I want to deny it… tell everyone that we didn’t kiss… So the problems would go away… but the proof is in front of us…

Then Tiffany arrives and everybody shouts down. She takes a look at the picture and gasps:

-Kai!! Is that you in here… why???

-Hum… Kai didn’t say anything.

“How can I explain something that I can’t remember?” He thought. “Tiffany… please… I don’t remember…”

-But weren’t Kai drunk yesterday? A girl asks.

-Yeah… Tiffany’s best friend answers. ____ probably takes that chance when he is drunk to kiss him… That little b****. Right Kai?

-Hum… I don’t remember anything… I was drunk thought… He answers.

-Awwwwwww… Poor Kai… He doesn’t even remember that stolen kiss… Tiffany’s bff replies. Tiffany, you’re not mad at him are you? She asks.

-OK course not… I am sure that’s NOT HIS FAULT… Tiffany says and smiles at Kai. But...

She walks toward me.

“OMG… NO… What is she going to do??” I panic. “Look… calm down… Tiffany is kind… right??? She will not blame me right???”

-The girl here seems to have something to explain. She continues to say. ____ is that true that you are the one who kissed Kai?

Kai looks at me… He seems like he is looking forward to my answer too.

“I want to know… the thing that I can’t remember… That kiss…” Kai thought. “Did she really kiss me? Or not? Somehow… I want her to answer that she is the one who kissed me……………..OH SHUT UP!... What are you saying… You’re girlfriend is Tiffany… a beauty!! She is the one who is supposed to kiss you…”

“What to do…?????? I don’t know... He is the one who kissed me but I can’t tell that… I can’t… He will get in trouble and no one would believe me anyway… Except Aileen…” I thought.

-Hum… Hum… I mumble. It… was… hum… an accident… yeah…

-But… She seems to hold Kai in the picture!! A girl shouts and shows the picture.

-Ya!! Stop harassing her with the questions!!! Aileen shouts madly. She didn’t do anything wrong!! It was Kai who kissed her!!

“Aileen… Please… stop… They’ll go against you for sure… They won’t believe us… And I don’t want Kai to be hurt… Don’t get in trouble for me…” I speak to my mind and give her a pleading look.

“What? ___, you are my best friend… I won’t let them harass you. You’re innocent there… Don’t be too kind… Don’t give you trouble because of Kai…” Aileen thought.

-It not very convincing since that comes from an EX-DELIQUENT! A girl from Aileen’s elementary school shouts so she knows that Aileen was a delinquent.

-YOU!!! Aileen shouts and she loses her control.

Aileen just hates when people are talking about her past. She is not proud of it… the things that she got through.

She rushes in the direction of the girl angrily.

-Aileen! Don’t be like that. I shout while trying to hold her back. Please…

Her arms fall down.

“How can I be like this?? I promise myself to not let the gangster side of me out again… I am going to be good… GOOD… I promised my dad… I promised…” She thoughts ashamed of herself and upset.

-_____-ah… Let’s go… just… go… We are going to be late for classes. Aileen says to me.

She walked in the classroom direction and I follow her.

-We are not done yet… Tiffany shouts. Don’t you think that you can get away with that… !!

I look back at her and thought: “Guess that Tiffany isn’t that kind after all… Rumors are just rumors… She looks more like a … now…”

And I quickly look at Kai… “He seems still confused a bit, well. I can’t blame him… He doesn’t remember anything…  But he’ll be on Tiffany’s side… She’s his girlfriend after all…”

“AISHHHHHH… Why is this happening to ME??? Of all girls it has to happen to me…!!? And I just got Aileen involve in that… I don’t want to. She’ll be hurt… and people should have already started talking about her gangster pass now…” I feel like crying… 

I take a seat beside Aileen in the class and start drawing. It makes me relax. After a couple of minutes, the bell rings…

…………………………………………………………But my mind is lost… lost on another planet… and this time… it’s not on the awesome EXOPLANET… It’s lost on the world of HELL… 


Sorry... It was a short chaps... I am just getting tired after my science exam... But I promise some actions between sehun and _____ in the next chap.. Plz look forward to it! <3 GOMAWO!!!  To get myself pardonned... there is a pic of our sleeping angels.. EXO-M!!!


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just wait.. chanyeol is coming!!!


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I'll definitely read it :)
Hey Zoey Exoctic :)

Next time you better log out before you send me the link! :P

-No one read the chapters & no one was here (:
Yeah! WE RULE <3 and i dont mind at the wallplace at all haha. I love talking.. and chatting and stuff :) me its Baekhyun, kai and kris <3 but chanyeol is trying to messed up my bias list LOL :)
ParkBorahm7 #4
How funny is this? MY FAVES ARE BAEKHYUNNIE AND KAI TOO!!!!!!! Cool;D We rule! Haha
yeah.. I hope so too :)
that's so sad :'(
I hope Kai really helps her :/
annyeong! thanks for suscribing to this story! It encourage me a lot :) hope that youll enjoy this story *sincerely author-nim* XD
Annyeong chingu!! Love your foreword and I can't wait to read it!! ^^
Omo :O
Siwonsehunoppa #10
CHANYEOL DIED?! Getting intresting every chapter~ update soon~