Just Another Annoying Brat - Chapter 8

Just Another Annoying Brat

Just Another Annoying Brat – Chapter 8

Pairing: NinomiyaxOC

Genre: Romance, School Life (The only genres I know)

Rating: PG 13

Rating for this chapter: PG15 (or so... for a bit of ual-ish content)

Sumarry: “What is so different about him than the others?!” I hissed, my fist tightening. “He’s just another annoying brat that’ll make this class even noisier!”

Disclaimer: Oh, I own Arashi, in my dreams that is.

Author: Well... me!                                          

Warning: It might have... a bit lot of bad language..

A/N: For an apology for my late update, I’m posting 2 new chapters :D



Chapter 8


I’ll be your toy?!





“F..fine Nino... I...I’ll be your ‘toy’...”



A strange and akward silence filled the room. No one said a word after Maika’s last sentence, they continued to stare eye-to-eye at each other. Nino with his i-don’t-believe-you eyes and his wide open mouth, and Maika with her determined stare. Finally, Nino took a big gulp and asked her a question.



“Do you even know what it means to be my toy?” Nino asked in worry. “No. Actually, I don’t have a clue what it even means.” Maika replied bluntly. “Well, it means... I get to tease you as much as I want, till I am satisfied. That’s almost the same as being bullied by me, you know...” Nino explained, leaning on the wall. “So? It’ll just be like... name-calling, right? I won’t be bothered by something as small as name-calling. You just need someone to make you feel all powerful right? So, I’m gonna be that person. Discussion over. Now, let’s just go to xx Karaoke Box...” Maika walked out of the room.




Nino was like a volcano ready to erupt. He was so mad, his nerves could almost be seen. “Don’t you DARE underestimate me, . I am not as moronic as a bully!” He cursed. Suddenly, his frown became a wide smirk. “Let me use this event as an opportunity to teach you what it truly means to be my toy....” Nino grinned evily.





“We want to order a room big enough for five people for 3 hours please~” Hana smiled at the person, taking out the money they all have chipped in. Suddenly, Maika felt a small touch at the back of her thigh. It felt like someone’s hand, a very mischevious and erted hand that has snuck under her school uniform’s skirt.



‘A ert?!’ She thought to herself. She wasn’t going to tell any of her friends. No one was around too, so no one noticed it. Unlukily, the karaoke box was still too noisy for her to track the ert’s footsteps. It was just between her and the ert. She waited for the right moment to get her revenge. The ert’s hand was still the back of her thigh when she took the chance to grip his hand tightly and stomp on the ert’s leg. But unfortunately, as if the ert has anticipated her next move, the ert dodged it. His hand also left her thigh alone. Maika just cursed silently.



But this was not the end of the ert’s mischief. He, or she, planted a small sweet kiss on her right cheek while also whispering her name right beside her ear ily. That sent shivers down her spine, either because she’s scared, or because she’s disgusted. She looked at everyone around her. No one was on her right, and on her left was all her friends. Everyone could be the suspect, but why would they do that? Why would one of them harass her? All the thinking was making her head ache, so she just shrugged it off like nothing happened.



Nino’s smile formed a huge smirk.





Ichido kiri no jinsei korogaru you ni
Waratte naite ikite yukou ze Baby
Dareka no kimeta jiyuu wa iranai
Soe koko de wa nai dokoka e Someday




Hana and the other 2 boys were singing songs. Maika was sitting quietly, sipping her beautifully decorated melon drink. Beside her, sitting like a boss, is Nino cheering for his friends. Everything felt nice. Suddenly, Nino let out a yawn. It was barely 6p.m. so the reason was most probably not because he was tired, but he was bored.



Maika felt a tap on his right shoulder. She turned to look who was tapping, but no one was there. ‘My imagination?’ She thought. In a blink of an eye, she felt something warm and wet at the nape of her neck. “Ky-“ She shrieked, but was stopped by something inside , two fingers. Her arms were expertly twisted and pinned on the couch and her tongue was pressed down just like her arms.



She took a sharp glance on who was doing that. It had to be the same ert from before. But there was only one suspect this time, Ninomiya Kazunari. “N...ni- uh...! F-f***...” Maika cursed silently. Nino let out a chuckle of victory. She tried to focus on what was on her nape, that wet and warm thing that caresses her neck gently. The movements.... it’s as if... Nino is her neck.



“Ni...no-nh!” She flinched when his tongue started to move towards her ear. Her face became crimson red and her body temperature rose at least by 3 degrees. ‘No...I’m NOT gonna lose to him! Not with a fight!!’ She hissed in her mind. Maika attempted to step his foot again for the second time, luckily, she got him. “Ow, ow~!! Heey!!!” Nino whimpered in pain, rubbing his shoe.



“You MORONIC ERT!! “ Maika yelled at the top of her voice and stormed out of the room. Hana and the company just stared at them with blank stares. Nino let out a long, heavy sigh. “You guys just...sing. I’ll apologize to her... or something like that.” Nino forced a smile and left the room to look for her. “....well... Whatever happened, I’m sure they’ll be fine.” Hana shrugged the matter off. “Aren’t you worried of your friend, Miya-chan?” Shigure, the newest treasurer, asked. “No, course not. For the past seven years, Mai-chan has beem so harsh and strict. But in the end, she’ll always find a solution for any type of problem. That’s why I look up to her.” Hana replied, giving Shigure a grin. “..... M-miya-chan... I...I..”





Maika ran as fast as she could, she had no destination but continued to run. Her breathing was getting heavy and she needed a place to sit. She noticed a small bench beside the ladies toilet. She took a seat as her breathing slowly calmed down. Trying to wipe off the hideous saliva of that cursed man, she heard her name being called out. ‘Just my imagination...’ She whispered to herself. After wiping all the saliva off her neck, she curled herself like a ball and sat on the chair. Slowly, she breathed in and out, calming her heart down.



The heat of his tougue could still be felt on her neck. A sweet burning heat mixed with wet saliva, the exact words to describe the feeling. Of course, her ear was also wet. Lucky she did not use her earrings to school, if not it would have been tainted. Suddenly, right beside her was a body.



“Hi-na-chan...” Nino grumbled.



Maika jumped in shock. Ninomiya just popped out of nowhere like a ghost, that or she just had too much thoughts. “You.... unforgivable.” Maika speaked in a low voice. “You MOLESTER, ECCHI, !!” She yelled. Her eyes were welling up with tears, definitely not a sight you see everyday. “C-calm down..” Nino gulped. “Calm down?! How am I supposed to calm down when you keep doing such idiotic and ertic actions?! my neck and ear?! Do you know h-“ She kept shouting, but was stopped.






“W-what?! So... being your toy and being teased by you, ually?!” She asked in shock and disgust. “Yup~? Still wanna continue? Just say no~” He grinned. He won the fight, but that’s what HE thought, not Maika. She shook her head in reply. “N..no. I’ll still continue being whatever you want me to be.” She replied with a solid determination. “Tsk.” He hissed, getting seriously pissed off. He pounced above her and adjusted her position. Her head on the chair’s cushion and her arms trapped by his. Her legs pressed down by his legs and his body’s weight making her unable to move.



“Don’t you know how easy it is for me to just pin you down like this? Give it up or you’ll get hurt real bad. If you still say no, I’d do you right here right now.” He threatened. ‘This’ll do. She’ll get frightened of doing her first time with me and run away in terror.’ He thought. Wrong again.



A tear flowed down her cheeks, yet for some reason she smiled. “I..it’s fine... This was your aim all along.. ne? My body is a small sacrifice for the hearts of many other girls...” She gave a pitiful smile. She looked so beautiful. Like a goddess and her smile but this time she looked like she was in pain. But even so, her beauty was magnificent.



Nino didn’t know what to do anymore. For some reason, he felt like giggling. He tried to hold his giggle but automatically fail. “W..what? What did I say wrong?” Maika blushed, sitting upright. “It’s just...I... Gyahaha!! I... c-can’t believe... the person who I surrender to is.. Hahaha!! A... a girl I called s-stupid all the time!!” He giggled and laughed. After holding his laughter he gave her a  small glance and grinned.



“I admit my loss to you.”




Hyaa~ I know it’s a bit wierd~ ><

Hueee, is it badd???


Tomorrow school begins (TT-TT) So I'm gonna have less time to update ><


Please comment if you hv time~ Help me improve fanfiction writing!





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ilovenino #1
Chapter 19: Nyaawww! Why you so cute Nino? ;)
Chapter 15: The 'ITADAKIMASU' part!!! KYAAAAAAAH~ ♥
candice-chan #3
@DidIMentionILoveYou Ehehehe :) I'll try ^^
This is really good TTwTT
candice-chan #5
@SandraHayes Of course, he's so responsible and gentlemanly XD
Lol, don't blame me if you become a bit erted after you read about their "game" ;)
Oh...Sakurai-kun as a perfect man...I can imagine it :D And I can't wait for that "game" of theirs :D
candice-chan #7
@SandraHayes: lol, at least he's vice, not the president. I guess the only shock he got is that he's gonna spend more time in school to work, than staying home and playing games like a mad man XD.
I'm prety surprised that Nino doesn't mind he's "just" the vice president. He has to go through very big schock no to realise that :D
candice-chan #9
@skipbeat308: Thank you... I feel a bit flattered... Ehehee (>//<)
@SandraHayes: I know!! >< He's pretty mean but actually pretty sweet.. (for me- wahahaha)
Pretty interesting. Typical Nino :D