Just Another Annoying Brat - Chapter 7

Just Another Annoying Brat

Just Another Annoying Brat – Chapter 7

Pairing: NinomiyaxOC

Genre: Romance, School Life (The only genres I know)

Rating: Supposedly PG13, or is it G? (sorry, guys. Please help me in this one...)

Sumarry: “What is so different about him than the others?!” I hissed, my fist tightening. “He’s just another annoying brat that’ll make this class even noisier!”

Disclaimer: Oh, I own Arashi, in my dreams that is.

Author: Well... me!                                          

Warning: It might have... a bit lot of bad language..

A/N: This is my first time writing a fanfic, so please help comment or critic my fanfic. Thank you... :D



Chapter 7




She stood there, observing his every movement. He's special, not like any other guy she's met before. He looked like a normal 17-year old, his mature features, his well groomed hair and his posture, it was all perfect. He did not look childish at all, and of course, since he was last year's president he must be responsible. He shot her a determined stare, but smiled at her like how a prince would. That was her first impression of him. 


How about Ninomiya? Only one thing was in his mind, 'She doesn't seem interesting.'


In a flash, Maika snapped from her thoughts. It was time for the pledge of loyalty. She straightened her back and walked towards the podium with Ninomoya standing behind her smiling.  "Responsible and honourable prefects. We all have been chosen to serve Eitou Gakuen to maintain its disciplinity." Maika started her speech. 


"Nothing in this world will go as planned without rules. The world will all be uneducated humans, and soon war will begin. Our tasks seem very simple, but it holds great responsibility. Maintaining the discipline around this school is not easy, and being given this job is an honour. So take your jobs very seriously and do it honourably! Will you, the responsible prefects of our school, promise everyone here, our fellow students and respectful teachers, to loyally do our jobs of maintaining our discipline?"  


"Hai!" The crowd shouted immidiatly.


"If so, please repeat after me." Maika cleared he throat. "I promise to help the school discipline the students. In good or bad conditions and in happy or sad moments, I will help the school to create a better enviroment for everyone. I will never forget this promise for if I do, I shall be penalized of not only losing my trust from others, but also be suspended for a week." Maika announced as the crowd repeated after her. "We shall keep this not only in our mind, but also our heart. Thank you for your attention." Maika thanked and stepped down from the podium and back into her original place. The crowd cheered for her.


"Nice speech!" Hana grinned while winking. "Good job with the speech Kaichou." The other members smiled. "Amazing as always, Hina. Nino chuckled. "Arigato...." Maika smiled. 


"Hinata-san, may I have a word with you?" Sakurai suddenly called her. "Sakurai-senpai? Okay..." Maika glanced at him wierdly, walking towards him. " Hinata-san, I believe that you will take care of the Student Council for me. So, all I have to say is, Good Luck. And if you have any problems with the jobs, you can always look for me." Sakurai smiled. "Arigato senpai." She grinned. "You're a good girl." Sakurai patted her head in a loving fatherly manner. 


Why is he so nice to me? He is just my senpai, right? But why does my heart feels warm or something, like.... Like he fills a missing part of me... It feels so familiar... so warm..."Oi, Hina! Let's go back to class!" Nino shouted from far. "Ah, hai!!" She shouted. She turned around and bowed to the reliable senpai and left with Nino. "Sho-kun... Your charm is overflowing again." Ai sighed. "Huh?Eh?!" Sakurai started to panic. "If it's like this.... That girl might like you... And I have to find a way to seperate her from you..." Ai warned. "G..gomenasai Ai-chan..." Sakurai apologized. 


“Seriously... why must my boyfriend  have to be so full of charm..?” Ai sighed for the last time.




“Why was Sakurai-senpai looking for you before? He forgot to give you something?” Nino asked as we paced down the stairs. “Nothing actually... Just some inspirational words or something like that...” Maika replied. “I was hoping Sakurai-senpai likes you or something, that way there will be a love triangle created between you three~” Hana teased making  me slap my own forehead. “Miyaki-san... I think your imagination is going waaaaaaaaaay overboard.” Nino groaned.


Beep. Beep.


Maika took out her bright blue phone, flipping it open to see her mail box. “Ah... We’re having our first meeting in 5 minutes...” She sighed, pulling her 2 friends’ hands with her. “Let’s go!! I don’t wanna be late!!” She shouted. “Hai, hai..” Nino let out a soft chuckle. “Let’s go Mai-chan~” Hana grinned childishly.




“Hajimemae minna. My name is Hinata Maika. From now on, I’ll be working with you guys for a year or so as the president... Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.” Maika gave them a professional smile. “Nice to meet you Hinata-kaichou~” The other members cheered, definitely impressed with her speech. “Well, I guess I don’t have much to say anymore... So... um...” Maika wondered a bit, slowly getting panicked.


“We’ll all start with introductions, guys~ And how about we go to a karaoke bar or have lunch together later??” Ninomiya backed her up from behind. “A..arigatou..” She sighed in relief, taking my seat. “Don’t be so tense Hina-chan.” Nino winked, whispering incoherent words right beside her ear, tingling her hair. That spot felt warm, like the breeze of the summer wind, she thought. Her face turned rosy pink, luckily, everyone was looking at other places. Only Nino noticed her change of colour. She shot him a cold glare, using the corner of her eye.


The meeting wasn’t really a meeting, more like a blind date or something. They did not discuss anything serious, talking about things like games, the idiot teachers and even the about the annoying family members. “Don’t be so tense Hina-chan.” That sentence rang on her mind. Right, we are all in this together, so it doesn’t hurt to have a little bit of fun and excitement, ne?




The bell rang. “Okay guys, we’ll meet later at the xx Karaoke Box~” Hana grinned, pulling everyone out. “Oi! Ninomiya!” Maika whispered a bit too loudly, pulling Nino out of the crowd. “W..wha- Woah!” Nino cried, accidentally tripping a bit. “What do you want?!” Nino hissed, pulling out his chair and sitting on it, his arms crossed and his legs on the table. “Before you become MY ‘asisstant’, I have a few rules for you!” Maika growled, gripping Nino’s arm real hard.


“Itt- A..and what do you mean, ‘rules’?!” Nino brushed her hand off. “Rule number one, Never oppose my commands! Whatever I say is an order!” Maika started. “?! You are NOT the boss of m-“ Nino yelled back, but was stopped by an ever louder and firmer voice. “Two, never flirt with any kind of girl, even if its not from our school, I DON’T CARE!” She yelled with the voice of a giant.


“What? Jealous?” Nino smirked, his own index finger ily. But alas, his attempt failed. “Hmph. Please, like I’ll be jealous for such a goofball like you. Not in a million years.” Maika gave out a sarcastic laugh. “And... three.” Maika took in a big breath and snatched Nino’s ‘book of targets’ from his pocket. “What?! Oi!! Give me back!!” Nino gasped in shock.


“THREE, I forbid you to use this book again. And if you try to create a new one, you’ll see a photocopy of this book on everyone’s table. I’m sure everyone will lose their trust on you... And probably you’ll be ganged up like... hm... Everyday?” Maika gave him a bright smile. “B..but, that’s the only thing I do when I’m bored!! The guys here are stupid, the teachers here are so bossy and I can’t play my DS here!! What am I supposed to do if I can’t play with idiot girls?!”


“I don’t know, find something to do! A hobby! Art? Music? Studies? Drama? I don’t know...” Maika shouted, getting a bit akward. She definitely did not expect this question from him. Maybe not everything will go according to her calculations. Suddenly, a bright idea struck Nino’s mind. “How about... YOU become my toy? For a day that is.” Nino grinned mischeviously.


“Your WHAT?!”


“T-O-Y, Toy! You, in exchange for the end of my ‘game’.” Nino smirked. Finally, it’s getting interesting, he thought. “NO WAY!!” Maika yelled at the top of her voice. “Then GIVE ME BACK MY BOOK!!” Nino shouted like a gorilla. To their luck, it was already 4p.m. and not much teachers and students are around the corridor. He charged towards her, using his chubby hands to try and take his precious book back.


Unluckily, he tripped and fell on top of her slim body. It became terribly akward. Anyone who entered the room and saw them in that position will most probably think they have a secret relationship between them. It was like fate. As if the whole scene was set up. What are the chances that Nino would trip and fall EXACTLY above her? His definitely-not-muscular arms trapping her neck and their noses only an inch apart. “G..gomenasai...” Ninomiya stood up, his face red from ear to ear. Suddenly he heard something unexpected.


“F..fine Nino... I...I’ll be your ‘toy’...”



Kukukukukku *evil laugh*

No worries, there will be nothing eww here! Well, a tiny bit probably... XD

I’ll try to limit it to one chapter only


Please comment or critic my fanfic <3



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ilovenino #1
Chapter 19: Nyaawww! Why you so cute Nino? ;)
Chapter 15: The 'ITADAKIMASU' part!!! KYAAAAAAAH~ ♥
candice-chan #3
@DidIMentionILoveYou Ehehehe :) I'll try ^^
This is really good TTwTT
candice-chan #5
@SandraHayes Of course, he's so responsible and gentlemanly XD
Lol, don't blame me if you become a bit erted after you read about their "game" ;)
Oh...Sakurai-kun as a perfect man...I can imagine it :D And I can't wait for that "game" of theirs :D
candice-chan #7
@SandraHayes: lol, at least he's vice, not the president. I guess the only shock he got is that he's gonna spend more time in school to work, than staying home and playing games like a mad man XD.
I'm prety surprised that Nino doesn't mind he's "just" the vice president. He has to go through very big schock no to realise that :D
candice-chan #9
@skipbeat308: Thank you... I feel a bit flattered... Ehehee (>//<)
@SandraHayes: I know!! >< He's pretty mean but actually pretty sweet.. (for me- wahahaha)
Pretty interesting. Typical Nino :D