Everything about you makes me feel safe

Junior Royal, oppas and me

Chelsea’s POV

“Princess, waky waky~” Donghae’s voice cooed into my ear waking me up from my deep sleep. I slowly and unwillingly opened my eyes and realised that I was not in Eunhyuk’s arms anymore, my head was lying on a soft pillow instead of on Eunhyuk’s soft chest. But that did not matter because I had Donghae kneeled down right in front of me caressing my cheek. “How are you?” Donghae wondered concerned.

“Okay” I replied him and leant my forehead to his

“Could you talk to Eunhyuk?” he questioned and I nodded carefully

“Yeah, it made me feel a little bit better” I assured him and sat up and stretched my arms

“Good” he stood up and sat down next to me and took me in his strong arms “Wanna talk to me as well?” he wondered, I shook my head

“No, I just wanna forget it now” I told him and leant my head on his chest

“Okay princess” he kissed my forehead lovingly

“Is Heechul oppa home?” I asked

“No not yet, will you stay till he comes home?” he wondered

“I should probably get back home, and I don’t wanna worry him more than necessary” I told him and kissed his cheek and then I made him let me go and I stood up

“I’ll drive you” Donghae offered and stood up as well, I smiled weakly

“Thanks oppa” I took his hand in mine “Where is Eunhyuk by the way?” I asked him and looked around. I could not see him anywhere.

“He is sleeping” he informed me

“Okay, wait here” I let go of his hand and made my way towards Eunhyuk’s room, I carefully opened the door to not wake him up. And just as Donghae said my little cute Eunhyuk was sleeping peacefully in his bed. I walked up to him and kneeled by his bed. “Hey Hyukkie oppa, thank you for today” I whispered and carefully caressed his cheek “It helped me and I really love you my little monkey oppa” I continued and kissed his cheek softly “Good night and sweet dreams my love” I added before going out of his room and back out to Donghae. “Now we can go” I announced and took Donghae’s hand in mine

“Did you wake up Hyukkie?” he wondered and I shook my head and giggled

“Nope!” I dragged Donghae out of the apartment smiling “Let’s go now!” I continued

“What’s up with the sudden good mood?” Donghae asked curious as he tried to keep up with me

“I don’t know actually” I chuckled “Maybe I’m crazy?” I suggested, Donghae started laughing

“Maybe? You are crazy!” he dried some tears making me pout

“Not funny oppa” I whined

“Well I’m sorry my princess~” he cooed and kissed my cheek

“Just take me home now my silly fish prince” I told him and we both got into his car chuckling. Then he drove me home as promised. But I could tell that he was a little bit hesitant to actually take me home. He really did not like that I was living with JR. Well, the rest of the members did not like that I lived with JR. Donghae and Heechul they hated that I lived with JR.

“Will you be alright?” Donghae wondered as we stood outside of the door

“I’ll be fine fishy oppa” I tried to assure him but I knew that he was not too easily convinced

If you say so” he said and then he hugged me tightly “I love you, good night” he continued and kissed my cheek

“Love you too, Nightiie” I replied and opened the door and stepped inside waving “Bye~” I cooed as I closed the door. And then I heard how Donghae got into the car and drove away. I sighed to myself and took off my jacket and shoes. I hoped that JR was sleeping. I did not feel like talking to him right now, not after what had happened in the morning. I found him sleeping on the sofa. That was weird. JR hated to sleep on sofas, well he could not make himself to fall asleep on a sofa, he only slept in his bed. I walked up to him and gasped when I saw him. He had a black eye. I panicked. What had happened to him!? What had happened to my precious Junior Royal!?

“JR!” I cried out his name before I had any time to think, I was so worried about him. Then I saw how he opened his eyes and looked at me confused.

“Chelsea?” he asked tiredly, I quickly sat down beside him and carefully touched his temple, he was all purple. He flinched under my touch. It obviously hurt.

“What has happened to you?” I questioned worried

“Nothing” he replied me. I sighed.

“JR, tell me” I demanded and caressed his cheek “Did someone hit you?” I asked

“Well I wouldn’t have a black eye if someone hadn’t hit me” he told me, I frowned, I had a feeling that I knew who had hit him

“Did Eunhyuk come here by any chance?” I wondered and JR nodded

“I said some stupid and untrue things to him and he hit me” JR said, and I sighed. They were always so protective of me. Then JR chuckled. “It seems like it is a couple thing to hit me” he said referring to the EunHae couple. I had to smile at that.

“Maybe it is” I said and ran my fingers through JR’s hair, completely forgetting that he probably hated me and that I should most likely not be this close with him. His hair was so soft though, just like a cat’s fur. I had always thought that JR looked and sounded a little bit like a cat. My little cute cat that is.

“Chelsea what are you doing?” JR questioned me interrupting my thoughts, I immediately removed my hand and looked down in my lap

“Sorry” I mumbled and looked away, I caught the sight of his lyrics notebook “Have you written anything today?” I asked changing the subject

“Yes” he replied and sat up

“Can I read?” I wondered

“No” was the cold answer and then he stood up, grabbed the note book and went to the bedroom closing the door after him. It made me start crying. We had been so close there for a moment and then that happened. Why was this my life? I did not want to meet JR’s stare again so I just decided to sleep on the couch and just let him be alone.



I sat up breathing heavily, had it been Chelsea that had screamed? I rubbed my eyes tiredly and got up from the bed and put on a shirt. I walked to the door but stopped before opening it. So what if it had been Chelsea that had been screaming? So what if she had been having a bad dream? Would she want me to come to her? Would she need my comfort? I was no one to her now and she was probably very mad at me. She probably would not want me to go to her. But I knew Chelsea, if she had been having a nightmare then she would be so scared, she would be in need of comfort. And now I was the only one around and I could not just leave her like that. She would need me whether she liked it or not.

So I took a deep breath and opened the door and walked out of the room and out to the living room. Chelsea was sitting up, crying. It stung in my heart to see her crying, I had always hated it and I did everything in my power to make her happy again. I carefully walked up to her.

“Chelsea?” I called out softly, she looked up at me. Her eyes were red and swallow from all the crying. She looked destroyed.

“Oppa” it came out as a whisper. She rarely called me oppa, it happened just once in a while. Mostly when she was sad or scared. It both broke my heart and warmed it. It showed that she was sad or scared but also that she still cared about me enough to call me oppa. “Oppa I’m scared” tears were streaming down her cheeks “Oppa hold me” she pleaded through her sobs, so I immediately sat down beside her and took her in my arms. She wrapped her arms around my neck tightly and cried into my chest. Whatever she had dreamt of then it was bad.

“Shhh~ don’t cry princess” I tried to calm her down, rocking her back and forth, but it was useless. She was crushed. So I slowly started singing on Daesung sunbaenim’s song “Baby don’t cry”. That seemed to do the trick and within five minutes she had stopped sobbing. She just held onto my shirt and cried silently. “Do you want to tell me what happened?” I questioned her and her hair, she shook her head. “Chelsea, please” I pleaded but she shook her head again

“Just hold me” she said “I don’t wanna talk, I just want you to hold me” she continued, I nodded and hugged her tighter

“Okay” I carefully kissed her hair “Do you want to go to bed?” I asked her, I didn’t even understand why she had been sleeping on the couch.

“Yes” she whispered

“Hold on tight then” I instructed her and stood up and carried her to the bedroom bridal style. I put her down on the bed and observed her. “Do you wanna get changed?” I asked her, she was still on her clothes that she had worn during the day. She nodded. “Okay, I’ll get your pyjamas” I told her and was just about to walk to the wardrobe when she grabbed my wrist. I turned around and looked at her wonderingly.

“Oppa, can I have one of your shirts instead?” she asked me, that surprised me a lot, why would she want one of my shirts? It didn’t make sense to me. But I was not gonna start questioning her.

“Okay” I told her, she smiled weakly and let go of my wrist and I went to the wardrobe and got a shirt that I knew was her favourite on me. I gave it to her “Get yourself ready and then tell me when you’re done” I told her, I kissed her forehead and then I went out of the room. Then it hit me. I knew why she wanted one of my shirts. And it made my hopeful.



I walked into Chelsea’s room and found her on the bed, curled up into a ball, crying. I immediately panicked and walked up to her and took her in my arms. She buried her face in my neck and cried. I hugged her as tight as I could and started to rock her back and forth trying to calm her down. It worked and soon her sobs weren’t so loud anymore.

“What is it princess?” I asked her softly

“I dreamt that you and I were outside in the middle of the night when someone started chasing me. You were holding my hand so I knew that I was going to be safe but then you disappeared and the man got a hold of me and that’s when I woke up” she told me her dream while crying silently

“I’m sorry for disappearing my princess” I apologised even though there was no reason for me to do so.

“I forgive you” she told me and kissed my cheek “Just don’t ever leave my side when I need you” she told me severely

“I won’t, I promise” I assured her “But we should sleep again” I continued and let go of her

“Will you be gone when I wake up in the morning?” she wondered, I frowned and nodded

“I’m afraid so, I can’t let Heechul see me here and I have some work to do tomorrow morning” I told her, she sighed “But I’ll hold you through the night” I assured her

“Can I have your shirt to sleep in?” she asked out of nowhere, I looked at her confused

“Why would you want that?” I questioned, she had never asked me that before

“Cuz...” she hesitated “Then when I wake up and you are not by my side then I’ll still be able to smell your scent and that would make me feel safe even if I’m alone. Everything about you makes me feel safe. Even your scent” she continued looking down in her lap. I’m sure she was blushing. Her words melted my heart.

“I’m glad, princess” I told her and pecked her lips quickly before taking off my shirt “Here you go my love” I handed it to her. She took it and inhaled my scent, looking absolutely adorable while doing so.

“Thanks JR” she smiled and took off her own shirt, not caring whether I was in the room or not, then she put on my shirt “Now we can sleep” she announced happily.

“Okey” I chuckled at her cuteness and took her in my arms again and laid us both down and pulled the covers over us “I love you my princess” I told her and kissed her soft lips

“And I love you my Junior Royal”

End of flashback

“I’m done now!” Chelsea’s voice interrupted my thoughts, I smiled and walked back into the bedroom. She was sitting on the bed with her legs crossed wearing my shirt. It hit me how incredibly beautiful she was. My princess, my Chelsea. I was going to make her mine again.

“Can we sleep now?” I wondered, she nodded and held out her arms to me

“Hold me” she demanded, I chuckled and nodded

“Of course” I lay down on the bed and dragged her down to me, she put her head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around her. It was just like old times. But I had a feeling that when we woke up in the morning everything was going to be different, and not in a good way. We would probably go back to hating each other.

“Good night my Junior Royal” she whispered and placed a small kiss on my chest

“Good night my princess” I replied her and kissed her hair

“I love you” I almost didn’t believe my own ears when she said those three words. Those three words that I had longed to hear ever since we broke up.

“I love you too” I whispered back and I felt how she went into dreamland. I observed her. There was no way that I was going to give up on her. Not after this night. There was still hope left. She was going to be mine again. 


Guys I'm so so so so sorry for not updating sooner! Life came in between, I had a little breakdown, and then I had an exchange studen at my house and then I got sick. Life... But now I have a chapter for you!!! :D

I hope you like it and that you won't kill me for not updating sooner xD I love you my patient readers. without you I would never be able to write this story :)<3

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GUYS! I changed the name from: My oppas are the best oppas in the entire world, to: Junior Royal, oppas and me. WHat do you think? Is it better? Love? hate?


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ConvinedImDreaming #1
Chapter 24: Please please please update soon!!!
Goldie #2
Chapter 24: Awwww update soon please!
Chapter 23: Crying right now...TT^TT

I just want them together again!!! <///3
Chapter 23: Annyeong new subbie here i just wanted to let you know that i love the story please update SOONER goodluck authornim
Chapter 22: Update pls....and i hope she is ending with Donghea.....he loves her
Chapter 22: I'm already thinking of a way to murder you...
Joke! I don't mind waiting ever. But I'm sad she's given up on JC. She can't give up!
neonpinktear #7
Chapter 20: Yay an update…but I need more
•_• Haha jk but update soon
Chapter 20: Finally! Things are starting to look up for Chelsea and JR!