
OPPA! Make me a woman!

‘Yah! Be gentle!’ I scold Taemin, since he was cleaning my wounds after all. There was still blood everywhere on my clothes. Just looking at it made me feel sick. Who ever knew that one day I would get into a fight with a bunch of girls, and be drenched with blood? Argh Ji Yeon, stop thinking about it.

I then looked at Taemin; he was so concentrated at dabbing my wounds with a damped cotton ball.  To the fact where he didn’t even realize I was staring at him. I guess, I was just in awe. Who knew that one day Taemin would save me, like in those cliché chick flicks, and fix my wounds up. It reminds me of those fairy tales, argh Ji Yeon snap out of it!

‘I’m trying to be gentle, but you keep moving!’ He shot back, placing one of his hands on my shoulder so I would stay still. I tried to not move, but every time he dabbed that cotton ball on me, the pain struck and I couldn’t help but flinch.

‘There, all done!’ He said, cleaning up the cotton balls that turned to red. I quickly got up until Taemin grabbed my wrist. ‘Wait, I need to put this bandaid on!’ He pulled me back down to my seat, aish Taemin...why did you say we were done then?

I impatiently wait for Taemin to undo the wrapper, but he took too long. ‘Aish, who cares about the bandaid!’ I snapped, snatching the bandaid from him and shoving it in my pocket. I walked out of the room, stopping halfway through the door.

I turned to look at Taemin. His eyes were going all watery which made them glitter due to the light. He intertwined his hands together, as if he was begging before me. His grin went from ear-to-ear. He looked at me, as if he was waiting for me to say something.

I sighed. ‘Fine, Thank you for your help, are you happy now?’ I grunted and left the room, faintly hearing Taemin cheering. I chuckled, what a kid.

It was time to go back to school, since we were still on that hot spring trip after all. I was alone, again. Everyone was talking about me and the incident of last night. Aish, who cares what they talk about. Now that I think about it, that means they also know about me and Taemin being siblings? Ah, what a load of my chest.

I look around; everyone was in groups chatting about life, friends, love. While I was just standing there by myself, just looking at the clouds brushing by. From the corner of my eye, I could vaguely see the fan girls’ giving me looks. I turned my head towards them and they straight away panicked and pretend to be looking at something else. Strange people...

‘Noona!’ Taemin ran towards me, causing all eyes our way. Great, Taemin sure knows how to make an entrance.

‘What do you want?’ I moaned, trying to not make eye contact. Instead I was still focused on the clouds, they seem really interesting. Well, to me anyways.

Taemin was fidgety, as if he was trying to tell me something but didn’t have the courage too. ‘Do you wanna sit next to me on the bus? I can introduce you to my fri-‘

‘No it’s okay Taemin. I just want to be alone for now.’ I interrupted, patting him on the shoulder. ‘Go hang out with your friends, okay?’ I smiled, trying to cover up the pain inside of me.

‘Fine...’ He said disappointed, and walked away.

It was time to go on the bus, and everyone already chose who they wanted to sit next to, jeez it’s not that big a deal. I decided to sit at the same spot we arrived. Everyone bordered the bus, passing by the seat next to me. Of course no one wanted to sit next to me, but I already knew that was coming. I then thought of Eun Jeong, and the time we had together. She was my first friend after all, and my first ex-friend. It feels kinda weird actually, since I never experienced such a thing. But I guess, losing a friend hurts this much. No matter what we’ve been through, all I can remember are the fun times we had. It was like yesterday was just a bad dream, it didn’t seem real enough. But I had to believe it.

I spotted Eun Jeong and the fan girls walking pass my seat. Eun Jeong saw me and paused for a moment, she just stared at me. Not a mean stare, it was rather blank actually. Until finally, she said ‘pfft.’ and walked off. After they all left, Sunny wasn’t far behind. She saw me and had a big warm smile on her face. ‘Ji Yeon! Is it alright if I sit here?’ She asked, pointing to the seat next to me.

‘Sure.’ I replied, and patted the seat next to me. She happily sat down.

She turned to look my way and she was shocked at what she was seeing. She covered and her eyes widened. ‘Omo! Are you okay Ji Yeon? You have cuts and a bruise on your face!’ She pointed to my face to where the bruise was. I didn’t even realize it, until I looked at her hand mirror. My face looked like I was in a huge gang fight, well I kinda was. But it looked like I fought against 100 men, and survived! It made me look rebel, which was funny. It totally suits the rumours that were about me.

‘Whoa, that’s a lot. But it doesn’t seem to hurt.’ I exclaimed, poking my cheek to prove it.

‘Wow.’ She said amazed. ‘You seem really tough.’ made a shape of an ‘O’. She looked really funny, which made me laugh. Imagine giving a kid an unlimited supply of lollies, that’s how ridiculous she looked.

‘What’s so funny?’ She asked confused,  tilting her head to the side.

‘Nothing at all.’ I smirked, trying to hold it in.


We finally arrived at school, but by the time we did, school already finished. Students were walking out of the building with their school bags. Taemin helped the bus driver unload the luggages. ‘Here you go!’ Taemin rolled my luggage towards me.

‘Thanks.’ I thanked, getting the luggage from him.

‘Okay, let’s go home!’ He insisted, pointing the direction to our apartment.  

‘Um...’ I paused, ‘You go first, I have things to attend to.’ I lied.

‘Boh? Really?’ He said disappointed. ‘If that’s the case, then allow me to take your luggage home okay? Be home soon!’ He waved, walking home by himself with two luggages in each hand.

‘Bye! See you soon!’ I waved, until finally Taemin was out of sight. Sorry Taemin that I lied to you. I don’t actually have something to go to, I just feel like walking by myself. I need time to think.

I slowly walked back home to the apartment, being aware of my surroundings. I saw little kids in their backyard blowing bubbles, and then pouring the bubbly liquid out of the container. ‘Ah, what a waste’ I muttered to myself. I then saw a stray cat, starring at me as if it was going to attack me. I am hell scared of cats. ‘...Nice kitty.’ I nicely said, slowly backing away. It meowed at me, which caused me to panic and run away. I feel so pathetic right now, but I couldn’t stop my feet from running. Plus, that cat seemed like it wanted to eat me.

I ran and ran, not catching my breath. I wasn’t even sure of where I was going, my feet just seemed to have a mind of their own, and they just kept on running. I finally stopped and caught my breath, breathing in and out deeply. I tried to gain support by leaning on my knees. When I finally got my energy back I stood up straight. And there, in front of me was a boy, he looked like the same age as me. He  had brown hair that had to be tired up into a pony tail, and he wore a different  school’s uniform. Around him were guys in suits, trying to harass him and pick a fight. The boy tried to act tough, he looked pretty strong. But he had a cut on his cheek. If this continues, his face will turn out to be as hideous as mine! His angelic face shouldn’t be ruined, I have to stop this.

I quickly ran over to the boy’s side. ‘Dongsaeng! Here you are, I’ve been looking everywhere for you!’ The men in suits just stared at me in confusion, probably thinking ‘Who duh hell is this chick?’ Even the boy was staring at me in shock, unaware of the situation. I had to think fast, ‘RUUUUUN!’ I yelled, pulling the boy along with me. It was either I was really strong, or the boy decided to just go along with it.


We ended up at a random park; I have no idea where the hell I am. The boy sat on the bench, just looking towards the ground. I sat beside him, but on the other end. We just stayed like that, for a long time. No one talking, just looking towards the ground. It was already dark, and the only light that reflected on us was the moon. Taemin must be worried about me.

‘Why did you do that? Why did you help me?’ The boy finally spoke, still looking towards the ground. Why did I help this boy? Oh that’s right! I didn’t want his looks to be demolished with bruises and cuts. But I couldn’t possibly tell him that.

‘I was in a fight yesterday, so I swore to myself that if I saw another fight, I would help that person no matter the situation!’ I pumped my first in the air.

‘Well, I never asked for your help.’ He stood up and walked off.

‘YAH! Shouldn’t you at least say thank you, if it weren’t for me you would have bruises and cuts all over your face! You already have one now!’ He turned around and I pointed to his face.

‘Why should I!? When I never asked for your help in the first place.’ He shot back, giving me a glare. ‘You’re not my Noona, nor my Eomma.’

‘Well, wouldn’t your Eomma be worried!?’ I argued. ‘You getting into fights isn’t the best thi-‘

‘My Eomma doesn’t care about me. And judging by your face, you seem to be getting into fights yourself. You’re one to talk.’ He interrupted, walking closer towards me.

‘Just leave me the hell alone.’ He shot, and walked off again. Okay, he is seriously pissing me off!

‘YAAAAAH!’ I yelled at the top of my lungs. But he paid no attention. I walked straight after him and pulled his collar, walking towards the seat. I pushed him towards the seat, making him sit.

‘Yah! What are you do-‘ Bam! My hand slapped right across his cheek, I couldn’t tell if it was red or not due to the darkness.

‘Just be quiet, and let me put a bandaid on you, then you can leave.’ I insisted, getting the bandaid that Taemin gave me before. Well, that slap sure shut him off. He was gobsmacked, to be hit by a random stranger, he was lost of words. I quickly pasted the bandaid on his cheek. ‘You really shouldn’t get into fights...’ I continued the topic again.

‘Don’t worry bout me, I’m always getting myself in trouble.’ He muttered.

‘And that’s considered a good thing?’ I asked confused of it all.

‘Why do you even care anyway?’ He forcefully asked, looking straight into my eyes. Why do I care? This is a totally complete stranger, yet it’s like...as if he’s my brother. It just seems like he could do so much more of his life. Somehow, I seem drawn by him. There’s something that’s ju-

‘Noona! There you are, I’ve been looking all over for you!’ A voice called out, holding a torch. It was Taemin. The boy quickly stood up and walked off. ‘Bye.’ He mumbled, until he finally blended in with the darkness. Taemin quickly ran over towards me. ‘Is everything alright? Who were you with before?’ He asked really quickly, to the point where I couldn’t really understand.

‘Err...?’ I stuttered, trying to figure out what he said. ‘Let’s just go home for now, I’ll explain later.’

Taemin pulled my arm and made me walk faster. I turned around, only to see an empty bench and the moon reflecting its light on it. For some reason, I had a feeling I was going to see that boy again.

And I was right.



Hey guys! I hope you're liking my fan fic so far ^____^!

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Silent readers made me anxious, i really wanna know who is reading this :)


I wouldn't have been able to come up with new chapters if it weren't for you guys <3

Sarangahae~ and i hope you like my future chapters yet to come :]

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dimskie #1
soon!!! ill love it
KrysStarzz #2
This is interesting, I can't wait to read what's coming next. Update please!
awesommmmmeeee !!!
your story looks good.. but.. i prefer if you used the real pic. of park Jiyeon, its hard to imagine its her when shinhye's picture is there... anyway, since its still Jiyeon's name... i gonna read it!!!
Taemin is a genius.
finally! ive been waiting for this!! keke! i really love it.. :D pls update soon! :)
JuzzMee #7
hehe taemin to the rescue...<br />
well plan taemin<br />
update soon<br />
JuzzMee #8
i'm a new reader..<br />
i love your story<br />
keep update!!!!!!
smilingeyes #9