Friend or Foe?

OPPA! Make me a woman!

It’s already been a week since Taemin has been at this school, and already a fan club has been created. Girls in that fan club are totally crazy! They have rules they have to go by:

  1. We do not steal Taemin’s personal belongings. 
  2. We do not go to Taemin’s house. 
  3. We do not talk to Taemin unless two or more of us are present. 
  4. We must steal Taemin from Park Ji Yeon at all cost!

See what I mean? Totally crazy especially the last one! First of all, Taemin and I aren’t going out. He is my brother after all, but obviously the fan girls don’t know that. If they did, it will just give them even more reasons to get rid of me! They are making such a big fuss over nothing; I don’t really care if they are Taemin’s fan girls. Aigoo, this is driving me crazy.

Of course, there are some girls who aren’t in the fan club. And if they even remotely try to talk to Taemin, the fan girls will kidnap them away! If the non-fan girls try and touch his belongings, the fan girls will be there! Everywhere Taemin is the fan girls are there too! Scary...I almost feel sorry for him.

So imagine if they find out that I’m his sister! All the things they do to the non-fan club girls, they will do it 100 times worse on me.


‘Babo, you should just stop thinking about this Ji Yeon.’ I say hitting myself on the head. I lie down, and focus my eyes on the clouds drifting above me. Clouds are pretty, they seem so peaceful. Just drifting in the sky, I wish I was a cloud. No worries, nothing. Ah, what am I thinking about! I’m going crazy.

I slowly get up and dust myself off making my way to the door, until someone blocks my way.

‘Hello Park Ji Yeon! Let’s be friends!’ A girl says excitedly, still blocking the door.

I chuckle ‘Yeah...good luck with that.’ I muttered, lightly pushing her to the side.

‘What? C’mon! I really like you.’ She pouted, trying to get my attention.

I turn my head, and stare at her. Who is this girl? Is she trying to confess to me? What does she want anyways...?

‘Haven’t you heard the rumours? Why do you want to be friends with me?’ I asked, trying to brush her off.

She walked up to me, and placed her hand on my shoulder. ‘It’s okay! I don’t believe those rumours anyways, I want to become friends with you and find out the real Park Ji Yeon.’

I scratch my head, and just look at her. This girl wants to become friends with me? She wants to find out the real Park Ji Yeon. Something doesn’t seem right; I need to know more about this girl.

‘Okay, let’s be friends.’ I lied, but smiling to cover it up.

‘Yay!’ She pranced and gave me a hug. This girl scares me...

‘Hello Park Ji Yeon! My name is Han Eun Jeong, it’s nice to meet you!’

‘Yeah, nice to meet you too.’


Lunch ended, and Han Eun Jeong walked back to class. I walked back to mine, only to find the teacher standing at the front.

‘Students, I have an announcement.’ The teacher informed us. ‘In 3 days time, we will be staying at a hot spring hotel for 2 nights.’

‘EHHHH REALLY?!’ Everyone said excitedly.

‘ Ahhh, just what I need.’ I muttered with relief.


‘Noona! Are you getting ready for the hot spring excursion?’ Taemin walked in, while I was packing.

‘Eh? You’re coming too?’ I asked, confused.

‘Yeah! It’s my year level and yours.’ He exclaimed. Aish, that . If Taemin is coming, that means all those fan girls are coming too. Aish, such bad luck.

‘Oh...I see.’ I said, not interested anymore.

‘Boh? Noona doesn’t want me to come!’ He pouted, with puppy dog eyes trying to look innocent.

‘Aish, Taemin. Stop acting all cute. That’s why you have so many fan girls.’ I protested, pushing his head out of my sight.

‘Noona! I can’t help being cute, just like how those fan girls can’t help but like me.’ He said, being all cocky.

I laughed at his stupidness. ‘I thought you don’t like having those fan girls around you?’

‘Well...I did at first. But I’m kinda getting used to them. I mean, you can’t be mean to your fans.’ He informed.

‘Aish really are something.’ I mumbled.

‘What did you say? I couldn’t hear.’

‘...It’s nothing.’


It was finally the day of the hot spring. And I was still excited as ever, although the fan girls will be joining us. But it’s not like it’s any of my problem. Taemin, they are all yours!

Everyone placed their luggage in the space provided under the bus and all got on the bus. I decided to sit down near the back. No one dared to sit next to me, oh wait...except one.

‘Hey Park Ji Yeon!’ Han Eun Jeong waved, sitting down next to me. Oh great...just great. Just when I thought I would never see her again.

I nervously chuckle. ‘Hey there...’ I tried not making any eye contact with her, so I started to stare at the window.

‘Are you excited about today?’ She asked.

‘Totally, I’m thrilled.’ I answered back, without realizing.

Soon, Taemin entered the bus and sat down with his guy friends. I think their names were Jonghyun, Key, Onew and Minho. Wow, Taemin made friends fast. They also had fan girls, but not as much as Taemin did. All the girls followed after Taemin, and they all tried to sit as close to him as possible. Some even harassed the other students to move out their seats. Aish, they are so crazy.

‘Hey...isn’t that Taemin?’ Han Eun Jeong asked me, trying to point at Taemin without anyone looking.

‘Yeah.’ I said, not interested about the topic.

‘He sure is popular.’

‘Yeah.’ I repeated myself, still not interested.

‘Do you like him?’

‘Yeah.’ I said once again, not realizing what she said. ‘Wait...WHAT!?’ I almost yelled, but Han Eun Jeong covered my mouth. Luckily, no one heard.

‘You’re funny Ji Yeon, I was just joking.’ She laughed, taking her hand off my mouth.

‘...Do you like him?’ I questioned out of curiosity.

‘I don’t know.’ She shrugged. I then dropped the subject and decide to look at the window again. From the corner of my eye, I could see Han Eun Jeong smirking towards Taemin. Was it just my imagination? Ah, if.


We then arrived at the Hot Spring Hotel. And it looked like those houses in the olden days. But it was really cool, and it seemed peaceful. Everyone got their luggage out and headed towards the rooms. All the girls were in one room, and all the guys were in another. Aish, I have to be with stupid fan girls. They are probably going to keep me up all night talking about Taemin.

Han Eun Jeong was walking beside me, and I could hear rumours from the guys.

‘Hey look, it’s Han Eun Jeong. Isn’t she a hottie?’ A guy whispered.

‘I know right, I would so totally go out with her.’

‘But...why is she hanging out with Park Ji Yeon?’

‘I don’t know. How weird....’

I then turned to look at Han Eun Jeong. I never realized this, but she was really pretty. She didn’t seem like the type of person who would hang out with someone like me. I wonder why a sudden change of heart, something’s weird. Oh well, I have other things to worry about. Like taking a dip in the hot spring!


Everyone placed their luggage in the room, and we all headed out to eat lunch. We all went into this big room, with lots of low tables inside. We all sat on the carpet floor and waited for the food to be served. Han Eun Jeong sat next to me, and a bunch of other people I don’t know.

I was using my eyes trying to search for Taemin in the room. He was at the other end of the room, surrounded by his friends and a bunch of fan girls. They were all trying to be close to him, whispering in his ear, doing all those retarded things that fan girls do. And at some point, they would all stare at me and smirk. My eyes widened, why are they looking at me? Oh, that’s right. They still think I’m going out with Taemin, therefore they are trying to “steal” him away from me, and making me jealous. They look so stupid right now, trying to steal him away, when he isn’t mine to start with. Ehehehe, ers.

I then looked at them straight in the eye and mouthed out the words. ‘Taemin will never fall for you, he is all mine.’ And they all got really angry and tried even harder at getting Taemin’s attention. Wow, this might actually be fun. I’ll have fun while it lasts. Interesting...

‘Park Ji Yeon!’ Han Eun Jeong interrupted.

‘Yeah?’ I said confused, turning my head towards her.

‘Are you really going out with Taemin?’ Aish; talking about Taemin again.

‘No, we aren’t. Don’t get the wrong idea.’ I nervously said, scratching the back of my neck.


Han Eun Jeong’s P.O.V:

‘No, we aren’t. Don’t get the wrong idea.’ Park Ji Yeon nervously said, scratching the back of her neck.

‘Ah, that’s good.’ I whispered to myself.

‘Eh? What was that?’ Ji Yeon asked.

‘Oh! It’s nothing!’ I laughed, trying to change the subject. Finally the food came out and we all ate.


Park Ji Yeon’s P.O.V

‘Ahhhh~ Finally we are in the hot spring.’ I said relieved.

‘Hmm!’ Han Eun Jeong nodded.

The hot spring was so nice. It felt like the warm water was washing away all my worries, and all I could do was just close my eyes. I feel so sleepy and relaxed now.

I then turn my head slowly to see how Han Eun Jeong is doing. She looked completely relaxed too. She actually does look pretty; I wonder if she has any one she likes. Wait, could she possible like Taemin? But if she did, then she would be a part of the crazy fan club. Aish, what am I thinking...


The teachers informed us to get ready for bed. So everyone went towards their dorms and unfolded all their sleeping bags. Of course, Han Eun Jeong placed hers next to mine. On the other side of my sleeping bag, there was no one. Until someone came and placed theirs next to mine.

‘Eh-‘ My eyes widened, it was that librarian girl!

‘Hey, it’s Park Ji Yeon!’ She smiled, happy that I was next to her.

I chuckled. ‘I’m sorry, but I forgot your name.’ I felt embarrassed, because she remembered mine.

‘Oh its okay, my name is Soon-Kyu. But just call me Sunny.’ She informed.

‘Hello Sunny, it’s nice to meet you.’ I smiled, and she smiled back.


The next day, we all went hiking. Han Eun Jeong and I were a few metres behind from Taemin and his crazy fan girls; they sure were sticking to him like glue. I then receive a text. It was from Taemin.

‘Noona! I haven’t spoken to you at all since this trip. Are you feeling lonely?’

I text back. ‘You stupid, as if I would feel lonely. What? Do you feel lonely?’

A message soon arrives ‘Yes, I don’t get to spend quality time with my sister.’

I stare at the text for awhile, until Han Eun Jeong interrupts me. ‘Watcha doing? Ohhh! Who ya texting?’ She nudges me.

I laugh. ‘It’s no one, don’t worry.’


‘Ahhhh, I’m so tired from the hike. I just wanna sleep.’  Han Eun Jeong mutters.

‘I feel the same way.’ I reply back. ‘Be right back, I’m going to go to the rest room.’ I get up and walk out the room.


Han Eun Jeong P.O.V:

Ji Yeon left the room, aish I’m so bored now. I start stretching until I come across her phone. I pick it up and go through her inbox. I was so shocked at what I was seeing. It was a text message from Taemin!

‘Yes, I don’t get to spend quality time with my sister.’ EHHHHHH! Sister!? Taemin is her brother! So that’s how they know each other, because they are brother and sister. They aren’t going out, that’s just a misunderstanding from the fan girls. I then forward the text to my phone. Sent! And also save Taemin’s number onto my phone.

‘What are you doing with Ji Yeon’s phone?’ Sunny suddenly walks in.

‘Ehhh? Oh nothing! Someone nearly stepped on it, so I’m holding it until she comes back.’ I lied.

‘Oh, I see...’ She replied, and walked off. I hope she doesn’t think something is suspicious.


I then look at my phone, and smirk. I finally found useful information. You better watch out, Park Ji Yeon.



OOOOOOOHHHHH! Things are getting interesting, LOL! Sorry if this chapter was too long, I need to speed things up y'know?

Just to tell you guys, the next half-brother Lee Hong Ki will be appearing soon! ^________^ yayyayayayaya :)

THANKS FOR READING, please comment if you want :D

*sorry if there are any mistakes, haven't really edited it yet D;

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dimskie #1
soon!!! ill love it
KrysStarzz #2
This is interesting, I can't wait to read what's coming next. Update please!
awesommmmmeeee !!!
your story looks good.. but.. i prefer if you used the real pic. of park Jiyeon, its hard to imagine its her when shinhye's picture is there... anyway, since its still Jiyeon's name... i gonna read it!!!
Taemin is a genius.
finally! ive been waiting for this!! keke! i really love it.. :D pls update soon! :)
JuzzMee #7
hehe taemin to the rescue...<br />
well plan taemin<br />
update soon<br />
JuzzMee #8
i'm a new reader..<br />
i love your story<br />
keep update!!!!!!
smilingeyes #9