A Worthless Smile With a Dozen Roses

Lost Inspirations {hiatus mode}


I think this song makes me think of Kai and Min Ah's relationship~  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ 





Kai's P.O.V from Chapter 8~


Kai walks through the hallways, everyone is staring, he keeps his view at his shoes.

It's awkward, being followed, stared at, can't they just leave me alone?

Kai walks into the school's garden. I'll just skip class. He sat on the bench, trying to find a comfortable position. He decided to lay down with his arms folded behind his head.

He blankly stares the sky, watching the clouds drift in the wind. His mind was filled with Min Ah. Flashbacks of Min Ah occur, her smile, her soft hands, and her soft cheeks. 

Why can't things just go back when everything was simple? 

It came back to his thoughts. Min Ah, she cheated on me.

Why? I don't know. Maybe I didn't love her enough? It's late to care now anyways.  It’s over, we're already through, but why does every girl looks like her? No matter what i do, i just can't forget about Min Ah, about us. These memories.. it all lives inside of me. I tried to forget her, I really did tried, but these memories would forever be remembered for as long as I live.


But when I look at ____, well she reminds me of Min Ah. She reminds me of Min Ah in many ways. Her smile resembles Min Ah. That little sparkle, if you look closely, you would notice that sparkle that makes their eyes shine. 

Kai suddenly stood up from the bench, I need to talk to someone. Someone.. someone.. Taemin! 

Kai grabbed his phone out of his pocket and decided to call Taemin.

"Annyeonghaseyo~" Taemin answers, cheerfully as he usually is.

"Hey.. I need to talk to you about Min Ah.." Kai scratches his hand awkwardly behind his head as he looks at the rose bushes, "..She said that she wanted to 'go back to the way we were before' and I-"

"..Wait what? Min Ah said what?" Taemin sighed, "Just come to my work, we could talk about it, okay? Bye."

Kai sighed, I guess I won't go to class at all today then.


It was windy, Kai's hair was going all over the place. The wind was making his hair even fluffier than before. He sighed and pats his hair, trying to maintain his hair's volume.

..Wait, which way was to the café again? Kai walks pass the cafe and noticed a girl with earphones on was looking at him; he glances at her then pauses and looks up at the building. 

Ah, it’s The Polar Bear Cafe. Kai opens the door, the bells dangling on the door makes a knell sound. 

"Kai~ Over here~" Taemin waves at him, making him sit on the stool in front of the counter.

Kai looks around the cafe, admiring it, as he forgotten all about the place. His eyes lay on a girl, he couldn't see her carefully, but he could clearly see that she was nodding her head as she listens to music, then does a little wave dance with her arms.

Kai couldn't help but laugh at how cute she looks. 

"Kai, c'mon, we need to talk." Taemin grabbed Kai's shoulder and dragged him further away. "So what happened with Min Ah this time..?"

Kai blankly looks at Taemin, “She wanted to start all over." Kai shrugged, “..Back when we were together."

"So..? Did you got back with her?" Taemin stares at Kai, with his innocent curious eyes.

"Ani! I won't. I can't, not what she has done to me, I wanted to do something." Kai's eyes darken, "I wanted.. Revenge. She deceived me, and I want to-"

"Kai! Revenge is never the answer!" Taemin grabbed Kai's shoulder, "Just what are you going to do then? Just what will make you let go of the past?!"

Kai pauses, he looks away from Taemin's sharp stare. 

Baekhyun walked out of the kitchen, great timing. "Ayoo, it's Baekhyun! Wassup?"

Taemin quickly let go of his grip on Kai's shoulder as Baekhyun turned around to Kai, "Just having lunch~" he walks away while holding a big plate filled with tteokbokki.

Oh my, Baekhyun's famous tteokbokki, everyone in Exo-k, would die just to have one rice cake.

Kai slightly drooled, he snapped out of his strange food hallucination as soon as he saw Baekhyun sitting with a girl.

Is that Baekhyun.. sitting with a girl? Oh my~ our little  awkward turtle, eating lunch with a girl. 

"Baekhyun-ah~ Is that.. your, GIRLFRIEND?"

Baekhyun looks up, his face red as his eyes extended, "Whaaa? Aniyaa!" He covered his face with his hands, with a fork still in his finger's grip.

The girl sitting in in front of Baekhyun turned around, her cheeks were stuffed with rice cakes.

Kai suddenly remembered his pet hamster and giggled.

Wait. Hold the phone, is that _____?

 ... It is _____! Kai, couldn't set his eyes away from you and Baekhyun. His chest feels heavy. 

Since when was ____ so close with Baekhyun? Why is this bothering me..?! Aish..


.. Is Baekhyun trying to feed ____? Kai's eyes widen, without thinking he ran up to Baekhyun, grabbed his wrist, and fed himself the rice cake. Omnom. Kai turns around and looked at you. Agio, ____ is staring at me. Look away.. look away..

“Baekhyun makes the best tteokbokki.” I couldn't think of anything else to say. I feel like I look like a babo right now..

What the.. _____, is starting to pack her things. Why? Is it because I'm here? Am I interrupting their date?

Kai's eyes followed you as you walked out of the cafe.

Kai sat on your seat, in front of Baekhyun, he picked up your fork and continued to eat the tteokbokki. 

"Yah, Kai." Baekhyun looks up at Kai as he stuffs his face, "I think.. more people are coming in here." Baekhyun awkwardly looked around as people started to stare at them.

Kai sets his fork down, and looked around the cafe. He’s right, it's getting crowded.

The girls started to whisper to each other while they stare at Kai and Baekhyun. 

Tsk, so annoying. "Baekhyun-ah, I'll be going now."

Kai walks out the cafe. Everything, everyone is so annoying. I just want to dance. I never signed up to be followed around girls 24/7. He sighed as he put on his hood.

..That girl she looks familiar.. Is that ____? I thought she left cause she needed to go somewhere.. Maybe I should talk to her.

"____~" Kai starts to slowly jog closer to you, "____!" Hmph, is she ignoring me?

Kai tapped your shoulder.

"Oh hey.. Since when you were there?" You said as you took one earphone off.

"I was calling you like crazy!" He looked ahead, "I looked like a.. babo." 

Why is she walking so fast?  "Hey ___, are you busy right now?"


"Eh? Um.. not exactly, why?" You glance at Kai.

"C'mon, let's go somewhere." 


Kai led you to your school's campus, to an area you never knew existed. It looks slightly old and abandon. It was dark, you couldn't see where you were going and you accidentally tripped as you missed one of the steps on the stairs.

Seriously, this girl keeps on falling all over the place..

Kai grabbed your hands.

Is this her hand? Whoa, it’s so dark, I was trying to grab her wrist.. Oh well, might as well continue holding her hands since she’s not resisting..

Kai gripped your hands safely in his hands and smiles at you as he led you to the end off the hallways and stood in front of the door.

Aish.. let's play one of Exo's songs to kill this awkward silence.


Everytime i listen to MAMA, i just get too into it. Singing, mouthing the words, dancing to MAMA, it's just too fun.

____, is so.. dorky. I never expect her to have a fun side.

She is such a horrible dancer though.. it's cute.

Ah, my part in the song is coming up~ .... ______, really does fail at dancing.

He smiles at you as you somehow tripped yourself and fell on the floor.

Just how did she end up tripping herself? "Agioo! That was horrible!" Kai continues to dance where you left off.

"Pfft, whatever show off!" You scoffed as you continued to sit on the floor.

Is she mad..? "I'm sorry.." he looks down at you, "for being such a great dancer" he smirks as he reaches out his hand to help you up.

She ignored my hand.. Oh well, I'll just join her instead.


Kai flops on the floor, lying besides you on the cold wooden floor.


What kind of music does she listens to.. She looks so focus, just listening to music like that.

"What to hear?"

Yeah.. sure. Kai places the earphone on his ear. "You like classical music?"

"Mhm, they're okay. I like to hear instrumental songs the most." She still is staring at the ceiling..

I can see the resemblance of Min Ah.. Her face looks so squishy. I want to poke it. No, that’s too weird. Kai continues to stare.

You turned to look at Kai, and instantly your eyes met his.

There it is, that sparkle in their eyes that just instantly grabs your attention.. 

Since I can't go back with Min Ah, I can just use her sister instead. I miss Min Ah, but we can never go back, not from what she has done to me. 

Min Ah you hurt me, now it's your turn to see how much pain i felt. Being replaced, it's the worse feeling ever. But now, its your turn, Min Ah, to be replaced.

Using ____, to make Min Ah jealous, yeah... that could be my revenge..

Kai smirks, a dark smile that is hiding behind his kind deceiving eyes.




Yush~ Chapter 9 ;A; sorry i took a while, well finals is finally over~ 

Hey guys, i was wondering if i should make Zelo's fanfic a tragedy? :3 I wonder if you guise would be interested..

I'll try to update faster! Try. I said I'll try. LOL.

-Alice <3


derpkyung:   Sehun forgets the choreography during rehearsals.  HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA  i mean aw


Here, Awkward Sehun forgets the choreography during rehearsals. So cute ~

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Hiatus mode~ I will continue this, just later XD lol


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No need to say sorry for making long chappies.
I like long chappies ~ <3
T_T hiatus mode? omfg NOOOOOOOOO
WHYWHYWHY?! i love this story so much... T-T
Ahh, so much drama, my heart cannot take it <333
^___^ i love it anyways~ long updates are the best!
YAY!!! you update! this has to be my most favorite story of all.
Minah! SHE IS CRAZYING!!! uhhg! i wonder how the love triange will come out! UPDATE SOON!
sarang_sora #5
that stupid freaking creepy crazy annoying minah girl what the f is wrong with cant u let go of your lover just for your sister how cruel are you?! (rage mood)
i feel sorry for jieun :(

update soon~~
CaptainV-neck #6
MINAHHHHH YOU EVIL LITTLE-- GAHH. She's so... Ugh... >.< This love pentagon is so dysfunctional, haha. Next chapter, you should have Taemin kiss everyone x)
eskufsudfgsuygdsiygy crying because you're back, I was so afraid that you might stop updating, I MISSED THIS FIC SO MUCH ♥
Why haven;t you been updating this?? I MISS IT! THIS IS LIKE MY ALL TIME FAVORITE STORY OF ALLL!! update soon please...