Lost In Love

Lost Inspirations {hiatus mode}


I've lost all of my inspirations..

Make my dreams come back alive.





Contest? You couldn't get it out of your mind. You stayed up all night thinking of what picture to take for the contest. You memorized everything detail on the contest poster. The theme of the contest, the rules, concept, everything. All you needed to do is to think of an idea. The theme of the contest; My Favorite Thing, of people, animals, food. etc. You never particularly had an inspiration, or anything favorable. So this contest, is more than a challenge than you thought it would be.

Jieun called your home phone last night and told to you to meet her in the park. You've forgotten your phone at Jieun's place, so you were supposed to meet her at the park, early in the morning. Jieun had also asked you to help her think of an idea for the photography contest. "The earlier you turn in your photo, the higher chances your photo would be chosen. So don't be late!" Jieun quoted. You rushed yourself, and stuffed a small sandwich into your pockets as you held your camera in your hands on your way towards the park.

You walked around the park holding onto your camera. You looked around the scenario as you made your way towards the bench. You looked at the cherry blossom trees that were planted besides the bench. Maybe taking a picture of the cherry blossoms would be nice for the contest, but that's too common. You wanted your photograph to be different, unique in a way. You sighed as you walked over to the bench. You continue to look around the scenario through the lens of your camera. You noticed a boy, out of curiosity, you zoomed the lens closer to view his face. You accidentally clicked the wrong button and snapped a photo of him. You slightly jumped when you viewed the photo and realized that it was Kai. W-What is he doing here? Your camera lens slowly views his hands. You noticed that he was holding onto a leash..? You looked down at the leash and noticed a dog. 




AN: hurhurhur~ Kai's dogs, Monggu and Jjanggu, but I'll be using one of the dogs for the fic, Monggu~! c:


You tried to avoid being seen by Kai, you distract yourself by looking through your old photos in your camera. You set the camera on your lap as you look down. Your hair gently covered the view of your face as you became completely distracted on your camera. You couldn't help but to smile at the old photos. Pictures of you with umma and oppa, smiling happily. Deep down, you missed being a whole family.

Unaware of your surroundings, you look up from your view of your camera, and noticed a dog sitting in front of you, with its tail wagging crazily. Your eyes widen, "What do you want doggy?"

In an instant, the dog pounced on you and started to sniff you wildly. You squealed as you panicked and tried to struggle. You were afraid to hurt the dog, so you squirmed around the bench. “Agio!” you hopped out of the bench. You turned back; the dog was still following you. You slightly squealed, "Eeek" and began to run onto the field of grass. You turned back, and noticed that the dog was catching up to you. It happened in a flash; you tripped over and fell on a person. The words you heard before you fell on him was "MY ICECREAM-" You landed on the person's chest "Ah, I'm so sorry." You looked up, as your chin was still on his chest. He set his hand on your head and lifted his head up. You quickly stood up as soon as you got a glimpse of his face. It was Kai. You rolled off of him and stood up. You brushed the imaginary dusk away from your clothes and looked at the ice cream that Kai had just dropped. 

"Uh, mianhae?" You said in a tone, that displeases Kai.

Kai looks at you with his eyes squinted, "Mianhae? No, that won't do. You own me."

You scoffed, "I don't own you anything thing." Your glare pierces at him as he continues to stare back, with no expression. In a second, he smirked.







"Aish, where is he?" Baekhyun said as he tried to call Kai once again. He jogs through the park, looking for Kai. He's supposed to meet me in front of the park. Baekhyun started to walk on a hill ontop of the field of grass. He uses his hand to shade the sunlight away from his eyes as he scans the park, looking for Kai. His eyes slightly widens as he recognized Kai's dog running towards him. He squats down to Kai's dog, "Monggu? Where is your babo owner?" He picks up the leash as he strolls on the sidewalk. Monggu abruptly sat down, Baekhyun almost tripped as he stumbles on the ground. "Agio..." He fell on his chest. He looks up from the ground, and the first thing he notices, was your back view. He quickly became flustered and stood up as he hid behind a light post. His cheeks turned pink and fluffy as he looks at you, "Is _____, talking to Kai? ...I thought she doesn't want ot have anything to do with him." He puffs his cheek as he stood afar from you and Kai.






Jieun walks over to the park, Where is she? Agio. That girl forgot her phone at my house yesterday! Today was the official countdown for the photography's club contest. Jieun is clueless for a picture she would take for the contest. She held onto your phone as she searches for you throughout the park. A smile appeared on her face as she spotted you, but as she slowly gets closer to you, her smile diminishes. Kai.. you jerk, get away from her! She walks closer to you as she suddenly pauses. Her cheeks became red. Baekhyun? What is he doing here? She held onto the camera dangling on her neck. He's.. looking at ____ again. She looks down at the ground, then to her camera. A tear fell upon her cheeks. The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.. She sighed as she held onto her camera tighter in the palm of her hands. She sighs loudly and viewed the camera at Baekhyun. He continues to look at you and Kai from afar. She views the lens from his back view, exhaled, and snap a photo. As soon as she finished taking the picture, she views it on her camera, the picture actually came out nice. In the photograph, it clearly depicts Baekhyun's back view as he looks at you and Kai. It's like an image worth a thousand words. She smiles vacantly, "This is it. The picture I'll use for the competition."

She exhaled loudly and walked over to Baekhyun. He didn't noticed her until she poked his side, making him releasing a weird squealing sound. 

She giggled, " Annyeong Baekhyun, what are you doing?" She said as she bends down looking at him, as he covers his face.

"W-what? I'm just here, to pick up Kai!" He rushes ahead of Jieun. He rushes ahead of Jieun and head towards you and Kai.


"Kai!" Baekhyun shouted as he held onto Monggu against his chest. Kai and you both turned around, you smiled, just when you were about to lift your hand up and wave to Baekhyun, Kai grabbed your hand. He ran with all his might, dragging you with him.

Baekhyun's eyes widen, "YAH!!" Baekhyun was just about to chase you, but Jieun stopped him. She grabbed his shoulder making him stop. "Just let them go.. They need to resolve their problems." Jieun said as she looks on the ground, hiding her blush. He looks at Jieun, with a confused look on his face, then looked at you as you disappeared through the park. 



"Yah! What are you doing?!"

Kai smirks as he lead you through the city. You didn't focus on your surroundings. Instead, you were distracted by the whole time Kai was holding on to your hand. You tried to pull your hand off his grip, but he held on tight. Once he finally released the grip on your wrist, you looked up from your view of the ground and agape from the scenario. 

"W-wow.. this is beautiful." You held onto your camera, which is still dangling around your neck and pointed the lens at the trees. You didn't care, but you took several pictures of the scenario. For a moment, you've forgotten that Kai was near you. You turned around and noticed Kai was sitting on a chair, outside of an ice cream shop. You glared at him as your cheeks became pink. You looked around the scenario, "..How do I get out of here?" You pat your pockets, searching for your phone and sighed. You were preoccupied about the photography contest that you didn't being your phone. You only brought your camera with you instead. You didn't know how to get back home. This place, you never been around here before. You had no other choice but to stick with Kai. No cash, no phone, aish, I am such a babo..

You walked over to Kai's table and sat across of him. "Kai.. can I borrow your phone?"  You looked at him with pleading eyes. He blankly stares at you, "And.. where's your phone?"

"If I had my phone with me, I wouldn't be asking for yours." Your tone sounded bitter than you intended it to be.

Kai pouted, "Well that isn't nice." He places his phone on the table as he walks into the ice cream shop. You took the opportunity to look through his phone. His phone was complicated; you weren't sure how to get to the dial pad. You remembered that you left your phone at Jieun's place and tried to call your phone. Pick up.. pick up... darn. No one answers the phone. I guess it's because you didn't have Kai's number listed on your phone, so she wouldn’t pick up the call. You sighed as you saw Kai walked out of the ice cream shop.

He walks towards the table, eating a bowl of vanilla ice cream with random toppings barricading it. You were staring at his ice cream. Wow, this is unexpected. I imagine him drinking some black coffee, rather than.. ice cream. You couldn't but to giggle. 

Kai looks up at you with an eyebrow up, "Hm? Want some?" He scoops up a spoonful and stretches his arm towards you.

All this running.. made you hungry. You smiled, " I'll just get my own spoon." You stood up and walked towards the door, "Don't finish it all!" Kai laughs, "Hurry then." 





The maid was organizing the flower bouquets as Minah ran pass her towards the door "Minah, where are you going?" "I am going to go cherry blossoms sightseeing with my friends, don't wait up~" she giggles as she hops in their car and drove away. Minah looked outside of the window, her smile dwindle, she couldn't help but to think about Kai. Your relationship with Kai, made her feel jealous. She never once felt jealous of anyone, until now. This feeling, jealous, made her behave a bit differently. She became unable to maintain her ‘perfect’ image. She looks out the window and pouted.

The car stopped, Minah abruptly sits up and sticks her head out of the car's window. K-Kai!?

"Minah! What are you doing?! That’s dangerous!" Her friend shouted as she tries to focus on the street lights. Minah suddenly unbuckles her seat belt and swiftly opens the door. She ran through the streets as the red lights remained red.

Minah ran through the streets hugging onto her purse as she finally made her way onto the sidewalks. She exhaled loudly as she searches the streets for Kai. She places her hands in front of her eyes as binoculars, "Ah! There’s Kai~" Her smile fades as soon as she saw you walked out of the ice cream shop with a spoon in your hand.

"What the-" The look in her eyes darken, her smile completely changed into a frown. The butterflies she felt earlier, died as a heavy weight replaced the feeling in her chest. Why is it always _____? She clenches her fist as she slowly walks closer to you and Kai. She quickly hides behind a pillar as Kai stood up from the table and walks into the ice cream shop.


Minah ran over to your table and tap you shoulder.

"Whoa Kai that was quick I-" Your eyes widen as you turned around. The sight of Minah made your heart races nervously.

She places both of her hands behind her back and tilts her head as she continues to smile at you. "Annyeong, _____!" 

She sat in front of you as she held onto your camera. "Hey, _____.. were you here with Kai?" 

You nervously gulp as you look down at the table, "Mhm.."

In a short awkward period of silence, the wind gust flow through the air, making the cherry blossom petals fall, "Oh okay." She continues to looks through your camera. "..Hey, I'll be borrowing this okay?"

You looked at her as she casually walks away, "Huh? No wait-!" You stood up, and just when you were about to chase after her, Kai calls out to you.

"Where are you going?" He held onto your wrist and gazes into your eyes.

You agape, trying to speak but you couldn't find the right words. Should I tell him.. that Minah was here..? " I'm just standing. Why? I can't stretch?" You scoff as you turned around looking for Minah. But it was too late, she disappeared in the crowd. She had taken your precious camera once again. Your mood changed. Once again you continued to behave coldly towards Kai.

"Can we go back already? I don't want to be here." You said as you walked besides Kai, with your arm crossed.  

He looks down at you and noticed that your mood had suddenly changed. Without saying a thing, he leads you to a taxi and headed home. You walked over to the taxi driver and told him the address of Jieun's neighborhood and sat beside Kai.

"You're not going home?" He tilts his head, as he tries to view your face. You tried to avoid eye contact and looked at the window. Although you were looking out at the window, you could clearly see Kai's reflection. Wow, Just seeing his reflection can make me feel.. this flustered? You nodded in reply. 

You sighed as the taxi stopped. You walked out of the taxi, and turned around to have a last glance of Kai. Your heart dropped as he continues to look outside of the window. His attention was somewhere else. You sighed as you shut the door loudly on your way out. 


You stood in front of Jieun's house, ringing her doorbell like crazy. Behind the door, you could hear someone shouting, "Coming," faintly.

She opened the door, and looked at you with her eyes widen. "______? Why you're here now? It's like 10pm" She scoffs as she leans on the edge of the door. You glance at the door then at Jieun. So she's not letting me in...?

You sighed. You remembered that you had 'ditched' her at the park earlier with Kai. It wasn't really your fault but you couldn’t help but to feel responsible for her current behavior. "I just came here to pick up my phone." You crossed your arms and lean beside the door.

"Fine. Here" She stretches out her arm as she stood inside her house.

You grabbed your phone and scrolled through it. You remembered that you had used Kai's phone earlier to call your phone and stared at his number. Even looking at his number makes you feel flustered. Without thinking, you saved his number. You continue to scroll down you missed called list. There were 15 missed calls.. from home? Why would the maids calls you? They never usually would especially not 15 times. Curiously, you called them back as you stood in front of Jieun's house. She looks at you as your eyebrows furrowed.

"____?" One of the maids picked up, she was breathing heavily, "_____! Where were you?! Minah hasn't been home yet, is she with you?!"

Oh that’s nice to know, they only called me because they're worried about Minah.. "Chet, why would she even be with me? Probably she's out with her friends or something."

"Aniyo! She would always called first.. and being out this late.. I'm worried something had happened to her! What if someone kidnap her or-" You hanged up. You didn't want to listen to her bickering to herself. Minah.. where are you? You had forgotten that you were in front of Jieun's house, she looks at you and realized that you looked distressed. "_____... What happened?"

A sad gaze naturally appeared on your face as you quickly ran out of the neighborhood towards the city. You were running, you don't particularly know why, but you're worried about Minah. You dialed Kai's phone number as you waited for the streetlight to cross. 

"...Hello? Who's this?" A deep tired voice answers. Right away, you recognized that voice. It's Kai.

"It's me. You know that place that you had taken me earlier today? Tell me the directions."

"_____? Uh yeah, its 3 blocks away from school and you'll be there when you see cherry blossom trees.. why?"

Out of breath, you stopped in front of the school and coughed, “Minah... is missing. She isn't at home.. I'm worried."

"What?! I'll meet you in front of the ice cream shop. We'll look for her together."


You ran towards the ice cream shop and searched for Kai. He jogs up from behind you and tapped your shoulder. You slightly jumped and looked through your phone. He was wearing a hoodie along with sweats. You could tell from his hair that he was sleeping.

"Why would you come here, of all places, to look for her?" 

"Um… This is where I last saw her.. when she took my camera." You said as you tried calling her number. BEEP. She, turned off her phone..

"Aish! This girl..." You ruffled your hair as you grind your teeth. "Why would Minah even be here in the first place?!" You started to burst into anger. 

Kai looks at you quietly as he reminisce the scenario. He looks around the city, then towards the cherry blossom trees, "... I rememeber." A faint smile appeared on his face as he tucks his hands in his pockets. "This place, it's where we had our first date. We both went cherry blossom sightseeing.."

You looked at him, the weight in your chest became heavier. "O-oh.." You looked up at the trees as a petal fell upon your cheeks.

"I think I know where shes at." Kai grabs your hand as he leads you.


 It's a rode, filled with cherry blossoms. A wind gust through the trees, making the petals dances all around you. You smiled as you tried to catch the falling petals. While you were playing with the petals, you spot someone taking photos of the trees. A fellow photographer! A smile crept on your face naturally.

The longer you started at the photographer, the familiar she gets. You slowly walked closer to her. "M-Minah?!" You ran closer to her.

"Don't get any closer!" She shouted as she held onto your camera. "Why.. why did you bring Kai with you too?!" A tear fell upon her cheeks. 

"Minah.." Kai stood beside you, "Let's go home." He reaches out his hand towards her. 

"Why, why is it ____? Why isn't it me?" Minah's hands started to tremble. The wind flow through her hair, making it harder for you to see her expression.

"Minah, just go home, and give me back my camera.." Step by step, you tried to get closer to her, but she continues to distant herself from you and Kai.


 "I've seen the pictures you had taken." A frail smile appeared on Minah's face. "You.. you actually like Kai don't you?" She laughs weakly as she took another picture of the cherry blossoms.

"W-what? Just give me back my camera!" Your cheeks turned red as you burst into anger. You ran towards Minah, her eyes widen as she saw you approaching her in a ragging matter.

Within a second she held your camera up in the air, and threw it to the ground with all her might.

You paused in front of her, shocked. That was your first camera. Basically, you truly cared about that camera, more than anything. Now it’s gone, and all the memories you had taken, had disappeared along with it.

"You B-" You held onto Minah's shirt as you attempt to punch her in the face, but Kai held onto your fist.

"..._____. It's been a long day, let's just go home now."

"Chet." You scoffed and glared at Kai. You left them, and walked home alone. Tears tell upon your cheeks as you walked through the city. Your sleeves were becoming wet and damp. Your nose was getting stuffy. You feel horrible in general. You bumped onto someone as you didn't kept track of your surroundings. “Ah.. Mianhae.” You said as you continue to look at the ground.

"_____? Are you okay?" A familiar voice.. it's a kind gentle voice. It's Baekhyun's voice.

You looked up at him and tried to smile. But, you couldn't hold in your tears. You burst into tears. Baekhyun looked around the city as he nervous scratches his head. "____.. don't cry.." He held you against his chest as you continue to cry. You accidentally spread some of your snot on Baekhyun's shirt but you we're to upset to care. Being in this awkward position, somewhat makes you feel at ease. 


Sorry Long chapter again guys... Over did it once again! >___< I am so sorry for updating late, so... I have to make it long! LOL


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Hiatus mode~ I will continue this, just later XD lol


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No need to say sorry for making long chappies.
I like long chappies ~ <3
T_T hiatus mode? omfg NOOOOOOOOO
WHYWHYWHY?! i love this story so much... T-T
Ahh, so much drama, my heart cannot take it <333
^___^ i love it anyways~ long updates are the best!
YAY!!! you update! this has to be my most favorite story of all.
Minah! SHE IS CRAZYING!!! uhhg! i wonder how the love triange will come out! UPDATE SOON!
sarang_sora #5
that stupid freaking creepy crazy annoying minah girl what the f is wrong with cant u let go of your lover just for your sister how cruel are you?! (rage mood)
i feel sorry for jieun :(

update soon~~
CaptainV-neck #6
MINAHHHHH YOU EVIL LITTLE-- GAHH. She's so... Ugh... >.< This love pentagon is so dysfunctional, haha. Next chapter, you should have Taemin kiss everyone x)
eskufsudfgsuygdsiygy crying because you're back, I was so afraid that you might stop updating, I MISSED THIS FIC SO MUCH ♥
Why haven;t you been updating this?? I MISS IT! THIS IS LIKE MY ALL TIME FAVORITE STORY OF ALLL!! update soon please...