Never Say Goodbye

Lost Inspirations {hiatus mode}


You finished eating your melon bread and threw your trash away. You looked up and saw Kai’s smiling face. You felt as if he was smiling right at you, but in an instant, you remembered that there is a group of girls surrounding you at the moment. There was no way Kai could see you, all the way from the back of the crowd.

After a long period of time of waiting for your turn, you spend your time watching him to kill time. He looks kind of… cute. You blushed as the thought of you actually being a fan girl was uncomfortable. You shook your head and gently slapped your cheeks with the tips of your fingers to get a grip of reality.

After moments of waiting, it was finally your turn.

Since you were the last person in line, all eyes of the exo members were watching you, besides Kai, who is deeply focused with his slushee drink the exo members had received in the beginning of the event. They watched you as you took your time walking up to Kai.

“She’s pretty..” Chanyeol whispered to Baekhyun “Is she a model?” 
Baekhyun seemed deeply concentrated on you, that he didn’t notice Chanyeol’s question.

“I know her!" He paused. "..She's in my class. She’s really popular in my school. But she has a bad reputation..." Baekhyun said in a loud tone. He tries to maintain his volume so you won’t be able to recognize him. 

You didn't noticed Baekhyun's comment, since you still have your earphones on, but Kai did noticed.

“Wait, What? Who?” Kai asks, as he looks over at Baekhyun and put aside his slushee drink.

You stood in front of Kai, waiting for him to finish talking to Baekhyun.
“Yah... Kai? Helloooo?" You felt slightly annoyed, "Chet.. Could you please hurry up and sign this to J-i-e-u-n.” You said in a monotone. 
Kai then looks up at you, with his eyes widen and he slightly agape. He signed Jieun's CD.

"Why does she seem so familar?" he thought as he steals a glance from you and handed the CD back to you.

You took the CD and shoved it in your backpack. Since you were the last person, the security made the rest of the fan girls leave. You were irritated of the crowd as they kept on shoving you when they moved their way to the exit. Frustrated, you decided to wait for everyone else to leave.

As the crowd slowly faded, you realized that you're almost late for the bus, so you had no choice but to dashed forward to the crowd.

You accidentally bumped onto a person.

"Ouch! Sorry.." 

"You should be more careful kiddo!" That voice, it sounded familar..

It was Hyun Ki.

You stared at him startled, since you didn't see him at the cafe earlier.
"Yah! Hyun Ahjusshi! Where were you?!" you shouted with relief. You thought he was diagnosed with some kind of sickness or he was too old and weak to work, but he stood infront of you, perfectly fine.

He gently smiles and ruffles your hair, "Sorry kiddo, i just recently have a part-time job, so I won't be at the cafe as often as I used to." 
You looked up at him and noticed that he was wearing a t-shirt with the exo logo on it.
"Hyun  Ahjusshi, aren't you a bit too old to be a fan of kpop boy bands?" you said as you raised one of your eye browns at him and smirked.
He let out a mighty laugh, "OHOHOHOH~, Aniyo ____! My son is the new member of exo, so to support him, I decided to drive them whenever they need me to. It’s like a personal driver in a way." He patted your head once again, ruffling your hair when you just finished fixing it.

As soon as Baekhyun heard that loud laugh of Hyun ki, he recognized his father's mighty laugh and scans the crowd for him.
Baekhyun's eyes widen when he saw you casually talking to his father. He was twice as shocked to see you smiling too, it was the first time he saw you smile. You have the same class with him but you always had that poker face on, so it makes it harder for him to approach you. 

Hyun ki saw you holding Exo's concert tickets, "Well well well... What do we have here? An exo fan?" 

"Ani! I'm just here for my friend!" You shouted as you turned red.

"Aigoo~ suuuure" he said as he raises one of his eye browns sarcastically, "Do you want a ride to the concert then?"

You were shocked of this unexpected offer, “Ani, It might be a bother I can ju-”

“Just come with us, since we’re going right now, Kai said as he stood up from and went to the waiting room.

 You decided since you don’t know when the bus is coming, and you didn’t want to go to the concert late. You decided to follow the members to the waiting room. The waiting room leads to the back entrance of the building, where the van usually picks up the Exo members so the fans couldn’t follow them.


Hyun Ahjusshi rushed the 6 members to the van, he noticed that you took your time walking towards the van. "HUURRYYYY UP ______" Hyun Ahjusshi yells at you, forcing you to run towards the van along with the Exo members. You stood there clueless, standing behind the members as they slowly squeeze into the van. 

"Go sit upfront" Kai demands you and gave you a cold glare.

You gave his glare back at him and opened the front door of the van and sat beside Hyun Ahjusshi as he drives you and the Exo members to the concert. Kai looked startled of your glare and spaced out throughout the ride to the concert.



You finally arrived. You went through the back entrance where there was no fans in sight. 

Hyun Ahjusshi and the Exo members went into the waiting room. To kill time, the boys practiced their vocals. You felt awkward being in a room with them so you walked out the room without saying a thing. 

You decided to find your seat in the stadium, before the concert starts.



"Yah! Abeoji! “Baekhyun says as he walks towards Hyun Ki. “Since when were you so familiar with that girl?"

"She just happened to stumble across the cafe, and we had a good talk. Ever since then, she would often visit the café." Hyun Ki replied with a sympathetic tone.

"That girl has a bad reputation at school! There are lots of rumors about her. I don't think you should be involved with her.." Baekhyun pauses "… She had done things.. Been there, done that. She ditches, she got in a fight, and she's really rude, especially to her parents."

The memebers were watching Baekhyun and Hyun Ki's conversation from afar. They tried their best to not get involved, and sat there...eavesdropping their conversation as the amosphere became tense. 

“You shouldn’t believe in those rumors, you should get to know her yourself then listening to those deceitful rumors.” Hyun Ki replied in a solemn tone.



You sneezed.

You were sitting at your seat in the stadium. Your seat wasn't really far from the stage; you were able to see the stage clearly. You took out the camera that was still hanging around your neck and turned it on. 

The lights dimmed and the Exo members stood on the stage. You pointed your camera at Kai and started to film him.

Kai was the lead dancer, your eyes followed his every movement through the lenses of the camera. As you look at him, you were fascinated by his dancing. There’s just something about his dancing that makes you feel infatuated. You felt as if he was the only member there, his caught your attention completely. It’s like he has you in his grasp.




The crowd roared.


You snapped yourself out of the fan girling zone you were almost dragged into. 

The fan girls shoved you as they cheered. You were irritated and you slowly felt claustrophobic, so you decided to go into the hallway and get fresh air away from the screaming fans. "Jieun.. You own me big time for this. This is torture!" you thought as you walked outside. 

You spotted Hyun ki talking to Taemin at the parking lot. After they finished talking you walked towards them, "Annyonghaseyo Hyun Ahjusshi and Taemin-sunbae~" They both turned to you and waved.

"_____, what are you doing here?" Taemin says as he gave you a gentle smile. 

"Hmmm? Since when did you know _____, Taemin?" Hyun Ahjusshi said as he glances over at Taemin.

"We just met today... I tried to visit you to give you your melon bread and banana milk." You said as you took the melon bread and banana milk out of your backpack and handed it to him.  

His eyes were filled with happiness as you handed the snacks to him. He quickly unwraps the melon bread and ate it like a hamster.

You smiled at Hyun Ahjussi and turned to Taemin, “I’m here to fancam Exo. My friend couldn't make it to the concert, so I'm going in her place." "What are you doing here? Are you a fan boy of Exo or something?" You smirked at Taemin.

"Aniyaaaaa~ I'm here to pick up Kai." he blushed.

"What? Kai? The Exo Kai?" You said as you raise an eye brown.

"Yeah, the Exo Kai. You saw him today though, didn't you?"

"Hm? What? When did I ever seen Kai before?"

"At the cafe, you babo!"

You took a long pause, "Oh! That weird guy that was scarfing the melon bread like he hasn't eaten in days?

He started bursting out laughter.

"Talking behind peoples' back now, eh?"

Your hair twirled as you dramatically turned around to see who it was.

Hyun Ki continued to gobble his melon bread.

Taemin gulped.

It was Kai.

He was heading towards you. You noticed that he was wearing casual clothing. He was just wearing a simple black V-neck, grey skinnies, and black high-top converse.

The atmosphere became awkward.

"Agioo~ We wouldn’t do that!” Taemin paused, "..Ah, This is the girl that gave you the melon bread from before at the café~" 

Kai glanced over at you. THUMP, you felt your heart raced faster as he gazed at you.

"Oh yeah~ Thank you for earlier, I couldn't eat as often as I used to since Exo has been busy practicing." he gave a friendly smile.

You looked away from his gaze and stared at the ground. "Ah.. okay." 

"Let’s get going Kai! I have banana milk waiting for me at home~" Taemin said as he took out his car keys from his pockets.

"Okay then, bye guys~" you said as you started walking to the bus stop.

"WAIT!" you felt a tight grip on your wrist. Astonished, you turned and your eyes met Kai's. You unexpectedly became agitated. "You're going to the bus stop alone?! Do you know how many erts are there? DO YOU?!" Kai shouted, you could tell that his tone was anxious. 

"Um… Well, I have my phone with me and a pepper spray, so I think I'm going to be just fine." you said as you loosen away his grip. "..So there's no need to wor-"

"Ani! It's still dangerous, Taemin will drive you home!" Kai insisted.

".. You offered a ride to her, when I'll be the one who is driving?!" Taemin gave Kai a silly look.

"____, I can drive you, so come on! Let’s go~" Taemin said as he skipped to his yellow Honda. 

You followed Kai and Taemin to the car. Kai walked opened the back door for you. You sat in the car as Kai sat up in front besides Taemin.

You pointed the directions to your house. 

"Oh we live in this area~" Taemin said happily, "Kai and I are roommates~"

"Oh really? Cool." "Ah.. it’s right there, at the next right turn." You said as you pointed to the right. "It’s that big house."

Suddenly the atmosphere became quiet.

The car was parked in front of your house.

"Wait.. What? You live in that house?" Kai abruptly asked you.

You glared at him, "Uh, Yeah?" you replied in a tone of so what's your point?

"We just moved in this neighborhood, and that’s our house~!" Taemin says as he pointed to the little house right next to yours.

You were shocked. You didn't expect Kai and Taemin to be living right next door to you. "That’s nice.. Well, thanks for driving me home." You quickly left the car without turning back at them.

You then realized that you didn't said bye to them. You turned around seeing that their car is no longer in front of you house. You opened the gate and walked towards the door. The maids greeted you, and once again, you ignored them and dashed upstairs to your room.

You jumped on your bed and lay there.

"Aish! Why do they have to live right next door!" you thought as you aggressively hugged your pillow, "Why doesn't Kai just live in the dorm with the rest of Exo?" You felt flustered and hugged the pillow to your face.


You finished brushing your teeth and changed into your pjs. You lay on your bed and decided to watch the fancam you recorded during the concert.

 Your blank face slightly turned pink as you watch Kai.

 "Agioo, i should stop watching this, I don't want to turn into those fan girls.." you put the camera aside your bed and turned the lamp off. You couldn't stop thinking about Kai, for some reason it makes you nervous knowing that he lives next door to you.


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Hiatus mode~ I will continue this, just later XD lol


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No need to say sorry for making long chappies.
I like long chappies ~ <3
T_T hiatus mode? omfg NOOOOOOOOO
WHYWHYWHY?! i love this story so much... T-T
Ahh, so much drama, my heart cannot take it <333
^___^ i love it anyways~ long updates are the best!
YAY!!! you update! this has to be my most favorite story of all.
Minah! SHE IS CRAZYING!!! uhhg! i wonder how the love triange will come out! UPDATE SOON!
sarang_sora #5
that stupid freaking creepy crazy annoying minah girl what the f is wrong with cant u let go of your lover just for your sister how cruel are you?! (rage mood)
i feel sorry for jieun :(

update soon~~
CaptainV-neck #6
MINAHHHHH YOU EVIL LITTLE-- GAHH. She's so... Ugh... >.< This love pentagon is so dysfunctional, haha. Next chapter, you should have Taemin kiss everyone x)
eskufsudfgsuygdsiygy crying because you're back, I was so afraid that you might stop updating, I MISSED THIS FIC SO MUCH ♥
Why haven;t you been updating this?? I MISS IT! THIS IS LIKE MY ALL TIME FAVORITE STORY OF ALLL!! update soon please...