Unlocked Secrets

Lost Inspirations {hiatus mode}


Your Outfit: 


You wake up, realizing that its already noon and school was over. You took a random hairband and tied your hair, as you walked to the kitchen. No one was home. Your parents are at work, and Min ah is probably doing something, you don't even care what she does. Only the maids were here, but they're busy doing their chores.

You decided to go to the fridge. There wasn't any banana milk, only strawberry milk, but oh well, better than the regular milk. Just when you grabbed the strawberry milk, the doorbell rang. The maids were too busy to answer the door, "I GOT ITTTTTT~" you shouted as you walked towards the door and poked a straw into the strawberry milk.

As soon as you opened the door, there were two tall men dressed in black suites. Your face has the expression what the heck-?

You closed the door as soon as you saw the suspicious men. But when you tried to slam the door in front of their face, one of the men put their foot besides the door, preventing you to shut the door on them. 


"GET THE HECK OUT OF HERE" Your voice trembled. "I will call the police!" You continued to slam the door multipule times, ignoring their foot that’s in the way.

"WOMAN, calm down!" one the men started to slowly walk in the house, "Your parents send us to bring you to school." His face became serious. 

Your eyes followed them curiously, "Why? What for?" You started to glare at them furiously as the thought of you parents actually forcing you to go to school, when school was over.

"You have a big test today, and the attendance said that you didn't go to school. We're here to bring you to school to take the test." the other men said from outside.

"And if I refused to go..?" you said as you slowly backed away from the door.

The men grabbed your arms dragging you, forcing you to go into the limo. You were trying to kick them. C'mon aim for the legs.. BETWENN THE LEGS. You continued to struggle as one of them grabbed your legs and the other grab your waist.

“ SOMEONE HELP RA-” one of the men covered your mouth.

 You felt as if they were carrying a surfboard, but instead of a surfboard, it was you.

Throughout the whole car ride you were sitting between the tall large men in suits. You crossed your arms and pouted as they drove you to school.

As you walked on campus behind the two tall men in suits, people in your school that still haven't left yet were staring at you. You could hear their discourteous comments "What the heck is going on..?" "Look the princess finally showed up… In her pjs!" "Wow, she could just come whenever she wants, what a snob"

You ducked your head and ignored their comments.

You entered a classroom. There was a desk in the corner of the classroom, with a test booklet and a wooden pencil on it. You walked to the desk and took a seat.

"Now.. Begin your test" the men said as they took a seat on a couch behind you, watching you if you were going to cheat, or something.

"....." You turned to the men and glared at them. You didn't know that there would be a test today.. How can you do a test without studying or something? You decided to look through the test. 

The test didn't seem hard to you though, you had a feeling that you had seen the questions somewhere before. Since the test seemed, easy and familiar you decided to take the test. You don't have a choice; you were taken here by force, might as well do it.

You were able to visualize the answers in your mind. You were always capable of doing that. It's one of your hidden talents, photographic memory.

You had always passed your tests back in junior high, but when you were absent for one of the biggest test, Min Ah took the title of the top student from you. Your parents looked down on you. They only praised you whenever you get good scores. They never praised you if you score points in soccer, or became president of the photography club. They pay their full attention to Min Ah instead. Since then, you skim through test, answering the test half-heartedly.

After an hour you were finished. “…I’m done, So I’ll just take my leave and-”

“No, Not just yet, your parents wants you to go home as soon as you’re finished.”

“Ani! I need to.. pee.” You said as you awkwardly squirm around the chair, making them believe your acting.

“..Aish, go then come back ASAP.”

You smirked at them as you walked pass the door. You ran across the hallways, trying to escape this prison-like school. You decided to go into the city, despite the way you look, you outfit was sluggish, but hey, almost everyone around you looked like that.

You walked into your favorite café, The Polar Bear Café.

“Annyeongsayo Ahjusshi~” You waved dorkly with a grin on your face, “Awh, No Taemin?” you said with a teasing voice.

“Aigoo, you don’t want me to work here?” Hyun Ahjusshi let out one of his famous mightly laughs.

You took a seat on your usual spot in infront of the counter as Hyun Ahjusshi sets a cool drink with an orange set on the edge of the glass cup.


“Aish, what is that old man laughing about this time?” Baekhyun thought as he slowly makes his way out of the kitchen. He slightly gasped, “_____!?” he peeks though the kitchen door, too timid to confront you.


RING~, the bells on the door rang as a woman talking dressed in a business suit walks into the café, with her phone on one of her hands, and the other hand holding her son’s.

“I’ll have one of your famous coffee” She said as she puts her phone aside and grabbed her wallet. As soon as she let go of her son’s hands, he started to run around the café shop like an escaped monkey.

“Kiddo! Watched out, I just mopped the floor” Hyun Ahjusshi said as he points to the wet floor sign.

Just as the boy took notice of Hyun Ahjusshi’s warning, he slipped on the tip of his shoe, crashing down on his knee, then his chin. In an instant, the boy’s face was covered in tears.

The boy’s mom looked down on the boy. “Get yourself together, you’re embarrassing me!”


“What?!” Baekhyun thought, still looking at them from the kitchen. His face turned red, he was furious.

Just when Baekhyun was about to dash out of the kitchen you shouted, " You're embarrassing yourself Ahjumma!"

She gasped, "Ahjumma?! How rude, I am not that old!"

You walked up to the boy and helped him up. He was still crying, you looked through your pockets, and luckily you founded a band aid. You always carried a band aid, since Jieun is a major clutz.

You smiled at the boy and patted his head, “Hey now.. strong boys don’t cry? Alright? So smile for noona and become a strong boy!” He looked up to your eyes, and flashed a big smile despite that his face still had tears flowing out of his face with a bit of snot.

You let out a bight laugh and waved to the boy goodbye. The boy's umma scowled at you and you sticked out your tongue in reply.


( ^ lol thats how I imagined the scene~)

"That was.. cool." Baekhyun said in a low tone. You turned around and noticed Baekhyun standing between the kitchen door.

You were shocked to see an idol from the famous group, Exo, to be in a café shop.. wearing an apron?

“Um.. Hi? Nice apron” You said as you scanned his apron.

He took noticed that he was still wearing his apron and quickly took it off. “AIGOO! Don’t tell anyone about this!” He blushed as he turned away.

“Okaaay I got it~” you giggled and covered your smile with the back of your hand.



You looked up at the clock and noticed that it was 8 o clock.

“Well, It’s time for me to get going now.” You said as you walk towards the door.

“Waaaait!” You turned around seeing Baekhyun walking towards you, “Let me walk you home.”

The city was silent. Pedestrians wandered around the city. The silence between Baekhyun and you became awkward. You didn’t know what to talk about, since you just met him.

“You know.. You’re not like what the rumors described you to be…” He paused ”I mean, you’re actually really, nice. I thought you were.. mean. Why don’t you go to school anymore?”  He put his hands inside his pocket and ducks his head from his bold comment.

 “I don’t want the world to see me because I don’t think they would understand.” You sighed, “I don’t open up to people because I am afraid that they will know the real me and.. reject me. ”

“I don’t really understand..” He turned and looked at you with confused eyes. “In good times.. or bad times, I’ll be on your side. That’s what friends are for.” He kindly smiled.

Just once, you felt warmth, a development of friendship other than Jieun, you felt genuine happy for once, to know that you have another friend.

“I don’t need you to understand, I just need you to listen”

You walked towards the front gate of your house, “Well, this is my house” You set your arms to your side as if you were advertising your home.

“Wow, This is where the princess lives?”

You glared at him, “Princess? Since when was I known as a princess?”

“Since always.” He said as he turns away “My mission is done, I’ve finished walking the princess home!” he said as your view of him disappeared into the darkeness.


Just when you walked into your home, “_________! I’ve heard of your test scores!” one of you maid says as she runs towards you. “You got the highest score in your class!”

“Really? That’s nice” you said as your tone showed no interest.

“You know.. your parents said I could give back your first camera if you get a good score on your test..” the maid says as she slowlys walks way.

Your back still facing at her, “Wait. What? You still have it? My first camera?!”


You dashed towards her filled with excitement. “ WHERE HAS IT BEEN HIDING AT?!” Your eyes filled with glee as your face shoved closer to the maid, insisting her to tell you at once.

“Agiooo~ Its somewhere you never thought it would be.. In Min Ah’s room” “I think she left it in her desk drawers, or under her bed. Just look for it~” the maid evily laughs as she walks away.

Your smiled dropped. In her room? Wow, my parents are good. I would never think that it would be there of all places. You thought as you walked to Min Ah’s room. She isn’t home, since she is at some club meeting or something, like she usually is at.

It was your first time going to her room. Your hand is on the doorknob, you could feel your hand trembling.

You opened the door.

Her room was pink.  Over decorated mini lanterns were hanged neatly throughout her room. Her room would look like any typical girl’s room would. You started off looking in her drawers, it wasn;t there. Then you looked under her bed, still not there. You looked all over the place, but still, your cherished camera was nowhere to be found. You looked up and realized that you still didn’t look through her closet.

You walked up to her closet, and slowly opened it. The closet was slightly big, and dark so you turned the switch on.

Oh my god.. you didn’t expect this.

Not from Min Ah. Maybe from Jieun, but of all people not Min Ah.

You walked inside the closet to get a closer look. Posters of Exo were filled everywehre in her closet. Pictures of Kai were pasted on the pictures frames. Is this.. a shrine? You walked up to a manikin. Wasn’t this the manikin from the mall last time…?

You looked up at the manikin and realized that it has a picture of Kai’s face on it.

You stood there. You were speechless, your mind went blank. Is this Narnia..? Am I dreaming?

You slapped your face.  You sensed the pain.. this is reality. A strange.. strange reality. 


After a couple of minutes exploring Min Ah's shrine. You heard footsteps. It was Min Ah.




Yes guise, Min Ah has an issue. LOL. I wanted to make my story uniqe in a weird special way HEHEHE~

Next update would take a while.. but oh well~ stay tuned. 

Kai will be revealed in the next chapter~ :D the prince is coming~~


support me~ Baboalice.tumblr.com

-Alice <3

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Hiatus mode~ I will continue this, just later XD lol


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No need to say sorry for making long chappies.
I like long chappies ~ <3
T_T hiatus mode? omfg NOOOOOOOOO
WHYWHYWHY?! i love this story so much... T-T
Ahh, so much drama, my heart cannot take it <333
^___^ i love it anyways~ long updates are the best!
YAY!!! you update! this has to be my most favorite story of all.
Minah! SHE IS CRAZYING!!! uhhg! i wonder how the love triange will come out! UPDATE SOON!
sarang_sora #5
that stupid freaking creepy crazy annoying minah girl what the f is wrong with cant u let go of your lover just for your sister how cruel are you?! (rage mood)
i feel sorry for jieun :(

update soon~~
CaptainV-neck #6
MINAHHHHH YOU EVIL LITTLE-- GAHH. She's so... Ugh... >.< This love pentagon is so dysfunctional, haha. Next chapter, you should have Taemin kiss everyone x)
eskufsudfgsuygdsiygy crying because you're back, I was so afraid that you might stop updating, I MISSED THIS FIC SO MUCH ♥
Why haven;t you been updating this?? I MISS IT! THIS IS LIKE MY ALL TIME FAVORITE STORY OF ALLL!! update soon please...