The Beginning of a Crisis

Lost Inspirations {hiatus mode}

Your Outfit:


You could hear Min Ah's footsteps were getting louder each second. You panicked. 


For the first time, you felt fear, the rush. Your heart races. 
You looked around the room to find a place to hide. You turned around, the closet! You ran into there. Since your house is one of the biggest houses in the neighborhood, her closet is big enough for you to hide in.
Min Ah entered the bedroom.
Slowly, you could hear her faint footsteps getting louder as she walks towards the closet. You looked for a place to hide, if you hid behind her hanged clothes, then she would be able to see your legs. Without a second thought, you dashed behind the Kai-manikin. 
You could hear Min Ah entering the closet then walking towards the Kai-manikin. You could hear her mumbling.. to the manikin? You weren't able to hear her voice clearly.
"We will be together once again my lovely Kai" Min Ah whispered as her hand reaches towards you. You shut your eyes tight, but when you opened one of your eyes she was... the Kai-manikin?

"Oh my.. lord. Just what the heck is going on?!" You trembled in anxiety. 
When Min Ah was done with... whatever she was doing, "Agioo, it's getting late. I should take a shower~" She skipped innocently out of the closet, then towards the bathroom.
You took the chance and peeked out of the closet. Min Ah was nowhere in sight. You grabbed your camera and dashed to your room.

You slammed the door shut and jumped on your bed. You lay on your bed looking at your camera. You felt traumatized. Min Ah.. is a super fan girl of Exo.. 
“I can't look at Min Ah the same way again..." you held your camera in your hands.
It was the first camera you bought. Your parents opposed of your dream of being a photographer, and took the camera away from you. Now tonight, your precious camera is finally reunited with you. You shut your eyes and slowly feel asleep.

It was dark. You were running. You didn't know what you were running from, but you looked sweaty and scared. You were holding hands with someone while you were running. The person's face was blurry, but you were able to define that the person is a guy. You looked back again to see who was chasing you. It was Min Ah. Her hair was messy, you weren't really sure it was her, until she got closer to you and grabbed your wrist.
"Give Kai to me! He belongs to meeeee only!" Min Ah says as her eyes widen in front of your face.
You were breathing heavily. You turned to look at the person you were still holding hands with. His face slowly became clear. It was Kai?! You stood there shocked. Kai looked at you passionately, and suddenly kissed you?!

You screamed. You looked at the clock, it was 5am.
"It was just a dream..." you said as you brushed your bangs back with your fingers.
It was the first time since you woke up early. You usually would wake up when school was over. You often sleep past midnight, but today is different, you finally woke up early for once.
"Maybe I should go to school.. since Baekhyun said that I usually don't go...." You hopped out of your bed and got ready.




Your Outfit:


You walked on the streets with your earphones on both sides. You walked really slowly, people around you were getting annoyed of your slow pace and walked around you. You looked at the ground and thought of the dream you had. It wasn't exactly a dream.. more like a nightmare.

You walked across the street, you were blank and expressionless. You didn't kept track of the traffic lights.
Suddenly a car almost crashed in front of you. You snapped out of your train of thoughts and took noticed of the car. You weren’t able to move out of the car’s way and you fell on your . In an instant your clothes were covered in dirt. The palms of your hands became cut from the street’s concrete.
You were furious as you looked up at the car and glowered the driver. The driver nervously looked away from your glare.
A boy walked out of the car.
He was wearing your school's uniform. He wore an Exo hoodie with your school's blazer on the outside.

You weren't able to see his face. His hood was up and he was wearing sunglasses. 
He reached out his hand to help you up. You blankly stared at his hand. You were still mad, you grabbed his hand and pulled with force. You didn't notice that your strength was enough to make the boy fall.
He fell on top of you, his sunglasses dropped, revealing the boy’s face.
It was.. Kai?
His face was about three inches in front of you. You were too flustered to look at him in the eyes and you turned your head away from his stare, "Yah! Get off of me!" you said, blushing.
"Ah.. sorry" Kai quickly got off of you.
You got up and looked around. People were staring at you and Kai, whispering to each other.
You quickly dashed into the school. You could feel Kai following right behind you.
As you walked deeper in the school, you could hear the whispering getting louder.
"Oh look, the princess finally showed up." "Ew, she looks like Cinderella.. before the makeover!" “She looks like a dirty.. horse.”

You kept your head up and ignored their comments. 

You walked into the hallways and noticed that Kai was still walking behind you. 
"Hey! Why are you following me? ..Stalker much?" you glared at Kai.

His face was shocked of your sudden outburst.
"What? I happened to have that classroom" he pointed towards your class.
"Since when?" your tone lighten.
"Since yesterday." Kai says as he brushes pass you as he opens the door.
You glared at him as he was a diva, the girls were squealing as he walks in.
You walked into the classroom right behind him, "_____! You're finally here today~" Jieun waved at you.
Your heart lightens and you smiled back to her. "Yeah..." You walk towards the empty desk besides the window. You noticed that Kai that happens to sit behind you. You stared at him, and had awkward eye contact, as girls started to crowd his desk.

When class was over, you packed your things. You could hear the girls talking about you again. They kept on talking about your clothes being covered in dirt.
You got annoyed and quickly got up and walked out the door until you felt a strong grip on your shoulder. 
You were startled and quickly turned around. It was Kai.
"Hey.. Take this" he hands you his Exo hoodie that he was wearing this morning.
"What? Do you feel pity for me or something?" you glared at him.
"Yah! I'm trying to be nice! Just take it" he grabs your hands and put his hoodie in between your arms and walked away. 
You held the hoodie tight, as you watched him walk away.

When Kai was out of your sight, you put his hoodie on. Just when you wore his hoodie you could instantly smell his cologne in it. You didn't really dislike the smell. His hoodie was oversize, you looked 10x times smaller cause of his large hoodie. 
You walked to the cafeteria, and you could sense that people were staring at you even worse now. You randomly grabbed an over decorated bread from a pile of other food and quickly paid for it and walked away. As soon as you walked out of the cafeteria, you could hear someone calling out to you, "_____!" 

You stopped. Your hands were shaking as you held the bread in your hands.

You turned around, "Oh hey, Min Ah!" you tried to make your voice sound calm.
Her smiled slowly faded. Her eyes scanned your hoodie.
"Hey ____, Nice hoodie! Where could I get one like that?" you noticed that she flashes a fake smile to you.
"Oh.. this hoodie?" You paused, "K-Someone... gave it to me." you slowly backed away from Min Ah.
"Oh.." She slowly walks towards you. "Who exactly gave it to you?" her voice rises.
"Oh.. um. K-Kai.. gave it to me." you said in a low tone.
You could see the darkness in her eyes and continued to back away from her, but she still walks towards you, in a faster pace.
As you backed away from Min Ah, you didn't notice that someone was behind you and you crashed on top of the person

"Do you often make people fall with you?"
You could recognize the person’s voice. You looked up and his face, his face right in front of yours. You were sitting on Kai's lap. You took notice that his arms were wrapped against your waist. You blushed and hopped out of his grip.
"Ani! You're just always in my way" you shouted as you pointed your bread at him.

Min Ah slightly shoved you and stood between you and Kai.

“Hi Kai~ I’m sorry my sister’s rude behavior!” She gave him one of the brightest innocent smiles.

“Tsk” he looks away from Min Ah, “She wasn’t rude” he walked pass by Min Ah and went towards you and grabbed your hand. He dragged you away from Min Ah.

You turned around and looked at Min Ah, her eyes darkened again. You started to feel scared being around Min Ah..

Kai dragged you to the parking lot. “Yahh! Where are you taking me?” you pulled away from his grip.

He stops in front of you. “Let’s go on a date” Kai turns around smirks at you.

Your face turned light pink, “..What?” you couldn’t think of anything else to say, as you continued to stare at his eyes. You felt mesmerized.

He looks away from your stare, “.. I’ve been hearing lots of people talking, spreading rumors about you..” he looks down as his hair shadows his eyes in a cute way, “And I just want to pay you back.. some way.”

You blushed. You never thought he could be nice, since the first time you met him, he didn’t gave a friendly impression.

“You know.. I’m rich, right?” you tone lighten. “You don’t really have to do this-”

“Yeah I know, since you’re Min Ah’s sister” Kai looks up at you, “So let’s go” he smiles as he opens the front seat of his car.

You blankly looked at the car seat, then back at Kai. “Aish.. Okay then. Let’s go on a date then.”




HEY guiseee its finally here, chapter 5~ Prince Kai has finally arrived~

SO like, support me, to my tumblr:

:D so yeah okay thanks, bai.

I was thinking of making another fic about Zelo next. so um yeah stay tuned~


-Alice <3

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Hiatus mode~ I will continue this, just later XD lol


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No need to say sorry for making long chappies.
I like long chappies ~ <3
T_T hiatus mode? omfg NOOOOOOOOO
WHYWHYWHY?! i love this story so much... T-T
Ahh, so much drama, my heart cannot take it <333
^___^ i love it anyways~ long updates are the best!
YAY!!! you update! this has to be my most favorite story of all.
Minah! SHE IS CRAZYING!!! uhhg! i wonder how the love triange will come out! UPDATE SOON!
sarang_sora #5
that stupid freaking creepy crazy annoying minah girl what the f is wrong with cant u let go of your lover just for your sister how cruel are you?! (rage mood)
i feel sorry for jieun :(

update soon~~
CaptainV-neck #6
MINAHHHHH YOU EVIL LITTLE-- GAHH. She's so... Ugh... >.< This love pentagon is so dysfunctional, haha. Next chapter, you should have Taemin kiss everyone x)
eskufsudfgsuygdsiygy crying because you're back, I was so afraid that you might stop updating, I MISSED THIS FIC SO MUCH ♥
Why haven;t you been updating this?? I MISS IT! THIS IS LIKE MY ALL TIME FAVORITE STORY OF ALLL!! update soon please...