The Date

Lost Inspirations {hiatus mode}


You looked at the scenario as you sat in the car, at times, you would glance over at Kai. 

It was too quiet, you wanted to talk to him, but you didn't know exactly what to say. But that doesn't matter anymore, you just wanted to simply talk to him. 

"Hey.. Where are we going, exactly?" you said, still looking out the window.

"We're going shopping~" Kai said, still looking straight at the road.

You turned around and glared at him, confused. "Um, I told you that I'm rich, didn't I?" you raised an eyebrow

"Yeah, I heard you.." He pauses, "Just let me be those type of men, that treats a girl out, okaaay?" his tone lighten, in a teasing sort of way.

You let out a giggled, you didn't expect him to be so.. dorky.

"Okaay okaaay, have it your way~" you turned back to the window and looked through the scenario, and smiled.

You were actually excited for the date.


Just when you walked out of the car. The first thing you noticed was that the buildings were all painted in different colors. The shopping outlet was calm, the trees and flowers gave the place a peaceful vibe. Another thing you noticed was that it wasn't crowded. Since you simply loved nature and sufficient amount of people around you, you instantly like this place

"This place is usual crowded, but not much on weekdays" Kai says as he walks into a building painted in pink.

You curiously followed Kai into the pink building. Inside the store was just as pink as it was painted on the outside. The clothes were all covered in frills, bows, and sparkles. To put it simply, everything was just too girly for you.

You stood in front of the store, shocked. You watched Kai, as he casually walked into the store and looked through the clothes as it was his daily routine.

He noticed you staring at him, "Agioo! This is not what you think! I go here with my sister, she likes to shop here." He started to get flustered and walked deeper into the store.

You blankly stood in front of the entrance of the store. You never actually been out shopping by yourself, usually Jieun would go with you, but it’s the first, shopping with a guy.  

Since the store was empty, one of the workers approached you, "May I help you?" she smiled friendly at you.

"I don't know.." you said as you blankly look on the ground. She stared at you, surprised of your frank response.

"Yeah, Can you help her with these?" Kai interrupted, as he handed her a pile of clothes he picked out earlier.

The worker shoved you into the closet and helped you tried on the clothes, while Kai took a seat and waited for you to try on the clothes. 

You tried on numerous designs of different dresses and outfits, just none of them suits you or attracted your attention.

After an hour of trying on clothes, modeling them to the workers and Kai, you finished trying on the clothes. As you grabbed all the clothese off the hanger, you stumbled along a dress. The dress dropped on the floor, as you picked the dress up from the floor, you noticed that you didn't tried it on. The designs were somewhat cute, and it caught your attention, but its cute colors and floral designs. You decided to try the dress on.

The dress perfectly slipped on. You posed in front of the mirror, and smiled.

It was perfect. You actually liked it. You never really liked wearing such femine clothing, but you also never tried dressing feminine before. 

You peeked out of the closet, "I like this one.." you awkwardly swirmed behind the currtins.

"Really?!" the workers shouted with excitement, "Then come out here and let us see it!"

Aish.. Why does this place need to be this empty? The workers didn't have enough customers in the store, so they pay their attention to you to kill time, it also makes you feel even twice as flustered being with Kai alone.

You closed the curtains and slowly walked out of the closet. Your eyes were still looking down at the carpet as you slowly walk to the workers and Kai, you were too embarrassed to look up. 




"Agioo~ you look beautiful" the workers smiles friendly to you as they clap with delight.


You slowly lift your head up, and looked up. Your eyes locked onto his as soon as you lifted your head. You let out a small smile. 

He returned your smiled timidly, and walks slowly towards you. Your heart races faster he comes closer, still staring into your eyes with that cute smile of his.

"You looks.. nice" he said softly, a slight blush appears on his cheeks. He set his arm behind his head and scratches it as he nervously looks around the shop. He tries to avoid looking at you constantly by looking around the shop as if he's looking for someone.

He gave up, and covered his face, "Ah~ Well, I'll go pay for this then.." he quickly flees to the cashier, paying for your outfit.

You covered your smile as you watched him, the way he flees to the cashier made him looked childish.

You turned to the mirror, once again to stare at your outfit and noticed that you were also blushing as much as Kai did.


You walked out the store walking besides Kai. The silence was awkward. You were too flustered to think of something to say.

You never felt so awkward with a guy in your life before, until now. You never had felt happiness with a guy. Usually boys would try to aim for Min Ah, and uses you to get closer to her. But this time, its different. Kai, he was different, so you took an acception to him, and gave him a chance. It's just a date. A friendly date. Nothing more, than just a date.

As you walked you decided to give Kai his Exo hoodie back, just as you handed the hoodie to him, your tummy growled.

Kai took his sight away from the hoodie, and looked straight at you, shocked, "What the? Was that your.. stomach?" he smiles dorkly at you.

You slightly blushed from embarrassment, "Ani! I think you're hallucinating things.." Your tummy growled again, but even louder. You covered your stomach and blushed even brighter.

Kai blurted out laughing, "So that was you?!" 

You pouted and glared at him, he smiled back in reply.

You walked besides Kai deeper into the streets, as he leads you to a place to eat. You were walking too close to him. Your arm was touching his, and at times your hands would brush against his. You slowly developed an urge just to touch him, to hold his hands.

But your image, your reputation, its impossible for you to do anything romantic with anyone. You never took relationships seriously or being close to a guy.

Just being with Kai right now, could possibly ruin his reputation, and you didn't wanted that. You actually care about him. You really cared about Kai. Since your reputation was long ago ruined, you were worried that you also might stained Kai's status. You walking quietly, deep in your insecure thoughts.


The sun was starting to set, the sky became red orange. Kai walks toward a fancy restaurant and paused in front of the entrance. You stood behind him. You observed his back, its wide, and the back of his head was.. really attractive. You were concentrated, observing his back, while Kai was observing the restaurant. He stood there gazing at the sign. He looked at the sign with full concentration. He looks.. frustrated. You could see his eyebrows furrowed as he stares at the fancy restaurant.


"Should I take her to a fancy restaurant..?" Kai thought as he looks through his wallet. "Well, since she’s rich.. I probably should." Kai blankly looks in front of the restaurant, " Do I even have enough money for a meal for two people? Maybe I'll just order a salad. Or just water. Or probably nothing. at. all." 


You waited for Kai and got bored so you decided to wander around the streets until something caught your atention.

People in small stalls, selling a variety of food. The aroma slowly pulls you in, making you walk deeper into street to get a closer look of the food. 


You wandered deep into the streets, you turned back, Kai was nowhere behind you. You lost him. You panicked at first, but your tummy growled, and distracted you from looking for Kai. . 

You never had street food before, you usually either eat gourmet food perpared by the finest chefs, or eat simple snacks prepared by Hyun Ahjussi, or store bought food at the nearest market.

You decided to buy each type of food from the stalls. Before you knew it, you brought a big bag filled with food and you weren't able to hold it properly while you walk.

"Nunna! You forgot your change" a little boy from the stalls ran towards you with money squished in his small hands.

You looked at the adorable boy, he is wearing a t-shirt with a pikachu printed on it, along with yellow shorts. You felt like an pedo nunna, just smiling nonstop at him as he looks at you with his big eyes.

You couldn't take out your wallet, so you decided to let the boy have the change. You didn't cared that you left a large amount of money, the boy was too adorable, so you rather let him keep the change instead.

"Oh!" you bend down to the boy's height level, "Hmm.. Well, nunna bought so much food today from you, so you could keep the money, okay?"

“But this.. is a lot of money, Oppa said we can’t keep it..” the boy pouted at the money, crumbled in his hands.

You shook your head, “Ani~ it’s okay. I have food, so you could keep it, alrighty?”

The little boy gave you a big smile, bowed to you, and ran back to the stall with his family.

As you waved to the boy goodbye, you could hear someone calling from you,

"YAH. BABO!", you could recongized the voice.. it's Kai. Oh crud, I almost forgot about him. Why does food has to be so distracting?

As you turned around, your hair dramatically flipped through the breeze as you held onto the big bag of food, "Oh.. There you are Kai! I was looking EVERYWHERE for you!" 

He glared at you and scaned your bag filled with food, it was obvious that you were lying, since the evidence was in your arms. 

"Suuure you were." he said coldly, as his gaze looked darker as he walks away.

"Mianhae..." you looked down at your food and pouted as you followed him.

You followed him and walked deep into the streets, the city lights dimmed as the night slowly came out.

Kai sat on a bench near the park, as you stood in front of him.

"Heeey.. Kai, you hungry?" you said as you through your bag of food. 

"Ani." Kai crossed his arms and pouted. He turns his head, avoiding eye contact with you.

You blankly stared at him, what the heck is wrong with this boy? 

His behavior was just childish but at the same time, he's just too adorable.

You were standing in front of him, it was quiet.. too quiet. You were blank, you didn't know what to say.


After a period of silence, his tummy growled, you looked at him, surprised.

Is he moody, just because.. he's hungry? You looked through your bag of food and picked out a corndog.

You sat down besides Kai. Without thinking you place your chin on his shoulder, "Was that your tummy this time, Kai? You're hungry too!" You , " Here, have a corndog, it's still warm~" as you started to poke the corner of his lips with your corndog. 

He glance at you, you smirked at him and quickly shoved your corndog into his mouth.

He was surprised and quickly hopped out of the bench. He held the corndog and pointed it at you, "YAH! ARE YOU CRAZY?"

You glared at him and sticked your tongue, " I know you're hungry too, so just enjoy it and eat it already." you started to eat the food in your bag.

He glances to the corndog, then back at you. You were eating, so you didn't payed much attention to Kai. You were paying more attention to your food instead

He sat back next to you on the bench and started to eat the corndog furiously, which made you chucked because he was actually starving just as you thought he was. 

Food is really the way towards his heart.

He glances over at you and smiled at you. You both ate the food happily, although the food is just simply street food, it was satisfying. 

You never thought a date would be as fun as this. Just sitting on this little bench in this park, with Kai, made you felt at ease for the first time.




Sorry guise, a boring chapter ;A; The next chapter would be more exciting~

Whenever you guys comment me, or messgae it actually gives me lots of motivation, so thank you! Support my tumblr while you're at it, LOL.

meanwhile here is a gif of Kai being all cute and awkward:


This chapter is dedicated for the devlopment of your feelings towards Kai~ Hehe :3 

Hey, remember Min Ah? Well, shizz got real with her, so stay tuned~

-Alice <3

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Hiatus mode~ I will continue this, just later XD lol


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No need to say sorry for making long chappies.
I like long chappies ~ <3
T_T hiatus mode? omfg NOOOOOOOOO
WHYWHYWHY?! i love this story so much... T-T
Ahh, so much drama, my heart cannot take it <333
^___^ i love it anyways~ long updates are the best!
YAY!!! you update! this has to be my most favorite story of all.
Minah! SHE IS CRAZYING!!! uhhg! i wonder how the love triange will come out! UPDATE SOON!
sarang_sora #5
that stupid freaking creepy crazy annoying minah girl what the f is wrong with cant u let go of your lover just for your sister how cruel are you?! (rage mood)
i feel sorry for jieun :(

update soon~~
CaptainV-neck #6
MINAHHHHH YOU EVIL LITTLE-- GAHH. She's so... Ugh... >.< This love pentagon is so dysfunctional, haha. Next chapter, you should have Taemin kiss everyone x)
eskufsudfgsuygdsiygy crying because you're back, I was so afraid that you might stop updating, I MISSED THIS FIC SO MUCH ♥
Why haven;t you been updating this?? I MISS IT! THIS IS LIKE MY ALL TIME FAVORITE STORY OF ALLL!! update soon please...