Goodbye to Hellos. II


It was quiet and dim when yonghwa entered their dorm.

"Hyung, you just got here?" A chic face appeared in the darkness.

"Deh, Are the two already sleeping??"

"Yes, they got tired of waiting for you." They sat down on their couch and yonghwa told Jungshin everything and he was glad that things between his brother and Hyun went well.

"I'm happy for you hyung. I'm glad that it didn't turn out the other way around."

"Yes, me too. Come on, let's get some rest." Yonghwa entered his room and put the things he brought neatly on his table while the stuffed toy rested at the bed with him. He searched for his cellphone on his pocket and typed in his goodnights to his love.

The next morning, surprisingly, Yong was up already. He was really exausted last night, but still he got up early. He can smell the delicious smell of ramen and cheese when he stepped outside his room. Everyone was up so early that even Yong couldn't believe his eyes.

"Oh! Hyung. Goodmorning. Breakfast will be ready in about five mins." Jungshin said while working on his cooking. He was like a Cooking Goddess with his hair all neatly clamp into a pony.

"What's going on? Did I miss something???" Yonghwa who is still dumbfounded was standing in front of the living room. Just then, Jungshin finished cooking and placed the steaming pot at the table.

"Well, since your so upset about, you know, what happened yesterday, we decided to do this so that you would feel less burden." said Jonghyun who's suprisingly sweeping the floor. Everyone was really working hard today that even Yonghwa can't help but to feel touched.

"Oh hyung, what are you doing there? Come on, breakfast is ready and I'm starving!" Said the second maknae who didn't wait for the rest to sit and eat. Everyone gathered around the table and ate whole heartedly. "YAH! You're cooking has really improved!! Chincha Maah!" said Minhyuk with a mouthfull of noddles.

"Ah this punk! Are you making fun of your me?? Don't you know that ramens are for lazy people who doesn't know how to cook?? Yiish!" Said Jungshin who's trying to steal the Minhyuk's bowl of ramen. Suddenly, Jonghyun spoke to Yonghwa.

"Hyung, it's really daebak how you could manage to stay the same with Seohyunah. You're really daebak. :)" The two overheard the conversation and can't help but to in.

"Yeah hyung! You know, we could help you with meeting up with her. We could be your super spys." Said Jungshin excitedly.

"Oh, oh, me too! And the best thing about spys is that you could come up with cool spy names. I want to be Agent MiYu. Awesome right??" Said Minhyuk entusiastically.

"Not as cool as Agent Mangoes!" answered Jungshin.

"Agent Mangoes?? What so cool about that??" and the argument continues. Yes, this is a normal day for Yonghwa, if they don't have any schedules for a day, they would be like this. His dongsaengs are just weird but fun. He just shook his head with dissaproval and ate his food. Suddenly, he remembered that Hyun could call any min now so he rushed back to his room to get his phone and returned to the table where Jonghyun also joined the conversation. He finish his ramen and everyone was still arguing. After eating, everyone was busy again, Jonghyun washed the dishes while Jungshin and Minhyuk clean the table and sweep the floor. Yonghwa lied down on the couch, still thinking about what happen yesterday. Smiling like a fool infront of the tv.

"Yah hyung. You're phone is ringing." Minhyuk said interupting Yonghwa's daydream. Suddenly he realize that his phone IS ringing. He rushed to his room excitedly and forgot to close the door. Little that he know, his 3 brothers followed him and peeped at the door.

"Seo Joo Hyun, you really like to sleep that much huh? Why did you call so late?? I've been waiting for your call for an hour now!" Yong said in his angry voice. He manage to hold back his laugh but his cheeks can't help but burst. Suddenly, a different voice answered.

"Yong Seobang!! You're so cheesy!! NANANANANA!" It was Yoona. He panicked that he pressed end call immediately. 

"Oh no!!" Yonghwa sat on his bed with his hand on his forehead. "I'm doomed!!" 

"Yah, hyung is really weird today huh?" Whispered Jungshin to his two brothers.

"Yeah, I think he lost his mind." Minhyuk whispered back.


so sorry for the short update. I just wanted to share what happened to yonghwa's return to his dorm and how he managed to answer his sister in law. HAHA. :)) I promise that i will give you an awesome update next time. :) Gogumas hwaiting!

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keke. sorry for updating late. I hope you comment. Please?? Jebal! Utang na loob! Thanks. Kamsamnida. Salamat! ^^


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Chapter 15: wahh... you know what i love the most? minhyuk and jungshin's part! hahahahahahaha! i laugh so hard when i jungshin and minhyuk imitate yonghwa and seohyun!
and when junshin sing tiffany line in gee! lololololol!!!! oh my god! what a playfull maknae!

yonghwa and seohyun's dance accompanied by minhyuk and jungshin's finger snaps? lol! seriously! that is soo epic!
i love how you describe cnblue members and their interaction! it's really funny!

hey why i comment about minhyuk-jungshin so much? i am sorry.... ><
i'll wait your update patiently... don't worry... just write when you have time. fighting!
otp9snsd #2
Chapter 15: omgosh. this story sounds so realistic!
shame you can't update sooner but it's cool.
take your timeee :D
love ittttttt
Niky14 #3
Chapter 1: yongseo <3 wuaa!!!! *r*
cnsdGirl #4
Chapter 15: De~ I will waiting~! ^♥^
oqyoiko_89 #5
Chapter 15: So sad bcoz this is not an update.. We'll waiting for that, keep writing dear. Fighting..
Chapter 15: *im so excited to click the word 'NEXT' right up there but my expression turn into disappointed.
I thought u have already update it until i read the 'not an update' so it means not.
*weL i cannot bLame u.all of us here not only focusing on fanfics we have still a life to go on.
.its kinda happy u manage to tell us that ur gonna update it. atleast we have still the chance to wait 4 ur next chapter.

.anyways im stil supporting this story. Ur story is nice.
Thankz author-nim.
ILoveJiEun #7
Hahahaha... Loooooool!
Other CNBlue members facing the wall so they can't see???
Really laughing hard while imagining!
Can't wait for the next update! XDDD
Woahhh, the cliffhanger jinjja >.<
With a sweet song and MV + cute hoobae, its normal for seohyun to be jealous.. Kekeke
rahmi32 #9
Omoo Seohyun Jealous with
Juniel???? kkkk IMO Yonghwa in MV
Babo trully handsome, cool, sweet
ahhhhh so damn it lol
Seohyun must be Jealous kkkkk
ohh that's phone called from
fighting for next chapter ^^
.... OHMYGOD. agh. cliffhanger :(
update UPDATE SOON!!!! :D