Fighting the Bad Guys

Falling From the Sky

Aron POV


I skipped my way home at nearly one in the morning. I had an amazing day at school, not being hurt once by my other classmates, and I actually made a few friends. It was a miracle to me that they actually wanted to be my friend, four boys that pretty much had the power in their hands. I could finally go home and not fake a smile in front of my parents.

I skipped again turning down a dark alley, that was the road that lead to my house. That was when I tripped over something and fell, flat on my face. I rolled over and groaned. That is when I heard a dark laughter from the alley.

"Oh, Aron... I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to trip you," A man from my class acted like he was truly sorry. I gritted my teeth as I tried to get back on my feet again. When I finally stood up I realized that there were four other men, all dressed in black clothing and holding weapons. "Here... let me help you..." The man walked towards me, then kneed me in stomach. I fell down onto one knee, the wind knocked out of me.

"Stop," I growled angrily. The man closest to me laughed. All at once the five of them came towards me, attacking me with their weapons. I could barely see from the blood and tears running down my face. Why did they always attack me? Why wasn't I good enough? It was the last thing I remembered before I lost all notion of anything going on around me.



Minhyun POV


I frowned as I looked from the clock to the seat beside me. It was a minute until Aron would be late for class. Unknowingly, I had grown to like him rather quickly. I was worried about him. I knew he wouldn't miss school today, especially since he met JR, Baekho, Ren and I. The bell rang with no signs of Aron coming. I looked over to Baekho and Ren who seemed worried as well.

"Hi," The girl in front of me had turned around in her seat to flirt. I ignored her.

"Let's go," I said and stood up. JR made it first to the hallway. We walked together out of the school and hopped easily over the brick wall that dared to keep us inside. "This doesn't make sense... He was fine last night when he left... could something have happened to him?" My overreactive brain sensed something was wrong.

"I don't know. Let's go to his house," JR said and we all walked quickly.

"What if no one is there?" Ren questioned the rest of us.

"More like... what if no one answers the door?" Baekho insisted. "We'll just go inside and see if anyone is there or not... I mean he could be sick..."

"Because that makes so much sense... he wasn't sick last night..." Ren shot Baekho an accusing look. Baekho nagged back.

"You two fight like an old married couple, now stop!" JR screamed as we came to Aron's door. He knocked a few times and just as instantly as he stopped the door opened.

"Can I help you?" The woman was extremely upset looking, almost worried. Her voice even shook when she spoke.

"Yes, we are looking for our friend... Aron..." I spoke softly. The woman looked at me, studied me and then opened the door a little more, allowing us to come in. We dropped our shoes off at the front of the house before being shown the living room.

"Aron never came home last night. I'm so worried. I tried to call his cell phone several times already but he isn't picking up..." The lady explained. I was so surprised at that piece of news.

"Don't worry," Ren said softly. Baekho was immediately beside him, helping the youngest to calm his nerves.

"We'll find him for you," JR said with an air of determination. We left the house quickly, gathering outside on the steps.

"Where could he have gone, or what could have happened to him since he left my place?" JR asked. "Forget it. That isn't important. We will just retrace until we reach my place and see if we can find him," JR insisted. We immediately began walking towards JR's house but it didn't take long. In the dark alley way just down the street we found a barely conscious, blood ridden Aron.

"Aron!" Ren screamed, tears running down his face at the sight of the boy.



Aron POV



I could faintly hear the sound of my own name being called but I couldn't manage any words to leave my mouth. I had fallen in and out of consciousness since day break. I tried to move to get my phone but everything hurt, no matter what I did. It was easier just to stay still.

"Aron?" It was a voice that seemed close to me. I tried to turn my head to see who it was only to scream out in pain. Tears sprung to my eyes instantly and I could feel myself drifting back to unconsciousness. "Stay awake Aron! I'm here for you," Minhyun's face appeared over me, his eyes shining with worry.

"He's over here!" Minhyun yelled. I tried to do what he told me to, I tried to keep my eyes open but my head was dizzy and heavy. Before I could even say anything I was back in my black world, not feeling anything.

I woke up again, feeling something soft underneath me. It was my own mattress and there was a pillow underneath my head. For a minute I thought everything was just a dream until I moved again, and pain shot through my lower and upper body.

"Stay still," I was able to turn my head slightly to find Minhyun next to me. "You are going to be fine," Minhyun smiled at me and leaned over to pat my hand. I couldn't manage anything to stay. Everything was such a blur to me.

"Minhyun, we need to talk," JR peeked a head into my beadroom. Minhyun looked back at me with sad eyes before leaving.

I watched as he left, closing the door to my room. I was about to close my eyes when I heard a clicking sound. The door to my room had popped open, a problem I've been having since we moved in. I heard JR and Ren talking in the hallway softly.

"The doctor fully checked him out. He is ok...but..." JR always seemed to be the leader of the group.

"But what?" It was Baekho. They were all out there talking about me.

"Well...when he was attacked..." JR was hesitating to say whatever it was.

"Spit it out!" Ren rose his voice.

"He was ..." JR's voice was low but still audible. I didn't know how to react. There was deffinitely a mistake. I couldn't have been... I would have was a lie...

"W-what?" I heard Minhyun's voice stutter in shock. It was how I was feeling. There was no way...

"Other than that he has a broken arm and some deep cuts and bruises," JR tried to change the topic. There was silence in the hallway as they all thought about what had happened to me. I turned to look at my arm that was tightly bandaged.

"This is all our fault. We're supposed to protect him and we failed," Minhyun spoke up again. I heard something slump against the wall and slide down. I figured that one of them had sat down, but what had Minhyun meant by 'we're supposed to protect him'? My head was spinning again by all the confusion and by all the drugs that I was probably on at the moment.

I closed my eyes tightly wishing I would wake up from this nightmare, but I knew that I never would.



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LovingKitty #1
Chapter 15: Love the story so far ^_^
Chapter 15: getting more complicated now,,
since aron started to fall for woohyun im worried with minhyun.
and woohyun's mother seems doesn't like aron.
poor aron need to get through all of that. but still confused with minhyun's feeling. is he letting aron go already ? or not ?
update soon ^^
kipi9899 #3
Chapter 15: YOU!!! YOU!!! xDDD -le saves BaekRen gifs-
Chapter 14: gaaah! what the-?!
rinasjs #5
Chapter 14: He really love him right???????
kipi9899 #6
Chapter 14: LEEEEEEEEEEWWWWLL~~~ xDDD LEWL! I was thinking of Namgrease the whole time!!! xDDD lolololol! xD Thanks for telling or else I'd be imagining WooHyun pairing up with Aron for the rest of my life! x)))
andromeda_eiz #7
Chapter 13: Nope it's not boring at all, the progress of this is smooth sailing and makes sense, you've got it going, dear. keep it up! >_<
i'm really curious with real motive of woohyun,, is he really loves aron?? it will be more fun if he really loves aron and he will fight minhyun to get aron. poor minhyun. wonder when will he said his real feelings to aron /can't wait!!
update soon ;))
kipi9899 #9
Chapter 13: Yay! You updated :DDD
kipi9899 #10
Chapter 12: Is there gonna be WooRon in the future? O___O