being harrassed by love

Falling From the Sky

Aron POV


I wasn't sure how to take Woohyun's confession of love. Love seemed so far away from me, something that was near impossible, especially since my attack. How would Woohyun hear about it? Maybe he already knew about it... Maybe he was pittying me for the things that I have been through. All of these ideas popped into my head, and they weren't easy questions to ignore.

I didn't want to be thrown in a relationship where the other person pittied me for whatever reason and if he knew of my attack why would he still want to be with me? If he didn't know and found out, he would probably leave me... putting me up for worse prosecution from my classmates. My mind continued to wonder as I walked home from school.

Nothing in life could ever be simple for me. I always deeply thought, and then re-thought about whatever it was that bugged me. Even worse is that I usualy never told anyone about how I was feeling, making others worry about me.

"Aron?" JR snapped me out of my thoughts. "What are you thinking about?" He asked. I shook my head, smiling.

"What are we doing tonight?" I asked. Everyone stared at me.

"We just discussed this for fifteen minutes and decided on going to my house," JR raised an eyebrow at me. It was now obvious that I wasn't paying attention.

"You were thinking about your situation with Woohyun huh?" Baekho asked. He seemed to have been filled in while I was in lala land. I nodded slowly. I was shy, talking about these things even though I knew Baekho and Ren were a couple. It was just one thing that I never talked about to anyone.

"If it's who you want to be with we won't judge you, ya know?" Ren insisted. "Plus, he stuck up for you today in class." He stated. It seemed that since I found out about Baekho and Ren they were no longer scared to show their relationship openly. Even now they wsere holding hands tightly and smiling at each other.

"I know. I just don't know if I can trust him... if I should trust him," I sighed. I was completely lost in what I should do to handle this situation.

"It shouldn't be an easy decision after what you've been through. If it were me...I would see how he continues to show me how he likes me... then I would give him a chance to show me personally, like going on a small date," JR explained. Now it seemed like he was in his own little world.

"Here he goes again...about the perfect boyfriend ever," Ren giggled. It was funny to see JR ranting about something for oncfe. He was usually the calm and collected type. Otherwise, I like the advice he had given me. Afterall I had told Woohyun that I would see how he would prove his love to me. I guess I could continue to see how he acts.

I turned to minhyun who was raqther quiet during our walk to JR's house. He was usually the one that was able to help me when I had a problem. It was weird now to see him quiet.

"What about you Minhyun? Any good advice?" I asked him, hoping to evoke a response. Everyone turned to look at him. I could tell that he was having trouble replying.

"I like JR's advice," he said slowly, as if he didn't believe his own words, but I didn't press him on the subject. I had already decided to give Woohyun another chance to show how much he liked me. We spent the rest of the day in JR's garage singing and dancing, allowing me to forget about my Woohyun situation.

I decided to stay the night at JR's house, not wanting a repeat of the night I was attacked. It was strange though, not once did I meet JR nor anyone else's parents. It seemed a little strange but I figured they must work late nights. The rest of the night we played games. The next morning on our way to school I saw Woohyun waiting by the school gates, his school uniform a mess.

"I'll see you in class," I told the guys before going to see Woohyun. He perked up when he saw me, trying to straighten up his uniform. A lot of my classmates stared between Woohyun and I.

"Aron..." Woohyun greeted me. He looked rather terrible, with dark circles under his eyes. "Will you give me another chance? I'm not going to give up on you. I like you, a lot." Woohyun tried to explain himself but I put my hand up to stop him.

"Prove it to me," I smiled and began to walk towards the school. "I'll be watching you closely," I said for only him to hear. I was just about inside the school gates when someone grabbed me and held me tightly.

"Thank you Aron," Woohyun continued to hold me from behind.

"Woohyun," I hissed. I had a feeling nothing good would come from this performance.

"Let's walk together," Woohyun immediately looked better. We walked together to my locker. He was patient while I grabbed my books, and then took them from me to carry them to our class. Everyone's eyes were on me as Woohyun and I entered the classroom together. Even though I didn't feel safe I felt secure enough having Woohyun by my side.

For the rest of day Woohyun followed me around, being as kind as possible not only to me but to my friends as well. Even when we heard comments about me, he kindly asked people to stop. I was finally seeing Woohyun be the kind person I could see myself with.







here you go. sorry this chapter is kinda boring :[ and for not updating in a while mianhae... ill do better ^_^


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LovingKitty #1
Chapter 15: Love the story so far ^_^
Chapter 15: getting more complicated now,,
since aron started to fall for woohyun im worried with minhyun.
and woohyun's mother seems doesn't like aron.
poor aron need to get through all of that. but still confused with minhyun's feeling. is he letting aron go already ? or not ?
update soon ^^
kipi9899 #3
Chapter 15: YOU!!! YOU!!! xDDD -le saves BaekRen gifs-
Chapter 14: gaaah! what the-?!
rinasjs #5
Chapter 14: He really love him right???????
kipi9899 #6
Chapter 14: LEEEEEEEEEEWWWWLL~~~ xDDD LEWL! I was thinking of Namgrease the whole time!!! xDDD lolololol! xD Thanks for telling or else I'd be imagining WooHyun pairing up with Aron for the rest of my life! x)))
andromeda_eiz #7
Chapter 13: Nope it's not boring at all, the progress of this is smooth sailing and makes sense, you've got it going, dear. keep it up! >_<
i'm really curious with real motive of woohyun,, is he really loves aron?? it will be more fun if he really loves aron and he will fight minhyun to get aron. poor minhyun. wonder when will he said his real feelings to aron /can't wait!!
update soon ;))
kipi9899 #9
Chapter 13: Yay! You updated :DDD
kipi9899 #10
Chapter 12: Is there gonna be WooRon in the future? O___O