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"Oppa!!!! suzy shouted from the behind door of the office....she opened the door and hopped inside the it like a kid...

"mwoya? yahhh don't you know how to be a fine girl? are you even a singer? an artist? hyun joong confronted the girl...

"suzy rolled her eyes and pouted...she smiled after and went closer to her oppa and clung unto the arm bending down.....

"aehhhh don't touch were annoying me this day....hyun joong coldly said,,,

"oppa!!! here we go again... suzy whinned..

" what are you doing here? and who was that on the demo cd? hyun joong asked as they sat down on the couch on the other side of the office..

"ahhh that's young saeng oppa...he's good right? and has a nice voice...suzy answered as she praised the guy..

"tskkkk...hyun joong shook his head...anyway where is he?

"ahhh he is outside,,actually he was at the recording studio already i led him there to talk to my producer...suzy told...

"ok,,kaja,,,we shall settle your album sooner,,,we're out of time already...hyun joong stood up and they both went out...




"saengie was already discussing and listening to his demo cd...waiting for the president of the company and to suzy his friend....

"oppa...suzy called...

"eo...i thought you left me already,,,,saengie joked...

"suzy,,,you got a jackpot huh,,,this songs suits to your voice and you chose a good composer writer huh...

"of course,,,he's my friend,,suzy proudly said...

"hyunnie came in with his browsing papers infront of him....

"oppa,,,meetmy friend,,,saengie oppa....

"de? hyunnie seems hearing a bell out of the blue when he heard the name saengie,,a familiar name that makes his heart pounded like crazy...

"young saeng oppa...saengie is his nickname actually....suzy pointed towards the guy who widened his eyes because of the man infront of them...

"sae~~~saengie? hyunnie stuttered,,his voice seems cracked out of the blue..

"hyun~~~nie? saengie uttered in low tone...

"you know each other? suzy asked wondering...

"ahm,,we...we met long time ago....hyunnie replied not breaking a stare to the guy...

"owhhh,,,what a coincidence...i never thought i have a friend that my oppa knows,,,if i just knew earlier that you both knows each other i might,,,wait,,you mean you know each other for a longtime and you just met now? suzy smiled with a light bulb on his head...

"de? the two answered in unison...

"owhhh i see,,so i think,,yeah i know now,,,i get it already,,oppa? she turned to hyunnie,,,

"wae? hyunnie asked cluelessly..

"oppa!!! suzy smiled brightly and hugged his oppa...

"young saeng oppa...ahmmm,,,anyway,,maybe you both will discuss about the cd first in your office while mr.. producer is busy here...suzy suggested...

"ehhh? saengie confusedly raise an eyebrow,,,

"ohh come on,,just go to the office and i have something to do for a while..i will be back later on...suzy said then left...

"im sorry for her,,she is always like that,,,,hyunnie apologize all of a sudden...

"ahhh its ok...saengie response and looked away after meeting the man's eyes...

"so..shall we go to the,,,,office? hyunnie invited...

"ahhh,,,ok,,,saengie agreed and hyunnie led the way....

"It's all quiet while on their way to the office...

"sit....want some coffee? hyunnie offered..

"ahhh de...saengie replied...

"hyunnie asked for their coffee and soon the secretary brought them in...

"saengie sip into it as soon as he gets it in his hand...ahhhhh oh my God,,,,he screamed covering his mouth...

"wae? what happen? hyunnie stood up in a panic and went to check the guy infront of him...

"ohh its  it was just hot,,,i didn't notice it...saengie force a smile and they both awkwardly look away from each other...

"so how are you? hyunnie asked in serious tone..

"im good and im a free lancer composer writer...

"ahhh i see,,, so how was it?

"the cd? suzzy told me she will use those songs.... 

"i mean,,,im sorry,,,i mean how have you been after that day?

"do we have to brought it back?,,i thought we agreed into it,,that we forget.....

"i can't forget it,,i mean,,there is no single day that i never forget that day,,,about you...hyunnie confessed...

"but i forget about it already,,and i don't know what you are talking about,,,im here for a business,,,

"i see,,,im sorry,,i just,,,, i was just happy that i met you again..i search for,,,,,

"you cancelled your wedding,,,arent you? saengie cut him,,because of someone...according to suzy..i just hope its not me who ruined your wedding....

"it was you...saengie i can't forget you,,, we burried those bracelets but still,,,i think this is not a curse anymore,,,im looking for something that i never found to has been a year or so but i can't still move on...

"i have to go,,,just call me when the recording starts...saengie said and stood up walking through the door..

"hyunnie grabbed him,pulled him into a hug...

"hyun....saengie tried to push him,,,

"please let me do it for never knew how much i waited for this moment...

"hyunnie,,please let me go....saengie grinned pushing him...

"hyunnie tightened his hug that makes the guy give in....i hate you...

"i never hate you...hyunnie contradict,,,

"you ruined my life...saengie said...

"but i never thought you did ruined my life after i cancelled the wedding...

"you are just messing my life again...

"but you are completing my life because of this..

"you're making me confuse....

"don't be,,because im not confuse anymore,,,i need you...saengie,,i need you...

"but i don't need you...

"you are just still confuse....

"we can't be lovers...

"but we love each other, don't deny it saengie,,i can feel it....

"we can't be together..

"but we should have tried to be together in the first place...

"i moved on already...

"but i can't move on,,,,

"i forgot about you already,,,so there is no reason for us to....

"but i never forgets you...and that will be the reason for me to long for you..

"hyun joong sii.....


"let me go or i will cancel the work with your singer...

"i don't want to let you go,,,and you can' tcancel it,,,suzy is looking forward to your songs...

"don't make suzy the reason i can back out....

"you can't,,if you do,,i will never let you go and i will lock you into my heart...

"i can't be lock into your heart...

"i can,,because i love you,,,,

"saengie became speechless...

"i love you saengie,,i love you,,i need because i love you....

"i,,don't love you...


"im not,,,

"you are,,you don't want to admit that you love me...i knew it since then,,

"then why you ignore it...

"i didn't i just need to confirm,,

"by leaving away?

"de...but now i am sure i love you...

"you are bad...

"i know but im sorry for leavi

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monica_ss501 #1
Well done my dearest and most fav author ever :)

I really wish that Young Saeng and Hyun Joong read your story atleast once, especially the second one, I am sure, despite their uality, they will fall in love with each other, like the way I fell in love with hyunsaeng... :)..An unrelated note: I always imagined myself to be Young Saeng while reading all your stories, it feels amazing to just imagine being loved by Hyun Joong both physically and emotionally..:)

God should seriously bless you for making me happy during lockdown with your stories. I wish I could meet you once in my life.

Hey, do check out another most fav story which made me happy and sad at the same time.

<a href="">;<;/a>
Chapter 32: I cried a lot when you killed the couple it did break my heart felt like I'm living the story I wish I was a boy I wish this story was real ...
Georgettejolie #3
Hyunseang couple
plstop #4
Chapter 30: hi! i just read this story but i finished the other two, years ago.. I really love your the 3 seres of your story but i love this one more.. i cried and cried then it led me to think when I meet my fated one.. and then i thought of what if one of us died early or if we both die at the same time.. thinking i want our love to continue for decades and decade.. for ever and ever... i really love how you concluded your story at the end... "its always a matter of decision,,,a matter of choice,,yourself will be the one making your fate, right destination and you forever soulmate..." this is what you concluded.. i believe so to... keep up the good work.. hope u get more inspirations to inspire other people as well... :)
Chapter 32: awwww..nice ending unnie!!! i'm tearing up now!
thankyu so much for writing this precious 3 stories!! i could never forget this..wanna read it again and're a great author! <3 hahaa if someone ask who is my favourite author, i'l surely mention your name!!!
one day u'll find your sweet love,so don't worry unnie <3
<3 comsahamnida unnie <3
Chapter 32: Thank you for a wonderful story,dear friend..loved each and every episode of the 3 parts of this story!Hope you write more like this..
Chapter 32: Yeay! chukahae unnie for finishing this sequel..
i'm teary...sobs. but still HyunSaeng fighting...keke..
hope you'll make another daebak story about HyunSaeng again!
Chapter 32: so nice for u to update this one too n read ur little description in the end n i feel that u are some1 who understands love n u will be meeting some1 precious in ur life. i had lots of heart breaking in my life due to one person bt some1 healed it for me n i am thankful to god that he is with me now
oh god m crying so much more than ur previous stories. i like it bt its so much heart breaking i would never gather so much strength to even think a story plot like this since i always read stories with happy endings only because it just makes me so sad after i read stories like this and my mind will be so sad and hung on it for like so many days plz write sweet endings for this