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"Monday came up that fast,,the kids will back to their routine at school..they had decided to take care of the kids and let them stay at home with them instead of returning them to their been years when they let their paents do what were supposedly they are doing as parents....but because they are busy at work their parents were the one guiding the kids,,but luckily they were benn close to their sons..its really hard in taking care of their kids since they are both doesn't know how to be a parents...but now they thought that it is time to take the responsibility,,the kids were so happy when they knew they will stay with their appa for long...they thought that it is better to guide their kids now especially there is someone stalking the kids,,,,they already planned to send the kids overseas at a young age because their parents always work outside the country but it wasn't good for the kids to travel always  so they just decided to asked theirnparents to help them raise their kids and have time with them...

"They already thought that what if they marry their fiances..will they have soe hardships taking care of the kids?,,hyun joong had opened it once but was just a joke,,unknowingly young saeng took it into heart and ended up into a fight and misunderstanding,,so from that day on they never talked about mothers and wife..they just focus on how they will able to raise the kids without mothers beside them,,,good thing the kids were grown nice and cooperative.they always aware and alert whenever the kids have questions about mothers,,why their appa live together? why they have a unique family,,,at their age they usually asked those questions due to that some kids asked why they don't have mothers...they can't give information on how their mother looks like because they don't really know how they looks like,,,it just the ajjuma who took care of the ladies and noona (ms.ahn) knows about the two surrogate...

"One day young saeng went to his noona's office as he was called by her to discuss something...he opened the office where ms.ahn is staying but this noona is not there so he waited inside and sat to his noona's chair..without any reason or whatever ghost or something he was tempted as he took his hand on the drawer and opened it...he saw a picture and he opened it fully..he took it and looked carefully,,,who is this girl?...he thought.. as he flip it to see the back but there is another picture but ignored it first and he just looked at the back of the first picture without even looking carefully to the second picture...jessica KHJ?,,he read,,,

"He was about to look at the second picture but the door opened and noona came in,,he immediately put back the pictures to the drawer and stood up to start the discussion about the new product proposal,,,,they started and he left forgets about the picture as he was walking with the documents on his hands reading them while on the way on his office....



''uwaaaahhhh!!!~~~~~ sungyeol cried.....

''sungyeol-ah don't cry..myungsoo patted his brother but he himself already sobbing...

''oppa---...gyuri who was just behind the two run towards her sunggyu oppa as he was coming from his class...

''wae? what happen to them?..sunggyu asked his dongsaengs.

''sunggyu hyung....those kids are bad...they say we don't have eomma....sungyeol cried out more...

''yaahhhhh!! why are you bullying my dongsaeng...sunggyu shouted...

''the kids hide on the tall plant and keeps stucking their tongue....

''keumanhae??...sunggyu yelled again...

''sunggyu...why are you shouting..are you in a fight or what?...kyu jong came to pick the kids together with myungsoo and sungyeol who was called by the couple as they were still busy at the office..

''appa those kids are bad...they bullied myungsoo oppa and sungyeol oppa....gyuri said as he ran to his father...

''omo come over here baby....kyu jong bent down and took myungsoo and sungyeol infront of him..

''uncle~~~~ why we don't have eomma..sunggyu hyung and gyuri noona have eomma but why we don't have...myungsoo cried but his face looks mad fiercely staring to the kids..he hugged sungyeol...

''baby..did your appa told you already won't inderstand it right the future you will know everything and i want you to not to be mad to your appa arrasseo...kyu jong wiped off the tears of the kids...

''yaaahhhhh!! you won't stop? i will throw you to the garbage can!...sunggyu yelled and threatened the kids..

''sunggyu that's enough baby..let's go...

''omo! omo! what's happening here....kid why are you yelling at our kids huh..any problem?..a middle age woman came... ''so you are the mother of those kids...kyujong stood up and approach the two moms...

''de...wae? any problem? mom asked..

''ye..your kids were bullying this kids...kyu jong replied as he was pointing myungsoo and sungyeol...i think you have to teach your kids to not just say things that are not appropriate...the keep saying and teasing this kids that the don't have was ridiculous at their age right!..kyu jong talked calmly and nice...

''mwo?! ani...isn't that true i lf the mom felt so irritated but didn't able to throw her words as she was cut by kyu jong...

''mrs...its not that point...ok lets assume they don't have eomma but they are just 4 years old and just turning to 5..the still donlt understand everything..

'' mom husband is one of the contributor in this school...we can kick you out of

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monica_ss501 #1
Well done my dearest and most fav author ever :)

I really wish that Young Saeng and Hyun Joong read your story atleast once, especially the second one, I am sure, despite their uality, they will fall in love with each other, like the way I fell in love with hyunsaeng... :)..An unrelated note: I always imagined myself to be Young Saeng while reading all your stories, it feels amazing to just imagine being loved by Hyun Joong both physically and emotionally..:)

God should seriously bless you for making me happy during lockdown with your stories. I wish I could meet you once in my life.

Hey, do check out another most fav story which made me happy and sad at the same time.

<a href="">;<;/a>
Chapter 32: I cried a lot when you killed the couple it did break my heart felt like I'm living the story I wish I was a boy I wish this story was real ...
Georgettejolie #3
Hyunseang couple
plstop #4
Chapter 30: hi! i just read this story but i finished the other two, years ago.. I really love your the 3 seres of your story but i love this one more.. i cried and cried then it led me to think when I meet my fated one.. and then i thought of what if one of us died early or if we both die at the same time.. thinking i want our love to continue for decades and decade.. for ever and ever... i really love how you concluded your story at the end... "its always a matter of decision,,,a matter of choice,,yourself will be the one making your fate, right destination and you forever soulmate..." this is what you concluded.. i believe so to... keep up the good work.. hope u get more inspirations to inspire other people as well... :)
Chapter 32: awwww..nice ending unnie!!! i'm tearing up now!
thankyu so much for writing this precious 3 stories!! i could never forget this..wanna read it again and're a great author! <3 hahaa if someone ask who is my favourite author, i'l surely mention your name!!!
one day u'll find your sweet love,so don't worry unnie <3
<3 comsahamnida unnie <3
Chapter 32: Thank you for a wonderful story,dear friend..loved each and every episode of the 3 parts of this story!Hope you write more like this..
Chapter 32: Yeay! chukahae unnie for finishing this sequel..
i'm teary...sobs. but still HyunSaeng fighting...keke..
hope you'll make another daebak story about HyunSaeng again!
Chapter 32: so nice for u to update this one too n read ur little description in the end n i feel that u are some1 who understands love n u will be meeting some1 precious in ur life. i had lots of heart breaking in my life due to one person bt some1 healed it for me n i am thankful to god that he is with me now
oh god m crying so much more than ur previous stories. i like it bt its so much heart breaking i would never gather so much strength to even think a story plot like this since i always read stories with happy endings only because it just makes me so sad after i read stories like this and my mind will be so sad and hung on it for like so many days plz write sweet endings for this