Kiss the Rain

Sandara’s feet took her to a small outdoor market couple miles away from the park. She walked aimlessly around the crowded place. I don’t belong here.


“Sorry noona.”

A scrawny little boy stood nervously in front of Sandara with his head bowed. He looked about six year old. A young girl in pig tails quickly ran by his side and looked up at Sandara, “My brother didn’t mean to run into you. We were playing…uh…please don’t get mad at him. Punish me.”

“Your brother is lucky to have a protective sister like you. It was an accident, you guys can go back to playing.”

The little boy’s head shot up and beamed a bright smile at Sandara before running off. His sister chased after him. Sandara sulked her head low. I need to get out of here. She shook her head erasing a memory that flashed back when she saw the young siblings.

Eventually Sandara found her way out of the crowded market. She let out a deep sigh as she continued to walk along side an empty road path. No cars passed by her. The buildings disappeared behind her the further she walked.

Peace and quiet at last. I wonder how he’s doing? Sandara stopped walking and looked up at the charcoal gray sky. A droplet of rain landed on her cheek. She wiped her cheek with her sweatshirt and continued her walk, “He’s sad.”

Sandara walked and walked. I wish they would give up. The rain started pouring harder and she was growing tired. She looked back and realized there’s no place for her to take shelter. All she saw were trees and the lonely road.

“It’s cold.” Her teeth chattered. I miss him. Please take me. She continued walking. Slowly Sandara started to lose conscience. Her wobbling legs finally gave up on her and she collapsed on the side of the road. It was dark now and still raining. There were no streetlights by her. No one could see this poor fragile girl laying unconscious by the road. Is this what she really wanted? To be found dead?



“Yah! Why are you yelling?”

“You’re a bad driver. We should have been home hours ago. We’re lost you know.” She eyed her older brother who was too focused on the road.

He parked the car on the side of the road then faced his little sister. Well not literally ‘little’ she was only two years younger than him but in his eyes she’ll forever be his little sister. Even if they’re not blood related. 

“I’m sorry it’s just that it’s really hard to see through this thick pouring rain.” He removed his glasses and wiped the fog off them. “I missed the turn back there and I thought we’ll find our way out of here eventually but I was wrong. We’ll head back and I’ll make the right turn.” He put his glasses back on.

She smiled back at him then faced forward. Something caught her eyes, “OMO! Oppa what’s that?”

He followed her gaze and squinted his eyes through his glasses, “Stay here.”

“Oppa, I’ll come with you.”

“No, just stay here.” He grabbed an umbrella from the backseat and got down.

Slowly he walked toward something black laying on the side of the road. Dead animal? His sister beamed the light of the car so he can see clearly what’s laying on the road. He gasped and quickly dropped down on his knees.

“Oppa!” She ran in the rain and looked down at her brother and the body laying on the ground. She then took hold of the umbrella covering the three of them.

He rolled the body to the side, now he has a clearer view of the person’s face. She looked pale. He checked her pulse. She’s still alive. Why is she out here? “Come on, we’ll take her home.” Swiftly he lifted her up into her arms with his sister shadowing his footsteps.


“Oppa, just put her in the tub. Tell the maids to come up and help me change her. We’ll call you when we’re done.”

He obeyed his sister’s order and gently placed her in the tub. Outside the room he paced back and forth. For him it felt like the time was ticking very slow and he could not keep still. The door creaked open and his sister’s head poked out, “You can come in now.”

“It’s a good thing you’re bad with directions. That road was deserted, she would have been dead by the time someone found her. She’s running a fever. I asked the maid to bring up some medicine and water for her.”

“She’s still unconscious. How are you going to give it to her?” He looked at his sister who had a different outfit on. She must have changed after she was done changing her. I’m still soaked and wet. I’ll change later. His sister’s black bangs covered part of her eyes when she looked up at him with a mischievous smile.

“I’ll wake her up.”

A maid walks in and hands a couple of pills to his sister. “Watch and learn.” She gently shakes the unconscious girl. She stirs up around the bed with her eyes still closed. His sister whispered into her ears, “You’re sick please take this.” She slips the pills into the girl’s mouth and helps her drink some water. She gently lays her head back down on the pillow.

“See, that wasn’t hard.” She looked back up at her brother who was still pacing back and forth in her room. Unbelievable! She tilts her head and grins at her brother. My brother is one heck of a good looking guy that all the girls drool over for. Eek! moment right there but I’m super duper happy right now! Finally his soul mate is here. She looks back at the girl laying on her bed then back at her brother. They look good together. If only he would dress more confidently. I’m really not feeling his nerdy look. As if he can scare away my suitors with that look.She giggles.

“Why are you laughing Chaerin-ah?” He raised a brow at her.

“Nothing. Seung Hyun oppa she’s very pretty huh?”


“Have you gone deaf oppa?”

“I bet her family is looking for her right now. Did she have a cellphone or wallet on her?” He looked around Chaerin’s room.

“Someone is avoiding my question. It’s even a simple one. Just answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Simple as that oppa.” She playfully teased.

“Chaerin stop with the teasing, I’m serious.”

“I know you are. You need to loosen up. Anyways, her cellphone is still in my bathroom. It’s not working. The rain damaged it and I didn’t find any wallet when I changed her.”

Seung Hyun removed his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose, “I guess we’ll wait for her to wake up.”

“You can stay in my room tonight and watch her. I know you want to.” She winked at him.

“What are you talking about? This is your room and you’ll be the one watching over her. Why would I want to stay in here?” 

“I see the concern and worry in your eyes brother. I’ve never seen that before. As in ever! How many girls have I introduced you to?” Chaerin starts counting her fingers then stops. “You ignored them all then this one” She looks back at the sleeping girl. “appears out of nowhere and BAM! My oppa is in LOVE!” She cooed ‘Love’.


Chaerin giggles, “Shhh…you’re going to wake her up.” The girl’s body starts to shake. Chaerin gently rubs her shoulders then stands up. “I’ll get some more blankets. I’ll be back.”

“No, I’ll go get them.” Seung Hyun offered.

“Nope! I’m getting them!” Chaerin ran out before he could debate with her.

Seung Hyun steps closer to the bed after Chaerin left. I wonder what’s her name? The girl’s hair covered her face while she continued to shiver. He sat down on the bed and lightly moved her hair back revealing her face. Fallen angel? His curious eyes closely examined the girl’s face. Her lips started to quiver. Chaerin is taking too long. He frowned and looked up at the ceiling.

Suddenly he felt an arm wrap around his waist. His whole body tensed up then a warm head was on his chest. He looked back down. She was hugging him and she was still shaking. He wrapped his arm around her and started rubbing her shoulder. She’s burning hot! I’m going to choke Chaerin when she returns.

“Why did you leave me?” She was sobbing. “Promise me you won’t leave me alone again.”

Tears were streaming down her closed eyes. Seung Hyun gently wipes her tears from her red cheeks.

“I promise.” He whispered into her ears. She smiled and Seung Hyun hugged her tighter to his chest and continued rubbing her shoulders.Surreal. I can’t believe she’s in my arms.

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Daraxxi_2Ne1 #1
Chapter 22: I love this story!!!
Sheng0522 #2
Chapter 7: Waaahhhh.. My tears can't stop falling for Sang hyunie.. huhuhu
Chapter 22: I also reads this story at YGL and this is one of my favorite stories there... Then here.. Ill be waiting for your upcoming updates for your other fanfics.. Fighting!
Chapter 13: i hate the oldman choi
Chapter 22: Oh my god. I feel so sad that I only discovered your story. This is one of the best stories I've ever read. Huhuhu. It made me cry my heart out!! Sanghyun. Huhuhu. :'(( I love your story, authornim. I really do. This is so touching. Thank you for the best story, authornim. I just want to tell you that I admire you. This is amazing :) thank you so much. :)
tabitabi #6
Chapter 22: I just found out this story, and already loved it. Thanks authorniiim
Chapter 22: awwww this is so lovely!! thanks authornim! pls keep on writing tabisan fics. fighting! ♡
Chapter 22: Love the this did I not find your stories sooner?
Chapter 22: Ahhh! This story is soooooo Goood! True Love really Conquers All! Way to go author-nim! Fighting!
itsmemarjorie #10
Chapter 22: Waaahhh!!Nice story Authornim! :)