Kiss the Rain

Inside a black tinted Lexus SUV, Sandara helplessly cries and screams. Nobody could hear or see her while Mr. Lee drove along the streets of Seoul. Bom ignores her pleas while Joon has a good grip on her in his strong arms.

"Why are you doing this to me, unnie? I thought you loved me?"

Bom pulls out a prescribed bottle of pills from her LV purse. Sandara eyes the small bottle. She knew what it was and continues to cry some more in Joon's arms.

"You're making yourself restless, Sandara. We're going back home to get our luggages. The maids already packed most of your clothes. We could always buy new clothes back in Maryland. What's important right now is us leaving Korea...nothing else." Bom pops open the lid.

"Does Grandma and Grandpa know we're leaving today? Do they know about Seung Hyun?" Sandara was indeed feeling the exhaustion from all the resistance she had put against them since the hospital. She lightly rests her head back into Joon's chest while she takes a couple deep breaths.

"Yes and No."

Sandara lifts her head, "Huh? I don't get you."

"They don't know about Seung Hyun. I spoke to them earlier that you were really homesick and that you wanted to see our parents right away that's why we're leaving today. They understand your whole emotional situation and did not question our sudden plan to leave Korea. I don't want to involve our grandparents with Seung Hyun's family. They're old and we should not worry them. So please behave little sister and make it easier for us when we arrive at the airport." Bom shook a couple pills out of the bottle.

Sandara eyes widen, "Unnie! Please lets go back! I LOVE SEUNG HYUN! I don't want to leave! PLEASE!" She tries to wiggle her petite body out of Joon's grip. But he held her tighter as she fought back.

Bom shakes her head then stares back into Sandara's red puffy eyes. My dear little sister. Stop resisting. This is for the best. You'll hurt much more if I allow you to go back. You're already hurting now. What more if I allow you to love him? It'll be the end of you with all the pain you'll feel for him. This is right to prevent it from getting any worse. You'll forget him. I'll try my best to make you forget him. I'm sorry Sandara. I love you so much..I'm willing to make all the sacrifices just to protect you. You must forget Seung Hyun. She reaches her hand over Sandara's face and lightly caress her cheek. Sandara shakes her head moving it away from Bom's hand. 

"You're exhausted, little sister. You need to rest before we leave Korea." She holds her other hand out with the pills. 

"NO! Please unnie! I don't want to sleep! UNNIE NO!!!!" Sandara shuts close as Bom moves her hand from her cheek to her nose.

I'm sorry Sandara. Bom pinches the bridge of her nose. Sandara continues to shake her head. Bom waits for Sandara to lose her breath and open to catch some air. "You need to breath. I love you Sandara..."

Soon Sandara could not resist holding her breath any longer she opens . Bom quickly shoves the pills in and holds her jaw shut closed afterwards. While still pinching Sandara's nose and keeping shut. Sandara had no choice but to swallow the pills. After Bom saw her swallow then she releases her sister. "Good girl." She pats Sandara's head.

After ten minutes Sandara starts feeling drowsy. Her head rocks back and forth. Joon could feel her tensed body loosen in his arms. Another five minutes gone by and she knocks out. Joon looks at Bom then he slowly lays Sandara's head on his lap and arranges her body where she's comfortably lying down. 

"I really feel bad, noona."

"Thank you for calling me. If you haven't called me then this mess would be too hard for me to fix. We'll be seeing you in a couple weeks right? You'll get all your paperworks done to join us in Maryland?"

Joon soley nods his head then looks back down at Sandara, "She really loves Seung Hyun...I'm jealous he owns her heart."

Bom also looks at sleeping Sandara and shook her head, "Don't be. You'll soon have her heart once you join us in Maryland. Help me make her forget Seung Hyun."

Joon looks back at Bom. Dilemma was written all over his face. This feels wrong and selfish. Do I have the heart and guts to do what she's asking for? What I just witnessed today was unbearable pain that I do not wish to see again. I don't like seeing Sandara in that much pain. I feel guilty that I was part of her pain. And to continue hurting her? I just don't know anymore... But I really do love her and I'll do anything to have a place in her heart. What shall I do? 

Mr. Lee interrupted Joon's thoughts, "We're almost back to the mansion. Will you guys be staying in the car while I help the maids load the luggages?"

Both Bom and Joon looked at Mr. Lee, "Yes, we'll wait in the car. Once we're at the airport I'll have a flight attendant us pass the gates. We'll put Sandara on a wheelchair and I have a traveler's neck pillow to put around her neck so her head doesn't bobble around while we push her." She gently Sandara's hair.

Mr. Lee parks the SUV near the front entrance of the mansion. Four maids comes out of the front door and starts loading the luggages into the trunk. Mr. Lee gets down and assists them. Joon continues to stare at Sandara on his lap. I'll help ease the pain for you Sandara. I'll do anything for you.

Fifteen minutes gone by and Mr. Lee returns back to the driver's seat. He turns around and faces Bom and Joon, "We're off to the airport now Ms. Park." Bom nods her head and he starts the engine. They drive off to the airport.


Meanwhile back at the hospital.

Seung Hyun calls out for his sister's attention, "Chaerin-ah?"

Chaerin gathers up all her strength and stands up from the floor. She walks up to his bedside, "Yes oppa?" She wipes her tears dry with the back of her hand.

Seung Hyun holds his hand up to his head. He's feeling a pounding pressure on the right side of his temple. His heart starts to race and ache at the same time. "My.....hurts...." He slurs his words.

"What hurts oppa?" She could see that her brother is still confused with what just happened. This is so sad...oppa lost his memory of who Sandara unnie is in his life. He fought for their love only to lose it at the end...I don't know what to do anymore...

"My head..." He closes his eyes hoping the pain would go away. My heart hurts way more than my head..I don't understand... 

Chaerin presses the button by Seung Hyun's bed. "Oppa you had an accident. You fell off the 2nd floor and hit your head pretty bad that's why it hurts."

Seung Hyun opens his eyes, "What? How did that happen? I don't remember the accident. What day is it? Didn't I just get back from Maryland after visiting uncle?"

Crap. Oppa, really did loose a whole chunk of his memory from six months ago. I don't know what to do? OH MY GOSH! I need help... Think Chaerin...think... "Er, oppa? You returned back from Maryland six months ago. This is not good at all. Where's the doctor?"

His mouth gapes open after he heard what Chaerin said. No way?! What happened to me? And who was that pretty angel in my room? I remember her from somewhere...Argh! I can't head is really hurting! Seung Hyun shuts his eyes again trying to think of what just happened. His heart starts to fluctuate and the monitor starts beeping.

Nurses and doctors rush into the room. Chaerin steps back. She pulls out her cellphone and dials her mother's phone. After twenty minutes the hospital staff finally stabilize Seung Hyun's condition. They put him to sleep and leaves Chaerin alone in the room with her brother. She goes back to Seung Hyun's side and touches his head then his heart, "Sorry oppa...I spoke to Mom...we're immediately leaving Korea and moving to England after they discharge you from the hospital...they want you to get better and not think too much of what just happened with you, grandpa and Sandara unnie...we're going to keep this a secret...I'm really sorry oppa....Mom and Dad thinks this is for the best...I cannot disobey them...I won't pressure you into remembering her but if you do ask about her I'll tell you everything. I really hope you get your memory back soon, oppa."

Seung Hyun remains soundlessly asleep on the bed while Chaerin spoke. Little did they know Sandara has already left the country on a plane back to Maryland. Their lives has gone different paths. Chaerin turns her head and looks out the hospital window. She stares at the the sun slowly setting. Destiny? If they really are soulmates they will cross paths again right? I have to be strong for my oppa and help him get better. Hopefully he'll remember her. If not then they're really not meant to be together. But my heart tells me otherwise. Oppa and unnie both deserve the happiness and love they both been longing for. Please destiny help them find each other. Chaerin turns her head back at Seung Hyun. She traces the letters of Sandara's name with her finger on Seung Hyun's heart, "You love her oppa. You'll remember her..."




Sandara looks up from her sketchbook, "Yes, Joonie?"

"Does your head hurt?" He casually plops his elbow on the couch's armrest and stares at Sandara from across the living room. She's comfortably laying on the ground on her stomach with the sketchbook in front of her. She puts her pencil down and raises a questionable brow at Joon. He smirks.

"Why would my head hurt?"

He chuckles, "The creases on your forehead looked like you were concentrating too hard. I've been watching you for 30 minutes already so I thought I'd ask you that question." Joon gets up and walks over to Sandara.

Sandara sits up and slaps Joon's leg as he sat beside her, "HA. HA. HA. Very funny Joonie." She clicks her tongue at him.

He sneaks a peek at her drawing but she quickly hides it away from him. He frowns, "You usually show me all your drawings. What are you hiding?"

"Nothing. I'm not finish yet. Plus I always show you my finish sketches and NOT my unfinshed ones."

"Oh do." Joon accepts her excuse because he doesn't want to upset her but he has a strong feeling she's hiding something from him. He changes the subject, "You hungry? Want me to make you a sandwhich and fruit salad?"

Sandara beams a bright smile at Joon. His heart flutters. I love her smile. He stands up and heads for the kitchen leaving Sandara alone in the living room. Sandara opens up her sketchbook and walks closer to the window. It's dark and pouring rain outside. She stares at the rain drops streaming down the glass window. She closes her eyes and hugs her sketchbook to her chest. She hums a familiar tune then opens her eyes. 

Sandara turns around and heads to the black grand piano at the corner of the living room area. She stares once more at the open page of her sketchbook and kisses it. She shuts it close and starts playing the tune she was humming earlier. Kiss the Rain by Yiruma - The melody Sandara plays on the piano

While she plays the musical piece in the piano a few tear drops onto the keys. I will find you Seung Hyun. Wait for me. I'm staying strong for you. I won't give up. I'm not weak like I was before after I lost my brother. I'm stronger because of your love. I'll fight for our love like what you did for me. I love you Seung Hyun.... 

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Daraxxi_2Ne1 #1
Chapter 22: I love this story!!!
Sheng0522 #2
Chapter 7: Waaahhhh.. My tears can't stop falling for Sang hyunie.. huhuhu
Chapter 22: I also reads this story at YGL and this is one of my favorite stories there... Then here.. Ill be waiting for your upcoming updates for your other fanfics.. Fighting!
Chapter 13: i hate the oldman choi
Chapter 22: Oh my god. I feel so sad that I only discovered your story. This is one of the best stories I've ever read. Huhuhu. It made me cry my heart out!! Sanghyun. Huhuhu. :'(( I love your story, authornim. I really do. This is so touching. Thank you for the best story, authornim. I just want to tell you that I admire you. This is amazing :) thank you so much. :)
tabitabi #6
Chapter 22: I just found out this story, and already loved it. Thanks authorniiim
Chapter 22: awwww this is so lovely!! thanks authornim! pls keep on writing tabisan fics. fighting! ♡
Chapter 22: Love the this did I not find your stories sooner?
Chapter 22: Ahhh! This story is soooooo Goood! True Love really Conquers All! Way to go author-nim! Fighting!
itsmemarjorie #10
Chapter 22: Waaahhh!!Nice story Authornim! :)