Kiss the Rain

Sandara couldn't feel her legs when Chaerin dragged her towards Daesung's car. It didn't register to her that Seung Hyun was hurt and that he needed her. Chaerin and Joon looked like they were playing a human tug-o-war game with Sandara. 

"Where are you taking her?" Joon yelled pulling Sandara closer to him.

Chaerin tugged Sandara back, "To my OPPA! Let go of her!"

"No, you let go of her! I don't trust you guys. We'll just follow your car." He wrapped his arms around Sandara making Chaerin let go of her hand.

Chaerin glared, "I don't care if you don't trust us! What matters to me is my OPPA and SANDARA UNNIE! Come on we have to go to the hospital!" She punches Joon's left shoulder. He cringes in pain as he let's go of Sandara to touch his shoulder.

Dang, this girl! Is her fist made out of bricks? OMO! I let her go! Joon's quick reflex grabbed hold of Sandara's hand before Chaerin could drag her away from him. "Hold it there missy! I'm going to call Bom noona right now and tell her where Sandara's at if you don't make her ride with me." He pulls out his cellphone and gives Chaerin a playful smirk.

Chaerin stomps her foot and let's go of Sandara in defeat, "FINE! I'll ride with you guys and Daesung oppa and Minzy will follow us." She nods her head to Daesung and Minji and made a silent agreement with her plan.

"So which hospital are we heading to?" Joon ushers Sandara into the front seat but she turns around and shakes her head. "What's wrong?"

Finally Sandara snaps out of her state of shock, "I wanna sit with Chaerin at the back seat."

Chaerin clicks her tongue at Joon and takes Sandara's hand, "See, unnie trust's me.."

Joon drives off to Seoul Medical Hospital and Daesung follows right behind them.



Chaerin let's go of Sandara's hand and runs toward her mother. Sandara is nervous. She grabs Joon's hand and squeezes it. Joon's look down at her and whispers, "We can leave if you want to...You don't have to stay." I hope she says 'Yes'. I know I sound selfish but I loved her since we were little kids. I'm not stupid or martyr but she loves this 'Seung Hyun'. Lucky ba-stard...I only wish and hope at this moment she'll say 'Yes' and leave with me.

Sandara shakes her head and gives Joon a weary smile, "Come on, let's go closer to them."

They walked towards Chaerin and her mother, Mrs. Choi. Sandara, Joon, Daesung and Minji all greeted her mother and bowed their heads. Chaerin eyes started to fill with tears, "Mom what happened?"

"Your brother made your grandfather very upset when he came to the office this afternoon. They had an argument within his office that eventually went out down the hallway of your grandfather's office building. The employees told the police what they witnessed between Seung Hyun and your grandfather. They said your grandfather was yelling at him about being a disgrace and unfaithful to our family's reputation. He chased Seung Hyun down the hall and to the lobby area. You know there's a stairwell going down the lobby and there's a glass railing near the stairwell?"

Chaerin nods her head. Everyone else we're listening intently as Mrs. Choi continued on with what happened.

"You know how your grandfather doesn't like being ignored. And their whole argument really made him upset plus the fact how your oppa was ignoring him throughout his bickering and chasing after him. He hates that alot. Once he caught up with him. Seung Hyun stopped walking and turned to face him. One of the employee that was close by to hear what Seung Hyun said before the accident. Seung Hyun said to your grandfather, "I'm sorry grandfather. I love her with all my heart and there's nothing you can do but accept how I feel towards her. If you can't accpet her then sorry I can't go on with what you want for me. No one can decide or dictate who my heart should love. The only person that could do that is me and not you. I'm really sorry grandpa." The anger and rage that built in your grandfather was let upon your oppa. Witnesses said that he grabbed Seung Hyun by the collar and shook him. Then he punched him in the stomach and face. They were inching closer and closer toward the railing with every punch he gave Seung Hyun. They said Seung Hyun didn't fight back. He told your grandfather to stop and to accept that he loves 'Sandara'." Mrs. Choi paused and stared at Sandara who was holding Joon's hand. She raised a brow. She never met Sandara but she knew it was her. Sandara closed her eyes and quietly prayed that Seung Hyun was okay and not badly hurt. Mrs. Choi continued, "Your grandfather last blow to Seung Hyun's face made him fall over the glass rail and landed on the first floor of the lobby area. A pool of blood surrounded Seung Hyun on the lobby floor. The blood came out of his mouth and back of his head. Your grandfather was in a state of shock when he saw Seung Hyun laying lifeless on the ground below him. He stood frozen in his spot until the police and ambulance came. He surrendered without a fight. The paramedics found a faint pulse on your brother and now he's here in the hospital. He's not doing so good. He's under a critical condition, Chaerin."

"Mommy! What did the doctor say? What's wrong with him?" Chaerin's tears escaped her eyes.

Mrs. Choi made Chaerin sit on a chair, "Chaerin baby, your oppa is in a coma and life support. He can't breath on his own. He hit his head really hard from his fall. The doctor had to relieve the pressure and swelling in his brain due to the hemorrhage he was having. Just let it all out..I was crying too earlier with your father after we arrived here."

Chaerin wiped her tears, "Where's Dad?"

"He's at the police station with your grandfather."

"I bet grandpa will be out soon. Since he has his connection and money...then he'll come after..." Chaerin looks at Sandara. OMO! I shouldn't have brought her grandfather!

Mrs. Choi shook her head, "Don't worry he's not going anywhere. Shocking as it is.. your grandfather sincerely feels bad and guilty for what he has done to Seung Hyun. He can't get out of the crime he did there's so many witnesses. It's a huge mess to cover up anyways he told your father he'll due his time and punishment for hurting Seung Hyun. He begged us on his knees to accept his apology for causing our family pain with his strict rules and expectations. I really felt your grandfather's sincerity. So don't worry or be afraid he'll come back out and take his revenge on Seung Hyun. Your grandfather loves Seung Hyun as much as we love him. He was just blinded with our family's money and fortune. What we have to worry about now is Seung Hyun's condition...we have to be strong and pray for his recovery."

"It's really that bad, huh Mom?" Chaerin looked up into her mother's eyes. She nodded her head. Chaerin stands up and brings her mom to Sandara and Joon, "Mom this is Sandara unnie. The special girl Oppa loves."

Mrs. Choi smiles and offers her hand, "Pleasure to meet you, Sandara."

Sandara let's go of Joon's hand, "Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Choi...err..."

"Yes, Sandara?"

"Do you think we can see Seung Hyun?" Her eyes drop to the ground in embarassment with her question. I think I'm asking too much? But I have to see him. To Sandara's suprise Mrs. Choi says 'Yes.' 

They all follow Mrs. Choi into the intensive care unit. They walk into Seung Hyun's private room. No one noticed Joon fell behind and stayed in the hallway. All of them gasps when they saw all the machines and tubes around Seung Hyun. The beeping noise coming from the machine made Sandara's heart pound nervously. Chaerin and Mrs. Choi gave Sandara a gentle push to go closer to Seung Hyun's bed. A blue tube was in his mouth. His left cheek looked swollen but his eyelids remained untouch and closed. Please open your eyes Seung Hyun.

Everyone remained quiet in the hospital room. The only noise that was made was coming from the ventilator and heart monitor. Chaerin quietly cried in her mother's arm. Daesung and Minji stood against the wall and silently prayed for Seung Hyun. Sandara lightly traced Seung Hyun's fingers with her hand before she held it. She squeezes his hand and whispers close to his ear, "Seung Hyun, I'm here. Please wake up...You're real...I'm real....please wake up..."

Silence. Sandara thought her voice would wake him up. She squeezes his hand again, "Wake up Seung Hyun, tomorrow morning we're going to eat 10 bowls of strawberry ice cream...please wake up..."

Ten minutes gone by. Chaerin steps closer to Sandara and places her hand on her shoulder, "Unnie?"

"Chaerin, your brother is going to wake up. I know he will. He just wants to be sleeping beauty today but he'll wake up soon. I could feel it." Sandara smiles with hope.

Uh oh...I do remember what Bom unnie said about Sandara's mental state before Seung Hyun and I entered their lives. I'm such a bad sister to hope for the best for her brother but at the same time not think of the consequences if I let them go on with their love. PAIN. PAIN. PAIN. What if Sandara unnie goes back to her depress state of emotion? I don't think I can bear that pain like with my oppa. I'm going crazy! Chaerin rubs Sandara's shoulder, "Unnie would you like to join us down stairs at the hospital cafeteria to get something to eat?"

Sandara shook her head, "No, I'm fine. Seung Hyun is going to wake up soon. Hold on." She turns her head back to Seung Hyun, "Seung Hyun I promise not to eat 10 bowls of ice cream every morning if you wake up right now."

Silence. Seung Hyun still didn't open his eyes. Chaerin lets out a sigh. Sandara turns her head back at Chaerin, "I guess your oppa likes it when I eat 10 bowls of ice cream. Please stay with me. He's going to wake up...just wait..."

"Sorry to interrupt, Minji and I will head on downstairs. We'll get you guys something to eat." Daesung and Minji excuse themselves and exits the room.

Chaerin looks at her mother sitting on the chair by the wall, "Mom? What's wrong?"

"It's your father. He wants me to join him at the police station. The media is making a big scene there with the scandal your grandfather has made with your oppa. He doesn't want me to leave Seung Hyun's side until he wakes up but it's really getting out of hand down there. Since you're here now. You can watch your brother while I help your Dad out. Please keep your phone on at all times okay?" Mrs. Choi stands up and kisses Chaerin's forehead. She looks at Sandara, "Sandara please stay with Seung Hyun and Chaerin til I get back?" Sandara nods her head and smiles. 

Chaerin is by Sandara's side after her mother left, "Unnie, how are you?"

"I'm happy to have found you two...I don't want to think of why my unnie lied about you and Seung Hyun not existing and that you two were both just part of my dream. I also don't want to think about why your grandfather did this to Seung Hyun or why he went to your grandfather's office. All I want is for your oppa to wake up, that's all I want." Sandara squeezes his hand and smiles at the sleeping Seung Hyun.

Chaerin holds back her tears and removes her eyes from the couple in front of her. Where's Joon? She looks around the room. Where did that mosquito go? I don't remember him walking in with us? Maybe he finally realized he doesn't belong here...that Sandara and Seung Hyun belong together. She smiles with delight that she got rid of him.

Suddenly Bom enters the room, "Sandara!"

Chaerin's eyes widen, "Bom unnie?" She looks scary furious...ugh?

Bom marches toward Sandara and grabs her arm tightly, "Let go of him!"

"Unnie! You know him! Why did you lie to me?" Sandara's eyes were filled with accusation and anger towards her older sister. Bom ignored her question and pryed Sandara's hand away from Seung Hyun. Sandara cried, "Nooo!"

Mr. Lee joined Bom in dragging Sandara away from Seung Hyun's bedside. Chaerin steps in and pulls Sandara's arm, "She has to stay here! Bom unnie please let her stay!"

"NO!" Bom said with authority. Sandara was breaking down crying her eyes out looking at Seung Hyun on the hospital bed while Bom and Mr. Lee slowly inch by inch dragged her away. She was fighting hard, stopping them from pulling her away from the man she truly cares about. Chaerin was helping her fight back but the strenght of two against one was no match for her. They were getting closer to the door. Chaerin saw Joon standing by the door, quietly watching the commotion inside the room. What a jerk! He called Bom unnie!

"Please, Bommie unnie! Seung Hyun needs me!" Sandara pleaded holding onto Chaerin's hand and looking back at her older sister.

"He's a coward! He left you without a fight with his grandfather. You don't deserve him! His family will bring you pain! Especially his grandfather! He won't accpet you! NOW LET'S LEAVE! Let their family be! We don't need them! We're going back to Maryland RIGHT NOW!" Bom forcefully pryed Sandara's hand from Chaerin's hand. She pushed Chaerin back then tightly wrapped her hand around Sandara's wrist and pulled her off the floor. Mr. Lee wrapped his arms around Sandara waist and locked her in his grip. Chaerin was crying on the floor looking up at them.

Bom hissed, "Leave us alone Chaerin. Your family disgust our so called MENTAL I disgust yours! Don't even bother finding us...I thought you guys will help my sister and bring her happiness and I fell for your masked face facade. Disappointing really but now my eyes are wide open to the truth and we shouldn't mingle anymore. I really don't know why you showed yourself to my sister and brought her here. IT'S A BIG MISTAKE! We were doing fine CHAERIN! Until you did this! Whatever your brother is going through right now you shouldn't include my sister I pray he gets better and forget about my sister completely like what he did on that day my sister was at the hospital. That's what you call karma."

"No! You don't know the whole truth Bom unnie! Please listen to me!" Chaerin pleaded.

"I don't care! And I have no time to listen to your explaination! Let's go Mr. Lee!" Bom quickly turned around and ushered Mr. Lee to go on ahead.

Sandara screamed, "SEUNG HYUN WAKE UP!!!!"

Suddenly a loud beeping sound was coming from the heart monitor. Seung Hyun's heart monitor was fluctuating. His chest was rising and dropping quickly. He was breathing fast. Bom and Mr. Lee stopped in their tracks and turned around. Chaerin quickly ran to her brother's side, "OPPA?!?"

Sandara was still imprison in Mr. Lee's tight grip. Tears were flowing like a river down her cheeks. Joon stepped closer to his father and watched Seung Hyun's monitor go wild. Bom's mouth dropped open. Sandara jumped up and down to break loose from Mr. Lee's grip, "PLEASE LET GO MR. LEE!"

Seung Hyun eyes fluttered open. Bom quickly shut and stepped in front of Sandara and Mr. Lee, "Mr. Lee let's go!" I don't think she saw. We have to leave...

"Unnie! Seung Hyun's heart!"

"NO!" Bom starts pushing Sandara and Mr. Lee back out the door.

BE STRONG SANDARA! FIGHT BACK! With all her strenght Sandara bit Mr. Lee's arm real hard. He let go of her and she quickly passed her sister before she could grab her. She was by Seung Hyun's side in a blink of an eye. Chaerin was behind Sandara blocking her from Bom. Sandara's eyes met Seung Hyun's eyes. His breathing started to slow down once their eyes met. For the two the people around them didn't exist. Sandara didn't notice Chaerin pushing Bom away from them so they can have their moment. Joon stopped his dad from grabbing Sandara again.

"Seung Hyun..." Sandara smiles then slowly removes Seung Hyun's ventilator from his mouth. He coughs a bit. Bom and Chaerin both stop fighting and step closer to the couple. Even Mr. Lee and Joon step closer. Seung Hyun's heart is stable. Both their eyes remained locked in each other's stare. For the outsiders looking at the two it felt like they're staring at each other for hours and we're waiting for either one of them to finally speak up.

Finally, Seung Hyun broke the silence. His eyebrows creased in confusion for a moment then smiles, "You have a pretty smile...Your like an angel. May I know your name?"

Sandara's heart felt like it shattered into a million pieces. Her smile dropped and she felt numb. Bom pushed Chaerin aside and pulled her sister away. Mr. Lee snapped back and helped Bom carry Sandara out of the room leaving Seung Hyun dumbfounded.


Chaerin remained on the floor silently rocking herself back and forth. Seung Hyun's eyes were still staring at the opened door. My head....hurts...but my heart hurts even more....why???

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Daraxxi_2Ne1 #1
Chapter 22: I love this story!!!
Sheng0522 #2
Chapter 7: Waaahhhh.. My tears can't stop falling for Sang hyunie.. huhuhu
Chapter 22: I also reads this story at YGL and this is one of my favorite stories there... Then here.. Ill be waiting for your upcoming updates for your other fanfics.. Fighting!
Chapter 13: i hate the oldman choi
Chapter 22: Oh my god. I feel so sad that I only discovered your story. This is one of the best stories I've ever read. Huhuhu. It made me cry my heart out!! Sanghyun. Huhuhu. :'(( I love your story, authornim. I really do. This is so touching. Thank you for the best story, authornim. I just want to tell you that I admire you. This is amazing :) thank you so much. :)
tabitabi #6
Chapter 22: I just found out this story, and already loved it. Thanks authorniiim
Chapter 22: awwww this is so lovely!! thanks authornim! pls keep on writing tabisan fics. fighting! ♡
Chapter 22: Love the this did I not find your stories sooner?
Chapter 22: Ahhh! This story is soooooo Goood! True Love really Conquers All! Way to go author-nim! Fighting!
itsmemarjorie #10
Chapter 22: Waaahhh!!Nice story Authornim! :)