My Lovely Captain


Your/ Jane's POV

I got closer and closer to my targets thinking this will be fun. They just need a little head start of what they’ll go through with me for the next 2 years of their amazing life. Just going to freak them out a little by pressing the sirens. Mmm that seems harmless.

As I stepped really close to them, I placed the loud megaphone nearby their ear drums while I used my other hands to block my right ear away from the deadly sound. Then with a click of my finger...


There they go running around like lunatics bumping into each other and screaming “FIREEE”. I hilariously laughed at them when Myungsoo snatched the megaphone off my hands making me glare at him.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“Turning off this stupid thing”

“Excuse me?”

“I said turning off this STUPID THING” I tried to retreive the megaphone but he held it up high above his head where I couldn’t possibly reached. I heaved a sigh and jumped up to get it but it didn’t work and worst I could hear Yeojin and Jason laughing at the back. There goes my temper, I gritted my teeth and jumped up once more and to my luck I got hold of it but on the other hand I lost my balance which made me fall on Myungsoo’s chest. He grabbed onto my waist and to his bad luck he fell back on the cold grass dragging me down on top of him.

We were inches apart and I could feel his warm breath tickle my nose. My heart was beating fast and hard, this was really uncomfortable yet I had no guts to pull away from him. I don’t know what made me look into his eyes and I don’t know why I couldn’t look away, as if there was some magnetic pull between the both of us.

I was quite thankful at the moment where JB broke our trance by pulling me up away from him and almost immediately I had composed myself again. I stood straight as if nothing happened and gave an awkward cough as I mentally thanked JB by glancing at him who winked in response as he went to sit back by the benches. I turned my focus to Myungsoo who had gotten up and started to pat clean his clothing. I wasn’t going to just let him go for ruining my fun.

“Give me 10” I ordered him who stood there chuckling back at me.

“How about no?” he raised both eyebrows as he run a thumb over his bottom lip and I got to admit that was tempting to see.

But I wasn’t going to give up. I pushed on. “Give me 20”

“Why would I?” this guy really must know how to piss me off and no one ever dares to go against me.

“Fine 50”

“Are you insane?” I closed my eyes, breathed in deeply.


“GET DOWN AND GIVE ME A 100! DO IT NOW!” I yelled right in front of his face while he took a step back in surprise. This made the other boys turn and finally became aware of the situation.

“Yah hyung she wants you to give her a $100! Hey captain, why do you need money?”

“Sungjong are you dumb? She meant push ups not money” Sunggyu rolled his eyes at the naive boy.

Everyone started laughing which made me even angrier.

“EVERYONE GIVE ME 200 THIS INSTANT! You don’t stop for a rest until I tell you, if anyone bothers to argue again I will make you do 1,000!”

“y-yah I can’t do 200 push ups yet alone 1,000 more” I saw Sungyeol frown and whined with a pout, how old is this guy to be pouting like some fish with swollen lips?

“Just shush and get down before she adds more. Damn I’ve never even done more than 5 push ups in my life”

“Yeah because you’re an old hamster, grandpagyu” are they serious? Still making jokes at this point?

“Oh just get on the floor and do it! She’s still waiting! I will kill you all if she adds more!”

“Chill your balls Hoya”

Myungsoo and I met eyes, while he got down on the floor to do it. As furious as I was I still stood there not breaking the contact and started counting and it was as if we were the only ones there. I didn’t notice the other struggling boys and just focused on Myungsoo whose sweat started dripping on the side of his head making him look all the more attractive. I took a deep breath and shook away those erm erted thoughts...


Myungsoo POV

She was staring at me with those beautiful eyes and even though I’ve been doing the push ups for the 190th time it seemed as if I wasn’t tired at all but she’s such a . No one has ever yelled at me and made me do something out of my own free will.  No matter how stunning and hot she may look I can’t help but hate her but thinking back when she landed on top of me made a smile slowly creep up. I bit my lips trying to stop it from forming.

 “Just a few more boys, if you stop now then I’ll have no choice but to start again from zero” I almost lost all the strength I had when she spoke. She was just standing there with her hands resting on both sides of her hips. She was enjoying this a lot, seeing how she keeps smirking now and then.

“URGHHHH” I grunted, I feel so heavy, it’s like some obese person is sitting on my back. There are only 2 more and we’ll finally be done. I took a glance of the others beside me, Sungjong looks like he’ll faint or worst die any second now but he knew better than to give up at this moment. He knew better that if he does then he surely won’t be sleeping peacefully tonight.

With one last push I had finished and captain witch Han had blew the whistle, I slumped face down on the grass not caring at all of how dirty it is since my whole body is aching and literally sore.

“Good boys, now remember, ignore my commands again and you do more than what you had to experience from today. Now get up and march your way to grab your belongings then I’ll lead you to your room” no one moved from their limp positions, couldn’t blame them since we were plainly feeling paralysed and even a move of muscle felt like such a hard work. I have never been in this situation. WHERE’S MY BODYGUARDS? OMMA? APPA? ANYONE?

“DON’T MAKE ME COUNT TO 10! MOVE NOW!” I think my ears just split in half, she really has a thing for shouting. Damn this woman needs to take a chill pill.

Groans and grunts where the only thing heard from us as we stood up and stomped behind the witch. I heard Sungjong mumbled some curses at Woohyun who said that we weren’t going to go through hell in here yet we haven’t even set foot here for more than a few hours and here we were already traumatised.

 I sighed at all the sudden events that happened, in my own opinion though, it was quite nice to get away from Seoul and especially if the view you get from here is amazing, I mean look at the way her tight move when she steps and her curves. Urgh my hormones are going crazy.



I want to let you guys know that I won't be able to update that frequent anymore, maybe once or twice a week if my day isn't so busy because holidays is now over. I know, drainer. Let's blame the Australian educational system for only giving us 2 weeks of break that goes by faster than light. 

                                                           *WHAT? NO? ARE U SRS? CREYYYS*

P.S I'm a senior student so I get a lot of homeworks which means I wont have all the time to spend here writing chapters, I have to focus with studying because I can't fail in class or else parents will kill me and if I get an F then no rice for dinner. HAHA I kid.

So please leave a lot of comments and subscribe! Gives me motivation :D

I'll give you guys all the aegyo so please forgive me ^^


dead yet? I think I just had a heart attack by these hotties. 

                                                                                                    *credits to kpopexpressions for the amazing gifs*

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& please be patient, im trying really hard to write up a chapter now :)


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Hey there ^^ im wondering, when are you going to update this fic? :)
Okaay i hyperventilated for a second there oh godd! Seriously, who can resist the urge to kiss Myungsoo? Hihi.

Infinitize is just too awesome that words cant describe it <3 all the songs ate really good but mu favourite was in the summer <33 gyu's voice in the chaser is beautiful :)
Ooooooooh.... The captain likes prince myungsoo <3 keke!
I think 'Falling for the Captain' is a catchy title ^^
I'm not pretty good with titles too but I combined your ideas and somehow I came up with 'y Captain Witch'. I don't know if you'll like it or not, it's just my opinion anyways :D
He even notice her ??? Woah how y myungsoo is even though his body sores he still notice that. Kyaaaaa~! Bang and Zelo gif aegyo!!!!
OMG y L.. I like :> Haha. Aww, that's sad. I love this story a lot. But anyway, study hard and all the best! Fighting ^^ I'll always wait for your updates.
My favorite part is coming!!! :DDDDDD
Haha it's ok. I like their encounter just fine, since Jane already notice how handsome he is ^^ Urgh, Myungsoo is such a charmer >V< About the , I'm fine with it and I think it's good if you can only write to some extent only since I really don't like extreme ones. Makes me wanna puke :S Lol. Usually if it gets way too extreme in a story I'd just skip the whole thing xD
So they've meet each other? Haha! A smile formed on my lips when I read the infinite drools over jane! And when they knew that jane isn't like just a hot and beautiful woman but also a woman that will bring them to hell for 2 yrs!