My Lovely Captain


Jane's POV

I was walking around in the oval after I left Colonel Lee’s office, he told me that his son and his friends are coming to train under me and which just happens to be next week. Gee am I that great that everyone wants to be under my supervision? I don’t know why these groups of boys keep popping out of nowhere. 

You know what? This is GREAT. THIS.IS.JUST.GREAT! Another addition of badges on my uniform by the end of their service, this is absolutely fine with me. This is for work, this is for my mother land. Wait who am I kidding? I don't even care about the awards I get. I just want to get everything over with and actually find a guy, I've been spending all my years being too focused with school and then training to be where I am now. I feel so exhausted. But that doesn't stop me from having fun with this job.

I smirked to myself while thinking of ways to train them. First they need to learn the basics of surviving, how to defend themselvesand how to use different types of guns and knives. Then I’ll test their ability, patience, bravery and courage. After that I’m going to send them out in the jungle.

Speaking of jungle, I need to buy myself a new pack of fake creepy crawlies since the last time I took them out, the boys lit them on fire...what a waste of money. I spend my last note for the week on those.

This will be fun. Let’s see how many of those new comers are actually hiding in the closet.

“Captain Han, the General is back and his waiting for you to meet them” Sergeant Son came running to me while huffing for breath.

“Alright, thank you Sergeant Son” I smiled up at him while he blushed a few shades of redness. This boy needs to stop crushing on me, he doesn’t have the slightest chance. Tch I know better that his only like this because he wants me in bed with him.

“Yes, not a problem captain”

Would you look at that? Instead of looking into my eyes while talking he wonders down to my chest to the curves of my body. I can’t even understand the mentality of this person, for god’s sake does he think I’m blind? Does he not sense I can see him checking me out?

*EHEM* I faked a cough to get his attention.

“Sergeant Son Dongwoon, I would really appreciate it if you would stop eyeing my body, I am still your captain so I think it is a bit improper if you let your hormones out at this time of the day”

Dongwoon became flustered at my mention and looked down, which lead me to unintentionally look down as well and  notice the growing bulge of his down there. I mentally face palmed myself and shook my head trying to rid of the images flying around. Oh this is so not attractive.

“I uhmm C-captain...I-I w-wasn’t trying to umm...W-well I was just you k-know... my e-eyes they were uhh...ehem...I-I...”

“You know what? You’re dismissed, please go ahead and back to your position” I excused him myself as I couldn’t stand hearing more of his fail explanations. He couldn’t even complete one sentence!

“well isn’t this day just lovely” I mumbled while looking up at the shiny sun blaring down on my eyes. I sighed and walked my way to where appa was standing. He seemed too preoccupied having a chat with the boys who looked as if they’re about to pee their pants. I wonder why...


All heads turned my direction once I reached them, the sergeants, officers and JB all bowed at me while I gave a slight smile.

“Captain Han, I’m glad that you’re finally here. I would like to introduce you to the group your training”

I just nodded at my father then turned my attention to the boys who were unexpectedly gaping at me, I swear I just saw one of them drool. Not pretty.

I chuckled softly and had to really stop myself from rolling my eyes, have they never seen a woman?

My eyes travelled at the 7 boys when Kim Myungsoo caught it again, he really was undeniably attractive and utterly gorgeous. Sorry appa I think someone just ruined your spot on my top list of handsome men in my life. Not saying that he is part of my life already but he just took that spot...urgh never mind.

“Mr. Kim Myungsoo, It is a bit disturbing with the way you are looking at me” I finally had the guts to speak up after mentally having an argument whether or not I should tell him to stop with the staring.

“Jane, please behave yourself, Myungsoo was just probably admiring your beauty” appa gave my shoulders a squeeze. I looked at him and he tilted his head waiting for me to apologise for my sudden rudeness.

“No I’M sorry for staring. I was just a bit surprised that you’re a captain when you look quite young and yes also because you look really beautiful” wow cocky rich kid right here and did this Myungsoo actually just smirked?

“Apology accepted then” I smirked back at him, he seemed taken aback at my attitude. Yeah well boy that’s just the start.

“Captain Han! What kind of an answer is that?” I looked at my appa and shrugged my shoulders, he knows I only act like that when I’m annoyed. He heaved a heavy sigh and told the boys to continue naming themselves one by one even though I was earlier informed of which is which.

I listened to my appa while watching the boys intently hear him out.

“Captain Han is your one and only team leader in this site, she will train and observe you day and night for 2 years, she will be the person you run to when in need of help or just basically to ask questions. I will only be here to see the monthly reports I should say so If there are more questions please do speak up” with a slight smile my appa waited.

“So can I like see my bedroom? I’m so tired cause you see I couldn’t get much sleep last night as I was SO worried about today and like right now I could totally feel my skin going dry, it’s not good for my health. I need to reapply my moisturizer after I take a warm bath. Oh and also do you have like a salad bar here? I’m getting quite hungry...”

I stood there in astonishment, Sungjong totally ignored most of what my father had just said and absolutely thought only about his dry skin and his salad bar whatsoever. Spoiled brat.

My appa on the other hand just quietly laughed at the boy, I was confused.

“Ah yes, the bedroom. We have prepared one of the best rooms for the 7 of you, captain Han will lead the way after you have your lunch and as for the shower I guess Lieutenant JB can assist all of you on that”

“Thank you, so where’s our lunch?”

I scoffed at this il-mannered boy standing before me, few minutes ago they were less scared now they’re acting all rude and impolite. Give me about an hour to change that attitude. Maybe even less, depending on how much more I can stand them.

“You can lead the way to the cafeteria captain Han and I shall take my leave for important matters”

I bowed towards my father and so does the rest. Good, least they know when to pay respect to the elders.

“Follow me” I ordered them and marched my way to the cafeteria, oh boy will they love the healthy food here.

“Please mind that this cafeteria does not offer the good stuff from outside. Like junk foods... we do not serve any of those”

“WHAT?”  I halted from my steps as 7 loud booming voices questioned my last words.

“Is this place insane? How can you not serve them? How do you expect us to survive without some junk?” the quietest from them which was Hoya asked me in disbelief.

“Right this place is really far from sane! Look at these hideous people running around! Those crazy men hanging upside down from those high bars! And look there’s someone trying to kill himself! Look at him all the way up there! Is that 100m above ground level?” Woohyun kept turning his head around nonstop, as if he was in a mental ward seeing lunatics.

Tch the nerve they have to insult these brave, courageous men. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and spoke.

“I would suggest you keep that filthy attitude of yours locked in a box and thrown far away from this place, we do not tolerate people who easily offend us. These men right here who you call hideous happen to be the only ones who risk their life to save millions of other people including yours”

And that sent them to shut their mouth, good. I started to walk again to the cafeteria although I kept hearing them whispering to themselves and stomping on the floor like their some kind of 5 year olds. 




Just wanted to ask if you guys wanted this to be rated and added to the story? Because I've been thinking if you guys would be interested for more intimate relationship between Jane and Myungsoo. But fair warning that I can only write to some extent, I am not at all pro at writing but I do try my best.

Please do comment about it and tell me what you think so I could modify the story to your liking but again if there are some who do not want to read or if you are underage then don't worry because it will not affect the entire plot. I'll solely dedicate a chapter (depending on how many there will be) for the and not add any other scenes to it. 


misspinkinpink : Thank you! haha no don't worry, not at all offended. I like it when my readers tell me what they like or dislike so I could make it up for them. And here the chapter where they finally encounter, although there wasn't anything big that happened when they met like I thought it would come out but at the moment I'm having a writer's block. Still hope you enjoyed this! Thank you again :D

saranghaeyoseob : Aww thank you for loving this although its only starting and don't worry I'll make sure the boys come out alive. LOL Jane won't eat them... maybe ^^ 

BabyPanda446 : Thank you! Myungsoo will have more adorable scenes so you just wait for that ;) 


                                                                                                                              *Credits to gif owner*

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& please be patient, im trying really hard to write up a chapter now :)


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Hey there ^^ im wondering, when are you going to update this fic? :)
Okaay i hyperventilated for a second there oh godd! Seriously, who can resist the urge to kiss Myungsoo? Hihi.

Infinitize is just too awesome that words cant describe it <3 all the songs ate really good but mu favourite was in the summer <33 gyu's voice in the chaser is beautiful :)
Ooooooooh.... The captain likes prince myungsoo <3 keke!
I think 'Falling for the Captain' is a catchy title ^^
I'm not pretty good with titles too but I combined your ideas and somehow I came up with 'y Captain Witch'. I don't know if you'll like it or not, it's just my opinion anyways :D
He even notice her ??? Woah how y myungsoo is even though his body sores he still notice that. Kyaaaaa~! Bang and Zelo gif aegyo!!!!
OMG y L.. I like :> Haha. Aww, that's sad. I love this story a lot. But anyway, study hard and all the best! Fighting ^^ I'll always wait for your updates.
My favorite part is coming!!! :DDDDDD
Haha it's ok. I like their encounter just fine, since Jane already notice how handsome he is ^^ Urgh, Myungsoo is such a charmer >V< About the , I'm fine with it and I think it's good if you can only write to some extent only since I really don't like extreme ones. Makes me wanna puke :S Lol. Usually if it gets way too extreme in a story I'd just skip the whole thing xD
So they've meet each other? Haha! A smile formed on my lips when I read the infinite drools over jane! And when they knew that jane isn't like just a hot and beautiful woman but also a woman that will bring them to hell for 2 yrs!