My Lovely Captain


Narrators POV

You walked into the crowded cafeteria and met eyes with every other sergeants, officers and soldiers who then quickly stood up from their sits and quieted down as they greet you.

“Boys let me welcome you to our new trainees, they will be here for 2 years so I do hope everyone to be civil and not cause another commotion. I understand the troubles and pain in the rich kids bring to us and like last time, I don’t want to see you chasing them around when their . Not so appealing in my eyes” you smirked upon the inside joke you stated which cause an uproar of laughter from your colleagues except of course for the 7 confused boys.

“Wait what do you mean chase us around ?” Myungsoo blurted out sounding a bit unsure.

“Don’t worry, you’ll find out soon boy!” “Make sure you tuck in your flab’s!” “HAHAHAHAH this will be fun!” everyone threw him an answer but of course it wasn’t the one he was looking for.

Myungsoo wrinkled his nose in annoyance and looked at his friends who gave him a shrug. He turned around to face you who was busy laughing and giggling with a group as you converse about some topic he couldn’t hear. He stared at you once again and was melting slowly at the site of your beautiful features. It was the first time he took an interest of another human being other than his parents and his friends. But that was all interrupted as JB stood in front of him blocking his view from you.

“Kim Myungsoo-shi, I think standing here absentmindedly won’t fill up your hungry stomach, am I right?”

“What do you mean?” Myungsoo tilted his head in confusion and looked around to realise he was the only one left standing while the rest are already on a table or up walking to get food. He immediately snapped out of his daze and hurriedly sat in between Hoya and Sungjong while turning red of embarrassment.

“Myungsoo, you alright? You’re so red!” Hoya took notice of his flushed face and asked in concern.

“Hyung he’s probably just hyperventilating since the food here are of such low standards!”

“Yah Sungjong lower your voice! They might hear us!”

“Dongwoo hyung you’re being worried over nothing! If they dare do anything to us, I’ll be sure to give a call to my appa, he will definitely do something about it”

“Yeah Sungjong is right guys, my father is not a minister for nothing, he can fire each and every personnel here if they even dare to touch me”

“Tch Woohyun you’re such an arrogant kid, I don’t even brag that much about my VICE PRESIDENT of a father. If he can fire every personnel here then he can surely fire your father from his position”


“Chill hyung, I was just saying” Myungsoo held his hands up in sign of defeat as Woohyun eyed him.

“Guys come on, let’s get our food, I’m so hungry I can eat anything!” Sunggyu exclaimed while getting up from his seat.


On the other hand, you were down on a table eating with the nurses. They were the only friends you had in and out of the site. You were seating next to your unnie, Park Jihyo who was only 3 years older than you, both of you had grown up together since her mother was best friends with yours. Next to you was Jin Taeyeon, your other unnie older than a year from you. She was the person you could easily opened up to maybe because of the close .

 From the opposite side of the table there was Kwon Yoon Mi, she was the same age as you. You considered her as your twin sister as you basically know each other so well even to the point that she could tell when or not you needed to go toilet and do your business. Beside her was Kang Soo Ae , she was the youngest only at the age of 23 years old and she just recently graduated from her nursing degree and was settled to work here since her father was also stationed in this area. You weren’t so close with her as she find you quite frightening but you didn’t mind it since that was everyone’s first impression of you.

What was the point of being a captain if no one was intimidated by your presence?

From the edge of the tables there were the two boys you considered to be your brothers, Kim Yeojin and Jung Jason. Yeojin was only 25 years old and Jason was 24, they were the boy version of you which made it easier to get along with them.

And then lastly it was the couple of the group, JB and Lee Ji Kyung.. They were the sweetest of all and sometimes you could even feel the ants crawling onto your skin when you look at them act all lovey dovey. Ji Kyung was only 23 years old, but she was older than Soo Ae by several months. She and Ailee were best friends and that was how JB met her. When she took her here for a tour and like straight from a drama scene they bumped into each other and fell in love at first sight.

“Jane, I heard from JB that the new boys have quite the attitude”

“Urgh Ji Hyo unnie don’t even get me started!” You close your eyes and loudly groaned.

“yeah noona, you know that girly looking boy there? He asked the General if we had a salad bar here! HAHAHAHA what  a joke!” JB choked and almost spat out his food while Ji Kyung just patted his back and shook her head.

“jeez JB why don’t you talk when your mouth isn’t full? You’re getting all you germs on me, so unhygienic” Taeyeon unnie blurted out, her eyebrows furrowing.

“Are they vegetarian like me?” Soo Ae beamed in hope that finally there was a person who disliked eating animals.

“I’m not sure, go and ask them yourself” You coldly replied to her and she just lowered her head in understanding.

“pshh Jane why don’t you ask? You’re the captain, plus shouldn’t you know all their dislikes and likes since you’re going to use it against them later on? I mean you’re not named as a witch here for nothing” Jason scoffed at you while you glare at him.

“true yeah? So captain Han, what are your plans on screwing these boys’ innocent brains?” Yeojin interrupted your glaring contest with Jason.

“You guys make it sound that I’m such a mean person!”


Your eyes widened as you leaned back in order to get a view of all the people on the table, they were all looking down on you.

“Gee thanks for the compliment” you cluck your tongue and you rolled your eyes over them.



After lunch, you took the 7 boys into the storage area where there laid the almighty officer Lee Jin Young who was snoring away with his feet on top of the desk. You really loved this old man and he was like your second father.

*BANG* you slammed your hands down onto the hard timber which caused officer Jin Young to shuffle and fall on his side.

“YAH WHO DARES RUIN MY SLEEP?” Jin Young who was still half asleep looked around and tried to get up with the help of the chair. But to his dismay it spun, making him loose balance and hit his nose with the arm rest.

*OOOH* the boys gasped while you tried your best to hold in your laughter but soon failed after Jin Young took his gun out and pointed it towards the boys who were frozen while surrendering their hands up in the air.


You pointed at them while having a fit, for about a good 5 minutes you stopped since it just got awkward with you laughing your off yourself when everyone was just staring like you were some kind of crazy hyena. You could see the glances Myungsoo was giving you, he was amused at your behaviour and had to stop himself from getting into a comfortable position so he could see you laugh your heart out.

“*coughs*...I was saying...uhmm boys, meet officer Lee Jin Young, he is *coughs* in charge of providing the armies with necessities and also collecting unnecessary equipment brought in by some people”

“So what are we going to get from here?” Sungjong innocently asked while looking into his nail beds and crinkling his nose in thought that he needs to get a manicure right away.

“If you were smart enough to look around then you’ll know you’re here to get your uniforms”

“Uniforms? We have to wear uniforms here? Can I get mine customized? I know this really amazing designer who designs clothing’s for like celebrities here and overseas, god she is like one of the best and she even stitched Hyun Bin’s sports suit from that drama ‘Secret Garden’, you know the one that sparkle sparkles and got Ha Ji Won noona drooling madly in love over him, wait you know what I have her phone nu-“ Sungjong was cut off by Myungsoo who clamped his hand over his mouth to shut him off while you glared at this incredible babbling kid.

“You’re just absolutely impossible” you turned back around to face Jin Young who was quietly chuckling to himself.

“Officer Jin Young, do you think we could find our dear Sungjong some sparkling uniform?” you sarcastically asked which caused Sungjong to talk nonsense yet again.

“WAHH You actually have sparkling uniforms? Where is it? I want to see? Because I need to get it checked before actually wearing it, oh yeah! How many designs are there? Also what are the sizes cau-“ this time it wasn’t just Myungsoo who had his hand clamped over the young boy’s mouth, the 4 other guys had their hands all over the boy while Sungyeol chose to squeeze Sungjong’s nose since there were no other area to hold.

“Officer Lee, please give the uniforms now before I explode and might accidentally kill someone” you said through gritted teeth while the boys gulped down at the display of your steaming face.

“Arasso, you know I don’t like the look you give when you explode, it’s just somewhat gives me nightmares even though I’m at this age”

You scoffed and cocked an eyebrow at him while he chuckled at your reaction.

“Boys, come on and line up so I can hand your items. There will only be 3 sets of clothing for each and everyone. They are camouflaged as you can see, so sorry young boy because they are all the same”  he pointed out for Sungjong who doesn’t seemed to be pleased by the fact that he was wearing something the same as his hyungs.

“These are combat boots which you will all need to wear for everyday, this is not comfortable at all but it is for safety measures so please take care and clean them once a week or so”

Jin Young gave one sweet smile at the boys who were irking at the side holding up their uniforms and you just heaved a heavy sigh and shook your head.


“Gather up in front” You instructed standing in the oval with your hands on your hips to the boys who didn’t seem to have heard you as they kept talking among themselves. Now this was one of your peeves, when people pay no attention to you when you’re talking. You thought maybe your voice was a bit low so you called for them again however once more there was no response. You were already getting stressed and it was just their first day and this wasn’t impressing you one bit.

You looked around and spotted a megaphone by the benches where some of the lieutenants and such sat around in. You walked up there with a smirk on your face. JB, Jason and Yeojin who were also by the bench saw you and waved, you just gave a little cheeky smile before telling them to watch.

The boys snickered, they knew you were up to no good again and what kind of captain were you if you didn’t humiliate and torture your little brats?

“I bet she’s going to make them run 10 miles”

“Tch. Yeojin that was so last year, I bet she would make them do the 100m climb”

“Boys, boys, boys, you don’t know Jane at all. She wouldn’t go to that extent, YET. Trust me I JB, the greatest, know my best friend more than she knows herself. She’s just going to start the fun...for now” JB winked at Jason and Yeojin who were still anticipating your little upcoming show. 


A/N Quick update! 


I know the story's flow is quite slow but that's because I like to be very detailed in my scenes, I hope I don't bore you guys much with them. I try to put as much cheeky lines as possible to make them come out funny and entertaining. 


misspinkinpink : I totally agree with you, I hate s that over exag what's going on. It's such a turn off D: 


                                                               Isn't these two just adorbs? haha minhyuk and yonghwa<3


                                                                                         *Credits to gif owner*



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& please be patient, im trying really hard to write up a chapter now :)


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Hey there ^^ im wondering, when are you going to update this fic? :)
Okaay i hyperventilated for a second there oh godd! Seriously, who can resist the urge to kiss Myungsoo? Hihi.

Infinitize is just too awesome that words cant describe it <3 all the songs ate really good but mu favourite was in the summer <33 gyu's voice in the chaser is beautiful :)
Ooooooooh.... The captain likes prince myungsoo <3 keke!
I think 'Falling for the Captain' is a catchy title ^^
I'm not pretty good with titles too but I combined your ideas and somehow I came up with 'y Captain Witch'. I don't know if you'll like it or not, it's just my opinion anyways :D
He even notice her ??? Woah how y myungsoo is even though his body sores he still notice that. Kyaaaaa~! Bang and Zelo gif aegyo!!!!
OMG y L.. I like :> Haha. Aww, that's sad. I love this story a lot. But anyway, study hard and all the best! Fighting ^^ I'll always wait for your updates.
My favorite part is coming!!! :DDDDDD
Haha it's ok. I like their encounter just fine, since Jane already notice how handsome he is ^^ Urgh, Myungsoo is such a charmer >V< About the , I'm fine with it and I think it's good if you can only write to some extent only since I really don't like extreme ones. Makes me wanna puke :S Lol. Usually if it gets way too extreme in a story I'd just skip the whole thing xD
So they've meet each other? Haha! A smile formed on my lips when I read the infinite drools over jane! And when they knew that jane isn't like just a hot and beautiful woman but also a woman that will bring them to hell for 2 yrs!