My Lovely Captain


Myungsoo POV

I was in the limo with my parents and on our way to the military campsite. Woohyun said it wasn’t the type of military campsite normal people went to, he said we were going to the special ones, made and built for rich kids like us. I was assured that we won’t have to work with the army or learn how to use guns to kill people, but that was only from Woohyun’s mouth and appa never gave me assurance that I won’t be ordered around. I don’t really want to rely on Woohyun’s words since I know his past of always lying but it’s better than nothing right?

The other 5 seems to have been more at ease since they heard it. They weren’t throwing tantrums that much although they would still curse about spending 2 years away from the city life. I wasn’t as worried as I was when I first heard from appa that I will be serving the military and I didn’t have to fret much anyway since I bought all type of technology devices with me to keep me updated of the outside world and to relieve boredom. I even got myself that pocket wi-fi so I can still surf the internet and from what I heard Sungjong brought his PS3, X-box, Nintendo and Wii. The boy is really tech savvy, I didn’t even think of bringing my game consoles. But that’s why he’s here.

We we’re nearing the gates when I saw how many paparazzi where standing outside waiting for us and also a swarm of girls. I wonder where the hell they heard that we were going to be here and what time we were arriving.

I shook my head in amusement. I never disliked the attention from media and girls, but it was always so funny how they dedicate their life in following me around. I can only blame my wonderful features. It wasn’t my fault I was born to be a hot living goddess. I looked up my reflection from the tinted windows and smirked at it, praising this good looking boy whose staring right back at me.

Suddenly I was interrupted by my mother. “Myungsoo, you better behave alright? Don’t give them too much headaches and this is not the same as living at home, you can’t just order or fire people around you when you feel like it”

“Omma, since when do I give people headaches?” I asked her in awe.

“Since you were born” Appa responded to my question with a slight worry.

“I have never caused such things! Omma have I ever given you a headache?”

“Yes” I was taken aback at my parents who replied at the same time. Do I give people headache? I thought I only give them heartache? I mean if I counted how many girls cried after me...wait no that would take me the whole day to count. Never mind that then.

“Myungsoo, just don’t be a pain in the for them. They’re militaries not maids and tell your friends that too. Please?” I looked at my omma who was softly gazing at me while holding on to my right hand.

I just gave a light nod and stared out the window. The limo came to a stop and I sighed heavily, I turned my head towards my mother and she gave me an assuring nod. Suddenly one of my bodyguards opened the door.  I hesitated at first but then got out.

*AHHH MY EYES!!* I was greeted by cameras flashing nonstop! I feel like I’m gonna go blind! People I know I’m handsome but take it easy! I only have two pairs of eyes! Spare them!

Out of the blue an arm rest on the top of my shoulders and I looked behind me and saw Hoya who nodded to the front gesturing for me to stand in line with the rest of the boys. I followed him and just stood there while they waved and smiled at the girls and the cameras. Our parents walked behind the guards and it looked like they were waiting for someone to greet them. I turned my head in curiosity and my eyes wondered unexpectedly to the window of a big office or something. There I met eyes with a woman and after few seconds of a staring contest she broke away. I felt a bit sad that she didn’t turn around again. Her eyes were so beautiful and they were glistering, I mentally cursed at myself for not looking at her face at all. Now I couldn’t remember what she looked like...

An old ordering voice broke me out of my train of thoughts. I swiftly turned my attention towards him as he spoke up.

“Good Morning everyone, I would like to introduce myself. I am General of the Army Han Won-il from the Republic of Korea Armed Forces” from the side of my eyes I could see everyone bow at this General although I was too engaged at the many badges he had in his uniform to process myself and do the same to show respect. I guess Hoya saw me just standing and so he pulled my head down for a 90 degree bow. I swear my back just literally cracked from how far I was bended. I gotta get back at him for that!

After a second I straightened my back and payed full attention at the old man standing from the side but not before I elbowed Hoya really hard in his stomach. I smirked as he coughed out.

“I am very pleased to see 7 healthy young boys out here ready to serve their country, please let me welcome and get to know each and every one of you inside the office” the old man turned to the direction of the big office which was a few metres away from where we were standing. He started to lead the way as my parents followed him while the 7 of us just looked at each other and shrugged.

We started to make our way inside, away from the weeping girls saying their goodbyes and the loud questioning paparazzi.

Once inside, a young man ordered us to take a sit at the long couch placed in a big room and away from the hallway were our parents were standing having a small chat. The room had awards and certificates in an old classy glass cabinet and there were also different types of guns hanging on the walls. I gulped at how dangerous they looked like. Certainly scarier than what my guards bring with them. Speaking of guards, I can’t seem to see them anywhere, I looked around trying to spot them but I was interrupted.

“Yah Myungsoo what are you looking for?” Dongwoo questioned me.

“ahh just the guards, I can’t see them anywhere”

“I think they were told to wait outside. Man this place is so cool, look at those huge rifles and muskets! And ooooh is that machine gun? Wait they even have a huge cannon with the wheels in it!” I looked at Dongwoo who seems to be getting jumpy from his seat. This guy is so easily entertained.

“Dongwoo shut your mouth and be quiet! This is not some museum so don’t get so amused that quick, you don’t know how dangerous those things are” Sunggy said while he slapped Dongwoo in the head.

“Hyung, what do you think we’ll be doing after our parents leave us here? Do you think they’d make us do work?”

“Ani, Sungjong-ah believe me, from what I know we’re going to be sent to a relaxing room and be told to rest. Who said we’re going to train like militaries and do work? Those are for poor people and we’re rich so I know they won’t dare coach us around or even yell at us” I looked at Woohyun who cockily said it.

Instead of agreeing with him, I felt as if he was wrong. I have a gut feeling that we were in for something really big.

“I agree with Woohyun, don’t worry guys, this will just be a quick 2 year vacation except were not in a luxurious resort” this time it was Sunggyu to respond.

“I already miss Hyemi...I didn’t even get to see her this morning since she was too sad to send me off” I looked at Sungyeol who was pouting his lips like a little kid. It made me chuckle at how whipped he was over her.

“Everyone shush they’re coming” Hoya nodded towards the door were our parents and the old man entered in. There were at least four other soldiers who came in as well, one of them looked like he was only our age while the rest was probably in their late 30s or something.

I looked at my mother who sat down next to me and rested her right hand on my back and started to it. It made me feel at ease.

I looked up at my appa who started to introduce the old man again.

“Boys, I would like you to meet General Han Won-il, he is the head of the head in this place"

One by one we got up to introduce ourselves and shake hands with General Han, he looks really tough and scary, well it is the definition for every military recruits.

“Annyeong Haseyo, Sunggyu imnida” hyung shook his hands but his face says otherwise that he didn’t like the grip around it. HAHAHA his face was priceless!!

Dongwoo, Woohyun, Hoya, Sungyeol and Sungjong all had the same expression. What’s so bad about shaking hands with this old man?

When it was my turn I became a bit nervous but nonetheless I stretched it out and dang did he give it a tight squeeze. I think few of my veins popped. Guess that answered my question about my hyungs and Sungjong’s pained expressions.

“Nice to meet you all. Now I know this enlistment was of course a favour asked and which I gladly accepted, but you boys won’t be disappointed coming here. This place has fun filled activities waiting for you to try and occupy yourself with and I’m sure you’ll enjoy your stay” General Han quietly chuckled after he ended his words, my father joined him and as well as the other parents.

“I told you guys that this place will be fun” Woohyun mumbled at us as he smirked.

“You may bid your goodbye boys and then we’ll head inside the site to get you settled in” General Han nodded towards our parents. I turned towards my mother and she attacked me with a bear hug.

I hugged her as well and soothed her back as she started to sob.

“Omma, I’ll miss you. Take care okay? I won’t be around to watch over you so be careful and don’t forget to take your medicines” I moved my head to give a light kiss at my omma’s cheek. She pulled away and I wiped her tears.

“Myungsoo you have to call me when you get a chance alright? Omma will miss you a lot”

I nodded at her and gave one last tight hug then stood up to face my father. He smiled at me then gave me a hug as I squeezed him in my shoulders. He gave me a pat on the back before pulling out.

“Son, you do your best in there okay? Show them how tough and brave the men are in the Kim family is. Make me and your mother proud” I smiled and assured my appa. 

After we all said farewell our parents left the office I faced my friends and saw them feeling a bit down. I sighed and thought back at how my life just completely took a 360 degree turn. Felt like just yesterday I was in my comfort zone doing the things I enjoyed and having a blast. How perfect my life was and suddenly now I’m standing in an office waiting to be told of what I can do next and where I could go. Everything had to be ordered around. I didn’t like that one bit.

“Come on boys, follow me and I’ll introduce you to the person who will supervise and guide you for your 2 year stay”

We all nodded and headed for the back door of the office and as soon as we entered it my eyes widened, too wide that my eyes could literally fall out. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

I took a step back and hit a hard wall.

I turned my head to find the door, to find an escape but no, I was mistaken. It wasn’t a hard wall at all. It was a freaking scary soldier with a rock hard chest if you can even call it that!

I gave him a quick sorry smile and patted the hard surface of his body and hastily turned and scooted closer to the 6 other boys who are surely as terrified as I was.

This was seriously hell. 



Another update! Please keep up with the comments! Tell me about what you think of the story or if there is anything you want to happen and such.

Lastly silent readers please subscribe or comment, it makes me happy to know how many other people are enjoying my fic! :) 

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& please be patient, im trying really hard to write up a chapter now :)


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Hey there ^^ im wondering, when are you going to update this fic? :)
Okaay i hyperventilated for a second there oh godd! Seriously, who can resist the urge to kiss Myungsoo? Hihi.

Infinitize is just too awesome that words cant describe it <3 all the songs ate really good but mu favourite was in the summer <33 gyu's voice in the chaser is beautiful :)
Ooooooooh.... The captain likes prince myungsoo <3 keke!
I think 'Falling for the Captain' is a catchy title ^^
I'm not pretty good with titles too but I combined your ideas and somehow I came up with 'y Captain Witch'. I don't know if you'll like it or not, it's just my opinion anyways :D
He even notice her ??? Woah how y myungsoo is even though his body sores he still notice that. Kyaaaaa~! Bang and Zelo gif aegyo!!!!
OMG y L.. I like :> Haha. Aww, that's sad. I love this story a lot. But anyway, study hard and all the best! Fighting ^^ I'll always wait for your updates.
My favorite part is coming!!! :DDDDDD
Haha it's ok. I like their encounter just fine, since Jane already notice how handsome he is ^^ Urgh, Myungsoo is such a charmer >V< About the , I'm fine with it and I think it's good if you can only write to some extent only since I really don't like extreme ones. Makes me wanna puke :S Lol. Usually if it gets way too extreme in a story I'd just skip the whole thing xD
So they've meet each other? Haha! A smile formed on my lips when I read the infinite drools over jane! And when they knew that jane isn't like just a hot and beautiful woman but also a woman that will bring them to hell for 2 yrs!