My Lovely Captain


It was around 10pm when you decided to dismiss the boys to rest except for Sungjong whose punishment was to clean up the used equipments and return them to the storage area. On the other hand you have changed from your uniform for comfortable track pants, a black wife beater and a jacket then headed outside where JB stood waiting for you, boxing gloves on hand. It was your nightly exercise that takes place in the middle of the yard far from the quarters where other people could hear all the cussing made by the both of you.

“Make sure I don’t kick your again JB, it’d be such a shame” you smirked at the latter who chuckled back.

“Blame the freezing weather. I could barely move from how cold it was” he defended while securing the gloves over his hands and you doing the same.

“Yeah yeah lame excuses. I was with you wearing less than what you had” you pointed out whilst bending down to stretch your back and then smiled as you jumped up eyeing JB as you took your position. You inhaled a big gust of air and then charged your opponent doing a right hook but JB easily dodged it. He turned to the side giving you a slight smirk as he attacked you with his left hand.

“You never change Jane, It’s not fair you attack me without warning. Good thing I have fast reflexes” JB bent his leg to knee you in the stomach but you avoided it using both your hands.

“Psh conceited are we? It’s not good to warn you first hand, don’t you like surprises?” you tilted your head as you jabbed his jaw where he stumbled back lightly shaking his head to rid of the wooziness. 

“Damn it Jane, can you go easy? You’re going to leave me injured and no I do not like surprises especially if it’s coming from you” with a right hook JB got you good on your left cheek which turned quite red. He grinned like a fool and tried to hit you again but you ducked just in time and swung your right leg which made him fall down.

“Hypocrite, I think you’re the one who might leave me injured” you extended your right arm to help him up but pushed him down again as a joke. JB evilly smiled for a moment then tackled you to the ground where he hovered over, you didn’t fight back and was instead so caught up with laughing that you both didn’t realise the closing distance between each other.

You turned your head and was faced with JB’s heavy panting, his breath warming up your chilly lips and yours in return. You glanced up and saw his eyes gazing down your striking orbs and for the first time you felt the awkward atmosphere swarming up your spine, you could only gulp down the ball of nervousness that formed. But all of a sudden JB burst out into fit of cries as he rolled over your other side.

“Oh my god your face was priceless! HAHA” JB patted his tummy as he tried to cool himself down after bearing in mind that you could probably choke him for fooling you.

“NOT FUNNY” you spoke through gritted teeth as you got back up but not before giving him a playful kick on the side. JB quickly got on his two feet and charged for you in a quick second you had already ran off, sticking a tongue out while giggling. Though he quickly caught up to you and grabbed you by the waist however your fun was interrupted when you unexpectedly saw Myungsoo and Sungjong form the corner of your eyes, but they hurriedly stormed back inside their rooms when you turned around glaring at them after elbowing JB to let go of you.

“OWWIE why did you have to hit me hard? Now I’m going to get a bruise there” JB said while rubbing the sore area where your elbow had hit pretty hard. You shook your head and turned to face him saying sorry and giving a pat on the back.

After a few more catching up, you had decided to stalk back to the comforts of your room leaving JB pouting. Once inside, your body had directly dropped to the beds fine surface slowly relaxing as it sinks down.


Myungsoo's POV

I quickly dashed inside and rested my back behind the door after Jane saw me and Sungjong watch her little game with that JB or something. Psh it’s the middle of the night and here they are flirting and playing with each other as if there was no-one else there. He’s not even that good looking... well compared to me he isn’t.

“Hyung omg we just saw captain Jane out there and she was full on beating lieutenant JB then next second they were running around chasing each other like what couples do...wait does that mean their together? OMO how cute oh and I heard her giggle which made her look cute but then the way she punches makes her scar-“

“Yah Sungjong shut it! You talk nonstop” aish why does Sungjong have to remind me? I thought she’d be single but I guess she’s taken already. Good thing Sungyeol knows when to make him stop.


Jane, Jane, Jane...urgh now her name is stuck on my head! Thanks a lot to Sunggyu hyung, funny thing I remembered how careful he was about whispering it to us as if it was a top secret amongst the boys. Honestly the name Jane never stood out for me but this time it was like a melody that made my heart waver, it sounds y the way it rolled off my tongue. The thing is I can’t call her name so simply, that would be like digging my own grave then.

I took a deep breath and recalled the scenes that happened a few minutes ago. I was just out taking a stroll around the place, trying to adjust and get used to every corners when I bumped into Sungjong. Damn was he sweating like hell, anyway I decided I might as well wait for him so we could go back together when we heard people laughing. Obviously curiosity got the best of me and so I scanned around the large open vicinity and spotted under the dimly lit light post a girl running away from a guy. If I didn’t know who they were I would have thought that they were such a cute couple but knowing it was her with him, I rather felt envious.

I couldn’t tear away my mind from her, my eyes followed every move she took, the way her face pressed to form a smile, the way her giggle go by through my ears. But when he grabbed her waist after catching her I wanted to look everywhere else except at the scene happening right in front of me, it wasn’t heartbreaking it was just uncomfortable to watch. JB sure is lucky to have a girl like her.

Yeah Kim Myungsoo, all you can do is keep assuring yourself that you don’t like her.


I woke up to another new day with the warm morning sun greeting me ever so kindly. JB took over in waking us up today with the use of deadly sirens which I could recall as getting hammered down by the one and only Sungjong. That led him for a serious punishment once again.

JB took us to the shower stalls. It was such a difference the moment I stepped inside, it was cold and dull with nothing but the ear-splitting sounds of roaring men ordering the others to fasten their move.

“Hurry up and wash yourselves, captain Han is waiting by the bleachers. I warn you all to be prepared. Today’s going to be pretty rough so good luck boys” he gave us a smile and with that he walked out. Pft if I knew better he’s just off to run where Jane is and flirt around her.


“Hyung I wanna go homeee~ my whole body is still sore from yesterday and the day before now she’s going to make us do something again!”

“Aish Sungjong stop clinging on my arm! It hurts!”

“Woohyun stop yelling, everyone’s looking at us” Dongwoo muttered as we walked off to the least packed benches.

“Tsk lets just shower already, she might erupt again” Sungyeol protested as he dashed for a really quick wash.

“But hyung, she’s not a volcano so why would she erupt?” Sungjong innocently asked tilting his head to the side waiting though no one tended to answer leaving him dumbfounded.

“Aish you guys are no help at all” I chuckled and patted his back as he quietly muttered under his breath enabling the rest from hearing except me of course.


I settled in my uniform after taking a quick shower. By quick meaning I just ran through and left. Cold water and I don’t ever mix, I hate it and it hates me. It’s a mutual feeling.

The boys were all too busy chattering by the time we got to where Jane was waiting. We didn’t know we took quite the time getting there which obviously pissed her off. She made us do 50 push ups and not only that; we were made to run around the site which takes 10 minutes to do and as if she wasn’t pleased enough she had us carrying big heavy tires on our back and walk up back and forth from the opposite side to her.


“Next time I’m going to have to sticky tape all your mouth to shut up” I grumbled and sent daggers to the people beside me.

“I won’t let another next time happen Myungsoo. I don’t think I can take anymore of this”

I rolled my eyes at Dongwoo who was struggling to keep the gigantic round of rubber probably used for delivery trucks stable behind his back.


I turned to face the front only to lock eyes with Jane whose expression was blank as ever. Though she quickly turned to her side, was she trying to avoid me?

I shook the thoughts away and hurried down. We dropped the tires and it formed a pile on the ground while we stood on a straight line facing Jane whose hands were on her hips. She heaved a deep sigh before speaking.

Dongwoo-Sungjong-Hoya-Myungsoo-Sungyeol-Woohyun-Sunggyu (row formation)


“Hope you all enjoyed your workout”

“Workout my ” Woohyun mumbled silently earning a smack behind from Sunggyu.

“Private Nam, do you have something to say?” I could hear Sungjong try to stifle his laugh and Sungyeol going ‘oooh you’re in trouble hyung’.

“N-No there’s nothing to s-say” Woohyun bowed down his head in apology with Jane shaking her head in disapproval before continuing the words she wanted to say.

“So this morning I will be teaching you about the needed skills to survive during a battle or war against enemies and I- yes Private Lee?”

I followed Jane’s gaze and saw Sungjong holding his hands up for a question. Hope it’s nothing stupid again.

“Captain Han, why do we need to learn those? We’re not going to be fighting against North Korea or something... WAIT don’t tell me we are? OMG! Oh lord what did I get into? W-What if we die? No I never even told my mum how much I love her and that she’s the only woman in my eyes and she’s the most prettiest even thought she would argue that I’m lying...well I am but just to make her feel specia-“

“Private LEE.SUNG.JONG if you could let me finish what I was trying to say then there would certainly be no need to jump into any conclusions, yes?” I almost chuckled at Jane who was gritting her teeth hard. Damn this woman’s temper.

“Haha y-yeah, sorry” he sheepishly smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. Tsk tsk this kid is seriously digging his own grave.

“Back to what I saw saying. You will be learning about self defence for the first month starting today hence the equipments I have personally packed and laid out for your use.” I narrowed my eyes to get a better view of the different set of items that were place on the metal steel she gestured for us to look at only to cringe at the sight. It was too intimidating to use.

“Please be attentive as I do not want to repeat myself all over again and Private Lee, we obviously won’t be brining you to any battle against the North...If anything else you’d only give the soldiers more headaches if you came”

Everyone suddenly broke into fit of giggles while I smirked at Jane. She was obviously trying to stop herself from laughing.

“Okay enough, everyone gather here so we can get started. You already wasted an hour for being late so don’t waste anymore of my precious time. Arrasso?”




Just to let you guys know, I won't be able to update any time soon because school is really getting on the way. 

I actually wanted to write a long chapter for today but my brain is refusing to work so this is what i've come up for now. Hope you all still enjoy ^^ 

Comments and subscribers are much loved<3 



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& please be patient, im trying really hard to write up a chapter now :)


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Hey there ^^ im wondering, when are you going to update this fic? :)
Okaay i hyperventilated for a second there oh godd! Seriously, who can resist the urge to kiss Myungsoo? Hihi.

Infinitize is just too awesome that words cant describe it <3 all the songs ate really good but mu favourite was in the summer <33 gyu's voice in the chaser is beautiful :)
Ooooooooh.... The captain likes prince myungsoo <3 keke!
I think 'Falling for the Captain' is a catchy title ^^
I'm not pretty good with titles too but I combined your ideas and somehow I came up with 'y Captain Witch'. I don't know if you'll like it or not, it's just my opinion anyways :D
He even notice her ??? Woah how y myungsoo is even though his body sores he still notice that. Kyaaaaa~! Bang and Zelo gif aegyo!!!!
OMG y L.. I like :> Haha. Aww, that's sad. I love this story a lot. But anyway, study hard and all the best! Fighting ^^ I'll always wait for your updates.
My favorite part is coming!!! :DDDDDD
Haha it's ok. I like their encounter just fine, since Jane already notice how handsome he is ^^ Urgh, Myungsoo is such a charmer >V< About the , I'm fine with it and I think it's good if you can only write to some extent only since I really don't like extreme ones. Makes me wanna puke :S Lol. Usually if it gets way too extreme in a story I'd just skip the whole thing xD
So they've meet each other? Haha! A smile formed on my lips when I read the infinite drools over jane! And when they knew that jane isn't like just a hot and beautiful woman but also a woman that will bring them to hell for 2 yrs!