My Lovely Captain


This was the day, after 3 days of preparing myself for the newcomers I am finally ready to train them. This will be fun...not I literally spent 3 days pulling each strand of my hair out of my skull knowing the fact that I’m going to train a bunch of brats! The files appa gave me basically told me how much of a baby they are! This Sungjong or whatever kid said his hobby was to shop for branded luxurious items and spend at least 10,000,000 won each day, I don’t even spend more than about 10,000 for a month! Just imagine those charities that need it the most.

The next was the most unbelievable, his name was Nam Woohyun. I don’t even know where to start. Which person writes down that their hobby is to date girls and bring them to hotels? Like I need to know about your private life and although their personality was like every other rich kids, one person caught my attention.

Name was Kim Myungsoo and the son of the vice president. Sure he was just some other teenage drama king, but his personality just stood out for me. He was a mama’s boy, into photography...surprisingly like me. Has interest in collecting plaid shirts which I thought I was the only one who did that and he was fascinating.

But no, that’s just how far I can go. I can’t let my own personal feelings interact with theirs especially not with this guy and I have this queasy sense that his going to make a big impact in my life. Urggh stop this Jane, you’re here for work not to dream about some stranger. Shake it off, just shake it off.

“Captain, their carriage has reached the gates” I was informed by the junior lieutenant, JB and my one and only best friend. I nodded at him and walked our way to the front door of the head office.

“Did their parents come with them?” I asked him tilting my head to get a better view from the window as they near their stop.

“I believe so Captain, they seem to be quite the mama’s or daddy’s boys.” We laughed together. That’s why JB and I are so compatible, we just agree to everything without any arguing. I’m surprised we never developed feelings for each other since we basically spend our days together like couples. Only we kind of wrestle each other to death once in a while that is, but its great exercise!

Honestly I knew JB had feelings for me but I ignored it and he sensed that, so one day we decided to settle our relationship to nothing more than just being friends and colleagues. It worked out pretty well for the both of us as now he is dating one of my closest friends, .

“Come on, I got to show them professionalism. I wouldn’t want their dear mothers fainting if they find out what kind of hell their sons will go through with me. I’m not here for babysitting; boys are in for a big surprise.” I smirked at the thought already. JB lightly nudged me and eyed me.

“For once I’m actually going to beg you to go easy on this group. They seem too innocent to go through a tormenting train with you and they weren’t even supposed to enlist at this time. Talk about nightmare boot camp, even I myself when working with you”

“Hey I’m no witch plus the innocent the better JB, they need to realise they can’t live in this world peacefully without anyone trying to hurt them. Sure they have bodyguards to protect them, but that’s just a shield, a cover and one way or another someone will break that and burst their happy bubble. It’ll hurt them more since they’ve always been depending on something. They need to know how to defend themselves the hard way...my way”

“Ouch, that was so touching. Someone get me a tissue, I think I just teared up. Omo” I gaped at him as he mockingly wiped a fake tear from his eyes and put him in a headlock while he tried to break free.

“Yah! don’t think I’m going to release you that easily! We’re you just mocking me before?” I scoffed while tightening my grip. God thank you for these wonderful muscles of mine.

“For a girl you sure are hella strong” JB pointed out while coughing and choking at the same time.

“Well I am no ordinary girl for your information”

 “jeez Jane, loosen up, do you want those paparazzi out there to get snap of your picture head locking one of your junior lieutenant? Not going to be good for your reputation, right?” JB smirked up at me as I loosen my grip and letting him go.

“speaking of paparazzo’s why is there so many? And look at those outrageous girls outside. What do they think this is? A concert event? JB get someone to shoo them away.” I shook my head in annoyance of these little screaming girls. They look like a swarm of bees.

“Sorry captain, we can’t just ‘shoo’ them away. They’re here to send off the boys and plus we never had a regulation saying how much people can and can’t come. They’re quite charming actually”

“Yeah easy for you to say that. I’m not a person who put up with this kind of stuff, it’s humiliating and look at them jump up and down as if they won a lotto”

“Captain Han, Lieutenant Im, I certainly would like to assume that you both are not talking bad about the people out there” appa’s voice boomed from behind me, I hope he hasn’t been standing there for long. I turned around to face him and both JB and I bowed at our General.

“No General, we certainly do not speak of such disrespectfulness” JB spoke with a hint of anxiety. Dang this boy is still scared of appa.

“I shall believe you then Lieutenant Im, now wouldn’t it be time to great our new crowd?”

I looked back and peeked out the window. They were at the front, 7 boys lined up with several bodyguards standing behind them and cameras flashing brightly around. Out of nowhere my eyes met with who I think, no, I know it was Kim Myungsoo and he glanced at me before I abruptly broke the connection.

Okay that was weird, I just felt this buzz of electricity in my heart....

“Yes, I suppose we should. Lieutenant Im can lead the way” I gestured for JB to head for the door and make our way out but then a sergeant suddenly called my attention.

“Captain Han” Sergeant Yoon announced while bowing at me and the General.

“I’m sorry for interfering with your time, but Captain Han you are needed back inside the base for an urgent meeting with Colonel Lee”

“I understand, I will be there in a few and you're dismissed” I nodded my head at him before briefly turning my head back to the General and JB.

“Please continue without me, I will greet them later on” I bowed and made my way back into the base. 



Just a quick Thank you to all that subscribed and commented already! You guys literally put a smile on my face :)

I might update again later if I have the time since my parents are ordering me around to clean the house rn.

                                                        *Credits to the owner of this gif* 


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& please be patient, im trying really hard to write up a chapter now :)


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Hey there ^^ im wondering, when are you going to update this fic? :)
Okaay i hyperventilated for a second there oh godd! Seriously, who can resist the urge to kiss Myungsoo? Hihi.

Infinitize is just too awesome that words cant describe it <3 all the songs ate really good but mu favourite was in the summer <33 gyu's voice in the chaser is beautiful :)
Ooooooooh.... The captain likes prince myungsoo <3 keke!
I think 'Falling for the Captain' is a catchy title ^^
I'm not pretty good with titles too but I combined your ideas and somehow I came up with 'y Captain Witch'. I don't know if you'll like it or not, it's just my opinion anyways :D
He even notice her ??? Woah how y myungsoo is even though his body sores he still notice that. Kyaaaaa~! Bang and Zelo gif aegyo!!!!
OMG y L.. I like :> Haha. Aww, that's sad. I love this story a lot. But anyway, study hard and all the best! Fighting ^^ I'll always wait for your updates.
My favorite part is coming!!! :DDDDDD
Haha it's ok. I like their encounter just fine, since Jane already notice how handsome he is ^^ Urgh, Myungsoo is such a charmer >V< About the , I'm fine with it and I think it's good if you can only write to some extent only since I really don't like extreme ones. Makes me wanna puke :S Lol. Usually if it gets way too extreme in a story I'd just skip the whole thing xD
So they've meet each other? Haha! A smile formed on my lips when I read the infinite drools over jane! And when they knew that jane isn't like just a hot and beautiful woman but also a woman that will bring them to hell for 2 yrs!