My Lovely Captain


After the little lecture with the boys you left them to sit  in the benches while you went inside your office and grabbed a yellow package which contained the personalized set of silver dog tags and carefully went through them to see if the right coding were embed.

“I can’t believe how caught up I am with you” you muttered as you carefully grazed your thumb across the surface of Myungsoo’s dog tag where it had ‘Private Kim’ and the numbers ‘1392’ written.

“This is not Jane, I shouldn’t be mingling around people I train. He’s out of my league” you pouted and then scoff at how stupid you looked like right now talking to yourself. With one heavy sigh you opened your door wide and stepped out feeling the rising sun burn through your sleeves and warm you up as the cold breeze blew. It wasn’t winter yet but the weather in the camp site was always so frosty and it made the place look so much gloomier, but you had the sakura trees around to thank.


You finally reached the benches where the boys were huddled close together, too close that there were literally no space in between the 7. You furrowed your eyebrows but shook it away and grabbed the dog tags, letting the soft dingle voice out as they clash together.

One by one you handed it to them where they timidly took and eyed it as if it was an object they have never seen or heard of. Well what do you expect if they never actually cared about the things that they didn’t need to bother with.

“Wear them at all times, those are like name tags teacher give to students when they start school to let others know who they are. This one lets every other soldiers know what ranking you are and since you boys are only here for the mandatory service, therefore you are addressed as ‘Privates’ which by means the lowest rank” you smirked while their faces dropped at the thought that they were positioned at the very bottom. 

“So is there anything special about being privates?” Dongwoo asked while closely analysing the tag’s every corner.

“Special? Actually yes there is. Privates get to go on outings, for the whole 2 years we take you out to a very unique place” you mentally laughed while showing a tight smile for the boys.

“Oh cool. So what are we supposed to be doing today?” Sunggyu asked while looking around the open land where several soldiers stood in groups doing various things.

“Stretching, to get your legs ready to run 2 kilometres within an hour or so and the first 6 to reach the finish line will avoid getting punished whilst the loser will have to...I’ll still consider what will happen to the last one” you grabbed the clip board and the stop watch from the bench and blew the whistle that hang loose around your neck.

The boys lazily got up and stretched, groaning at the fact that they had to run at nine in the morning. Although they were not in the mood for anything you could tell how determined they were to not become the last person and this satisfied you for now. You gave them about five minutes before you signalled them to walk and take their places at the other end where a track and field was created. You lined them behind one another by their age and had them crouch down by the ground.

“On your marks, get set, GO!” you fired the gun and they started to run as fast as they could except for Hoya and Myungsoo who seemed to have taken up on jogging instead. You smiled at how smart they were and gave them a point by adding a tick beside their name on the paper held by the clipboard.


“Come on boys, 500 metres left and your there. Don’t slow down or else you lose” you shouted as they rounded pass you nearing the white line they called heaven. Hoya was leading after sprinting while Dongwoo came second with Myungsoo behind him, they were all so fast that you could compare it to Junhyung and Kikwang’s record when they raced. The competition was of course a game played within your colleagues whenever the anniversary came, it was tradition to celebrate the day they built the place, like a remembrance of when serving the country started. You always enjoyed that time of the year since everyone had the week off to go home or be in town to do whatever they wanted.

Hoya finally finished and reached the line, you took his time and printed it down the paper, you did the same for Dongwoo and Myungsoo who were panting for oxygen as they rested their palms on their knees. Woohyun came in 4th with Sungyeol following after and Sunggyu who was about a minute last nevertheless made it. The poor last boy who was screaming a high-pitched tone had finally reached the end, Sungjong crawled his way to his hyungs and dropped down on the grass.

“Sungjong sorry but your last, by the end of the day come up to me and I’ll tell you what you need to do. Now everyone get up and jog your way to the monkey bars” the boys walked ahead of you and made their way to the steel bars where it stood quite high from the ground.

“uhmm captain Han, why is it wet down there? What if I fall? My uniform’s going to get soaked with mud” Woohyun asked raising an eyebrow while pointing at the muddy soil.

“Exactly the point, if you fall you’ll get dirty. Doesn’t that motivate you to not let go and keep going till you reach the end?”

“But the monkey bars are so long! That would take me about 5 minutes to get through!”

“Private Nam if you do not wish to join this activity then I'll be glad enough to let you join in with Sungjong later tonight”

Woohyun kept quiet and blew raspberries at the side. You rolled your eyes in annoyance and blew the whistle and gestured for the boys to line up. First to go was Sunggyu who climbed up the ladder with ease but when he looked down from above he thought as if he made the biggest mistake. The sergeant who stood at the platform from the top held onto Sunggyu’s shoulder and gave it a tight squeeze as he nodded for him to start but started shaking his head feeling really nauseous and grabbed hold of the side poles really tight.

“Yah if you don’t go now Jane will give you a penalty. I’m doing you a favour since it’s only your second day, so don’t try to piss her off especially if you don’t follow her orders” the sergeant whispered into Sunggyu’s ears to avoid you from noticing or possibly hearing.

‘So her name’s Jane?’ Sunggyu thought to himself and turned his head facing the sergeant. “uh thanks I guess...what’s your name sir?”

“Oh you can call me Hyunseung” he gave a tight smile and pushed Sunggyu forward who inhaled a deep breath and grabbed onto the bar letting his legs dangle out.


“Wahh Sunggyu hyung is daebak! Look at him go across” Sungjong’s eyes sparkled at the view of his hyung swaying side to side as he make his way to the other end.

“Looks quite easy right Woohyun?” Dongwoo teased while jabbing him on the chest and grinning at the boy who was running cold sweat.

Sunggyu finally made it to the end after almost falling, he climbed down and ran to you. You ticked him off giving him thumbs up and then signalled Dongwoo to go next. The cocky fellow smirked and signed for Woohyun to watch him as he walked up and made his way to the top where he right away started without thinking twice for what strategies he needs and almost immediately he fell off.

You scoffed and massaged your temple getting irritated at the boys who are laughing their heads off at Dongwoo who’s extremely troubled with the slippery ground. “Okay enough, Myungsoo your next” you stated with frustration while throwing a glare at the others to shut up, Myungsoo hesitatingly got up and you noticed his shaking hands gripping the wooden ladder. You rounded in front of him and gazed at his frightened face searching for any problem and questioned him.  

“Private Kim, is there something wrong?” you harshly demanded trying not to sound soft which could lead him to think you were caring for him. “N-nothing I’m just afraid of heights” he shyly stated scratching the back of his head looking over the peak. Inside you were practically stopping yourself from squeezing his cheeks because of his cuteness and the way he timidly answered you.

“Chicken are we?” you challenged trying to get him to fight back but to your disappointment he replied casually. “Never mind, I can do it” without even a second he already climbed and started to cross over, you gave him another point for showing bravery. Indeed you were quite delighted with his sudden attitude, yesterday he seemed a bit reluctant to follow your orders but now he was doing everything you say straight away.

Half way done Myungsoo came to an abrupt stop and almost fell after his right hand became slippery, you looked up and saw how disturbed he was as if he was on the verge of dying. You met eyes and suddenly you felt the urge to cheer him on thinking that it would give him strength so you yelled out. “You can do it, just hold on tight” he gulped down and glanced at you as he nodded and started moving forward again.

“WOO I made it!” Myungsoo clapped to himself while jumping up and down the stand, he took a short look at you and winked your way which caused you to redden. Regardless of the fluttering butterflies in your stomach you turned around to face the undying chatters of the 7 boys who were casually exchanging nonsense and had them move quicker as time was running fast. 

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& please be patient, im trying really hard to write up a chapter now :)


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Hey there ^^ im wondering, when are you going to update this fic? :)
Okaay i hyperventilated for a second there oh godd! Seriously, who can resist the urge to kiss Myungsoo? Hihi.

Infinitize is just too awesome that words cant describe it <3 all the songs ate really good but mu favourite was in the summer <33 gyu's voice in the chaser is beautiful :)
Ooooooooh.... The captain likes prince myungsoo <3 keke!
I think 'Falling for the Captain' is a catchy title ^^
I'm not pretty good with titles too but I combined your ideas and somehow I came up with 'y Captain Witch'. I don't know if you'll like it or not, it's just my opinion anyways :D
He even notice her ??? Woah how y myungsoo is even though his body sores he still notice that. Kyaaaaa~! Bang and Zelo gif aegyo!!!!
OMG y L.. I like :> Haha. Aww, that's sad. I love this story a lot. But anyway, study hard and all the best! Fighting ^^ I'll always wait for your updates.
My favorite part is coming!!! :DDDDDD
Haha it's ok. I like their encounter just fine, since Jane already notice how handsome he is ^^ Urgh, Myungsoo is such a charmer >V< About the , I'm fine with it and I think it's good if you can only write to some extent only since I really don't like extreme ones. Makes me wanna puke :S Lol. Usually if it gets way too extreme in a story I'd just skip the whole thing xD
So they've meet each other? Haha! A smile formed on my lips when I read the infinite drools over jane! And when they knew that jane isn't like just a hot and beautiful woman but also a woman that will bring them to hell for 2 yrs!