Let's GO Shopping !!!

Want to Bet on it ?


Chapter 3

[Author’s POV]

By 1:30 pm the girls met each other in Starbucks and started talking about how Nicole’s audition went hoping that she got the part that she really wanted.

“How did the audition go?” Hye ju asked as she was drinking her latte.

“I didn’t get the part, well they really didn’t say anything but I felt that I was already rejected after the director said that he had heard enough.” Nicole said while staring at her green tea latte with soy.

“Just don’t let it get to you, there are lots of chances out there and this is just your first time.” Young mi said as she was trying to encourage Nicole.

“Well your right unnie ! I’ll just wait for my time to arrive ! Can I ask all of you a favor though ?” Nicole said as she was giving them the puppy dog eyes.

[Yumi’s POV]

Woooow this girl is really something she’s giving us the puppy dog eyes because she knows she’s the maknae and we’ll do what she wants because she’s our little baby.

[Jade’s POV]

Normally cheesy things like these doesn’t work on me but since I know she already feels bad for not getting the part I will do what she tells me to. Hahaha ! Just this once !

[Young mi’s POV]

Aissssshhhh  ! Nicole is really getting good at doing that, I wonder if she practices at home while she’s looking at the mirror and does those puppy dog eyes of hers.

[Hye ju’s POV]

Aishhh ! Whatever ! I’ll be nice, since she is the maknae and because she is already rejected from the play that she really hoped she would be participating in.

[Author’s POV]

Young mi, Hye ju, Yumi, and Jade all exchange looks and then stared at Nicole.

“Fine what do you want ?”Jade said half heartedly.

“It’s really not that difficult lets just stop talking about me, the audition and start doing some shopping.” Nicole said as she was looking at her unnies and then turns her head to the opposite side that her unnies were facing.

“Call !” Young mi, Hye ju, Yumi, and Jade all said in unison.

“Lets go start shopping girls !” Jade said as she started  linking arms with the girls.

The girls had fun going in and out of stores and every time they would go out the stores, they carry a bag or two. However every time they would go in the store, Young mi, Hye ju, Yumi, and Jade chooses and picks up really stylish clothes while Nicole on the other hand only gets clothes that doesn’t match, or is too simple, or looks very weird. Every time she would pick up a piece of clothing the girls were very furious so they decided to help her pick clothes that suited her. Suddenly Nicole remembered something while she was having fun shopping with her unnies. She remembered what she had promised a guy that she would take him shopping for what she did to him.

“Ohmygahd ! I forgot something ! aissshhh so stupid !” Nicole said as she was hitting her head and all her unnie was just left there dumbfounded.

“Yah ! what’s wrong ?” jade said stopping Nicole from hitting herself

“Nothing just meet me in Nyam restaurant later, I just have something to do really quick.” Nicole said, afraid that they will misunderstand her, she decided to go alone.

After a few minutes of sprinting she finally found a popular clothing line for males. Nicole made her way in the store awkwardly and while she was looking for clothes an employee suddenly approached her and started to feel very relieved that someone gave her assistance since she hasn’t shopped for any male ever in her life before. And plus, if she can’t even make herself look good, how is it possible that she can buy something that looks good in someone and is the opposite .

“What do you suggest for a teenager to wear ?” Nicole asked the employee

“Well as of now looking like a city boy is very popular for men ages 18 to 24.” The employee informed Nicole

“Well then please give me an outfit for a 19 year old.” Nicole requested the employee and with that sentence the employee started looking for an outfit and Nicole was just beside her asking if she likes the clothes that the employee chooses. After looking for a few minutes Nicole finally found a perfect outfit for the guy that she accidentally pushed while getting to the audition. The outfit consists of red leather jacket and a white shirt with a blue pyramid in the middle and a bit of red on the top of shirt giving the illusion of the shirt as a can of paint because the red look like it was dripping and with that a pair of pants and a black beanie is also added. 

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ex0oshidae #1
Gonna love this
Allisonra2002 #2
Chapter 22: Please update soon
I love your poster.... And the quote is awesome. Well Onew said it after all... And your story seems really interesting....
Chapter 11: I hope Jinki also falls for her