Our Closure

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[Nicole’s POV]

No matter how hard I try to hide it, I still have feelings for him. I was dragged all the way to the rooftop where we would always hang out. About 2 years ago the atmosphere was really nice; he would bring me food and let me sleep on his lap whenever he knows I stayed up late for an exam. He was that oppa I relied onto. However, after finding out that he even went as far as dating Hye Ju unnie just to get me off his back made me realize that those moments were just a thing of the past. The atmosphere right now is really cold.


“Why do you have to force me to listen to all your lies? Why? You feel guilty? I don’t care whether you are or not guilty. I won’t give you the pleasure to be relieved of the guilt you feel.” I said as tears keeps on streaming down my face.


“Nicole I didn’t mean to do that to you. I just wanted our relationship to go back to the way it was.” He explained while holding onto my arms.


“I don’t need to. Don’t you know, by dating unnie, not only did you hurt me but you also hurt Minhyuk whom you knew was in love with unnie at the time.” I said as I grabbed his hand and shook them away from my arms. “You are so selfish” I added then walked away and headed to the staircase.


Suddenly… I felt a hug from behind.


“I am sorry. I also fell for you but was confused. I didn’t know what to do. I meant I didn’t want to loose you as a friend. I didn’t like the risks I was going to take if I ever decided I would date you.” Lee Jonghyun said as he cried on my shoulders and I felt the tears dropping on my skin.


“Oppa, there is no use telling me that now. But thank you. You will always be the oppa that I had.” I said as a faced him and wiped his tears.


He finally let me go and I walked towards the staircase. Before I go I looked at him one more time and he still had his head hanging low, crying and that is when I rushed towards him and gave him a hug.


“Oppa I am proud of you. And I am glad you rejected me because if you didn’t I wouldn’t be the lady I am today.” It was my final words to him until I feel comfortable next to him again.


“I am deeply sorry Nicole,” was his last words as I headed towards the staircase, leaving him in his thoughts.


It wasn’t easy for me to say all those because honestly I am still hurt. I was young when he rejected me. I didn’t fully grasp the real meaning of love then. I was too shocked when he suddenly turned cold to me. After I confessed, the only thing he knew to say to me was a stern, “NO.” He started dating a lot of girls. He stopped going to the places where we usually hang out like the rooftop. Funny thing is that even after all that I still liked him, until one day Jade slapped me in the face telling me to wake up; because all I did was go to those places oppa and I went waiting for him like an idiot even after I knew that he wouldn’t show up. It went to a point where I couldn’t focus on my studies and my parents threaten me that they would send me abroad if I don’t straighten up. Eventually, I did wake up. I started going to my classes acted like nothing happened and next thing I knew oppa was the “HOT” new celebrity popping on my TV screen everyday. Although, I am sure he heard from Minhyuk the state I was in before, oppa never seemed to at least call, talk to me, or anything for that matter. I hope that this never happens again. That is why I seemed terrified on suddenly saying, “Yes” to a question asking if I could be their girlfriend.

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ex0oshidae #1
Gonna love this
Allisonra2002 #2
Chapter 22: Please update soon
I love your poster.... And the quote is awesome. Well Onew said it after all... And your story seems really interesting....
Chapter 11: I hope Jinki also falls for her